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Futuristic Repentance


The Shape-shifting Master of Goatees and Darkness

The blade sliced through the Navy Mobile Suit as if it was cutting through air, it splitting clear in half, obliterating the pilot from the sheer force. After a second, the nuclear reactor in the Mobile Suit went unstable before exploding giving way to the Green Eyes of the Mech suit that had caused the damage. Red-Wolf.

There was auto-cannon fire that hit the mech and whizzed past it, before it turned hitting the boosters slicing through the assailing mechs. There were three who were taking fire on Angel mech, and the blade cut through each one easily. The abandoned Los Angeles landscape, it had been evacuated upon sighting of the Red-Wolf (though of course not completely) , seemed to bow to the prowess of the Mech as it stood there standing tall in the streets between two buildings.

It wasn't even armed with any projectile weapons, nor a sword on this account. Yet the Red-Wolf and its pilot Ghost had taken out the First Response Mechs of the Navy with ease. The tv then switched to an image of Ghost, standing in front of a blue background in her Pilot suit, with the helmet on. Most had figured it was a woman from the shape and fit of the suit, but some had suspected that was done to throw people off.

A mechanical voice that seemed gender ambiguous started from the television,"Repent for the Sins done to Earth. Rebuild her, bring her back to what she was or even colonies won't be able to protect you from the Angel's punishment." Then it switched back to a news reporter.

It wasn't sure how many people could actually hear the Large High Definition Holographic Projection screen that served as the main television in the small old school dive bar the Marines stationed at MCAMS Miramar liked to visit. Though it closed as a MCAS about 800 years or so ago, it had be revived as an Air and Mech station on the rise of Mech warfare. The bar was filled with more people than usual at this hour, but a lot of them had sought refuge from the Los Angeles attack.

There Johanna sat at the bar, a black wife beater on that gave way to her bra strap and cleavage, hand holding a glass of scotch with no ice. Around her neck sat a solid black choker that resembled a dog collar, while her dog tags lay gently on her chest. On her wrist were studded bracelets (use picture of her to reference these clothes), that matched the belt that held up her camouflage fatigues. A simple pair of white sneakers rounded out her outfit before a man with a five o'clock shadow joined her at the bar.

"There always seem to be an attack when you have liberty, you know?"

A disinterested JoJo didn't do much to respond, but instead swirled the scotch around the glass a bit more staring down at it. After a moment's pass, and sigh let out from her new companion she finally broke the seal of silence,"Qatar, Tokyo, Syria. All places I was on duty when the Red-Wolf attacked."

"True, but it seemed off those times. Like the pilot was different. A top pilot, but not the same."

"Every pilot has an off day."

"But wouldn't the Mech the WORLD wanted, not be able to afford an off day?

Johanna tossed back the scotch easily, raising her hand for another and the bartender quickly served it up. She tilted her head towards the man with a brow rose,"But they survived, so doesn't that throw your theory off. Besides, you better go catch your daughter's game." She took a deep breath, swirling the new scotch a bit, before throwing it back. She got to her feet, patted the man on the back and walked away after saying,"Later Major."

The Major rose his hand as the woman moved across the bar to a stage where a woman on the drums (they were electrical cool and high tech) a man on a bass guitar, and a man on another electric guitar waited on her. She picked up her own electric guitar, in its red gleam and slid it over her shoulders. Music hadn't change ALL too much in the 1000 years, well at least not the instruments themselves. They had been improved, for better sound quality and the like, but they were played relatively the same.

She moved her face to the mic and looked around,"This next song is like a thousand years old. No like, literally. My mom...my adopted mom is a big music freak, and listens to music from literally every time era. She said this one made her cry when she found out I was heading to the Marines..It's called the Ghost of You, by a band named My Chemical Romance."

She tapped her guitar thrice as she started playing the guitar as an intro, before the girl hit the drums, and the song started,"I never said I'd lie and wait forever...."

Imagine a woman who sounds analgous to Amy Lee singing this while playing the guitar..


When she was done, she expected to see confused, or disturbed faces. The song was sad, it was old, but she knew if any of her brothers in arm listened to the words, they'd understand why she sang it.

@Unknown Soldier @Alad V
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" You know what they say about us pilots? " A small chuckle squeezed out of a young male lieutenant leaning over a bar, next to a woman, his eyes fixated on her, she was gorgeous to him. He was trying to entice her, as he reached quickly for his drink and took a sip. A cold beer, one he hasn't enjoyed for a while, quickly swallowing a gulp whole then saying without hesitation after. "We're fearless, there's nothing better than a mech and his pilot. " She smiled and stared at him, it was a military bar, so she was someones wife, girlfriend, or daughter..... " So whats your name..... Lieutenant? " The young man chuckled for a second, he was baffled, she was a civilian. " James Tavares, part of the 7th Cavalry, and you are miss? " He said slowly, softly trying to keep her interested, hoping that she would remember it. Slowly she said softly in an enticing voice, with a subtle wink after. " Well James.... See you around. " For an instance, he watched as she got up and walked out, James was just, in awe..... He let that one slip. His jaw was clearly hanging.

" You done Lieutenant? " A rather young man, not much older than James approached, he was a captain, he was the commander of 3rd platoon "Honey Badgers". Chose to call everyone by their nicknames, rather than their ranks, it was good luck among the Army mech pilots. Out of mech school for that matter. " Yes sir. " For that matter he turned and just shot up a huge grin, a shit eating grin at that. The Captain chuckled as he sat down with James, listening to the young lieutenant. " Captain Dom "Hawkeye" Wilson, welcome to the party! " The young man chuckled for an instance. Letting out a small gruff the captain leaned forward glancing into the young Lieutenant's eyes. " We might be seeing combat soon.... Theres a rumor that the 7th Cav will be on the move, small brush wars again or something... " This has gone without saying the lieutenant's eyes just rolled up, he was waiting for the day he would face a proper challenge, then again his mech wasn't made for front lines fighting. " Sir... if this happens, have you looked over the list of the upgrades I wanted for the Arctic Wolf? " The mech wasn't old, just, isn't particularly useful in urban combat or close range combat for that matter.

" I put in a request with Supply for something, hopefully they get back to me before something happens..... Lieutenant, just watch yourself.... Ok? " The lieutenant hesitated for a second as he raised his bottle of beer, his eye's widened, the captain was scared.... What spooked him, but that soon after shifted to the back of his mind as he replied while tossing back the bottle. " Copy, sir. " Thoughts raced through his mind. What the hell has DoD's panties up in a bunch this time. He wasn't surprised, there has been small brush wars over resources and territories all of the time. He didn't care for it, as soon as the word comes, he would be back in the cockpit ready for deployment.
The sound of drunken roudyness and music could be heard for a good distance from the bar. It was one of the few local military bars in the area so for it to be so pack wasn't a rare thing. However not everyone was in such a good mood. Jade pulled up to the bar on her bike looking worst for wear due to the near 24 hours she had been up. It wasn't anything that she wasn't used to however staying up to work on personal projects and staying up to baby sit incompetent mechanics and fix the mistakes of others were two very different things.

She made her way into the bar cringing slightly as the smell of alcohol which lingered in the air. The mechanic would never really understand why people opted to drink. Nothing positive or progressive ever came from inebriation not to mention the side effects which wrecked the body in the amount of excess most patrons consumed. That was aside from the fact that dealing with drunken soldiers was much worse than dealing with sober ones, which was difficult enough already.

Her eyes scanned through the crows a few patrons edging away from her as she made her way through the crowd. She'd only been contracted for just over six months but proven to things. 1. She was fast, very efficient, a damn good engineer and probably one of the best mechanics around. 2. You did not want to get one her bad side. The second could be said for any mechanic or support role. It was never a good idea to piss off the person who would have their hands in your mech.

Passing most of the crowd she spotted one of her lest favorite pilots to work with leaving the stage to join in the crowd. A few tables away the higher ranked officials who had given her the task. She paused by Captain Gurley and skip the pleasantries of any sort of greeting "The upgrades and repairs are done. However next time you order a set of upgrades make sure they don't conflict with already existing specs. And for god sakes be more care when using the SR-ROAD It took three hours to properly calibrated it." She scolded almost as if the Captain were some sort of child who had miss used her toys.

Without giving much room for a retort she turned sharply towards the General a table or two off who had given her assignment. "You're going to need to find a new mechanic next time you order two upgrades and major repairs done on eight different mechs in a span of 24 hours. Or at the very least hire some competent workers who know the difference between R17 particle accelerator and an M734 particle accelerator if you still want a base in which to work out of." She warned in a short rant. Allowing for only a pause to take a breath she turned and stormed away mind already focused on the next task she had before her.
She was making her way to the bar afore her next song, when her ears twitched, ringing with the sound of a woman's voice. Who voice would-oh she was next to her now, clearly she was addressing her, and clearly it was about her mech. What was the little lass saying? The repairs were done, and use more care? Something about conflict? What did a mechanic know about conflict.

She ran a hand through her hair as she finally made it to the bar, ordering some more scotch, letting the sound of the woman's voice continue to drive through her ear canal as she angrily berated and threatened her superiors. Generals, Supply Colonels, whoever gave her the assignment to the civilian contractor to work on the mechs on their repairs and upgrades. She was a good mechanic from what she knew, but she didn't care much.

"Relax...." she started off coldly, with a sense of amusement in her voice. She managed to reach a hand to her hair to move it from her eyes,"Did the little grease monkey not get her banana today?" Her words were teasing, condescending, but had a calmness about them that amplified the fact that she was insulting her. She didn't even have the respect go give her an emotional insult.

She only chuckled drowning the rest of the scotch before a beep went off. She slid the studded bracelets down and looked at her watch that projected a reading right into her eyes, that only she could see. You better be sober and able to meet up at 0600 for briefing for this joint operation. That's an order captain.

Well hell. She figured she couldn't get wasted tonight, but that seemed to late for that.
Claws dug into sand. Such was to be expected from a hybrid mech traversing the Mojave Desert.

Having taken a trip out from California to Las Vegas, Zakari had accepted a job which paid heavily enough for him to want to travel far enough to actually accept. The deal was that there was a gigantic moving hangar, on wheels, that was to be transported from the original start point to Los Angeles. Steering the cargo were three brothers. Two were twins, and one was the oldest - or, the ringleader. Apparently, the three had their own business where they could make mechs for low prices and deliver them. Honestly, Zakari did not care in the slightest. It was the two mechs that could cost him his pay, so he had to be sure that the entire party was clear to keep moving. Regular routes were littered and dangerous with such expensive items. Having to travel through the desert meant that the group ran the risk of running into bandits, but Zakari was not worried.

The dangers of traveling was something he had been exposed to throughout his entire life. Aside from that, Zakari also happened to be competent when it came to using his mech; and he was well aware of this fact. In a fight, all that mattered was whether or not he was the better pilot. So long as he could navigate any obstacles that arose, he would be fine. The ability to be able to assess combat situations clearly helped immensely in this respect. As soon as the sun rose, it fell. When day turned to night, the group continued moving. Time was certainly money, and the less time spent in the desert, the less chance they would be jumped while resting instead of being on the way to their target destination.

One of the men who were employing Zakari had gotten onto the intercom system, and had been rather inquisitive of the bodyguard. As one might not think, the man not only responded to each question with at least a sliver of thought. Code names were used in case anyone had hacked their way into the line.

C: "Tell me, Liger. When do you plan on settling down and taking on a regular job?"

Z: "I, ah... Don' really look all dat far inta teh future."

C: "What do you mean?"

Z: "... How you say? ... Career? Not my 't'ing'."

C: "I see. We'll be heading back immediately after delivery."

Z: "Eh. Best wait 'til early 'morrow. Hit teh road by earlay day. Ya' be smart, heard?"

Sure, Zakari's english might not have been perfect at all times, but he knew most of it. The occasional question popped up when he did not know a word, but he always asked instead of letting people assume he knew what they were talking about.

Z: "First on mah lis' be... A drink. Lil bit'a rum'a do me good righ' now." This sentence was followed by a small laugh. It was certainly true.

It could easily be said that Zakari's pattern of speech was of a person who was uneducated. That was primarily because Zakari had never been formally educated. This did not stop him from being smart in his own respects, or even learning as he went on. He was still literate, and book smart. The man was able to make judgements based on his own sociological imagination, the foundation and meaning of which did not pass the man in itself. Assumptions based on his person were always skewed negatively, but Zakari never let what others thought affect him. Especially based on his person. At the end of the day, he was who he was; Zakari was happy so long as he knew it himself.

Each step taken by the mecha in it's animalistic form was graceful. The machine truly moved as though it were the king of the jungle, despite being... Well, obviously not real. And moving through a desert, currently. The mouth of the Liger was half-open as always. Each vent on the machine was open, preventing overheating under the boiling hot sun. Recharging Rege was going to take a bit of time once he got back, but the money was well worth the potential wait. And it was. Upon finding their way back to Los Angeles safely, a few thousand dollars were handed over to the gypsy, who was more than pleased. After offering his house as a place to stay for the night, the gentlemen who had originally employed him had decided that it was just best to head back. Zakari wished the men a safe trip as they parted ways to make their delivery before going home. That night, sleeping in his own bed happened to feel as though it was a gift from the gods themselves.

So, another day passed. Zakari kept particularly lazy in the morning, but left his abode as the day drew closer to an end. And so, he may have parked his mecha outside. Perhaps it was at a mechanic? Either way, Zakari did not walk into the conveniently-busy bar while piloting Rege. As hard as it may have been to believe, he walked through those doors as just himself. Slim, somewhat tall, brown hair in contrast to yellow eyes. Two yellow bandanas adorned his visage; one in his hair, while the over covered the bottom of his chin. The beige, tattered cloak around his shoulders was covering a black sleeveless shirt, as well as black form-fitting sweatpants. His right leg had two sheaths for daggers, while the sheath of a personal sword kept fixated on his left. In such a day it was hard to say why someone would use one on their person at all times. Perhaps there was something special about it?

Taking a seat among the bar, Zakari kept his eyes fixated on the multiple screens at play. Two fingers found their way onto the table top, indicating that he was ready for a drink whenever the bartender got a chance. It seemed that a few people within his immediate vicinity happened to be rather thirsty; especially a pair who came in after him and happened to get their drinks first. Zakari kept his mouth shut, not willing to start any trouble over something so minuscule. When the bartender was able to give Zakari his full attention, the bodyguard was sure to thank the man for all of his hard work. "Ay. Keep up the strong work. Good man! Lemme getta shot of yah bes' rum..." The television caught Zakari's eye. The picture was almost tinted orange, but the hangar which he had helped bring to Los Angeles had been tipped over. Stripped for its wheels and armor, completely. Three bodies in stretchers, covered, were then shown next. Resting one of his arms on the table, Zakari's forehead found an outstretched palm. He closed his eyes briefly, letting out a saddened sigh before he continued speaking to the bartender - whom had momentarily paused when Zakari did in his speech.

"Mayke dat four'."
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Next Day.....0600

"Surprised you decided to join us Captain Gurley...."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world..."

"You mean you wouldn't miss it for a Court Martial."

The conversation between the two, a Captain and her CO didn't last long as Johanna rustled around in the briefing room. She tugged on the collar of her uniform, a bit annoyed the Marine standard. She had never been a fan of wearing a uniform, which makes one wonder why even join the military. A displeased shrug left her shoulders when one of the other Marines covered his nose in a displeased manner.

"You wreak of alcohol...."

"And you wreak of perfume and crushed dreams. Now shush your trap 'for I beat ya' to a bloody pulp Gunny..." her response was sharp, as if she was doing her best to hurt him, but it was just how she was. Some Officer. The men in front of the room had begin to talk. It was an army Captain, her CO - a Marine Major, and a Navy Lt. Commander. There was also a general from the Army in the room, but Johanna didn't pay him any mind.

They spoke, they spoke about the plan. This joint operation would see the best Recon Squad from the 1st Mech Reconnaissance Batallion make a Perimeter of an Area in the Mojave Desert of a fortified building, they believed to be a place of Angel operation. The goal would be simple to draw them out, and have the Marines hold the perimeter so that they couldn't escape. The Naval force would assault building, with the 7th cavalry somewhere behind them to mainly provide support. A Special Forces detachment from Canada would join the operation in the field, and help with the assault and taking down of the Angel.

Seemed simple enough. When the briefing was over, she made her way out of the room to get dressed......

"Thorn, you and Joker make your way east, me and Spike will head west. You know how to properly set up a perimeter. Copy?"

"Hear you loud and clear mom."

The Four Marine mechs, three of which were brown leaving Johanna's as the sole blue shaded one, began to split into twos. One of the Mechs was another version of Johanna's which the Major, hence forth Yeti, was piloting. The other two were older models of the Mech, minus what made the NightWolf the NightWolf.

Wind blew across the desert as the mechs marched forward,"It's only 0800 and it's..." she typed something into the keyboard next to her hand and blinked through the visor of the helmet,"Holy fuck it's hot...." Her mech was holding the HK416 in its hands before she stopped watching Joker go a few more klicks before coming to a stop,"We're in place...."

"We are too...." responded Yeti before he began to speak on all the COM channels,"This is Misfit actual, Misfit has set up the Perimeter ready to proceed....over.."

"Copy Misfict Actual, X-ray is oscar mike..." came the response as the Naval unit began to make their way into view, and before long..they opened fire on the building...

I got lazy....so I skipped a lot.. :3 @Unknown Soldier @Alad V

The blistering sun lay overhead as James slowly blinked through his optics, they were a klick behind the Marine taskforce, and this being a desert, they could lay down fire if they needed it, but as James could see through the magnification, the building was already receiving fire. James slowly chuckled as he announced over the radio. " Hawkeye, looks like the building is already under assault, over. " James was restless, he was eager, yet he felt uneasy about something. A building but literally nothing was defending it. A response came over the radio. " Other elements are in position, just keep your eyes open and be ready to move. Why the hell they got us back here providing support, got me. I'm going to radio this in. "

"Misfit Actual, this is Headhunter Actual, we are in position for support, radio us when you need it. How copy over? " James heard over the main communications radio. As the other mechs stood in an echelon formation, he felt his mech arm actuators shoot up as the mech raised the rifle, aiming down range. James quickly thought to himself, his mech just randomly raised its weapon, without reasoning for that matter, as if it was waiting? Something wasn't right about this situation. He watched as his optics shut off randomly, then his mech powered down. He heard his radio scream out loud. " Bloodshot? What happened? Your mech just powered down? " James was afraid he spoke slowly to the mech. " What's wrong Wolf what are you trying to tell me? Wake up damnit, we're in a battle..... " He flipped every switch he thought of that would usually start the mech case of a power failure, the mech wasn't responding at all.
"We're in place...."

"We are too...."

"This is Misfit actual, Misfit has set up the Perimeter ready to proceed....over.."

Jade at several klicks east from the approaching group cloaked and waiting already set to go in its biped form. She had spent most of the night and morning in the desert setting up for the event and was grateful to leave once things were settled. She monitored the approach and set up unable to keep a small smirk from curving her lips as they set up their own fate. The mechanic typed a message to the ambush team before bring up a list of icons on one of the screens. Each one was mapped out on a grid with 11 red dots and one blue matching the formation of the soldiers.

When the army started to fire upon the deserted building Jade pressed several switches causing the icons to flash red. Scattered around the field were over a dozen pressurized drums hidden among the sand. The signal was sent and the tops of ten of them simultaneously exploded uncovering the drums and releasing thick heated and electrified Smoke into the air. It obscured the entire field making it impossible to see as well as rendering thermal scans and radio communication useless. Jade simply watched the chaos unfold as two seconds later a team of six unmarked merch mechs ambushed the army from all sides.

She scanned the area seeing glimpses of the fight through her scope. One mech escaped the smoke on south side and into her sights. Not her target, however that didn't mean it was safe. Several numbers and readouts flashed across the visor HUD and she adjusted accordingly before pulling the trigger. The piston air driven sniper went off and a second later there was a fairly noticeable explosion as the shot struck just off form the center off the mech impacting with one of the main fuel storage tanks.

"One down... but where is she..." Jade muttered scanning the field once more.

"Headhunter actual -...." explosions began to occur before the Major could finish his sentence. The smoke began to fill the air, and soon after Johanna caught the glimpses of mechs jumping into the battle. Hostiles.

"Yeti, this is thorn. Switch to your motion detectors, the technology should render the smoke pointless," she said and she moved the mech and it began to slide down the dune it was sitting on top," Joker and spike should maintain positions you and I should do what we do best. Is it a go Major?"

She merely asked permission as a formality to avoid anymore punishment from insubordination, but she had already been in motion. When he responded with go, the mech reached the bottom of the dune and she started trudge forward. She stopped a bit away and rose her weapon and let out a controlled shot of three rounds, the bullets flying through the air and ripping into the smoke. A mech fail to the ground, her proper target.

She smirked a bit as she looked around to Yeti who had thrust his way into the smoke. She sucked her teeth, because she hoped that he would survive this encounter so she could hit him with a "I told you so" oh how sweet it would be.

"Headhunter actual, this is misfit actual...we need support state...get here ..double time..."​
James felt anger and disgust, he could see without the optics from this far, a battle has erupted, his radio roared with requests for support. Without hesitation he smashed the console with a ball of a fist. Yelling at the mech. " Damnit, their under attack and you shut down now? Wake the fuck up Wolf! " Feeling the mech rock the mech powered on and the hand actuator squeezed the trigger, by itself. A shot rang out over the distance as the magnification opened up on a target, watching the shot pierce the head and shooting right through the opposite side. The mech just fell on its side and exploded. Quickly he glanced around Hawkeye and the other two mechs were up ahead supporting the marines, or were on their way. He had to catch up. Quickly he lowered his magnification and felt his mech jolt forward into a quick pace. Trying to catch up to his platoon.

What he didn't realize was that Hawkeye wasn't even nearby, the radar showed he wasn't even close, where the hell did he go. No matter, or so he thought, he was going to be a target if he would get close, so he knew his handgun was going to come in handy. He glanced at the console. " Come on wolf, we're missing the fun.... "

Without hesitation and within sight range of the Marines and the hostiles. Wolf quickly raised the rail cannon towards another hostile mech, reaching towards his radio to switch it towards the main comm channel for the task force. "Misfit, this is Headhunter 1-1 in the AO, engaging hostiles how copy over? " James announced over the radio. "Die you son of a bitch." He said in his head, shortly after. The rail cannon charged up and launched a round towards the middle section of another mech. The steam began to evaporate from the barrel, he grinned again. He got cocky, he had it in his head again....
Everything went as expected for the most part. The smoke and explosions had broken up the formation leaving the soldiers easier to single out and destroy. Jade waited in the distance keeping a careful eye on the scene. As soon as backup was called in she locked onto the support mechs a red icon appearing on each one as they were locked onto before flicking another switch on the console some distance away nearly on the other side of the field was a motor system. Using the calculation she fired off eight shots, the heavy hitting missiles were rocketed skywards over the battlefield before raining down upon the back up squad. The targeting wasn't quite as pin point as she normally made it but it would kill half and most likely leave the other two incapacitated. @AkuNoOkami

"Uh what is that mo- holy fuck, Thorn, Yeti this is Joker. Object moving fast as balls to your , how copy? over. Thorn, Yeti!?"

The radio remained silent, and he growled flipping switches,"There's something in the smoke preventing the frequencies fro- aha! This should maybe help...Thorn, Yeti incoming target moving fast to your AO.."

He had use the compression of the signal to amplify it, though in this day and age, at best it would do would be sending a couple of words out, but that's all that needed.


That's what Johanna heard, and in the second before Lightning bust through the smoke, she hit her booster to send her back and she landed safely outside of the smoke. She couldn't say the same for the rest of mechs, including the Major whose mech exploded. Through the smoke, she couldn't visually see so she tried to move to check, but the an alert came up on her HUD.

"Alert. Left Leg Critical Failure. Fire- Extinguishing. Rerouting all power to boosters."

A growl echoed through the helmet she wore as she banged against her HUD,"What! How did she get me, I thought I moved in time. Got damn it!" she was furious, and she started thrash her arms like a child all around the cockpit, before finally stopping and calming down. If she didn't know the plan, she'd a bit more worried -she was a sitting duck. The boosters in this model could only do so much for her against lightning, but she was calm, there was nothing to worry about....EXCEPT HER LEG WAS FUCKED.

That instance, a feeling of fear and hesitation raced through his mind, as a cloud of smoke bloomed around the mech's... A lone thought raced through his mind. " What the hell? " Watching his mech optics system switch to a thermal view, the glimpse of a flash of white hot for a second, without hesitation feeling the mech shift the thrusters on and vector to the side. The shot, piercing and damaging the Grey Wolf's left hand and destroying the rail gun. James groaned in pain as he felt his hand melt away as if. Grimacing, he wondered if he was about to die, he was young...... Then he was about to go out like this? He spoke slowly to himself. " Come on... Damnit... We cant die yet. "

He glimpsed around the area and saw that the Marine was damaged, while other various US Military mechs were riddled all over the battlefield. It was an angel, it had to be, only one of these damn things can cause this much destruction.... The young pilot switched the comms without hesitation. " Misfit..... This is Headhunter.... We're both banged up pretty badly, and I have a feeling this isn't over....." He said panting over the radio grimacing in pain.
Lightning Dashed through the smoke keeping a constant speed as it hacked up various mechs, on her third go around she caught sight of a lone blue mech with a damaged left leg and smirked slightly. She wasn't 100% sure of she had gotten her target the first go around but now it was confirmed. Which meant her job was done. The speeding mech burst from the smoke leaving a trail behind it as it sped away from the field. Jade messaged the remaining merks to retreat before spinning around to face the battlefield

The wind had started to clear the smoke revealing the ravaged battle field of destroyed and damaged mechs. The few who had survived would have found the enemy gone save for the lone Lightning standing tall as an ominous figure not a scratch or mark on it from the the whole encounter. Its bright green eyes glowed ominously. Being still for only a second or two the smaller hybrid mech fired up its thruster and dashed off becoming a dot on the horizon at an alarming rate.

Jade sighed softly glad that the mission went over without complications, now she just needed to get to base without being followed or spotted. That was sometimes the more daunting part of the whole assignment.
"Headhunter I...." she started over the comm before she watched as the mechs retreated, and lightning had hung around for a second. She was taunting them, letting them know an Angel had done this. They knew they were coming, but how?

"Headhunter, I think it's over. Where was the Canadian detachment? Fuck," she looked around and saw what her optics saw, a wasteland of mechs, so she broadcast on the channel for everyone,"This is headhunter, anyone still breathing?"

Joker and Spike approached the two, but their CO wasn't answering. She opened the cockpit of her mech, and hopped out. When her feet hit the ground, she rolled for a few feet before sliding to a stop. After her movement ceased, she got to her feet and removed her helmet shaking her head and letting her hair fail back to her shoulders.

A glance over the battlefield and she could only growl,"What a fucking disaster."

for @Tree and @Prizzy Kriyze

The mission the two mercs would receive would be relatively simple. Zakari was hired for the speed and agility of the mech in its quadrupedal form. He could handle special tasks like that. Dexter on the other hand, was hired for his firepower. If things got out of hand, the two could be useful together.

The situation was simple. An Army Official was being held hostage by Mercenaries at an outpost in Oregon. They had a small militia of mechs, about 20, of trained skilled pilots. The primary task was to get the hostages out, the secondary task was to eliminate all of the mercenaries.

(you both get free reign on how to handle this, let your minds get creative)
The mech came to a kneel as the cockpit opened up, the mech powered down slowly, the thought of pain and anguish shot through his hand again, it would last for a bit. A man in a suit jumped out, and removed his helmet. The face of agony showing. Looking around then looking at the Grey Wolf, gripping his hand, still adjusting making sure its really there in reality. He approached the Marine with some haste, only because the area they were in wasn't safe.

He spat out slowly. " What the hell was that? " James was only told that they were only going to face little resistance not be bait for a fucking Angel. This didn't sit well in his mind. His CO was dead, his platoon was dead. The Canadians were non existent. Shit utterly hit the fan at the worst possible time. " God-damnit. Shit really got out of hand.... " Speaking of that he glanced down at his left hand. The thought and feeling of it being blown off was unsettling, he could feel the nerve endings still shooting out pain as they were readjusting to his human hand rather than the Neuro-net.

He studdered thoughts multiple times, his mech was made to combat these things, yet here we are getting blown away by them.... It was ironic, he just chuckled for a second has he took his right hand and rubbed it through his hair. This smug look was the look as if the enemy really got the best of them, and they did. This was utterly the military's planning some way some how going wrong, something always hits the fan. He felt guilt somehow in his mind as if he didn't try hard enough. This wasn't going to rest well, either way he was wondering if that mech was going to return.... Question was... Who is it's pilot?
(I guess since shu's character disappeared I'll post to get us back so the mechanic can yell at jojo and jojo can yell back at jade for other reasons lol)

She hadn't immediately turned to face the Soldier who approached her, for she was examining the battle field. Most of the Marine Unit was still there, outside of her CO. So she started counting, 12 altogether. The Entire Navy Squad was wiped, -4. Her CO was wiped, -1, and from what she knew James was the only survivor of his squad, -3. 8/12? Or was some of the pilots of the disabled mechs still kicking?

Once her assessment was over she turned to face him,"This wasn't just baiting man. This was a fucking ambush. The Angel knew we were coming." She looked at James before tapping a button on her wrist a projection showing up in her face and she used her fingers to navigate around, before a video screen popped up of a man, a Marine,"This is Misfit, requesting support. We need medical evacs, casualties are high. We were am-."

She was cut off by the man speaking,"Did the Canadien detachment show?"


"How many left in your unit?"

"We only lost our CO."

"Help is en route."


The projection of the man disappeared, as she brought up a schematic of her mech that came with live updates. The leg that was disabled showed up in red, and she took a moment to think. She dropped the projection altogether and placed her hands on her hips as she glanced at the man she had been relatively ignoring,"Ya alright? Any injuries? What's your name?" A bit, abrasive, but hey - this is what she was known for.
Stainless steel and the lovely aroma of multiple oil-based liquids surrounded Dexter as he jumped off of the large Mech and rolled to avoid injuries from the impact. He turned around and looked at the large Mech that he'd spent so many hours polishing, repairing and fixing until it was literally flawless. The guns were fully loaded, the batteries fully charged, the tank was full. The fierce Mech that had come to be known as "The Imperator" stood imposingly in front of him, beautifully dangerous and loaded with the most fire-power Dexter had ever managed to fit on a Mech, and ever seen on a Mech.

He wiped the sweat-drops off of his brow and turned away from the work of art and walked through the large hangar. He'd had his Mechs moved here overnight in preparation for the mission he'd received. Since the other Mercenary that he was supposed to have been teamed up with wasn't here at that point he'd spent all his times priming and adjusting the two large Mechs he'd brought with him, and now that he'd left them entirely spotless and in a condition that would be described as 'factory new' -had they actually been created in a regular factory- he was bored.

Dexter flopped onto a bench placed against one of the wall and stared up at the ceiling. The small military base had a garrison but it wasn't terribly numerous, nor was it very active in the hangar. They'd more or less left the area to him after they realized he spent all his time there. With the arm he wasn't using as a comfortable pillow, Dexter extended his arm and grabbed a heavy radio from the floor. With twists of a knob he set the frequency he'd expect his partner's Mech to have. "Oi... Zakari was it..? You there or something?" He didn't expect an answer. He'd already called out a couple of times, but he couldn't give up yet.

"Oi... Zakari was it..? You there or something?"

Zakari had walked out of the bar, and had been headed home. As he walked the mere few blocks to the hangar where his mech was docked, the young man heard another's voice coming through the speaker of his own portable radio device. Grasping the small rectangular-shaped receiver from his pocket, the second half of the sentence was instantly clear. Was he there? But of course. After getting his job description, the first thing Zakari did was stop drinking. Despite being slightly tipsy, Zakari would have no problem going through with what he had to in order to be paid. After all, that was his primary motivation for doing anything; to continue living with menial problems.

"Hello. I'm going home now, grabbing a couple of things together and heading for the outskirts. Are you going to meet me out there?" Sure, it might have been more correct to introduce himself, but the other probably got information on him all ready. After all, there was no way either would have taken the job to work with one another without getting the proper credentials. At least, Zakari would not have on a typical basis. As far as Dexter went, he knew not the ins-and-outs, rather he knew that the man was at least like him in the sense that he was willing to carry out tasks for a paycheck.

Such a drive for money only meant that the other was as into finishing the mission successfully as Zakari was. This helped Zakari feel slightly better about having to work with someone who was not paying him directly. Keys found their way into his door, before Zakari walked into his extremely tiny place. One room; so the bed was in the living room. Well, in reality, it was a couch-bed. White walls were not adorned. The window was covered by the curtains. The kitchen was attached to the walkway inside. It was not so bad for Zakari, who felt that he did not need to live lavishly in the first place.

So, Zakari gathered everything he needed to take with him before hopping into his mech. It lifted off after walking out. Hybrid mechs were nice because they were not so large, making traversing through cities rather easy. Still, Zakari found himself flying thousands of feet above ground level. When he finally reached the outskirts of the city, he allowed the mech to descend. Once it's feet found the ground, it transformed into it's lion form. Once the process was completed, all Zakari had to do was wait for Dexter.

@Prizzy Kriyze
Dexter almost jumped out of his seat at the response. He hadn't gotten one the last few times he tried, and though it might've been due to technical errors he was completely convinced it was going to be quiet. He scrambled to a sitting position and raised the heavy radio again. "Oh, uh... Yeah, yeah. I'll meet you there." Instead of waiting for an answer he jumped to his feet and ran back across the hangar to the large Mechs again. He looked up at the Imperator and smiled. He was going to have to start early to make it there with this heavy hulk of metal. He positioned himself in the cockpit and placed an earbud into his left ear before he got into the controls and started booting up the Mech. A multitude of lights lit up inside the cockpit, and the panel in front of him started showing him the area around him from several different angles and displaying readings on movements, temperature, air moisture, etc...

With loud noises of metal against metal, hydraulics and rockets the Heavy Mech trudged through the landscape. It was a slow process, but Dexter ultimately preferred the enormous Mech to the smaller, more convenient one that he had had constructed alongside the other one. Eventually he spotted his companion's Mech in it's lion form, waiting for him in the agreed place. Dexter chuckled to himself before hailing the other machine and opening a comm-link. "I'm late to the party, huh? Wouldn't be the first time." He added a laugh to the sentence, then continued "So let's get this over and done with. How do you want to do it? I can jump in guns blazing and either create a distraction or a opening for you to get into the factory, or I could just wait for you to get in there and grab the guy, then move in to cover your escape. Alternatively I could set up in a good point, and you could trick some of the soldiers to chase you out to it, and we'll get rid of some of them that way. Any way is fine with me."

James still grimaced, well slightly, he was adjusting still. Looking at the marine, taking in what she said over the pain. He raised his hand with a thumbs up and a smile. " Lieutenant Tarvares, 7th Cavalry.... Nah I'm fine, she on the other hand, well.... she lost her hand... " Pointing to the mech soon after with a gesture hiding away his left hand. He chuckled. " Son of a bitch got away from us.... Next time though, me and her. We'll take that angel on. " Reality he was scared, he didn't know what the fuck he was up against. He threw a cigarette in his mouth and sparked it.

" She.... is the Wolf. One of a kind, I feel her, she feels me. Its love at first sight. Ofcourse we doubt eachother, but hell for this mech.... This is my everything. " He was just blabbering on and on. He felt as if he had a connection with the mech, sure was. The marine's look was like she didn't really give a shit to what he was saying. He really didn't either, he was a dumbass grunt just trying to show off a fancy toy. Hesitation shot through his mind that day however, he was paranoid. That angel, haunted his mind. The dauntless effort of so many was destroyed by so few. Yet, we survived to tell the day, and when we get back we will plan. He knew it wasn't over.
"I think it might be best for me to just go in there and grab the target, right?"

It was a simple enough question. Personally, Zakari could care less as to just how things would be handled within the mission guidelines. So long as it was a success, the amount of lives which were to be taken out wouldn't be of his hand unless he was provoked to the chance where his own survival was at risk of in question; obviously, the likeliness of such events occurring were much higher than not, and Zakari was well aware of this. However, if there was another way to go about doing things, he would surely take such risk. Every life was precious to Zakari, but surely some instances could not be helped. At the end of the day, Zakari had to eat. Food was not going to put itself onto the table, and Zakari was not much of a supplier of his own nourishment. Certainly, the days of communities containing hunters and gatherers were far from over.

"Perhaps a distraction would be the best route to go. I could get in and out without issue so long as you could handle the distraction portion of things." Light hues scanned over his radar, which currently was displaying no hostiles. So far, so good. "We could stand here all day and talk about what we're going to do, or get going and finish out the plan on the way. I'm partial to the latter option, how about yourself?" With a smile, Zakari turned the mecha itself before he punched the throttles belonging to the lion-type machine. Forcing the boosters to kick in, the land-based mobile option for his hybrid mecha shot off, running in the direction that the fun was soon to be had.

"So... Dexter, is it? What got you into this line of work?"

@Prizzy Kriyze
She had listened to him, though she hadn't cared much about exactly what he was rambling on about. She had a flurry of emotions overtake her, and the most prominent one at the moment had to be anger,"Well Lieutenant." She started to say something, but she couldn't instead she could finally see the evac crew rise on the horizon. There were helicopters (of course cool and futuristic) and a large transport aircraft, no doubt to move the mechs that were disabled -if not all of the remaining salvageable mechs.

It was a simple cough, before she approached the solder closer and slapped him on the shoulder,"Something tells me we'll be getting to know each other a lot better." She removed her hand from his shoulder, and took in a deep breath,"As I'm sure you were briefed on, I'm Captain Gurley. We just survived an ambush from an Angel. Either by dumb luck or skill, either way, I have a feeling we four are stuck together a little while longer."

She reached into a pocket on her breast armor, and removed a cigar before following it with a silver lighter and lighting it up. She took a puff, and looked out into the oncoming help. She only smoked cigars after a loss, and this was a loss. She extended one to her new companion,"Might ease the stress on the ride back......"

(go ahead and respond to the interactions but I'm also going to have them back at base)

She hopped off the chopper, helmet under her left arm, cigar still lit despite a few complaints, but no one had the balls to confront her because she outranked everyone who had came. They would be met by a man, in a suit. Clearly not military, federal?

"The President and Congress have a special mission for you four....."

"Cigars for everyone!" she responded, before rolling her eyes and following the suited man.
It was a few hours between when Jade got back to the garage to when the recovery team arrived back with what was left of the mission team. Most of this time had been spent catching up on sleep for the mechanic. She was less than pleased when she was called in to assess the damage that had been done. It was always ironic, Jade barely got any sleep because of the work needed to be done on the mechs. But she was part of the reason why the mechs were all messed up in the first part. If she could just fry the systems and call it a day her job would be much much easier.

Letting out a heavy sighe Jade trudged her way to the main hangar where the choppers were landings. A dull headache throbbed in the back of her head from from the lack of sleep but also from the neuro-link. It made piloting much easier but detaching was always a pain, literally. Coffee in hand Jade glanced over the Mechs as they were being off loaded not really paying the pilots much mind. She could hear some of the less than lucky survivors being rushed off to the med bay while the more fortunate ones were already being pulled aside. Never a dull moment that was for sure.

Jade yawned softly before spotting a blue mech being off loaded and transported to one of the docks the damage much more clear to see now that there asnt dust and smoke obscuring her vision. Clean cut at the joint, not too hard to fix but the parts would take a while to come in. Most of the mech would suffer the same fate unless they started salvaging one mech to fix another and even then a good fit wasn't guaranteed.
A breath of anger and hesitance raced through his mind, the onset of a migraine. He wondered if his mind was setting him up for failure, the establishment of madness or rather was it the machine, James needing it. The link was strong between the mech and its pilot, for good reason.

The feeling in his left hand began to return as he shrugged the cigar away. Taking small puffs of a cigarette, before throwing up out the side of the helicopter. He lifted his head back up, the migraine shot through his brain like a bullet. Fuck it just fight it....

Soon after landing without hesitation, his face eerie but able, the two encountered an official, or a "Suit" they called it. Typical government jackasses, always taking control when its something they want.... Watching Gurley slowly step off after the man. James hesitated and turned his head towards the Grey Wolf which was resting in the hangar bay, glaring in his general direction. Butterflies rose in his stomach, then he grinned for a second and shook his head.

" I'll be back... Don't you worry. "

The onset of madness....

Glancing down the long hallway, he stepped up his pace, trying to catch up to the marine and the suit.

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