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It's eternally raining here

[][]There is a big city stranded in no where, around the city is tall walls, preventing the monsters from getting in. Around the city, on the outside of the walls, is where the monsters are. The forest of blue mist.

The humans believe that in order to have peace in their city they have to give 4 or more sacrifices to the forest creatures every year, and the creatures would not attack.

4 (or more) people have been given to the forest..... how will they survive with the monsters prowling about?

[][]I had made this rp awhile back and watched it die slowly. Someone asked me to reopen it, so here we are! [][]

??FOREST of THE MiSt??

Evelyn was walking around the wall again even thought her father tells her not too, she spins her extremely old fashioned umbrella around while spinning, she is looking for the new sacrifices, she gets first choice this year, as always, she either chooses 2 or more people to take them to her castle as blood slaves, she heaves a sigh, the 15 time walking around the walls again, she stops in front of the huge gates and stares in wonder at it, humans, all of them living in there, the stench of blood can be smelled and it drives her insane, human blood is the best, even thought she hates humans, so stupid, believing anything there told as long as they live there fine with it "So stupid, so gullible, at least in a couple of hours i get to see inside the walls," she smirks knowing she'll be inside and will be surrounded like in a buffet

Yaz meditates about ten miles out from the wall (I assume that's relatively close, still), his soul residing in a jagged stump. The rest of the tree lie decomposing in the nearby grass. It was a natural death brought on by a rogue wind storm a few weeks ago. With any luck, he could help start it's growth again from scratch. After a few minutes, a baby bud finally peaks through the compost that is the center of the stump. He stretches his arms up (metaphorically I guess), pushing the sprout to its limit for the day.

Yaz leaves the vessel, a green aura trickling out of the plant like a stream of smoke. He floats around, looking for the next piece of flora to encourage.
Evelyn senses the presence of an Earth creature (as she calls them) around "Might as well go visit said earth spirit, all the other supernaturals get to go to the other town but i'm stuck here" she pouts and starts walking in the way of the Earth Creature, by walking she means running at the speed of light till she stops a couple metres behind the closest tree and walks a bit forward till she accidentally knocks into the Earth Creature "Hey watch-- Oh it's you, sorry i was looking for someone to speak with..." she says spinning her pink umbrella a bit while giving a smile showing of her white glossy teeth

He waves an amorphous hand at her. "Hello, how are you?" His voice sounds like it is playing from a record. This sound is produced by vibrating plant veins rather than vocal chords. The only reason he wasn't scared senseless by her speed, his open connection with the plant life around him. "You seem pretty excited for the offering this time around."
"Yes, father is allowing me to enter the town with five other vampires, guards of course, but still i'll be able to feed like a real queen and not like a rat" She puts again but then sighs and relaxes, "Also, i'm allowed to bring more than 2 humans with me, possibly i can find my "Mate" or whatever it's called, that's the dumb thing as well, if i feel intrigued by the human i have to take them, force or otherwise" she spins her umbrella and picks up a firefly that landed on her shoulder, "Your doing?" shes referring to the bug landing on her shoulder and now on her finger

(Sorry, dishes lol back now.)

Yaz tilts his head as he listens, absorbing all of the knowledge about vampires that he can . pretty much any creature composed of cells was interesting to him. "You'll make a mate? That's pretty neat.." The floating most that is his body turns a bit darker, symbolizing a blush. "Huh? No, he's not mine." A portion of his smoke trickles into the firefly's body before it spirals upwards and decides to rest on a tree. He leaves the fly. "Being a bug feels weird.. I hope to find a sturdy vessel." He looks up at the massive wall in the distance with longing.
Evelyns' eyes flashed gold then turned normal again, "Come, the sacrifices should be here soon, i can hear the commotion starting and monsters moving closer here, i wonder who i will choose today" Just then 5 other vampires appeared around her and she sighed, "The forest creature named... Uhh" she didn't know his name, damn, "Well this forest creature is an ally of the Crimson family, please, hurt him and you will lose all your blood to my snake," She flashed her wrist the snake moving around, the guards backed off a bit then moved closer and got an a knee, "Apologize Lady Rose" they all said at once, "Good, you coming umm.... Can i have your name please?"
"Of course. I'm Yaz " the sound his voice made when speaking a word (or name) from his own language was something like hundreds of leaves rustling together. Their language was never meant to be spoken. "As a show of good faith.. Here." He focuses for a moment before a plant sprouts before him. He bends down to pick the leaves. He hands each of her guards a translucent leaf. "If you ever get lost or.. Need help" he didn't want to insult them. " just tear this leaf. You won't notice anything.. But I'll hear it. And I'll be more than glad to come and lend a hand." With that, he stands next to, but behind the vampire royalty. "Ready when you are.. Um lady Rose" Realizing that he didn't know her name either.
She gives him a dead look and yawns, "Evelyn Crimson Rose, my full name, since your my ally now you may call me lady Crimson, only my most trustful friends,' if you can even call them that, people that were courted to her but never did she feel the same 'may call me Evelyn, and if you do say my name, i'll let it slide, but it ca get quite annoying," The girls drop the leaves and stand in an X shape with Evelyn in the middle Yaz right beside her and the last guard on her right, they start moving forward as Evelyn twists her umbrella yawning and one of the guards hands her a vile of red liquid, she pops the cap open and skulls the red liquid and hands the vile back to the guard, "Thankyou James," he nods his head and continue walking over near the gate but stop at the last line of trees where the mist makes sure to block the human eyes from seeing them,

"Got it.." Vampires seemed to Yaz like super humans in a sense. Everything about them seemed to be extended last human ideals. Class, dignity, morals. It would be a learning experience to say the least. The leaves absorb into the ground as the group decides they won't need them. Yaz walks calmly, waiting to be of better use than that. Upon waking to the trees and most before the gates, they stop to observe their surroundings. He waits for a command, not wanting to step out of line in this new group. @venomslayer @Nano
One of the guards moves over to Evelyn and kneels before saying, "Your father wishes to speak with you Lady Rose, i'd recommend using the spell he taught you" she doesn't show any emotion and Evelyn simply sighs, "How much blood do i have to use?" He stands up and cuts his wrist letting it drop to the ground then stops, "That much huh not really far then," the bites into her wrist with her six fangs and let's a couple drops of blood fall in the little puddle then stops, her eyes flash red as she seems to control it and make a flying circle in the air, all the guards get down on one knee and stay that way, "Yaz, i'd do the same, i am about to talk to the King of Hell and my father as well, so i'd do what they are doing," she gives him a worried look
Yaz, a bit more scared, backs away. "O-ok.." He attempts to take a knee but instead disappears into the soil. Evelyn and those more powerful than her (father and king of hell) can actually see a clear outline of his aura, in a respectful kneel. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65976eb1_download(1).jpg.2da678f49cf3ef643f3417af50a220fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65976eb1_download(1).jpg.2da678f49cf3ef643f3417af50a220fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Obviously, he's not sitting like this, but this is his general shape, and features. Clothes are irrelevant as the most solid he appears is clear, green, glass)

Her guards would have some speculation about whether the wisp simply disappeared or not.




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Aryk Cody Yuu

Aryk was patiently waiting. He wasn't one of the human sacrifices, thankfully, but his mother was. He stared forward, unsure if he actually cared that she was going to be killed off. The woman was abusive, cruel, foul mouthed, Aryk obviously didn't really like her.

His mother would be where the rest of the sacrifices were, the gate. Every time they brought out the sacrifices they put them in a little section just inside of the gate. That small section was blocked off from the town so the monsters couldn't get into the city. It was a safety mechanism for the humans. Just as the human sacrifices were.

Aryk was standing in a small group of people who were grieving for their lost ones. Aryk wasn't. He stepped quietly out of the crowd of sobbing people and went over to the town's owner. He was an older man, his hair graying. Aryk stepped beside him and sighed, receiving a strange look from the man. "You're not sad about loosing your mother, are you?" The man asked, only making Aryk sigh once more. "I'm afraid not. I couldn't care less if she stayed or left to be sacrificed, Heme-san." Aryk said, looking over to the town's owner, only known as Issac Heme, or to Aryk, Heme-san. Issac sighed as well. He knew of Aryk's past. The two of them were friends of sorts and Issac had stepped in as a fatherly character after he found out about what Aryk's mother did to him. Aryk sighed. "Is the group large this year?" He asked, folding his hands behind him. "Yeah. It contains fifty people." Issac responded. Aryk looked at him, surprised by the amount. "Really? I thought we had cut the limit to twenty people every year after the one-hundred." The one-hundred was a time when the town had sent out one-hundred people into the forest. It was devastating. After that the town decided on only sending twenty people every year. To hear that fifty people were leaving was surprising to hear for anyone. "Yes, but this was the only thing we could do. The humans are over populating the town, we had to send more then twenty." Issac said.


(How do I jump in for my human?)


I started reading one of my books as my brother came to speak to me. :There are human sacrifices in the middle of the woods want to meet them?: Said the wolf as I sigh. I just shook my head no. I hate meeting the humans it's wrong that they sacrifice people like that. :Well I'm going: Said the wolf leaving as I sigh. Might as well follow him or he will get in trouble I thought as I got up from my seat following after my brother. "Super speed" I said to myself as I ran really fast towards the humans as my wolf brother followed after me.
Colt was pushed forwards by a guard, towards the gate "Come on son, might as well get it over with" He said in a gruff tone.

Colt walked up to the gate with a certain amount of honor and dignity. while many of the other sacrifices where sobbing and begging for there lives colt stood loud and proud, facing the big iron gates. He new that the odds he would die out there where very high but he still didn't want to grovel and beg like a dog.

Why... Why do I of all people have to be a sacrifice???

David was thrown out as sacrifice earlier than everyone else, and was pretty unhappy about it. Yeah, he had a pretty big interest in what was behind them, but this was not the way he wanted to find out in the slightest. He didn't even know why he was forced out in the first place, which made the feeling even worse. Well, there's no point in questioning it now. There's no way in hell they're letting me back in. Letting out an audible sigh, David began to walk farther away from the gates, and deeper into the forest. While doing so, he was curious to what exactly he was going to find in there. He heard many stories about there being many, many monsters that lived in the forest, and that they were very dangerous. While he was somewhat skeptical about that, it was definitely enough to put him on edge slightly. Being somewhat alert, David continued his way through the dense, possibly deadly forest.
While walking through the forest, David noticed that it was actually kind of peaceful for the most part. He also had yet to run into any monsters, so that was probably why. Were they in the deeper sections of the forest? Was he just incredibly lucky? Did monsters exist in this place at all? Another funny thing to mention was that David also hadn't seen many living creatures in the forest at all so far. Yeah, there were trees and other types of plant-life, but so far; he hadn't seen too much else. It may be relatively peaceful, but it was also rather creepy in his opinion. The fact that he was completely alone didn't really help that thought either. There was also this odd feeling he was having; he felt almost as if he were being watched. In fact, he actually looked behind him a couple times to check that, only to see nothing there. Despite that, David still couldn't shake that feeling. He continued to walk a bit, but in a slower, more observant fashion than before.

I watched as they pushed me in the forest as I smiled happily but watched all the other sacrifices in disgust. This is an honor why are they crying I thought as I walked into the forest. Bored as ever I looked around me. Huh trees everywhere. "Finally I am out of that town you call a home" I said to myself as I started walking around the forest.


I sopped at the front of the gate as my brother hit me with his head :Hide you idoit before they find us: Said the wolf. Ok ok I will I thought to my brother as I lost my super speed and walked towards a near by tree and climbed it. "Super hearing" I said to myself as I was listening to a conversation with a boy and some man. I heard them say there was 50 people this time. 50 that's a lot of people are they crazy I thought. :maybe they want more to die. That boy seems interesting to scare and feed on: Said Sarah. Sarah shut up your not going to feed on him I thought.

@xRobotical Loverx
The feeling of him being watched was still very present around this time. It wasn't long before David actually heard a voice, which sounded female. "Boo." The instant he heard the voice, he flinched slightly, almost stumbling back a bit. "Gwah!" He exclaimed, backing away slightly. After actually looking again, it seemed that the voice only came from a girl in a weird dress. There was definitely a chance that she could be some type of monster, but she looked pretty human from the looks of things. Maybe she was a foreigner or something, he didn't really know for sure anyway. Then again, if this forest was as scary as it was made out to be, how would she be still alive as a human? After deciding to put the theorizing on hold, David recollected himself, and tried to laugh the scene off. "Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me for a second." He said smiling, almost laughing to himself.

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Colt was shoved out into the forest along with all he other sacrifices. While most of the sacrifices where trying to make there way back into the town, Colt knew that if he where to do the same they would start shooting. He ran into the forest and ducked into the closest bush. He was trying to work out what his next move would be.

The blood stopped spinning and fell to the ground as the guards and Evelyn turned there heads towards the forest, "A HUMAN GOT PAST!" She yelled at one of the guards that had his head bowed in front of her, Evelyn took her right hand and slapped him across the face and he went flying into the closest tree "Get. The. Human." She let out a deep growl as demon like wings that were blood crimson came out of her back, they were at least 16 feet long across, "My lady, the humans will know were here..." One of the guards said scared shit less, "I honestly can't care enough, a human... Got past the 5 best vampires we have, when we were standing 40 metres away from the gates!" she growled as her eyes became deep blood red crimson, she flew into the air not caring for Yaz and her guards followed her by the tree tops. They were extremely close to where the human was and she settled down by the closest tree then put her wings away, she stepped out from behind the tree and saw a Fox girl and human, she laughed a little as she turned her umbrella a little with red eyes focused on the people in front of her, her guards came and stood next to her like before and had there eyes directed at Nova

((@Nano @Guts @SpookySableye ))
Colt started sneaking through the trees looking for anyone else that may have survived the initial onslaught. He made his way in and froze when he heard something fly up above him and set down close to where he was. He creeped closer to find on lady with an umbrella, five guards and two humans. No one here looked too much like a monster but he new that the one with the guards has got to be

He sat still and waited to see what the possible outcome of this may be.




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