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Colt didn't flinch when Rose plunged her fangs into him even tho it hurt like hell. The voice that had entered his head was giving him an offer and his choices right now where very slim. He didn't think anything or say anything he just stood there dealing with the pain.
He holds onto the man's consciousness for a short while before a thick dark green smoke pours from the man's ears. 'She want kidding.. I'm gonna need a breather' his consciousness fades to the back of Colt's mind, disappearing from sight.

(Oh relax. Let me chill in here :3. It will reasonably spice things up. I will be playing both sides.)

@venomslayer @Blacknife
(Sorry about the wait; I kinda need my sleep since I get up for school at 5:20. I'll work on a post now. Also, you should probably use the ooc for this. Just saying.)
( well yeah obviously I'm human. My "character" isn't. I'm saying we need more of the 50 humans. )
This girl was clearly enjoying herself, as she was laughing pretty hard at David's reaction. He had to admit; if he were in her shoes, he'd probably laughing as well. Her expression became different once he laughed the prank off, but he didn't pay much mind to that. She did reveal some valuable information though. So the deeper in the forest I go, the more monsters there will be.... I should have figured that was the case. However, the timing was too late, as another figure had shown up. From her dialogue, David could easily assume that the new girl was a vampire. Well, she did later refer to herself as "Evelyn Crimson Rose, the vampire queen", so that also confirmed it. He was confused to why she kept referring to the other one as "fox girl", but when she mentioned seeing through her disguise, he realized that she was a monster too. Thankfully, she was distracted with the other human called Colt. However, she soon turned back to him, even referring to David by his actual name. Woah. How did she know my... Evelyn was creeping David out majorly at this point. It didn't exactly help his decision making either, as he wasn't sure whether or not to trust her. After all, she basically just threatened him to come with her or rot in prison. At this point, David was trusting the fox girl slightly more. Seeing as he didn't quite have a decision yet, he figured he'd ask a question pointing out a glaring flaw in the choices she gave him. "If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a question, other than how you know my name. How do I know you're not going to throw me into your prisons even if I say yes?"


Evelyn sighed again, "Why and where do you think most of the people that come out here go? my people have get them safe from wraiths and especially other creatures that seek to hide in your skin to feast, and let me say, when you sent 100 people outside my people were afraid we weren't able to safe them all, we could only take 45 and the rest were stuck to wander and die, they are still living healthy in my walls, and if i must make a promise to you then so be it, i'll make a blood promise to make sure i can't betray you, ans if i do then i'll die," Hopefully he hurries up, wraiths and demons are coming, great even some reapers... hurry up fool please, i wish not to lose my people and more lives today than already have... She gave him a worried look then said "You 3 go and make sure the wraiths are held back for a bit, and the demons, there are some reapers getting closer as well as rogue vampires," The 3 nod there heads and are gone in the next second, one still right next to colt and the other right next to Evelyn, "Please, i have already lost 12 vampires today, i don't want more of my people killing to save a life that doesn't wish to be saved, and we can take foxxy over there if you want, just make a decision, you have 10 seconds, then i'm leaving you with the reapers and demons," she sighs and gives him a blank face trying to keep cool

@SpookySableye @Blacknife
"David, my apologize, and i am sorry for calling you Foxxy but it is my oath i don't read monsters minds without reason," she turns her head towards David, "You may go with the fox, but vampires still need blood, and the rogues are against my word, i have no power over them, as long as they don't hurt or damage what is inside my walls i have no power or reason to attack them, why do you think i try to bring as many humans as possible?" she spins her umbrella against and tilts it so the sun doesn't hit her "David this is your last chance," she puts her hand up showing 5 fingers, "5" is the only thing she says and waits a couple seconds for your answer

I listened to a conversation that was happening with a vampire Evelyn and the other humans with the fox girl. Jeez that's a lot of stuff happening over there. Did she just say demons. I can't go she will do me harm I thought. :Oh jeez stop with the complaining can we go please I want to met demons like me: Said Sarah. I can't. You will try to hurt the humans I thought serious. :Who cares about me now lets go what's stopping you besides I want to meet this vampire girl myself: Said Sarah as I heard her laugh evilly. I can't disobey her I thought sighing. :What's wrong jade?: Said the wolf. :Nothing I'll be right back: I thought in his head as I stood up from the tree. Jeez Sarah is going to get us killed I thought. "Super speed" I said as I jumped from the tree and ran super speed following the way of the conversation I was hearing earlier. I stopped at my tracks when I made it seeing guards near the gate. Oh no what do I do now I thought. :Huh hello kill them: Said Sarah. I can't do that I thought. "Halt right there demon" said one of the guards grabbing my arms roughly.

(can my character hop in with you guys)



I wonder around the forest not sure on where to go but I decided to stop and rest for a while as I laid my head back on a tree.
Hehe, guards release her, she is a demon correct? if so she is from hell and me and my father rule over hell, she can't do anything, just let her go, ask her some questions then let her be or do whatever she wants. Evelyn sighs "Mind link is tiring i swear"

(Of kitty course (:3))
Colt watched the stranger get grabbed 'These bastards are coming out of the damn wood work' He thought to himself.
Agreed. She said through mind link to Colt, "Don't tell me your surprised i can talk through my mind, i can read minds and talking is like a child sucking it's thumb. Useless." She twirls her umbrella a bit more and pulls out a tiny vile that has a glowing red liquid in it, "Demons blood if you must know, delicious and pretty much wine for us, but there is better things such as angels blood and elves," she turns to look at him with both eyes a deep golden color and walks over to Jade, "Jade, it's your name correct? Well may i ask why you have a little person in your mind talking?" She smirks knowing her reaction, the 3 guards come back with tatered clothes and scratch marks that seem to heal instantly when close to Evelyn, "Mi'lady we have pushed them back but not for long," One of the guards is still next to Colt and has a blank face on, showing no emotion and care,

@Blacknife @Dark lane

I looked at her wide eyed as I got really scared. :Why not introduce me so this is the famous vampire huh: Said Sarah. Shut up for 5 seconds I thought to her. I can't talk with these guards holding me down I thought. "LET ME GO NOW!" I yelled at the guards as there eyes turned all black letting me go instantly. I took out a pen and notebook from my pocket as I wrote down. 'I was born this way half demon I mean. I don't mean to cause any harm it's just that she wanted to see you. She can't hurt you or get out as long as I have this rosary on' I write showing her the paper.

@venomslayer @Blacknife

(when she uses her powers on people it only lasts for 10 seconds. When she uses it to get objects it lasts all day)
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"Why do your write when you can speak, a devil child should be able to kill these vampires within mere seconds and as well have wings, your a rare case i see, but i can understand the person inside your head, we vampires have an inner vampire like werewolves except not disgusting," She smiles from the insult she made, "But i can see you have more DNA other than demons, your an extremely rare case my dear Jade, you will be welcome in Crimson territory whenever you wish, you will be treated as a royal as far as i am concerned," she twirls her umbrella then outstretches her hand, "Evelyn Crimson Rose, and it seems i can understand your powers.... Mind control eh?" She smiles as well, "A child of Hell can't harm her queen, please speak, i cannot be hurt by my own kind," she walks a bit closer to Jade until her hand can reach

@Dark lane

I just shook my head. 'I can't talk. If everything I say comes true' I wrote showing her the paper as my hands started shaking feeling scared of talking in front of others. :Oh please like she cares about that tell her that she should die. Then I'll keep her for myself: Said Sarah as I rolled my eyes at her. I will never do that now shut up I thought to her serious. Oh that's right my brother I thought. 'Can my brother enter here also he's outside somewhere I don't want him to get hurt' I wrote as I showed the princess.

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She put her hand over her chest and made a hurt expression, "Well well, that Sarah is extremely mean, i like her. And to answer your question, yes, if you can find him then he may enter the castle, but know he has to stay there, since he can't go back to the city anyway," She pulled out the red glowing liquid from before and skulled it, her eyes flashed red then back to normal, "Ah, demons blood truly is like a fine wine," The guards from around her move back to the people around Colt as if he would try to run, "And Sarah, i can't die, i'm the queen of hell, my soul doesn't exist, shouldn't exist,"

@Dark lane
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I just nod as I smiled happily but frowned when she said that she liked Sarah. :Whatever you may can't die but this young girl killed at least 4 vampires before. She can certainly hurt you till your on the break of death: Said Sarah. That was when I couldn't control my powers idoit I thought to her. I heard a bark at the gate as I smiled happily. :Jade you in there: Said my brother as I smiled happily. :Yes I am come on in: I thought to him as he ran inside jumping on me as I knocked on the ground. Then he started licking my face as I was getting annoyed. :Stop it your embarrassing me: I thought to him as he stopped getting on me. :Disgusting mutt: Said Sarah grossed out. Why are you so rude to him I thought to her. :Dogs disgust me: Said Sarah as I sigh angry. I looked at boy Colt that was next to her as my face turned red and I looked down. :aww someone is shy around boys. Ugh it's so annoying. Queen of the hell or whatever may I kill this human. I want him to be my little pet: Said Sarah.

@venomslayer @Blacknife
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"Sorry Sarah, but maybe i can help you get your own body? Would be much better than talking to err... Someone of her calibur..." She says trying not to be rude, the mist clears a bit and the castle can be seen, the gate were right behind a couple metres of tree, "Surprised fox girl over there didn't see it, ah magic works wonders" She said sounding pleased and waiting for Sarah to reply to her,

@Dark lane ((Soz late reply fsr i don't see your posts right away..))

Her own body I thought shocked but kinda upset by that. : No thanks I rather not. This girl may say rude things to me. I hate her disgusting family and her personality but I had gotten use to her. Been with her since birth and besides she listens and does everything I Tell her sometimes: Said Sarah. I just sigh. Why are we having this conversation. :Cause we can now release me so I can have a comfortable conversation with her without you budding me. If you don't mind queen of hell: Said Sarah as I tried really hard not to be scared.

(it's fine don't worry about it)

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