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"I would also like to see this Sarah and hear her voice, most likely it would help me understand your voice, and as well i can trap her in the deepest parts of your mind if i wish," she smiled knowing she has powers over peoples minds,

@Dark lane

My hands started shaking scared out of my mind as I did what was asked of me. I took off my rosary as I felt pain in my chest. I just screamed in pain as a big dark aura surrounding me. Then I blacked out as my screaming stopped. When the dark mist that was around me was gone you could see Sarah standing there happy.


"Finally I'm free that little brat was becoming annoying" I said I stretched out my black bat wings fixing my skirt. "So what shall we talk about queen of hell. To be honest I'm staring to like you" I said smiling as I played with my pure white hair.

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Geez, Evelyn was not making things easy for David in the slightest. He had no idea who he was supposed to trust at this point. While he didn't quite have a decent reason to trust "foxxy", but she also didn't really do much to get on his bad side either. Evelyn, however, managed to land on two different ends of the spectrum. Of course, David had no interest in getting slaughtered by demons, wraiths, etc, and Evelyn also said that she was trying to keep humans safe from those beasts. If one didn't think hard on it, it seemed like the vampire queen wants to help David out. However, there were some things about her that made David skeptical. First, she was only giving David 10 seconds to decide something that could result in life or death. Second, the fox girl was right; she was giving off a pretty condescending vibe. Also, what exactly did she mean by "I don't read monster minds without reason" ? Given that and the whole "I get first pick" thing from earlier, does she, or even the vampires in general, view humans as an inferior species? Oh my freaking god, why does this have to be so complicated?!? Letting out an audible sigh, David finally made a decision. "I appreciate the offer, but I honestly don't even know who I'm supposed to trust at this point."

@venomslayer @Nano
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Evelyn lowers her hand and sighs, "I don't force the creatures i used to be, but it is your decision, Colt, over here has decided just to listen, but my kind need blood and they only take a little since we have many people, so you will have a little prick every year or 2 years at the end or start of the year, if you wish to go with the fox girl then i cannot force my hand, i wish to leave and enter my home away from the wraiths that seek my blood, so go ahead, i do not own you, i cannot own you, so please make your decision quickly, fox girl over there has a den you can stay in, but, this is your only chance to have a nice bed and food, unless you like mist food, then i see no reason to stop you. So please, choose, bed or cave" she gave him a worried look and twirled her umbrella as some stench of blood was in the air from wraiths and rogues feeding and killing, "Dammit," she sighed and fell onto the ground sitting and her umbrella resting easily on her, "Dammit, the one thing i am supposed to save humans and take them home, and i have been stuck here...' She stands up and brushes herself off 'you have caused many people to die today because you didn't make your decision quickly, hope you are pleased to have wasted my time" she turned facing the gates "Come with me or don't, you obviously seem to hate me, so go join the fox" she started walking but stopped and looked at David, "4" she said while raising her hand again

@SpookySableye @Nano
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Colt just watched all of these events transpire in front of him. Being human didn't help any, the other vampires around him where looking at him hungrily.

I just sigh bored as I stretched my arms looking at the mutt. "Guess I am now getting bored again" I said to myself rolling my eyes. I looked at the human as I smiled evilly walking towards. "What's your name human?" I asked him smiling as I opened my wings so he can admire my bat shapes wings.

Colt turned to the girl with wings. He white hair wiped around her slightly. He wasn't sure what this monster had in mind for him but he decided playing nice was the course of action.

"Colt" he replied standing tall and proud. If there was one thing a man shouldn't be ashamed of its his name.
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"well then colt is it? I now claims you as my slave my little pet like this mutt here" I tell smiling evilly as my eyes were shinning with crazy. I always wanted a human slave. It sounds like so much fun I thought.

Colt Stood there for a second weighing up his sounding 'The vampire doesn't care much for this girl and the guards don't seem threatened. If a fight breaks out its just her and me'

Colt smiled slightly before responding with a straight "Nope"

"Excuse me?" I asked him as flames started coming from my feet. "Why not? I always wanted someone to play with and torcher?" I asked him serious angry.

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Colt leaned back a little and repeated his last statement "Nope"

He wanted to see what this chick was all about, and he could take one monster.

"You shouldn't pester a demon you idoit!" I tell him as I was about to grab him by the neck but stopped midair. No no hurting humans it's my turn so get out! Yelled jade in my head as I started holding my head. I just screamed in pain as a white mists surrounded me then I blacked out.


When the white mists disappeared I just smiled but felt dizzy as I put my necklace back on. That was the first time I tried that it makes me kinda dizzy I thought. I looked at the human in front of me as I write down in my notebook. 'She didn't try to hurt you did she? If she did I'm very sorry please forgive me' I wrote showing him as I bowed my head feeling guilty.

Evelyn broke out into a fit of laughter as the guards standed next to colt and her, "Jade, or Sarah, touch my property and you earn the wrath of the Crimson family, ruler of Hell and Vampires, and every other species in between, and may i remind you Sarah, i can easily kill you and trap your soul in my little crest, my snake needs another soul to eat anyways," She said all this while smiling evilly with red and gold swirling eyes, "So, do. Not. Touch. I never like sharing, and protecting humans is sort of my only reason i rule this kingdom. For now" she said while walking over to a tree and sitting down on a branch low enough,

@Dark lane @Blacknife

((Soz i was pretty busy IRL with christmass stuff))
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Colt was taken aback by the sudden change in this girls attitude towards him.

"Uh..no your fine..don't worry about it.." He was being polite. He had no idea what just happened to her so he looked over at Rose

"Hey petals. What was that all about?" he thought to her


@Dark lane
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I signed in relieve when he said that everything was fine. :I wasn't going to kill him I just wanted to have some fun is all. Fine I won't touch him jeez: Said Sarah as I was confused as ever. I just sigh not getting anything that's happening right now. :Everything ok Jade: Asked my brother as I smiled at him. :Everything is fine brother just confused that's all: I thought to him smiling. : Yeah well get unconfused: Said Sarah. How do you think I should do that I thought scared of being here now.

Evelyn sighs as she stands up and yawns, "That Colt, was Jades' demon, or more commonly known to me as peasants of the underworld, she can't touch you since you are now my property, in which if she does she claims war against the house of Crimson. Which will not last long at all" She smirks as she walks closer to Colt and stands next to him, she changes her weight on her feet and twirls her umbrella

Colt didn't like being called property. He could deal with monsters, he has been training for it, but he couldn't fight vampires. Well, not this many, one on one he would be fine but this many monsters would rip him apart.

He just gritted his teeth and stayed silent.
Evelyn laughed slightly, "You know, i am the daughter of Hades next in line for the throne, i don't think you can just beat me, especially with the added speed and stuff, being a vampire is nice but being a demons is better," She sits down on the dirt ground and draws small patterns in the dirt, she sighs and plants her umbrella in the ground, she doesn't move from under the shade of the umbrella. She grabs a small knife out of her back pocket and cuts her wrist, blood drips down onto the patterns and it seems to come alive, her cut heals instantly leaving no scar. The blood floats in the and starts spinning in the air in a circle, Evelyn just stares at it bored reciting a few words then the blood starts speeding up and a face can be seen, Evelyns' father.

Colt had pulled a small rag out of his pocket and wrapped his hand in it. He had a bunch of other little things in his coat. Nothing to help him fight, just stuff to help him survive. He watched her do her little ritual. He paid no attention to the face and instead turned to the vampire known as David.

"So your dead hu?"
David turns his head slightly to look at him then sighs and turns back around and mumbles something "Humans...."

Evelyn moves slightly uncomfortable, "Yes father, it seems humans are now walking right up to my gates," She sighs knowing what he will say but doesn't and nods and says his goodbyes and the blood drops onto the ground with a slush, the other vampires around turn to the puddle of blood but before they can move she slits her wrist again and the blood creepily crawls back into the cut then heals instantly, "Colt, we are moving soon, the wraiths can feed of of those people, unless you want them to come inside,"
Colt didn't know how to respond to this "Uh. Bring them in i guess?"

What type of questions is that? You cant just leave them out here.
"What sort of question you ask me? They don't answer me, they even back chat and then they continue to think i'll throw them in a dungeon either way, that's what the question is," She says her face angry and her eyes a glowing red,
Colt sighed "You know just because you can read my mind doesn't mean you should? Kinda like how i can kill David here, doesn't mean i should!"
David gives a little chuckle, "I'd like to see you try, human" he moves a little closer to Evelyn standing in between them

Evelyn gives a little laugh, "Make a deal with me then we'll see, if you can make a reasonable deal to make me not read your mind then good, if not then i get read it whenever i want" she shuffles and twirls her umbrella


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