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Futuristic Repentance

Johanna stopped when she noticed Jade had made her appearance, and let the "suit" and James walk by. She stopped and looked over to her,"You got some nerve showing your face you lousy excuse for a mech mechanic!" Captain Gurley growled, turning on the heels of her boot and looked over to James,"They teach y'all anything more besides cleaning y'all guns in the army?" Her sudden sense of rage was just even if know one knew why.

The man in the suit would raise a brow when Johanna stopped and looked,"Ah this must be Jade, you will be needing to join us to miss." He turned and entered another briefing room, but before Johanna would enter she would flip up a middle finger to the mechanic before walking between the doors. The armor she was wearing didn't make any noise until she sat down in one of the chairs, and sighed a bit placing her helmet on the ground next to her.

The man would begin to tell them about what was going to happen........Johanna, Gurley, the rest of Johanna's squad and eventually a few more people would be assigned to a special task force meant to hunt the Angels. For some reason it was suppose to be a good idea, but she wasn't exactly sure how.
Jade was watching as another mech was brought in when an angry voice echoed through the hall. She shifted her half lidded gaze over to the disgruntled captain no phased by the sudden burst of anger. It was expected but not needed or very rational. Jade just shrugged slightly and took another sip of her coffee letting the insult pass. "I believe the I'm the one who should be angry... I just fixed your mech." She muttered before turning to the official who addressed her. Letting out a heavy sigh she followed along not really sure why her presence would be needed.

It quickly became clear as the situation was explained. She wasn't sure weather to be annoyed or happy. Smaller group meant less to deal with but going around with a task force was always bother some. Not to mention it made a lot of other things very complicated. Jade rubbed her temples lightly mind already working on how things were going to work out.

Jade was watching as another mech was brought in when an angry voice echoed through the hall. She shifted her half lidded gaze over to the disgruntled captain no phased by the sudden burst of anger. It was expected but not needed or very rational. Jade just shrugged slightly and took another sip of her coffee letting the insult pass. "I believe the I'm the one who should be angry... I just fixed your mech." She muttered before turning to the official who addressed her. Letting out a heavy sigh she followed along not really sure why her presence would be needed.

It quickly became clear as the situation was explained. She wasn't sure weather to be annoyed or happy. Smaller group meant less to deal with but going around with a task force was always bother some. Not to mention it made a lot of other things very complicated. Jade rubbed her temples lightly mind already working on how things were going to work out.
James pressed his fingers into his head, the migraine encroached closer and closer. Idle thoughts racing through his mind, the unwillingness however to show any emotion..... Glancing down at the floor for a good minute before shooting up towards the Suit. He didn't like their kind, they were dicks, selfish dicks. His voice shot out with anger. " What the fuck was that out there? We were bait? Why the fuck didn't you guys tell us! " He raised his finger and pointed it directly into the suits chest.

" That damn angel, appeared out of nowhere and took us all out like it was nothing! Lucky we were even fast enough to just graze the shot. " His head was steaming, James in that instance released his anger. Yet, there it was again... The migraine..... He rose his hands to his head and rubbed his eyes slowly, tired, yet couldn't rest..... Slowly after he raised his head towards Jade for a second before glimpsing away.
Johanna shot a gaze at the Lieutenant who had physically confronted the suit, and rose a brow. That, that wasn't expected not in the least bit. She managed to get to her feet and put her armored self between the two,"Excuse my friend here, you know how soldiers get when they do things besides clean their weapons. Get a little overwhelmed and grumpy..." Her smile wasn't genuine, but she offered it anyway placing a hand on the soldier's head,"Ya' alright? Need to head to the infirmary? sick bay? What does your kind call it?"

She was taking jabs at him, to try and get him to relax. Boost his morale even. Wait, Captain Gurley was doing what? She wasn't any type of leader, and she didn't like being one either. Though she did like bossing people around. She quickly about faced and looked to the man,"Alright alright hurry up blah blah ..who's in charge, when do we move...yadda."

The man blinked, all the more confused,"Captain Gurley, we wanted Major Jehnsen in charge, but seeing as he's not with us anymore..you'll suffice...and you move out...tonight..."
James slowly stumbled out into the open, the migraine slowly eased off with the help of medicine, but was still slightly pulsating through his mind. He was happy at-last, surrounded by the smell of towering steel. The mechs lay resting, the sight of the light shimmering off the steel plating made him smile. Slowly he rotated around the hangar, looking at the various mechs, then there she was. The Grey Wolf....

Without a slight delay, a loud bang, that turned his grin into a frown as a mechanic climbed down from the leg of the mech. James didn't like a mechanic improperly handling his mech, and this wasn't the first mechanic he was about to cuss out. He ran over quickly, yelling. " Hey!.... " then cut off as he approached, it was the same girl in the conference room. He approached, slowing his pace to an easing walk. " Careful.... She's kind of fragile.... " He tried to crack a smile across his face, before raising his right hand and rubbed his through his hair repeatedly.
Jade sighed softly as she finished the last of her checks on one of the surviving mechs. Overall it was in good condition one of the better from the fight. Only the right hand needed to be fixed. She nodded slightly to herself making several notes on her datapad for later. She had to check out all the mechs before moving out later that night and put in orders for any parts. Hopefully they would be in by the time they reached their next destination. The fact that she had to be part of mobile team just irritated her.

She climbed down the leg of the mech mind already looking to move to her next patient of the night when someone called out to her. Holding back on the urge to roll her eyes she noticed it was not the captain again but rather someone else. Someone she really didn't remember much of. Thankfully any hostility seemed to face once he got close and sighed softly. Glancing from the guy to the mech she nodded slightly. "I doubt there's much I could do to hurt her." She replied finding a bit of irony in that comment. "I take it you're the pilot?"

James smiled for a second, slowly glancing over to the Grey Wolf, saying. " Yep, that's the Grey Wolf. First of its kind... " The mech was shimmering in the light, sparkling in his eyes, that was his love. Then he slowly shifted his eyes back towards hers. " I'm James? " He stumbled over a word. A thought raced through his mind, he was always smooth. Shit he thought she was kinda cute but fuck how could he fuck up on a word. He was tired. "And you are?"

Jade noted the look the pilot gained while looking upon his mech . It was a similar one Gurley has when working with her mech as well and one she could respect since it usually mean the pilot actually cared about the Mech as oppose to thinking of it as a tool. She glanced quickly over the specs of the mech and remembered something unique to its design that could play a large part in the connection. "Hm...? Ah uh, Nice to meet you." She replied with a slight smirk trying to remember her manners and social norms that were expected. It was never easy which is why she always preferred the company of tech to people. "I'm Jade Rhea, I'm going to be working on the mechs for the special task force." She introduced sound as if it had been rehearsed before, which it probably had been.

" Well I'm sure on behalf of her, we'll be happy to have you. " James chuckled for a second before hesitating awkwardly for a few seconds. Slowly stumbling backwards hesitantly then turning towards the Grey Wolf. " You know these mechs..... they really choose their pilot.... there has to be a bond between flesh and metal..." Slowly taking a breath of fresh air, slowly turning back towards her. " She's one of the fastest, human like reflexes..... " He was trying to impress her with the mech more than himself, he felt like a damn idiot.

Jade studied the pilot a moment noting his awkwardness but chalked it up to nerves, he hadn't been the calmest at the meeting from what she remembered. His words made her smirked slightly as she glanced up at the Grey wolf. "I can imagine. From what I see Grey Wolf is one of the only western Mechs with a neuro-sync. Compatibility must be key for something of that nature to work." She commented able to understand where he was coming from and what that kind of link with a mech felt like. It was unlike any other bond organic or inorganic. She couldn't help but smirked slightly as his comment about being the fastest but held back on her comment. "I'll have to take your word on that. Though the fact that only the right hand was damaged in the mission already speaks of it's ability to work well in high stress situations..." She muttered softly looking back down to her dat-pad scanning over all the other mechs listed and how more than half were destroyed or simply unsalvageable.

James questioned himself. "How did she know about the neuro-sync..... " Then he slowly pondered again, about her being the mechanic, and it was her job to work on these things. He quickly chocked up another reply. " Not fast enough apparently... " Not fast enough indeed, slowly he chuckled and then looked into her eyes. " So how did you end up being able to turn a few wrenches? " He laughed slightly, trying to toss some humor towards her. He felt his nerves pass away shortly, his mind was restless and his heart was at ease. His laugh came to a close, as he just passionately laid his gaze upon her green eyes.

Jade tilted her head slightly not completely sure what his question meant but managed to figure it out what he was asking after a second of thought. "Oh how did I become a mechanic?" She clarified before shrugging. "Family business. My mom was a mechanic.... so was my dad. I just picked it up along the way." She replied, her statement only really half true. However she didn't want to give any hint that she knew how to pilot a mech much past standard actions. It was one of the few things working in her favor in laying low. Bad enough there was more than one angel on this force last thing they needed was her cover to be blown as well. Shaking off the thought she turned her gaze from her pad to the pilot noticing he was staring at her. She always had a nasty habit of avoiding eye contact, mostly because she was alway working while holding any kind of conversation but also because she always found it a bit unnerving.

" Well I mean, you must be pretty good at it to be working with the military. Especially on these things, I wanted to work with one my whole life and now is my chance.... " James chuckled for a second slowly easing himself down. " My father was a pilot himself, and seeing his mech up close and personal, just made me want my own.... Heh I got one, she's a damn handful though.... She's really temperamental. " He shifted his hand back over to the back of his head scratching it... Maybe he should just go away.

"How long have you been piloting her?" Jade questioned wondering how long he had been linked with the mech. There was always side effects and risks when dealing with a link up system. Mostly for the pilot but there were some risks with the mech as well. Here didn't seem to have anything to keep him linked to Wolf so there had to be a disconnect. She wasn't sure how he could really stand being disconnected, it was almost like losing part of yourself.

"Just a couple of months.... Enough time though for her to learn me and for me to learn her. She could be watching us right now. " James chuckled as he felt the migraine slowly creep back up on him. Willingly fighting it away, but barely. " Makes me think..... " Taking a deep breath. " We need eachother, just as much as these mechs need its mechanic. " He finished chuckling slowly.

"Hm well it could be argued that we 'need' just about everyone on this team. Mechs and People included. Mech's cant pilot themselves and from what I've seen even trained a person can only do so much damage to a mech." She replied before nodding slightly. "But yes' I'll do my best to make sure she's in working order for you." She assured finding the entire situation highly Ironic. Stranger part still Jade felt no internal conflict playing both side other than giving her self more work.
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She smacked her gloved hands against each other as she made her way into the hangar. She had spent time taking to the suit, trying to weasel her way off this task force, but to no avail. Apparently, she had come highly recommended to lead this team though she wasn't sure why. She was a shitty leader. If they wanted her for strategy, they should have just assigned her with that duty, not the entire squad under her command.

She shrugged it off, she had gone to the barracks to change and had come back out in a wife black wife beater, and blue camo fatigues. She didn't care about protocol at the moment. If they wanted her that bad, she was going to do as she pleased. She moved those gloved hands behind her head and walked towards the two conversing people.

"Jade, is it? Right. I came to 'pologize because that's what Major Jehnsen would expect, not cause I really want to apologize. So let's make that clear." Her face was blank, devoid of emotions, and her words rung true as they echoed through the hangar. What a shitty leader,"Right, we'll be moving soon. Perhaps we should all meet up before we do. Get to know each other, and expectations."
The lack of a sincere apology did not surprises Jade one bit. Honestly she could do without being teamed up with Joanna. It was bad enough being at the same base as her let along having to be in relative close proximity. "I have to finish checking over the last of the mech and put an order in for the parts." She replied more as an excuse to skip the meeting than anything else. She was a mechanic not a soldier, only expectation she had to keep to was making sure the mech were in working order.

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James chuckled for a second awkwardly, lowering his head in the process. Not a second sooner he could of expected Johanna to show up. He greeted her. " Captain Gurley, afternoon, no rest for the weary huh..." Taking a slow pause, followed by an inhale of breath before speaking again. " Well I'm sure Jade will get our mechs ready to move by tonight.... " He slowly shifted his hand into his pockets and shifted his eyes towards the Captain. He couldn't believe they were already on the move
She took in a deep breath glancing from James to Jade. Her booted foot tapped on the floor a bit before she glanced quickly to James and then back to Jade again,"Finish up, and report to the briefing room before we leave." She managed to roll her eyes a bit before turning to James,"As for you, head to the infirmary, they want to do a pysch evaluation before we move out."

Business. She always seemed to be about business, and a lack of empathy. It was a bit strange seeing someone in a leadership position with no leadership skills, outside of telling people what to do,"are there any questions or concerns?"
Jade quirked a brow as the captain glanced between her and James then shook her head as she glanced at her data pad once more. Hopefully she would take long enough to not have to listen to more military nonsense. It was honestly the best part about being contracted, not having so much rules and regulation. Only thing that mattered was getting the job done she was being paid for. Her eyes glanced back to the captain as she spoke up "No, Everything should be finished before the departure time." She stated in a rather bored tone before shifting her gaze to James. "Replacement parts are already in order so the damage should be repaired fairly soon." She explained with short node then walked off to get the rest of her work done.

It took a few hours but all of the mech assigned to the task force were checked over thoroughly along with any repairs that could be done. The more annoying part of her task was getting everything she needed packed for the trip, traveling was always an annoyance. Made worse by her own personal projects that were delayed thanks to the time needed to pack, unpack and deal with meetings. A small part of her regretted having the Previous CO Killed. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with Gurley nearly as much. Still the mechanic worked as quickly as she could to get all the Mechs and supplies moved.

Shifting the pack on her shoulder Jade made her way to the meeting room as requested. Eyes still glued to the screen of her Data-pad. The red head navigated the halls and weaved through people with ease as she looked over her findings once more. It was a skill developed through years of bumping into walls and people while still studying or working on schematics. Another reason why moving was irritating, different surrounding every time. Jade entered the meeting hall, eyes finally leaving the screen to glance around the room at anyone who was already there before taking the closest empty seat.

@AkuNoOkami @Rifleman

Meeting Hall

God damnit..... James shook his head as he heard that he was ordered to go to the infirmary, he had things better to do than just walk all the way down there to get a damn check up. He slowly glanced around the room before standing up and walking out with a pissed off look on his face.


Slowly glaring at a man in a white suit for five minutes, James already established he was just another medical yahoo trying to do his damn job. James shook his head as he said. " Look, doc, I'm fine.... " He watched as the man straightened his back and wrote on a paper with a clipboard. James just glaring at the man with a death stare, he was about that point where he was going to walk out. Then he watched as the doc shifted his hand and gave him a paper. " I advise you get some rest, and take these for your migraines. " James read the paper, it was the same shit that wouldn't make a difference.....


James stood motionless in-front of the Grey Wolf, admiring it's beauty as it sparkled in his eyes. He approached and looked up and felt that the mech was looking down at him. James chuckled saying to the Wolf. " Beautiful as ever baby, someone's been keeping care of you. " James laughed for a second stating as he felt his crazy side come over. He motioned his head towards the other mech's with out hesitation before shifting back to his own.

The sound of a punching bag being hit was heard in the background. A leg struck it again, causing another distinct FWOOF followed by a few THUDS as taped fist landed on the bag. It was Captain Gurley, striking the bag with ferocity. A deep breath followed as she exhaled sweat dripping down the side of her face. That's what she had been doing since everyone broke away, letting out her frustrations on the bag.

When she had finished with that she immediately placed her hands on the floor and began to do push ups, starting off with ten easy normal one's, before switching to diamond push ups. She did about twenty of those, before switching to claps and then finishing it off with alternating one handed push ups. She took in a deep breath getting to her feet looking around for free weights, but her watch went off.

She looked at it, and sighed gently. She opted for an ancient digital watch over the newer technological watches. She didn't need to worry about any hacking of that nature, though she wasn't adverse to wearing both. It was time for the meeting they would have before departing. So she took the towel she was using and put it over her shoulders, using the towel to wipe the sweat off her face as she moved out of the small work out room in the installment.

She walked through the Hangar glancing over to James,"Crash test dummy, meeting. Double time." She had begun to walk away before stopping looking over shoulder,"I hope doc checked you and you're tip top to get your feet wet." She was trying so hard to be a compassionate leader, but it just wasn't her.

She shrugged her shoulders continuing on in the meeting room, and waited for everyone to enter. She'd let her ranking superiors tell them the basics last bit of briefing, but then after that this little task forced was all Gurley's and she'd make sure everyone got along well. She glanced at her two fellow comrades. Well, it was really the old squad plus a new member minus one old. Shouldn't be too hard to manage.
James slowly shifted his eyes to the captain, taking in what she said before looking around and replying with a simple. " Always and willing Ma-am, by the way I'm Lieutenant James Tavares, 7th Cavalry Division. " Slowly he turned his head back to her and held his hand out as a grin appeared on his face. He lost his squad, but he had a mission to do and that was his first and only priority. Hesitantly he shook her hand before turning around to a room full of camouflage and suits. Another mission, hopefully not another ambush.

Glancing at an open chair, he felt the glare of a thousand eyes or what it felt like shroud upon him for his random outburst on a suit. The event did seem like an ambush, they knew exactly where we were, and exactly when we were going to attack. They exploited that and a-lot of good men died out there. Tavares slowly grimaced as he shrunk his head, keeping idle thoughts out of his mind as he just glanced forward. He shut his eyes and lowered his head, slowly lifting his hand to his nose and rubbing it patiently. He raised his eye lids after, and grabbed his cup of coffee and began to chug. James shifted his eyes around the room, and noticed Jade for a second with a quick glance. He looked at her and then shifted his eyes away before listening to the briefing.

He was hoping that this mission wouldn't go to shit too. The last thing we needed was more casualties, and make this seem like a losing fight. The feeling of fear and yet devotion struck him. He slowly shifted his jaw as he said to himself. " We gotta pound these assholes into the ground... "
Jades eyes stayed focused on the tablet before her as the room filled in. She only half paid attention to what was going on catching the important parts but mostly just taking up space. At least thats how it was in her mind. On her tablet were several of the mech schematics that would be going on the trips. Some marked with red indicating damaged parts. There were only a few that needed major repairs so her work wouldn't be terribly difficult.

Sighing softly jade cast a rare glance around at the room studying the crowd a moment as to who would be a viable threat and who wouldn't. Being on this trip was going to make things complicated but she have very few worries about getting work done. Honestly the only time that would suffer was for her own projects which admittedly was annoying.

When the suits and brass were done talking, Gurley stood in front of everyone. The suits and brass left, and she stared at everyone with a bit of fire,"Everyone here. Everyone here is important to the upcoming mission. We each have a task, a goal, and we must complete it. The Angels are tough, but they aren't unbeatable. They are pilots just like the four of us who will be going into the field. We can't do it without the rest of you, we all must do our parts and do it well. I have faith in you all. That being said, though she is a Civillian, as the lead Mechanic she serves as important roll as the pilots themselves. So from this point forward you will follow Jade's orders as if they were my own, and if any one gives you issue report to me. As far as Lieutenant Tarvares, as you know most of our unit is from the original Marine Special Operations unit working under the Force Recon Moniker. That being said, we lack frontal assault capabilties despite the ROAD units' Assault loadout. With that in mind, he is in charge of all Direct Assault Strategies. If there are any......" her speech would go on. Funny. She may not have liked to do it, but she could be a leader when the time came.....

-------5 days later------


Las Vegas

The Mech moved slowly across the sand, the navy blue armor of the ROADWolf blending in with the cover of the night. Their mission had gotten redirected to the last signs of the Angels, the Red Wolf had been spotted. What they didn't know was it was being controlled by an "auto-pilot- program Jade had designed for their particular predicament. It used the Bushido's adaptive learning of the pilot's skills and tendencies to emulate (though of course not as skilled) the pilot's actions. It wasn't as skilled as Johanna, but it was enough to easily slice through most of the American units though it took a lot more damage than Johanna hoped. Red Wolf would be out of commission until repairs by the other mechanics in the Angels were made.

Either way, she was out in the Las Vegas desert on her own. It was her duty to scout, and so she did. She glanced around with the M416 in the Mech's rifle, checking her radars -flipping through from sonar, to thermal, to motion detection, and so on. "There's nothing on any of my radars despite the heat signatures that showed up earlier." That one was Johanna's doing. A simple hack into the system (well it wasn't simple, she was just skilled enough) and the thermal radar was going nuts.

With a gentle breath she pushed a button and a holographic projection of a keyboard came up. She slid an icon over with her fingers, and dropped it and music started to play in her's only for her to hear. A smile came across her face, as she continued moving forward before coming to a warehouse. It was similar to the one they were ambushed Earlier,"James, get out here. We're going to investigate this building and I need back up."​
Vivian had finally drawn close enough that she could, with aid of her A.O.R.T.S, see the makings of the base she'd gotten the coordinates to. Figuring now would be better than later, she opened the chest hatch of her mech, allowing it to swing down, and slowly uncurled herself as she stepped out onto what was now a small platform. Reaching back, she disconnected the cable from the back of her head, just so there wouldn't be any accidents with her Sword Dancer system. Direct interface was great, but as she'd learned, accidentally moving a mech was not.

Reaching into one of the cargo spaces, she pulled out a radio to make contact.

"MMSU, this's freelancer Vivian McAlist'r, reporting from some klicks outside of yer base to the south east. Ahm, gimme one second, Ah've got th'damned clearance codes tucked away somewhere'n'mah pants," Vivian droned, using her free hand to feel about trying to find the piece of paper, before giving a triumphant 'aha' and continuing, "It is, 'One, India, Tango, Tango, One, Echo, Space, Papa, Three, Romeo, Five, Zero, November.' And whoever thought this code t'be cute is goin' tae get an arse kickin' the likes o'which their grandbairns'll feel."

Somewhat irritated with the joke sent to her, but noticing that they were at least competent enough to do enough research to know how to push her buttons before hiring her on, Vivian sat down on the panel and rested back against the compartment that usually held her when sealed up. She then secured herself with a couple of straps tied to her harness, as being curled up in the small compartment gave her a sore back after a while, before reconnecting and sending Uile-Bheist marching towards the base.
LED screens lighting the internals of the cockpit, James sat as the system locked the pilot into the seat feeling his suit tighten, as an AI voice simulated as a female, spoke softly, almost human sounding.... "Initiating Neuro-sync..... " The mech stood motionless on the launch pad as the locks broke away from the mech. Hearing the pleasant female voice hum through his ears. " Neuro-sync engaged. Neuronet suit operating at optimal efficiency. Hello James. " The feeling was always weird, he always just sang lyrics through his head of his favorite songs. Feeling his suit lock into his nervous system was an uneasy feeling. The mech began to power up with a hum as the fingers began to twitch.

"Systems check...." James said motionlessly as he felt the felt the arm actuators unlock as he grabbed the pistol handle of his sub-machine gun and placed it in the holster, as the weapon locked into placed, moving his hand over to the Rail Cannon and picked it up in his main hands. The AI voice activated. "Systems check activated.... Weapons... Check.... " The Rail Cannon's targeting camera shot open from the top of the gun, allowing for magnification and accuracy. " Thrusters.... Check " Hearing the squeal from the thrust nozzles as they rotated. " Defenses.... Check... " The active kill turret on the shoulder began to rotate around as the mech's head finally unlocked and the leg actuators unlocked. " Final check.... Navigation and Sensors.... Check. "The mech motioned forward as it rotated its head glancing the area as an array of sensors turned online, the HUD shot online. James slowly motioned the heads mech watching the HUD load info as he rotated his arms as if it was his own and let out a slight smile as the AI made a final comment. " All systems check, Wolf is running at optimal levels. "

"Headhunter is active. Over." James let out a slight comment over the radio, slowly shrugging off any negative thoughts about this mission....
"This is Mother Goose, clearance code checks out. Proceed slowly towards the hangar there should be a mech leaving at this moment. We're marking you friendly, but still move slow. The acting CO is out on a mission, so you will be met by Jade Rhea. She will escort you to the proper place, understood?" the voice from the MMSU comm squad returned to Vivian.

"Hard copy headhunter, this is misfit. I'm going to inspect the building, you make your way over here, over," she stated flicking on the thermal view settings in her mech as the humanoid piece of machinery rose the assault rifle up. She inched slowly, sliding the door open (large enough to let a mech in) and entering in,"All clear."

The mech continued its way in before she stopped looking at her radar,"It's movement showing up all on my motion sensor, switching vision to sonar...." she muttered as the screen flashed to a violet hue and noted a few slowly moving mechs.

She switched back to thermal before she fired off a three round burst into the head of one of the mechs it dropping as the light in the warehouse turned on. Yeah, she was surrounded.

@Veirrianna Valentine
Jade sighed softly as she stood in waiting for the person she was supposed to meet. It irritated her a good bit that being short handed basically meant she had more than just mechanic work to do now. Still as much as she would love to simply deny any added work it was a small team and she didn't really want to deal with disgruntled co workers in close proximity. In the back of her mind she wondered why she agreed to even go on the mission, it was more work than it was worth overall. Shaking her head she went back to her data pad skimming over schematics and order info as it came in.

@Veirrianna Valentine
Getting the Uile-Bheist inside wasn't that difficult what with them having opened the doors to receive a mech of standard size, the relatively smaller mech she had slipped right into the hangar without an issue. Moving it to an open spot in the hangar and parking her mech, Vivien concentrated hard as she pulled her mind out of the Uile-Bheist's systems and pulled the direct link from the base of her skull. Once that was done she unstrapped herself from the harness and started gathering her things out of the storage compartment, waiting for the one who was to come talk to her.

(A.N-I would have done a bigger post, but I'm trying to get some stuff around the house done as well as deal with an upset cow.)
(No worries)

Jade glanced up as the mech in question finally appeared and docked. Finally... Jade thought to herself as she tapped off her data pad. Apparently other found it rude to be getting work done while performing menial tasks. She looked over to the other woman watching as she disconnected form her mech and tilted her head slightly Neural links are getting more common... this one seems more invasive though... She noted before nodding to the pilot as she approached "McAlsiter Correct?" She questioned before motioning for the woman to follow and walking off. The sooner she got the task done the sooner she could get back to her own work. With the team out on another missions there was bound to be repairs to be made on their return. Hopefully it wouldn't be too intensive. The redhead moved through the halls at a quickened pace not really in the mood for small talk as she lead the woman to the correct room.

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