Returning to RolePlaying


~Frivolous Wanderer~
Hello there!

Its been a good I wanna say...5-7 years since I've actually wanted to RP again.

I'm usually gaming more. I'm a huge Nintendo and RPG games fan. I tend to make Rp's more about the games and fandoms I'm in!

I hope to meet a lot of cool people! pleased to meet you all!
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What's up? I'm new here as well, though I've also been more active RP wise as of late. Do you want to be horribly confused by this site together?
I found the thing you was on about, also didn't see a whole lot of similarities sadly. Before I ask anything elsex are you cool with using realistic images?
I would link it right now, but my smart tv doesn't do copy-pasta. anyway, I have a hosted project known as Flipside which is basically a combat based RP where characters are given a mysterious key which warps them into a world known as Flipside. Those there then have to fight, but it's not really them fighting. Everyone in that world has an alternate personality known as a "flipside" which also grants special abilities to the host. Feel free to check it out under the Colosseum hosted projects.
AHHHH! that's so hard XD. uhhhhhh tbh i couldn't pick. Maybe between Final Fantasy,KH,Fire Emblem? Disgaea? so many oh dear.

I have to agree with you, it's very hard to select one. I'd probably have to choose an older one, like Super Mario RPG. Although, there are more current ones like Dark Souls and such (although, I consider them more pseudo RPGs in comparison to turn based ones.  Which I find to be my overall favorites.) 
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I have to agree with you, it's very hard to select one. I'd probably have to choose an older one, like Super Mario RPG. Although, there are more current ones like Dark Souls and such (although, I consider them more pseudo RPGs in comparison to turn based ones.  Which I find to be my overall favorites.) 

Super Mario RPG was great! I should replay it again! I can't get into Dark Souls unfortunately but I like watching streams of it! :)

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