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Realistic or Modern Released into the Wild


Lucky Laki Malakis

Dr Marion Compound
25th of October
Anders sat on top of the roof of the main house looking out the forest that stretched out behind the compound, his mother's note squeezed tightly in one of his talon hands. Gritting his teeth as he tried hard to bite back the tears. It was half way through the sunset around an hour after the man who was said to be Dr Marion friend came bringing news of her death. He was on a tree branch looking down as the man was let in explained, the news hitting him like a tone of bricks. It didn't seem possible, mother seemed perfectly fine when she left if a little forgetful and clumsy.

He looked down at the note to him, he had flow down from his branch and snatched it from the means hand before perching himself on this spot. He barely though of what the others felt and here mother's was telling him to look out for his sibling. Shame joined up with his grief making the tears finally fall and he letting out frustrated mournful cry. He finally had his freedom he had to remain with his family andchsd to lose his mother for it. Life's many little ironies as he remembered his mother once say.

FireMaiden FireMaiden MsPolite MsPolite Webs Elk Webs Elk Abyss Abyss eyflfla eyflfla Taishou Taishou @Rabbid
Mia leans against the balcony off of her room. She is quiet; She is sullen. Her wings hang comfortably over the railing, bracketing her there, she wishes they hurt (not really). It's ok, she doesn't want to move. She doesn't want to.. anything.
She spies Anders perched on high and allows a little bit of sympathy to penetrate her wall of gloom. The others were all hurting too. Each in their own way. They would soon need the comfort of family; Well, most of them anyway... to one extent or another. She sees another sibling in a stand of trees below her. They don't look up, and she looks elsewhere. Each apart from the rest, coping on their own.

There would be precious little time for that in the coming months. Mia foresees a storm of activity on the horizon. Dr Marion was gone, and the walls had been lowered. There was a whole world in the great beyond and it was coming closer. Like a tidal wave that would crush them all in an instant. There was this strange new man, bringer of bad news, harbringer of freedom. He brought the diamond of freedom in the rough of bad tidings. The mere prospect of a new beginning would win over quite a few before they even rubbed the wool from their eyes.
Was he a greek bearing gifts? Was she right to have misgivings? Or was it just this black mood? Were all funerals - that's what today was, wasn't it? Whatever rites they might read later, rituals they would perform, each was mourning now. Were all funerals this dark of soul? This disparate of spirit? I dunno, I've only ever had the one. Still, paranoia was prudent, there was much to fear from the outside world. Not that it mattered, it was not for her to decide. Her family would form a consensus and she would be swept in its inexorable tide, powerless against the strength of unity. Her elders would probably swing the vote. They were pretty traditional in that regard, despite their genetic irregularities.

She juxtaposes the words to an old blues song and lets the bass line play in her head. It was an old day yesterday, but it's a new day now. She sulks off the balcony, grabs her flute with a vengeance and storms through her room and down the stairs. She could have jumped, but years of prudence down vote the idea. She doesn't have the countenance for caution and ironically, flying is too carefree. She finds angry comfort in the impact of her stomping feet.
Mia slinks away to find a vacant section of the compound to mull over life's lot of sour grapes. And yes I used the expression wrong, and no I don't goddamn care. She's not so far gone that inner art critic can't critique but she'd shoot the bastard if she could find him.
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J a c k W.
It had taken quite a bit of time before Jack was ‘invited’ inside the laboratory; or more accurately the door had seemingly opened by itself and was left ajar for his ease of access. He was less than surprised however as he had assumed they would be preoccupied with both their personal letters and abrupt circumstances. Despite what they believed he was no stranger, at least towards their unique positions. Prior to Dr. Marion’s final days he had taken the liberty to look over each and every letter she had written. Some may no doubt see it as callous and invasive but to him it was a necessary precaution.

While the test files she had provided had given him ample data over all the hybrids abilities it had failed to provide one important factor: their psychological foundations. Of course he couldn’t fully evaluate their characters through a parchment of paper but he could piece together an accurate enough image.

Before he had passed beyond the laboratory threshold he spared a glance at the overhanging trees above. Although he had been exposed to a collage of test images it had still been a shock when one of the avian hybrids had swooped down and plucked a seemingly random envelope right from his grasp. Imagine his surprise when he found that it had been the right one. Jack had admittedly been more than interested in how the boy had been aware which was his and made a note to keep an eye on the curious bird.

Upon one of the outcropping balconies another bird-like inhabitant briefly caught his attention. Unlike her brother however he notices that her wings were sickly and frail as well as strapped down by strips of leather; belts perhaps? He settled for taking the time to conduct an examination on a later date.

As he passed through the metal door he was greeted by a vacant but brightly lit hallway. It appeared surprisingly cozy despite the building's primary use and could easily be mistaken as a home. Jack however was aware of the hidden corridors beneath the spacious compound where all of Dr. Marion’s children had been ‘born’. With a sense of ease he traversed through the halls, noting each room and comparing it to the blueprints he had memorized. Eventually he came upon a simple simple white door bearing an empty name placard and an electronic security lock attached to the handle.

From within his coat pocket he pulls out a blank white card, inserting it into the open security slot. A barely audible beep sounded before the door clicked open revealing a minimalistic master bedroom. Nothing but sterile white walls, a charcoal black bed, and a single desk placed right against the wall length glass that exhibited the dense forests surrounding the compound. Shutting the door behind him Jack allowed a small smile to form. Even in her death Dr. Marion still managed to take him by surprise.

Perhaps after he got settled and with the prospect of dinner his new ‘wards’ may be more open.


Addilyn Meyers
Addilyn just...she couldn't believe it. The only mother she had ever known was gone, and none of them got to say goodbye. How selfish of that woman to do this to them, it was cruel. But anger don't find it's way into her blood, as it was drowned by the sullen sadness and tears that dripped off the girls chin. Her eyes were red and puffy, as she had been crying from almost the minute she heard heard the news.

Sat on the kitchen floor, the hardware of the bottom drawers digging uncomfortably into her back, yet Addilyn didn't move. She sat there, weeping. The bright colors off the various decorations seemed inappropriate, almost insulting. How dare they be this way when such a wonderful spirit had been taken from the world? Who was being selfish now.

Eventually, Addilyn willed herself to move, standing idle with her hands on the granite top of the counters. She wore a white, long sleeved shirt, and a pair of bright blue jeans, a choice she had regretted. She worse this because she thought that Dr.Marion would be coming back today. But....no. She's learned to never get her hopes up. Getting two mugs from one of the counters, She filled then with coffee.

The stranger had come inside, the open door his informal invitation. She would also grab a tray, one she used to bring the Dr. coffe and tea while she was working or in her room. Addilyn may have been devastated, but there was no reason to make Jack feel unwelcome. The other may not trust him, but if he was good enough for Dr. Marion, he was good enough for her.

On the tray was a small thing of creamer, and a tray of sugar cubes, and now the two coffee mugs. One was her's, a black and white one with a marble effect, and then a completely black one cor Jack. With a sigh to calm herself, the tray in her hands, and eyes still watery, she began to look for the stranger.

Which would prove to be an easy task. Her footsteps were quiet, and she was even consiouly sneaking this time as to not bother her siblings while they grieved, She filled the faint scent if the stranger. It was the only one she didn't recognize, which lead to a room she actually had only been in maybe a few times. Another sigh passed her lips as she stood there, staring at the steaming coffee, before she looked up, and knocked on the door. LocKeii LocKeii
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Anders sniffed and tried to wipe his tears with the back of his hands, holding in more from coming out and took in a few deep breaths. He felt terrible like he only wanted to lay on the rough and not leave for days. However he had thought of his mothers words and resolved to at least try to follow them, the others would need his help after all. He didnt know how though but still he had to try something. He took another long deep breath, he almsot cried again but managed to hold himself.
He jumped of the roof and glided down with his wings to sit at the bench inbetween the steps to the main house. He got up and walke up the starts to the front door and opened it before stepping inside. The house felt oppressive and closed in with the ceilling above him, one of the reasons he prefered to remain out doors. However now it was doubley so as he felt the mourning occuring inside.
This got waaaay longer than I expected, and is definitely not my normal post length.

Colour: Primarily dark green and grey with flecks of red


For the first time since news of the Doctor's passing had reached the compound, Solomon allowed himself a break from his work—or more accurately he was forced to stop when his shaking hands could no longer keep ahold of his tools and they clattered on the ground; scattering like broken pieces of fine china placed carelessly close to an edge. Solomon watched as a screw rolled out of sight, and he realized that he certainly felt like fine china. A terribly familiar pain was building in his chest, and the more he tried to repress it, the more it seemed to expand and threaten to break his carefully constructed barriers.

The unopened letter on the desk below his perch burned like an accusation, and Solomon struggled between wanting to tear it open or stuff it in some hiding place where he wouldn't have to think about it ever again. It hurt that the doctor hadn't trusted them—hadn't trusted him—to share that she was ill. Maybe if they'd known, things would have ended up differently. At the very least he would have liked to ask her more questions, share a few more memories... and most importantly he would have wanted to say goodbye. Solomon wasn't ready to lose his mother and he never would be, but that letter contained the last words she would ever have for him... and once he read it he'd have to acknowledge that this really was the end.

some could also argue that it was just the beginning.

There was a stranger in the compound. Solomon had seen him long before he arrived to the secret entrance, having taken to searching the outside areas for any sign of the Doctor's presence; back when they didn't know the real reason for her absence and he'd been afraid that maybe she had somehow gotten lost or injured on the way home. The stranger, 'Jack' was the first person he'd seen outside of his family and at first he'd only spied from a distance, growing wary as the man wandered closer to his hidden home. Then, Solomon had tried and failed to turn him around by blocking parts of the trail with fallen trees or piles of thorny branches. The hybrid had been about ready to risk scaring him off himself when Jack finally located the door and began to address the hybrids specifically. It had shocked Solomon enough into listening to what he had to say, not that he liked what he heard. And then came the letters.

The stranger brandished them like some sort of twisted peace offering; only instead of assurances it only brought grief that their mother had died. He hadn't wanted to touch them at first, not believing the news until the first of his siblings had broken down at whatever message was contained within. Only then had he emerged from his hiding place to take his own, grabbing it quickly before the door was opened and someone let the stranger into their home. He still hadn't forgiven that course of action— after all the hard work he'd put into driving Jack away— but it had happened before he could put voice to the protest and he still didn't know who'd been the one to do it.

Solomon forced himself to avoid looking at the letter on the desk, not wanting to deal with this particular issue at that particular moment. He unravelled himself from his perch and lept to the floor, cupping his wings slightly to slow his descent so that he landed gently on the floor. His head fins twitched briefly in irritation at being on the ground and the red specks transformed to a mixture of orange and emerald green. He left his room and stepped into the hallway, locking the door behind him. He wasn't exactly sure where he wanted to go, but maybe if tired himself out with enough ariel practice maneuvering he wouldn't be able to think about anything else. However as he travelled the hallway Solomon picked up the unfamiliar scent that could only belong to the stranger and before he could think of an excuse he followed it, both curious and wary about having someone else running loose among their private rooms.

The trail led him past his siblings rooms, deeper into the heart of the building. He turned a corner and spotted Addilyn outside of a familiar door and was debating between asking how she was doing and leaving her alone if she wanted space. However as he approached, he noticed the scent trail was fresher there than it had been anywhere else. Realizing that Jack had somehow managed to get past the security features of the room and was probably going through the doctor's belongings, Solomon's scales immediately darkened to black. Red, eye-shaped markings emerged along his limbs and face, with larger eyes appearing on the underside of his wings.

"What is he doing in her room?" Solomon asked Addilyn, the only other person in the vicinity. His deep voice had become rough from grieving and sounded odd even to his own ears. Solomon had long ago discovered his inability to cry, and the only outlet he had for the pain was to either scream or keen. However it wasn't something he did where others could hear him, not that they couldn't guess from the state of his voice afterwards.

FireMaiden FireMaiden LocKeii LocKeii (Mentioned)

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Addilyn Meyers

Having only just knocked, She didn't expect an answer right away. Yet she wasnsurprised to hear Sol's voice. Addilyn thought he would still be locked away, or working on something rather than wandering the halls. Without looking at him, infact, she turned her face away to hide the state she was in, Addilyn would answer his question quietly. "I believe...its his room now." That's an idea she didn't like. Their mother's room being taken over by someone they had never even met. Her grip tightened around the tray handles, giving Sol a good idea on how she felt about that.

"She gave him her room card, there's nothing we can do to keep him out of there," She added, shifting lightly on her feet. This time, She looked eye. Her eyes were bloodshot, tear streaks were all over her face, and still her eyes watered. "I know this is gonna take some time, but please Sol, he's already here. Don't cause to much trouble." Abyss Abyss LocKeii LocKeii
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Solomon growled, and the sound vibrated from deep in his chest. All his fins flared and his long tail swept across the floor in a slow, but very angry lash. He had some very choice words to say about Jack in that moment, but having caught sight of his sisters bloodshot eyes and tear streaked face Solomon found himself looking away first. His fins, which had been flared just a moment ago fell flat and the red eyes turned dark purple in shame. Addilyn was grieving too and it wasn't fair that he'd just burdened her with his own emotions... but that didn't mean that he approved of Jack or thought that he was safe to be around.

"Just because he's staying here for now doesn't mean I have to like him. I don't have to trust him either." Solomon's head fins threatened to start twitching irritably again, but he forced them to stay still. "She never mentioned anyone from the outside before and I don't like that he just suddenly pops in out of the blue and starts thinking he can take over
our home. We don't even know where he came from." Solomon stopped and shook his head ruefully, closing his eyes to avoid looking at the familiar door. He didn't need to give the hole in chest more room to grow. "I...I don't think that you should be doing this alone."

Solomon knew that Addilyn was more than capable as a fighter, but everyone was suffering from the news of their mother's passing and Addilyn looked like she could really use some time to recuperate. Solomon didn't want to have to be near the stranger, in truth he wanted to get as far away as possible even if he had been following his scent moments ago... but he also didn't want to leave Addilyn stuck there alone. "I'll be here if you need me."

FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Addilyn Meyers

She gave Sol a soft smile, "I know." She understood where he was coming from, and while she may not feel the same, she knew many of the others would. She may be the only who was even slightly welcoming of Jack. "I wish she had told us about him, or at least that she was sick," Addilyn said quietly, looking down briefly, before back up at Sol. Chuckling softly, She gave him another smile. "Thank you Sol. If anything happens, you'll be the first to know," She said, before knocking again. Even if her offer of coffee was shit down, she at least wanted an answer. Abyss Abyss LocKeii LocKeii
Mia watches Anders enter the house from afar. She'd made no secret of her position, and no effort at salutation. Not like she could play the flute silently. Her fingers work the notes and enabl her mind to work itself. She goes through that one Marshall Tucker Band song, and then the melodies from a handful of sad Jim Croce tunes, and then Have You Ever Seen The Rain, which is soon followed by Who'll Stop the Rain? The night grows cold, but oh well she'd just sit here until her butt went numb. It's a depressing sort of comfort. Misery loves company and all that shit.

She's not that good, she misses notes and she'd mostly learned by memorizing the fingerings for songs she liked. But the joy was in the doing, and she's glad to be doing something. Before too long the immovable black cloud moves. Times up she tells herself. There is a trick she'd learned early in life: The secret to being happy is you just have to decide to be happy. No matter how ridiculous it seems. She forces herself to smile; she holds it until she feels it on the inside too, when it's pure, when it's genuine, she lets it drop. She feels better. The sadness is not forgotten, but her burden is lifted.

She grins deliciously at herself, puts the flute to her mouth once more, and the first few notes of Down on the Corner pop out. Before long she is dancing around and raising a racket. Amidst her revelry, Mia puzzles over how to repair the wound her family has been dealt. The flute would only work for her. The others humor her playing, but she knows it's sub par.

The best she can do, she decides, is just be there. That seems to work for all of them. If tiny Mia can buck up and soldier on, the rest would fall in line. With that affirmation in mind she continues to dance, using her wings to perform moves that rival wire-fu - in concept if not grace. She won't write a song for anybody, her playing can't heal wounded spirits, but if they can hear her, they'll know she is alright, and it will help them. She carries on for another spell, exhausting any lingering angst, until she feels enough herself to realize how cold she is.

She trots lightly towards her rooms hoping for a detour.
Anders turned at the sound of music and tried to follow it, eventually seeing Mia playing her flute quite heavenly. He had always been strict with her the few times the interacted, trying to make her develop the wings for flight. He even pushed her of one of the building once, Mother was so angry at the result she threatened to clip his wings. Most took his strictness as dislike but far from it, he saw a lot of himself in her in some ways both the private artistic avian hybrids. He liked her a lot almost calling her one of his siblings, because of that he wanted her to have the experience of flight.

He tried to follow her. "Mia." He called out to her but it seemed she was in her own world, he could not blame her as he preferred if he was back at his up in the sky." Mia!" He tried to call out of the music as he saw her dance down the hallway towards her room. He frowned, his ranking of her as the favourite was slipping. Still he was not sure what to tell her if he got to her.
eyflfla eyflfla
Vispir lied on her belly on the floor of her basement room with her face buried in her folded arms. Her cheeks where stained with dried blood from feast last night. Vispir licked her lips and suddenly caught a scent of coffee. 'Yes coffee that would be nice' Vispir thought. 'Your a mess.' Another voice said in her head. 'If they see the blood they will think your a monster.' the voice said again. "No they wont, there my family, Dr. Marion said I'm not."​
'Dr. Marion is dead and you'll be all alone little snake.'
"Shut up." Vispir said her face contorting into a scowl.
'You'll be dead soon to when the world outside finds you.'
"I said Shut up!" Vispir screamed out banging her fist on the ground.
For a moment it was eerily silent but only for a moment.
'Monster.' The voice repeated. Vispir sighed and got up going to the sink and washing up. The voice continued to belittle her and insult her but Visper will make it threw the day by ignoring it, like she always does.
Vispir then unlocked all five locks on her door each one a different kind, slithered out and locked it up again. Her room was in the basement, perfect for her. She slithered up the ramp but with each push her heart ache. If only she could cry to show her sorrow. But she cant, she has to be happy for her brothers and sisters. Vispir made it up to the ramp and licked her lips again. A new scent emerged, and unfamiliar one, that could only mean the stranger, and her brothers scent, Sol. Vispir smiled with a hissss, as she slithered faster down the hall.
"Good mourn-ing Sol, and Addylin!" Vispir greeted with a horrendous pun. She noticed how both her siblings seemed distraught, and Addylin was carrying two cups of coffee, one she was assuming, for the intruder. Vispir slid across to Addylin and gave her a hug from behind. "The coffee smells Delicious, did u maybe make it for me?" Vispir asked faking ignorance.
FireMaiden FireMaiden Abyss Abyss LocKeii LocKeii
Mia's flute trills upward as she pirouettes mid-step, her wings spreading to fill the hall. "Anders" She greets with an enthusiastic smile. It slips to a lesser form, still there, subdued by the turmoil between them, between all of them.
Everyone things Anders is mean to her. Too hard, too gruff. Mia believes she knows better and interprets it all as tough love. His uncompromising standards reveal insecurities and vulnerabilties, or so she thinks. She respects him as mentor and fierce task master and dotes on him like a younger brother, careful not to let her adoration show.
So she stands there, regarding him somberly, waiting to see what he'll have to say. Pun intended.

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Mia finally turned to face Anders and for a moment Anders felt like he had been called out on a bluff. He cleared his throat trying to maintain his usual stern look crossing his arms. "I just wanted to check... How... How you are doing.."He said finally not able to hide the uncertainty in his words as well as he hoped. "With..." He felt his throat seize up making it impossible to say the words and tears come up again. He cursed and turned around in a vein attempt to hide his own grief.

eyflfla eyflfla
Her previous relief fades, Mia is momentarily ashamed that she could recover (partially) so easily while others still hurt. "Hey," she says softly as he turns away.

Dismayed, she starts again. "I get knocked down, but I get up again." she says, completely oblivious. "You taught me that." She casts around in the corners of her mind for something encouraging, or reassuring or at least comforting. "Um.. I'm here for you, y'know. If you want to talk, or just sit, or.. or.. preen each other's feathers." She considers laying a hand on his shoulder..

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Kristopher Kroc

Kris frowned as he clenched his fist as he thought, It happened again...

To Kris, it seemed like everyone he was closest to always got sick. Always tried to hide it.

Always died ...

Kliff let a tear drop as he looked up at the monitors
Once he heard the news about Dr. Marion, Kris went straight to the security room. Rarely does he ever actually use it but in the time of grief he wants to be able to keep an eye on everyone. However as he watched through the cameras, he couldn't help crying. The person he saw as a mother was no longer alive. As Kris continued to silently weep, he thought about the days before she left. She gave him all sorts of small hints. From telling him the security codes for the walls a few days before her leaving to telling him right before she left that he'd need to take care of everyone from now on.

Kris couldn't help thinking back to the stranger and his letter. Dr. Marion said that he could be trusted. Despite this, Kris felt very wary of him. So far the only thing Kris knows about him is that he was the one sent to deliver a life-changing message. Kris looked over all the cameras once more and stopped when he reached Mia's.

Kris couldn't help but smile at the tune the youngest hybrid played, a song he learned before. As she played he whistled along before weakly laughing. He's always admired her ability to become happy. He's never known how she was able to but she did. Switching the camera, he reached the one outside of Dr. Marion's room. Standing at the door was Addilyn, holding two cups of coffee. Not actually having access to the living quarters and personal use rooms such as Dr. marion's office, Kris had to assume that someone was in the room. As he began wondering who, he played back the cameras and found out it was the stranger. Kris felt a pang of anger before it subsided. As much as he didn't like it, Dr. Marion had trusted the man, so he would too.

Looking back at the cameras he noticed more siblings enter the hall. Sighing he stood up and checked the clock on the wall, which read 6:45. Not everyone had eaten yet so he needed to start cooking. Taking a note from Mia, Kris started reminiscing about the first time he cooked with Dr.Marion. It was a massive failure but he and Ally had tons of fun. As Dr. Marion said, "It was the joy of trying something new".

As he reached the kitchen, Kris began to smile. however, new his life would be from now on, he would try to embrace it.


Her previous relief fades, Mia is momentarily ashamed that she could recover (partially) so easily while others still hurt. "Hey," she says softly as he turns away.

Dismayed, she starts again. "I get knocked down, but I get up again." she says, completely oblivious. "You taught me that." She casts around in the corners of her mind for something encouraging, or reassuring or at least comforting. "Um.. I'm here for you, y'know. If you want to talk, or just sit, or.. or.. preen each other's feathers." She considers laying a hand on his shoulder..

ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

He frowned giving of a light growl at made to appear so weak infront of her. He should be the comfort for her not the other way around, he wipped the few tears that have fallen and turned that around returning to the sturn look." I am fine, i am dealing with it in my own way." He said." You have time to play the that flute but have you time your flight training?" He said trying to return into some sense of normality despite the announcement." We are free to leave now, this is you chance to do some proper flying."
Mia exercises bad grammar, just to be an imp for Anders to scowl at. "You want I should fly in the dark?" she says sarcastically and then, more seriously, "It's a bit windy," a breath, "And I know that's just a greater opportunity to learn, but I don't need my first steps outside to be with crutches." She smiles winningly at him, trying for teacher's pet.
"I want to fly every bit as bad as you want me to. I'm still growing" she shrugs "It's getting easier."
Mia exercises bad grammar, just to be an imp for Anders to scowl at. "You want I should fly in the dark?" she says sarcastically and then, more seriously, "It's a bit windy," a breath, "And I know that's just a greater opportunity to learn, but I don't need my first steps outside to be with crutches." She smiles winningly at him, trying for teacher's pet.
"I want to fly every bit as bad as you want me to. I'm still growing" she shrugs "It's getting easier."

Anders indeed scowled though more at being minipulated rather than Mia acting impish. "I know what you are doing. It is appreciated but dont you think i would know better than that." He said seriously but there was small sign of appreciation for someone who knew were to look."I didnt mean you should jump from the roof... Again. Once was enough but you need to do your wing exercises. Well, what you call those feathers: wings. They must be exercised to carry you weight. And dont be afraid of getting hurt. I had a broken legs and broke a wing twice before i flew properly."
Really. Really?!? Mia stares at Anders in disbelief. Well that's about what I got the time you pushed me from the Lab's roof. So? She counts to a certain number to calm herself and chalks up Anders baffling comment to bad mojo all around and resolves not to spread it around further. Turnabout was not fair play on this grievous day and she had no desire to blind anyone with spite. Still she elected to be elsewhere before her credulity snapped, and her with it. She smiles weakly and gives a non committal shrug, then turns to go.

Her wings stretch to fill the hallway in frustration and in her head she recounts all the broken bones of her child hood. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. She recalls splinting her own arm after the bike accident when she was 10. Ha! She wants to be angry, tries to be angry in fact; The alternative is to feel alone.

Suddenly she rushes the stairs. Using her wings for lift she barely touches the 3rd step, she gyrates and parkours off the wall, spiraling upside down as she turns the corner. She catches herself on her arms at the top with a silent oomph! Well, he didn't see that. Quickly she regains her feet. She feels a bit out of character, but it's an uncharacteristic day, so you'll have that. It bears thinking about though, perhaps later. At the moment she needs to find something warmer to wear to dinner.
Vispir Slid down the hall contemplating. Normally Vispir would be the first awake, out on the porch drinking coffee or tea playing her banjo. Then once someone else woke up, usually Dr Marion, Vispir would go on and make breakfast. But... Her schedule was now all messed up. She didnt know what to do. Nor she Didn't know if someone else was already making breakfast, or worse, already ate. Vispir stopped for a moment, rubbing her forehead and said to herself, "You know what ill just go outside with a cup of coffee and play some tunes." And that's what she went off to do. Vispir went ad got a cup of sweet hazelnut coffee and picked up her banjo by the porch. Addylin would always fuss at her for leavin' her banjo out. Vispir smiled thinking about this, then just curled up on a rucking chair and began to play her tune. "I Don't want to set the world on fire..." As Vispir played she only thought about Dr. Marion. 'I've never even called her Mother..' Vispir thought to herself. 'And that's what makes you an awful person.' the voice in her head spat.
'I know. I really am.' Vispir thought. If only she could cry...

eyflfla eyflfla
Mia wakes comfortably but bleary eyed. She rolls onto her back, and stretches her entire body, wings lifting her well off the mattress. She wakes quickly after that, perky and eager for another interesting day. Then she remembers and somberly sits, contemplating the mortal coil. Only for a moment, and then the moments gone. She hops to her feet, unconstrained by gravity or the press of crushing emotions.
She dresses carefully with practiced motions. Summer was easier she reflects, arms bent backward slowly buttoning the custom fit shirt. In the summer she could just wear open back shirts. In the summer Mother was... She lets the thought trail off and leaves it behind.

Mia walks out onto her balcony and finds the morning is damp and chilly. Arms folded, her wings wrap around her body, shielding her. She hears far off picking and, knowing the source, decides this is an opportune moment. Feeling adventurous, and slightly impatient, she climbs over the railing and hops down. Her wings are getting stronger, no matter what Anders might think. She hits the ground at speed, but is none the worse for wear.
She crosses the yard quiet and light, feet barely touching the ground in a skipping gait that is all her own. She's careful to kick a stone to precede her around the corner. An unconscious habit formed through years of startling siblings' feral instincts. Smiling faintly in greeting, she appropriates a chair and sits beside her eldest sister, looking outward, content to just be for a while.

Vispir notice her little sister Mia sit down next to her. She casually glaces over to her baby sister and smiled then began to strum her guitar and began to sang.
"You didn't have to look my way
Your eyes still haunt me to this day
But you did. Yes, you did..."

Vispir sang to Mia and to herself just rocking in her chair content to just be. But as soon as she finished the song she came back to reality and looked around for Dr. Marion, but only saw Mia. Vispir again smiled to hide her pain, and to keep strong for her sister.
"Mornin' Sis, ya feelin hungry? I brought you some tea." She handed a mug of tea to her

eyflfla eyflfla
Mia receives the cup, smiling graciously. It warms her hand in high contrast to the cold autumn morning.
"I could eat" She allows, with a shade more enthusiasm than she might have felt. Not quite feigning interest to stay strong for her sister. I'm alright sis, but how are you?
"Lets go make breakfast together" she suggests, hopping to her feet. The thought of hunger actualizes the concept. She grins impishly, "And lets make a racket. Wake up all those sleepyheads. We've got a big day ahead of us."
She pauses a moment, not unlike a small dog, to make sure Vispir will follow. Then she bounds off towards the kitchen, wings flapping slightly and feet hardly touching the ground.

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