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Realistic or Modern Resurrection Tour - Band RP



there's nothing you can do

    Two very successful bands have been rivals since they first met. They're four years into their rivalry, each with a strong fanbase. Both bands are of the punk rock/metal genre, and have four members each, eight in total. After their last albums didn't sell as well as they had hoped, they were short quite a bit of money. A tour would be the perfect way to fix it right? Well, suddenly they were informed of the combined tour, and neither band was too excited about it, but they agreed. The money and exposure was worth it. Eight enemies touring together for eight months. What could go wrong?
    IC | CS
Vanechka Kuynetsov

V woke up as their tour bus skidded to a halt, making the tall man nearly hit the bottom of his bunk. He groaned, holding his head with his hand as he moved the curtain and looked out, "What the hell, man?" He called out to the driver in his thick but understandable Russian accent, not giving much thought to his other possibly sleeping band mates. The driver, who was also one of their crew members, announced they were at their destination, and joked that V should work off his hang over before the set. He hadn't drank too much the night before, surprisingly. Just enough to give him a slight head ache this morning but nothing too bad. V grumbled something under his breath at him as their driver exited the bus, slamming the door behind him. V huffed, and slid off his bunk. He had chosen the top, since he was one of the taller ones in the band, it was easier for him to get in and out of. Thoughtful, right? He grabbed a pair of blackout sunglasses from his bag and put them on, not bothering to put actual pants on before walking to the coffee maker and setting it to make a pot. V yawned, muttering to himself in russian while he went back to his duffel bag, pulling out a plain ripped white tank, his usual battle vest, and some patched up jeans he kept. He quickly got dressed and did his usual morning duties before coming back to his coffee and starting to make a cup, not taking off his sunglasses. V definitely was not a morning person, especially after the first night sleeping in the bus, the bunks weren't exactly the most comfortable and the bus wasn't the quietest. He took a sip of the coffee, making a face as the taste hit his tongue. He'd have to go out and buy some from a cafe, this tasted like soggy cardboard. V moved over and poured the liquid out in the small sink next to the coffee maker. He stood there for a second, wondering if he should offer to bring back some for the rest of the band. It wouldn't hurt, unless his clumsy ass dropped the coffees. He shrugged to himself. Oh well. V turned around looking towards the bunks to see if anyone else was alive yet.
riley alexandria parker

location: behind the tour bus| interacting with: n/a mentions: n/a

Riley woke up when she heard the faint squeals of the breaks, immediately grabbing her phone and skimming her notifications. She rolled over to lay on her back and stare at the top of her bunk- she did not want to get up and start her day. Part of her was wishing she just hadn't woken up at all. This tour was going to suck and all of her energy already felt drained. Her band knew she was not up for this, but they didn't exactly know why she was taking it so much harder than anyone else. While they had gone out the night before and partied a bit to 'kick off the start of the tour', she sat in the bus and sulked.

A quiet sigh fell from her lips when she sat up, slipping out of her bunk. She needed a cigarette even though she desperately wanted to stay hidden under her blankets for the rest of the day. Her oversized, black hoodie draped down past her cloth shorts, the hem of it fell to her mid thigh as she stood. Riley grabbed her pack, lighter and sunglasses from the side pockets of her bag as quietly and quickly as she could. She wanted to get off the bus before anyone saw her and tried asking her if she was okay, or even attempt talking about tonight at all- not wasting any time to change her clothes or slip a pair of shoes on.

Sliding the sunglasses on her face and shoving the necessities in her hoodie pocket, Riley silently rushed off of the bus. She walked around to the back of it while putting a cigarette in her mouth and lighting it. After taking a couple of quick puffs, she threw her messy hair into a bun and leaned her back against the bus. Her eyes closed and she tried her best to think about anything else other than the show tonight.
code by Ri.a
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Alex Wright || Bassist for Band Two

Alex was already awake by the time the tour bus came to a stop. Although he had gone out with a few of his bandmates the night before, he hadn't touched any alcohol or drugs, and simply went along to hang out a bit. It was a fun time, but he was the first one to fall asleep once they returned to the bus, and also the first one to awaken as well. He was sitting in his bunk, his earbuds playing some music and a comic book in his hand. It was a nice time to relax before the rest of his bandmates had woken up, a nice bit of quiet and calm before their exciting day. Tonight was the first concert of the tour, which meant he'd be practicing as much as he possibly could in between everything else they had to do.

A ruffling sound came from one of the other bunks. Alex finished reading the panel he was on, then looked to see what it came from. Riley was slipping out of her bunk, wearing an oversized black hoodie and probably a pair of cloth shorts, though they weren't visible due to how long the hoodie was. She grabbed some cigarettes and a pair of sunglasses before heading off of the bus. Based off of the annoyed look she had on her face, and the fact that she was smoking so early in the day, it was pretty clear she was in a bad mood. Probably in a hurry too; she hadn't even put a pair of shoes on before leaving. He wasn't exactly close with Riley, but she seemed like a nice enough person, and it seemed like she had something on her mind. With only a moment's hesitation, Alex put his comic book to the side and hopped off his bunk, grabbing his phone, a jacket, and his own pair of sunglasses to follow her outside. He made his way out of the bus quickly, but did take the time to put on a pair of shoes before leaving.

Putting his hands in his jacket pockets, he looked around to check where the girl had gone, and spotted her as she walked behind the back of the bus. A bit of nervousness poked at Alex in the back of his mind. It might not have been his place to intrude; who said she wanted to talk to someone, especially someone she hadn't known for very long? Then again, there was just as much of a chance that she did want someone to talk to, and even if she didn't, she could always ask him to leave. Once he'd made up his mind, he followed her to the back of the bus. She was putting her hair in a bun when he greeted her. "Hey." Not wanting there to be any awkward silence, he continued. "You okay?"

jennxclifford jennxclifford
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Location: on the bus
Feeling: tired
Tags: V ( gutterpunkss gutterpunkss )

Sadie had been up for what felt like hours, anxiety and excitement fighting in her stomach, both trying to take precedence over the other. For one, she felt anxious about the other band on this tour. Sadie tried her best to stay out of drama and pettiness; it was one reason she felt her bandmates appreciated her. But she was also one to speak her mind, and if something pissed her off, she wasn't afraid to let someone know and then most likely walk away.

On the other hand, she was beyond excited for this tour. It would be amazing for their band and just for themselves. Sadie, along with her fellow band members, were all music lovers. Music had saved them in one way or another, and it was something that brought them close together. Even V, who didn't really like to be touched.

When the bus screeched to a halt, she paused in the song writing she'd been doing to shoot the driver a glare. Before she could say anything, though, she heard a heavy Russian accent from above her. Lifting just her gaze to the bottom of V's bunk, she heard him mumbling up there, and then the driver shot back something about his hangover. Smirking, she shook her head and tucked her notebook under her pillow. It was about that time that V climbed down.

"Morning sleepyhead." Sadie called to him as he went to make coffee. She wrinkled her nose, wishing she liked the stuff, but she couldn't stomach it. Climbing out of bed herself, clad in a pair of shorts and a tank top, she started digging around in her own bag to find something to wear, plopping herself on the floor to make digging through it easier. "How'd you sleep?"
Code by apolla apolla
Katherine Willson
Guitar || Band Two

Katherine was yet to sleep, the two Monster energy drinks she had drunk a few hours prior were quick to chase away any hope of rest. She had been waiting for a stop for hours, craving a cigarette but not hurting enough to smoke with her head stuck out the window. She could hear the squeal of the tour bus brakes even with music blasting through her earbuds. She had chewed her nails down to the quick with trepidation over the other band they were touring with. She had heard some rumours through the grapevine but wasn't ready to build an opinion based around hearsay and rumour alone. Peering over the top bunk, she catches Riley making a beeline straight for the door with a pack of cigarettes. The girl looked stressed and it seemed like their Bassist was slipping on some shoes to accompany her.

She pulls a pill bottle of pre-busted weed and a few rolling papers out of her plaid toiletry bag. Kat smoked a ridiculous amount, it seemed like she was perpetually smoking or hiding her mouth behind the can of an energy drink. Giving the two a few moments head start, Kat quickly finishes rolling, tucks it behind her ear and hops from her top bunk with a thud. She was wearing a navy blue comically oversized crochet sweater over her threadbare tank top and sweats. If anything, she knew how to dress comfily. Gathering her neon pink hair into a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck, Kat steps barefoot onto the asphalt to join the others.

"Good morning fellow rockers and Rockettes, I don't know about you guys but I haven't slept a wink," she calls out cheerfully to the two already outside, not bothering to acknowledge Riley's less than ideal mood,"y'all look stressed, I am here to help." She punctuates her words by sliding the joint between her lips, holding her hand out expectantly for Riley's lighter. It was a little unsettling how perky Katherine was at this hour.​
riley alexandria parker

location: behind the tour bus| interacting with: alex and katherine| mentions: Redrobinwing Redrobinwing WantYourSoul WantYourSoul

Riley slid her hair tie off of her wrist and began wrapping her bed head up as best as she could. She mentally thanked herself once again for cutting it off just in time for tour, it was so much easier to handle. Just as she was finishing her messy bun, a familiar voice made her jump. "Jesus-" She muttered, her cigarette nearly falling from her lips. It was just Alex. He was the newest member to the band, replacing the bassist who had decided to drop a bomb on the band and leave them for another. The new kid was fine and all, Riley didn't dislike him and he had been with them for some time now, but he always just reminded her of the old bassist that fucked them over. When he quickly spoke again, he asked the last question she wanted to hear.

She rolled her eyes, though her sunglasses shaded Alex from seeing her annoyance. She took a long drag, removed the cigarette from her lips and flicked it, then crossed her arms, letting the smoke out with the sigh. Just as she went to answer the dreaded question, another one of her bandmates popped around the corner. Katherine seemed just peachy as she admitted to getting no sleep. "Do you guys have a fucking tracker on me or some shit? Jesus Christ." Riley huffed and leaned against the bus, rubbing her temples. She wanted to be alone, but she knew it probably wasn't the best idea and they obviously did, too. Running away from her band wasn't going to solve anything.

"You could help by lowering your voice," Riley muttered to the fully energized girl while digging her lighter out of her pocket for her. As she plopped it in her hand, Riley eyed the joint. "And by sharing." She added on. Riley smoked her cigarettes religiously, but only occasionally did she smoke weed. She did like it, though, so she wasn't against Katherines constant use of it. She understood how it helped.
code by Ri.a

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Alex Wright || Bassist for Band Two

Alex almost apologized for startling her, but before he could, Katherine stepped out from around the corner of the bus and greeted them. It was weird how awake she was, especially since she apparently hadn't slept at all the night before. What was even more weird was that he hadn't noticed that she was awake this morning; maybe he was getting too interested in his comics. She pulled out a joint and placed it in between her lips, then held her hand out for Riley's lighter. Alex didn't say anything; he wasn't into it, but he didn't care that they were.

His guess about Riley was correct, she was definitely in a bad mood. It was probably the tour; nobody in the band was particularly happy about it, and it seemed like she was feeling it the most. He didn't care too much in all honesty; he thought the other band's music was fine, and he hadn't really met any of them before, so there wasn't much of a reason for him to dislike them. Still, there must have been a good reason for his other bandmates to have a hatred for them, so he'd definitely keep his eye out when they were around. Now that things had calmed down a bit, Alex stayed silent and simply leaned back against the bus, waiting for them to take a few hits before he said anything.The morning sun was a bit more intense than usual, so he followed Riley's example and slipped on the pair of sunglasses he'd grabbed from the bus.

jennxclifford jennxclifford WantYourSoul WantYourSoul
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Katherine Willson
Guitar || Band Two

Redrobinwing Redrobinwing jennxclifford jennxclifford

Her ability to track down her bandmates was unnerving, she once tracked the band to a bar across town after they had accidentally left for a gig without her."I heard the bus stop and I thought you guys would appreciate that I stop smoking up the tour bus before giving you guys second-hand." She pinches the joint between her lips, sparking the lighter a few times before it caught. She had a gift when it came to pulling people out of a fog, even if it was only by making them frustrated with her.

Katherine simply grins at Riley, asking her to lower her voice was like asking a fish to fly. She takes a few long hauls to get it burning and blows a cloud of smoke towards the other young woman, holding the now lit joint for her to pluck from her fingers."Mmh, pass me that dart for a second babes." She was a notorious cigarette bum, but at least she shared her vices with anyone who was willing. You could count on one hand the number of hours in a day Kat was sober, at least she didn't try to pressure her bandmates to do the illicit stuff she revels in. She caught the look of Alex and shrugged, saying almost apologetically, "sorry man, I've been waiting all night to light this up." She had been uncharacteristically quiet the night before, dealing with withdrawals and nerves about the show. Based on how bloodshot her eyes were, she was hurting but wouldn't admit it.
riley alexandria parker

location: behind the tour bus| interacting with: alex and katherine| mentions: Redrobinwing Redrobinwing WantYourSoul WantYourSoul

Riley watched the girl light the joint and start it off, the smell of marijuana almost immediately covered the smell of her cigarette. They traded their addictions carefully as Alex watched. He never seemed to be judging, just watching and happy to be apart of everything. He didn't really fit the rock band stereotype, but it was kind of nice for a change. He was also younger, maybe over time he would loosen up a bit.

After a couple of drags, Riley unwillingly swapped back with Katherine. She didn't need much to feel a small high, but she couldn't help but crave a little more than just a small high at the moment. Her mind was clouded with so many thoughts. How was she supposed to see him and still perform normally? The last time they had spoken felt like ages ago. Riley could already see herself losing it before the show. It wasn't even their band, it wasn't even the damn tour, it was simply just him that Riley could not bring herself to see let alone speak to. She couldn't tell her band that, though. She had to play it off as if she just hated the band as much as they all did because they were competition. She never ever told them what had went on between them.

Riley cleared her throat and pushed herself away from the bus, taking a short hit from the almost finished cigarette. "You know what sounds great?" She paused, glancing at the both of them. "A vodka Red Bull." A smirk played on her lips. Riley took one last drag from whatever was left and tossed the cigarette on the pavement. She started off the bus door. "Katherine? Alex, you can just have a Red Bull."
code by Ri.a
Alex Wright || Bassist for Band Two

Alex raised a hand and waived Kat off when she apologized. He didn't care if she smoked, it wasn't something that was particularly unusual or foreign to him. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little bad that she felt weird doing it around him. Maybe it was just because he was new. Maybe, when she got to know him better, she'd be more comfortable around him. Based off of the feel he got from her, Riley probably felt similarly awkward. He might have spoken up about it, but they both smoked anyway, so it probably didn't matter enough to bring up.

Riley pushed herself off from the bus and headed towards the front. Apparently they weren't going to talk about what was bothering her, and were instead going to pursue some more vices to avoid the problem. Alex kept a neutral, cool expression about him to avoid making anyone feel awkward, but made a mental note to bring it up sometime later. He also noticed Kat's eyes; they were bloodshot, and something told him that she was having issues of her own. He knew she was into drugs, and it was probably something to deal with later too; but for now, it'd be best not to bring it up until after the show. Riley's comment about the Red Bull made him smirk slightly in amusement. He followed her towards the bus door with his hands in his pockets, electing to stay silent but give a simple nod in agreement to the proposition.

jennxclifford jennxclifford WantYourSoul WantYourSoul
Vanechka Kuznetsov

V let out a grumble at Sadie's 'sleepy head' comment. "Would have slept better if we had a decent driver." The Russian mumbled as he walked by her to his bunk. "Not easy to sleep when he's swerving all over and slamming on breaks." V blamed the driver, but everyone knew it was more than just that. They just didn't know what exactly it was. Everyone was tense and upset about the other band, the travel plans, this tour in general, but V seemed to be more irritable and angry at it than the others. He didn't talk about his problems, ever, so no one could even guess at what it was.
V searched through his bag, pulling out his cigarettes and a lighter as well as his phone. He wasn't hugely into tech, so he often lost it. V turned around, leaning in the small hall like thing. "How about you? You seem up early." he commented, fidgeting with his lighter. "I need coffee or something, something being rum but I'm guessing that's not available. Want to come search for a cafe?" V invited her, stepping towards the front of the bus.
It's almost like he could feel the anxiety building from the moment he woke up to now, and it was getting worse. Things weren't going right and it's almost like he could feel the tension from the other band already fucking with him. V hadn't even seen them yet and he wanted to either knock some teeth out or avoid them for the rest of his life. Either was a good option to him, but he needed an outlet, and soon. He couldn't focus on the show or really anything like this. V was silently cursing himself for agreeing with this tour. He already had his issues and this just amplified them to a point he hated.

apolla apolla
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Location: on the bus
Feeling: tired
Tags: V ( gutterpunkss gutterpunkss )

Sadie smirked at his comment about the driver, finding her favorite pair of shorts while digging through her bag. "What do you mean?" She asked, a slight note of sarcasm present in her voice. "He's the best driver around!" She raised her voice some, wondering if the older man would hear her. Snickering to herself, she pulled out a shirt, a white band t-shirt that she'd cut at the neck and braided the sides of.

Standing, she headed for the little bathroom to change into her clothes, reappearing just as V pulled out his smokes and a lighter. "I'm down. Could use some tea." She told him, slipping her feet into her worn down converses. She reached into her bed to grab her wallet, glancing at him again. "I've been up forever." She shrugged. "You know, best driver and all."

She could tell something was really bothering him, but it wasn't like they were best friends or anything. He didn't open up much, and she couldn't really blame him. She wasn't exactly an open book, either, but she did care about him. "You need to lose some steam." She pointed out as she headed for the door of the bus, glancing back to see if he was coming. "Anything I can do to help?"

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