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Realistic or Modern [ redux ]

Atlas42 said:
I just got back from my vacation today! I miss it, I wish I was still there :c But damn @local dreamer , that's why I hate group projects so much. They're so stressful, and you always have at least one person that doesn't do shit. In your case, that's everyone. Man, I'm so sorry. Did the professor say anything about it? I remember one time my friend was parents with someone who didn't do anything, and my friend told the teacher. The teacher gave my friend a 90 and gave the other person a 0 xD
Is it possible to be stressed yet still on break? It's almost over, and I'm worried about having to go back to school and all of the practice and legit so exams Dx
Join the club my friend :P
supperfubb said:
Join the club my friend :P
I know, ugh. And then I had he to do over the break. I gotta finish reading a book, work on a math project, and should probably start studying for exams. Guess what I've done? Fucking nothing
Sorry, it's been crazy lately. And for whatever reason, my last two intended posts on here to say that I'd be delayed never actually posted. They just saved as a draft. Ok, RpN.

Busy weekend and then just kind of hectic school schedule. I'm going to try to do a post real quick though, finally. Sorry for the delay.

Anyway, celebrated Anuj's birthday. Sunday, we went to this Indian cuisine restaurant that he'd been to before and the food was wonderful! It was great to see how excited Anuj and our other friend from India were to have foods from back home. Very interesting foods. And Anuj liked his presents. His smile was just wonderful. <3 And fricken sap that I am, I gave him little "vouchers" for kisses and a massage and stuff. Like, I'm sorry I'm so cheesy, but he said he liked it and he has them in his wallet, so, yay. God, I'm pathetic XDDDD

so, this is my first real relationship and I'm sorry I keep blabbing on. I'm just so fricken blown away by how much I like this guy and I'm extremely excited. Bear with me, please. ouo
It might be a bit until I can post, finals are he death of me ugh Dx I still have AP environmental science to go! Good luck everyone!
I've been meaning to post but it's so hard now that my computer is broken >~<
Summer isn't here yet, but I finished 2/3 of my AP exams! I'll probably post sometime this weekend! c: It feels so good to be done with most of my classes, now I can chill
y'all, i'm alive, sorry for not posting in like a month good god

been busy as shit with lab reports, finals, and all that jazz. i'm moving back home for the summer in the next few days and probably not gonna be in the best mood for a little while because BF is going back to his home for the summer and yeah thousands of miles of distance between us and a 9 1/2 hour time difference I think? gonna miss the hell out of him :(

already seen him a lot less lately because of projects and now finals

but anyway, yeah, been super busy and I had a post mostly written and then it fricken disappeared and now I'm mad. gonna try to post something soon though. still wanna be here, guys, I do.
Aww, I'm sorry about that Dre. :c Can you two facetime or skype? I know that's not the same at all, but it's something. That's got to be awful to be so far apart from him. How long is summer??

I've been kinda busy too. I finished my last ap exam yesterday, now I'm just chilling in my classes. I've been a little brain dead, but I'll try and gt a post up this weekend. I miss you guys!
Yeah, we plan to, but like, I'll have to wait until it's like 11pm or later to talk to him when it's like 7 in the morning or something for him. Still, it's only until August but that's forever away. ;n;

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