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Fandom Red vs. Blue: New Gulch Stories

Name: Marcus J. Colton

Nickname: Ghost

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Face: Unknown

Armor Appearance: Standard issue, matte black Mark VI MJOLNIR Armor with deep crimson highlights and an unused ability slot, presumably for an Active Camouflage module, if one is acquired.

Team: Red

Weapon: SRS99 Anti-Material Rifle. In other words, the not quite standard issue sniper rifle.

M6G Magnum, with a matte black finish for improved concealment.

Rank: Lieutenant

Personality: Rather light hearted when not in danger or on a mission, Marcus isn’t quite a party animal or anything of the sort, but he’s able to hold his own in a battle of wits. On missions, he is completely serious, adopting a very silent persona that fits his preferred method of combat. Not fond of close-up fighting, he prefers mental combat… or long-ranged elimination of targets. Still, he’s not easy to seriously anger, so one does not have to worry about team killing.

Skills: Amazing marksmanship and adaptability; he can hit anything with anything at any distance.

Stealthy to the point of insanity, hence his nickname.

Bio: “This is my first time doing this, but I’ve been told that keeping a biography will help if I… You know. Die. Anyways, I’ll try to keep it simple. I was born in a small mining colony on Taris- You know Eridanus IV? Yeah, a couple hundred light-years to the left and you’ll find a crappy looking giant rock. That was Taris.

It was also my home, so I guess I can’t look at it with too much regret. We were one of the lucky few colonies that happened to be on a “planet” rich in high-quality minerals and gems, so we were well-off, since there weren’t many of us. I was raised in a military family. My father was a former Helljumper.

Now, I could tell you I followed in his footsteps and became some sort of badass… but that would be bullshit. I was an accountant for 3 years. Then the war happened. Taris got fucked up, and I joined the army. Somehow, I managed to remember my earlier years spent shooting Griptors with my father.

Turns out I had a knack for hitting thing from afar, so I became a marksman. I did well, rose through the ranks. But I had to kill. Again and again. I almost couldn’t take it. Then my friend Kelly helped me through it. I learned to live again, but I couldn’t lose the killer I’d become, so I only suppress it when it’s unneeded. Sometimes, in periods of peace, I have to- Well, never mind.

I got to lieutenant after several years of service… Then I was dropped here. No warning, no briefing, just a “good luck” and I was off to red team. Now, the me that’s killed, that takes out the target and completes the mission… That’s not the me you’ll see here. You’ll see it during the mission, but not here. As much as I hate to admit it, the Red Team’s grown on me. And I intend to keep them safe.

Ghost out.”

Other: A bit frail and unskilled in melee combat. Thus, while he is insanely good at his specialties (see: marksmanship and stealth), he can’t do much more due to his slight build, etc.
Name: Nathan C. Vincent

Nickname: Reaper

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Armor Appearance:


Face: (optional)

Team: Blue



BR85N Service Rifle


1st Lieutenant


Serious, Silent(Most of the time), Cusses, Rages(Don't piss him off)


Marksmanship, Hacking, Hand-to-Hand' Acrobatic

Bio: Ok so um.. Recording started hello my name is Nathan but most people call me Nate I'm a 1st lieutenant for Blue team I'm a great sniper my sniper is the Nornfang best UNSC sniper can destroy a warthog is one to two hits. I'm a great sniper but wished I was stationed somewhere else cause it's like I do all the work and they just slack of umm... Let's see what else I can remember about myself I rarely speak to people but when I do I swear at their faces but I'm starting to open up and make conversations but. Short conversations but hey it's still a conversation right I'm currently age 35 single so yeah that's about it well I'm going to end the recording now bye.. File ends there

Other: "Gamma"
I'm not too sure... But maybe they could be, though I haven't seen too much activity from them... Then again I wasn't paying particular attention.

I would start up my own RvB one...if my schedule wasn't complete arse...so alas

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