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Fandom Reinner Academy for Gifted Trainers

Another Girl was there too she had Dark Blue hair and was wearing purple. THe Girl also had an Eevee. "Hm... THis is the Place right?" She thought to her self. Her Eevee yipped in response. "Haha I thought so...Let's go inside."
The day before was when Madeline had arrived to the city of Driftveil. That night, it became difficult for her to sleep due to the excitement, making waking up the morning a bit hard on her. It was a miracle she didn't end up sleeping in late. That would've given her less time to do some preparation before the tournament started. The only thing that caught her eye on her way to search for an area to train in was the strange behavior of the citizens of the city. During her previous time in Unova, Madeline had never seen the natives of the region act in such a way. Perhaps she wasn't paying close enough attention to notice this trait.

Morning training went fairly well for both Madeline and her Pokemon. As usual, it was Zara who was the most energetic and reckless with using her attacks. The Garchomp loved using her offense moves and Madeline used this trait as one of her strategies in battle. While Zara was over the top, Anastasia was calm and collective during her training. The shiny Gardevoir managed to focus more on her attacks, making them more effective. This was another strategy Madeline used in battle with not only Anastasia but Flamme and Lune too.

After her successful training session, it was time for Madeline and her team to start leaving for the tournament. On her way there, she began to feel much worse than she did the night before. She was nervous, afraid that the academy wouldn't be impressed by her battle techniques. Madeline's gripped her satchel tightly and took a deep breath. What am I thinking? Of course they'd be at least a little impressed by my skills. Why else would I have been invited here? She reassured herself.
Ina continued exploring Driftveil City however she, like many other students wondered what the other students at the academy would think of her. Although Ina had done a good job of training her Pokemon, She worried that she would be bullied again which was very unlike her usual calm, collected self. What if the other students bully me or criticize me? Ina thought to herself. Ina picked up her Eevee and kept walking in the direction of the academy,
(Posting again to keep this thing going. Sorry if it's dumb)

Madelinecontinued her walk to the tournament, feeling much more calm now. It took her a few minutes, but she finally made it to where the tournament would be held. She made good time, the tournament was supposed to begin fairly soon meaning she wouldn't have to wait very long. She opened up her satchel to make sure she had everything she needed; her full team of pokemon, pokedex, and trainer card. She had other supplies left in it but none would be necessary for the time being.

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