
Robin walked around a small village that she'd just found, swords away so no one would feel alarmed, and she somehow managed to shut Timid up from talking to her for a while. But sadly, that 'while' didn't last. ~Hey, Hey, Hey, Roooobbbbiiiinnnnn~ Robin sighed silently at the sound of Timid's voice in her head. She stopped walking and folded her arms, looking around her. ~How nice, you're ignoring me.~ Timid added onto his last statement. Robin groaned quietly and held her head. ~You know, Sometimes I wish I can just kick you out of my body.~ She told him, then carried on walking down the path, holding her head. She ignored the strange looks she got.
It was a very stormy night. Pitch black, rain, and wind did not bode well for most flyers-including Will.

He wiped the water off of his face, and scoped out the ground from above, as his powerful dark wings rose and fell slowly.

His sharp eyes picked out a small group of lights in the distance, and he dove toward it, glad to see a chance to be out of the rain. The lights slowly began to outline buildings in the distance, and a town emerged out of the darkness.

Will hovered above, then dropped to the ground in front of a tavern/inn. He grabbed a jacket out of the bag he was wearing, and folded his wings before putting it on and walking inside.

As soon as he had stepped inside, he was hit with the smell of booze and lust, and his lip curled in distaste. Though he has been in many a bar before, he would never get completely used to the smell. He walked over to sit on one of the stools, and layed his head on his hands in exaustion. He felt a tap on his head after a few minutes, and looked up at the bartender.

"Your going to have to order something if you want to stay here you know," The bartender warned, looking expectantly at Will.
Sighing, Robin pulled her hood up at the rain. Her head was pounding because of Timid's droaning-on voice and the wind and rain was starting to get to her. She needed to be out by the morning and she couldn't sleep on the street in this weather like she normally did. She could almost feel Timid shiver in her body.

~Damn it's cold!~ He conplained as loud as he could, mainly to get Robin annoyed so he could come out and control her body for a while, but Robin wasn't that stupid. She managed to keep her temper under control. ~Well it's kind of hard to find shelter when SOMEONES yapping down my ear!~ She snapped back, looking around for anywhere that would offer her a bed.

~OoooooOOOooooooo! Someone's grumpy!~ Timid taunted. Robin could tell he was smirking at this point. Sighing, she went into the first inn that she saw. She shoved her hand into her money pocket, checking how much she had left from last night. Timid had managed to get her really angry and spent half of her savings. How smart. And she thought Demons' had common sense. She pulled her hood down from her head and looked around.

~Ahh.. The smell of-~ Timid began, but was cut off with Robin thinking ~You say another word while I'm here then I will personally pull you out of my body and punch you in the face~

And with that, Timid fell silent.
Ignoring the bartender, Will's elflike ears perked at the sound of someone else entering the door. He turned slightly, to set his eyes on the figure. Always being cautious of strangers, he casually let his hand slip to the dagger on his thigh. The bartender tapped him again, and he turned back around in annoyance, pinning his cold silver eyes on the man. "Yes?" He growled menacingly.

The man stuttered, and tried to ask the question again, but decided to be smart and keep his trap shut. "Nothing..." He muttered, and turned to finish cleaning the glass in his hand with a rather dirty looking rag.

~Ugh,~ Will thought, ~ Id rather to never pay for anything in this place, and save myself from catching a parisite of some sort.~ His attention turned back to the figure as he looked at it out of the corner of his eye.
Robin looked around the place as she fixed her hair slightly from the rain. She got a lot of stares from people. ~Great.. Just what I needed. People staring~ She thought to herself sarcastically as she walked up to the bar counter. ~Probably because you're the only girl in the room~ Timid thought back to her. She then looked around the room once more.

Huh, for once Timid was actually right about something.

She sat down at one of the stools, a few away from anyone else. She wasn't actually going to buy anything, but "No one would kick the innocent girl out". She'd played this route a lot of times and every single bartender fell for it. She ignored some of the things that Timid was saying, but she ended up muttering a "Shut up." Causing half the bar to look at her. She turned to look at them back.

"You have lives, go live them" She told them quietly and calmly, not wanting to blow her cover. All of them believed it and went back to their own thing.

~Note to self, kill or hurt Timid~

Eliza Ringed out her hair. The rain absolutly killed her mood. She walked through a set of wood's. How she had gotten there? No clue, but there she was. Eliza had her hand on the sword, she called, BlackBiter. She wore a black dress, laced in the back, so it looked as though it was a messed up ball of yarn. Eliza watched her surronding's. Everything that moved, set her on alert.

She saw a dreary fade of lights ahead. Following the trail, she came upon a small town. She looked up, the rain poured down on her. She squeezed the wings firmly onto her back. Pulling on her button don, leather jacket to hide any and all signs of the black feathery items on her back. Eliza walked up to a bar. She neededd somewhere to rest for a bit. She pushe the door open, to reveal the sharp and tangy smell of liqur. It sickened her. But anywhere was fine to get out of the rain.

Eliza felt the cold stares of others. She walked to the back of the ar, taking a seat. She pulled her hoody over her eye's. At least she could pretend to be invisible.
Will raised an eyebrow at the girl.He sensed more than one soul in that body. It was odd enough that she was even in here, and even more odd was that she was seemingly muttering to herself. He sighed and ran a hand through his black fauxed hair, realising that he was not only tired, but also bored. Very bored. He had been running around this country for a week, trying to get a pair of enraged vampires off his trail, just because he had kicked their butts and saved a little girl from their hunting rage. Impressive, but annoying was the fact that they had followed him so long, but he was going to have to kill them at somepoint...just not today. His attentio wantered back to the girl with two souls. He stared straight ahead and said just loud enough for hear. "You know, lass, talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity...and you answered yourself too." He let a small smirk creep onto his face, waiting to see how she would react, When yet another girl walked inside the tavern. His smirk faded, coincidences were like bad karma to him.

~Time to leave,~ he thought to himself.
~Oh, he didn't~ Was all Timid could say. Robin stood up from her stool, gathering attetnion from almost everyone in the bar again. She walked over to the boy who just talked to her, grabbing him by the neck, pinning him to the nearest wall to them. Her eyes were glowing green, which were the color of Timids.

"You talk to me like that again, and I'll be your worst nightmare." She warned him, her voice cold. She did manage to keep Timid from coming out though, mainly for the boy's protection. She glared at him, her grip tightening.
The girl was extremely lucky he was not in a bad mood, as she probably would have been dead in the next three seconds. But Will was insulted enough just to Grab her hand and burn it, force it away from his neck, flip her over so she was facing the wall where he was, and put his palm - with a bright blue flame - right next to her face. The look in his eyes were not that of murder, but of slight ammusement, and his pupils stayed round, though they flickered a bit. He studied her fror a moment, his gaze sweeping over. She was attractive, therefore dangerous, but he was curious to see if she would follow him. It wasn't every day that a random girl attacked him...let alone threaten. Obviously she had no idea how much power he weilded.

"You might want to rethink your actions, girl, im not one to be easily bested." And on that note, he unfurled his wings, turned away, and proceded to walk out.
Robin glared at him as he walked out. She looked around to see everyone staring at her. Didn't they have any life to get on with at all? "Will you quit it with the staring!?" She yelled, everyone imidiatly turned away. She sighed and looked at the burn on her hand. It didn't look too bad, just as long as no one touched it she would be fine. She looked over at the barman to see that he looked pretty shocked at her action. ~I think we should g-~ ~I know, I know.~ She muttered before walking out of the bar, pulling her hood up again from the rain.
Eliza watched them both leave. That one boy, he had wings, She thought to herself. Eliza stood and exited the bar. She hung her hood out her head. Her wings began to ache fro her squeezing them so tight to her back. She relax and eased. Eliza turned to the direction they had went. More of her kind, yeah that was rare. And even rarer to have two fight in the same bar. Coincidence? Maybe not.

Eliza jogged through the wind and rapid rain. Until she had spotted him. She ducked behind a tree and peered ahead. Like her usial plan. Hide ad watch, Hide and watch. Her one and only plan. Usially it worked, sometime not.
Will had been walking thorugh a forest after leaving the town, and stopped to look at a map. He lit a flame on his fingertip, and held it up to the paper. He cursed, as he realised he would have to travel on foot since his wings were waterlogged, and he had gotten distracted enough to walk out of the only good place he could have slept the night.

His troubled only got worse wnen an assortment of daggers came at him from two derictions.

"Ah, shit..." He said out loud, pulling two of three daggers out of hjis back and flinging them to the ground. "Out of all times for you guys to catch up with me, why now?"

Of course, the vampires ignored him and continued circling Will, who had dropped into a defensive stance. He may of hated vampires, but he knew how they fought. He turned his head toward the first, and as he expected, the second lept at him with a powerful amount of speed - but since he had telegraphed the attack, Will had the chance to yank the last dagger out of his back and shove it into the vampires stomach. It wouldnt keep him down long, but it would give him time to block the other. The next vampire came with a shortsword, and Will nearly laughed out loud when he countered it with his own large but nimble sword. He knocked the shortsword away easily, and ended in a swift ark that beheaded the bloodsucker.

He had forgotten the other one two quickliy though, and he turned too slowly. He felt the sharp teeth latch and sink into his neck, and groaned when the venom took its effect - major pain.
Robin sighed and began walking down the street, her hands in her pockets. She looked around the streets, sighing silently. At least the rain was starting to clear up, but that didn't mean she could sleep on the ground. She thought about going to a different gown, but Timid decided to moan down her ear of how that would take too long and he just wanted to sleep. She was still getting odd looks from people around the town, so she decided maybe it was best to get out of public.She wandered into the nearest wood that she could find to see a head roll into the direction of her. She blinked. What a nice welcome. She moved her gaze up to see almost a battlefeild, but with fou-..three men. She noticed that one of them was the guy from earlier. She took a step back slightly, not knowing what to do. She had Timis yelling down her ear to let him out to help him and she had that sight in front of her.She just... Snapped.She allowed Timid to come out, which for her caused a lot of pain, but Timid came out laughing. He moved his gaze over to the vampires and smirked. "Hey bloodsuckers!" He yelled, getting their attention.
The vampire let him drop to the ground, and he grimaced in pain. He moved his neck to look at his shoulder, and was releived when it was just a simple bite. He could heal it, it would just take longer then a flesh wound. For now, his first priority was the vampires...why did it drop him? He turned in the derection it had gone, and saw it advancint toward another figure. ~More vampires? I only scented two, and the 'third' seems fimiliar...~ he thought. He tightened his grip on the sword, and ran toward the two, ignoring the now dull pain in his neck. His 'alpha' sense kicked in...this was his fight, and he would kill anyone else that got in the way. This time, his pupils went to slits, and his silver eyes glowed with rage. In his other hand, dark magic swirled around his arm and fist...
Timid watched as the vampire ran at him. He grabbed them by the neck and managed to knock the vampire down on to the ground. He stood on his neck and it created a loud "Snap" sound. He looked up and over at the guy to see him charging at him. His eyes widened as he quickly moved out of the way of his attack. "What do you think you're doing!? I'm trying to help you here!" He yelled over at him, seeing the Vampire that got stabbed earlier standing up. This was not good. He had to keep a sharp eye out for both of them now.
Will was already raging, so when he shot his magic at the vampire it practically disinegrated but left a couple bones. He had heard the shout that the other guy had said, so he took a moment to calm himself down a bit. Then he turned, snarling, at the other guy and yelled "I didnt ask for any of your help. What do you think I am, a human?" He didnt wait for an answer before he attacked, and aimed his sword at the sky. Lightning cracked as he finished his sentence, and it began to rain again, and Will redericted it with his sword, and the lightning flashed toward the other man.
Timid cried out in pain when the lightning bolt hit him. He almost flew back, but he fell and rolled on the floor. He laid there for a moment, his breathing heavy. ~Alright. He doesn't seem to like me. I'm coming back in~ He thought to Robin. ~No no no no- And he's coming back in~ Robin thought as she felt herself being released from his mind, her body changing back into her original form. She tried to sit up, but her whole body just ached. She winced and fell back down, looking up at the boy from earlier.
The realization hit WIll like a ton of bricks, and it was enough to snap him out of his rage. Had the boy just transformed into the girl that had attacked him at the bar earlier...or was his mind playing tricks on him? He blinked a couple of times as his eyes went back to normal, then met the gaze of the girl that looked up at him...or the boy. "So that was why i sensed two souls in one body..." he muttered to himself. "Sorry, Im not used to people actually trying to help me in battle...i guess I owe you one." He stared guiltily at her. Unfortunately, he could only heal himself, but not others, and she was hurt pretty badly.
Robin laid fully on the ground for a moment, trying to steady her breathing while he talked. At least he was apologising... Sort of. She closed her eyes for a moment, but re-olends them quickly, looking up at him once more. "You should be grateful for the things that people give you..." She muttered, slowly managing to sit up with a great deal of pain. She used her elbows for support, though.
He looked around slowly, he could feel someone staring at them. He was almost sure of it. But he had other things to worrry about. Like, how he was going to tage care of the girl, as he was the one who had hurt her, and it was his fault. He would have to go back to the village nearby...nevermind his pride for the moment. Besided, he was a little more than curious about her now. He looked thoughtfully at the girl, and offered her a hand. "Whats your name, lass?"
Robin looked up at him, then down at his hand. She had Timid yapping down her ear once more. ~Don't take his hand, don't tell him your name.. Or mine.~ He repeated over and over again, so, just to annoy him, Robin took the guy's hand, standing up. She winced slightly, but shrugged it off. "I don't tell strangers my name." She told him honestly, looking at him.
"Alright then." He studied her for a second, then gave her a lopsided grin. "Im William, but you can call me Will." He said. Then, taking advantage of the sidtation, he asked "Where are you headed? I could find a healer for you, if you need one. There's another town up ahead, or we can go back to the village we just came from. That is, if you'll actually let me escort you there." Will felt his face grow hot as he realised she must think he was a complete idiot that never stops talking. The feeling grew as he suddenly realised thad he was still holding her hand.
Robin looked down at their hands for a moment, her cheeks heating up as she awkwardly let go of it. She looked down at the ground, thinking for a moment, not really sure if she should trust him or not. He just almost killed them on the spot.. She let out an unnoticable sigh as she looked up at him. "I think we should go to a different town. People have seen me around here and I'm not well known for a good thing." She told him, still dodging telling him her name. She then shook her head at the offer of the healer. "I'll be fine." She told him honestly.
Will wiped his wet hair out of his face. "Well, I dont want to fly anywhere in this mess...but if im right..." He trailed off as he pulled the map from his pocket and studied it for a moment, then looked back at her. "I think I know a place where we can stay the night. As long as that guy..inside you...isnt going to kill me in my sleep for revenge." He grinned again and began walking in the deriction he wanted to go, and tucking his wings under his jacket again.

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