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Fantasy Refalosa academy ooc

Donatello Donatello
Just so you know, Luna is at the amusement park with Fritz and her children. Urko is with Kevin. The two boys aren't anywhere close to the school. They crossed the river to another Island. However, I can work with what was provided.
oh i see ahahah sorry i was at school when i made that and thank you for the information ill set thigs up right away and becuz you are all at different location might as we add different monsters in each zones. but not hard enough to fight

you guys want the easy way or the hard type of monsters? Raku Raku Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
oh i see ahahah sorry i was at school when i made that and thank you for the information ill set thigs up right away and becuz you are all at different location might as we add different monsters in each zones. but not hard enough to fight

you guys want the easy way or the hard type of monsters? Raku Raku Jeda Teq Jeda Teq

I'd say somewhere between. Both are unarmed and Kevin is exhausted but recovering
here is one mosters i sign in the monsters zone if you would like to try this one out.

location: forest


name: Spyxia (land creature)

this is the monster you you have to be silent in each more you make to escape them because of their lack of eyes yet strong sense of hearing. this species are all females once they die they body would turn into 3 molds and this molds will creature a baby copy of them. Spyxia are like centipedes but far more dangerous. their scream are powerful and can make your ears bleed they are 10 feet tall and can really lift you up and scream at you until your head explodes
here is one mosters i sign in the monsters zone if you would like to try this one out.

location: forest


name: Spyxia (land creature)

this is the monster you you have to be silent in each more you make to escape them because of their lack of eyes yet strong sense of hearing. this species are all females once they die they body would turn into 3 molds and this molds will creature a baby copy of them. Spyxia are like centipedes but far more dangerous. their scream are powerful and can make your ears bleed they are 10 feet tall and can really lift you up and scream at you until your head explodes

I thought Leo denied that one because it was too horror themed.
I dunno, shrug. I've already thought of a way for Uriko to defeat it, if the creatures replication works the way I imagine it working.

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