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Realistic or Modern Red Scarfed Children



Dish Breaker
Red Scarf.jpg
The war in Suchet was started decades ago before you or I were even born. Before even our parents were breathing in the soiled air that flowed in from the nearby factories; similarly because of this, our lives have known nothing but paranoia and...easily put paroxysm by the king on his more lower born and youthfully perverse citizens.

Our actions are watched, our words transcribed for later evaluation, and we are trained to play our parts vigorously without question. Those who fall behind or merely choose to disobey are sent off to the front lines to work as laborers and to be re-educated. Most don't come back. Those who do~ Well, let us just say they aren't the same anymore.
Now to no shock to anyone a rebellion starts. Caused by a lone prophet who wished only to have the will to speak freely and to do so with only mild judgment without execution. Albeit, not surprisingly, many people would love to have that right, and so his message grows. Starting as a stray ember from the dying cigarette of society. Turning into a roaring fire of human nature's inherent urge to be free of those who wish them to be stagnant.

As noted above Suchet has been at war for a long time. Mostly with neighboring countries and the occasional royal linage civil war. But this is different. Suchet has never been attacked by its serfs. Its lower born. So, a lot of its fighting force is what is attacking them. So, the King of Suchet low on manpower and terrified of losing his throne. Has started gaining soldiers in a less than moral way. Children. Perfectly expendable easy to mold and well...Who in their right mind wants to...kill a child. He starts drafting anyone between the ages of 8 and 19. Even takes a few younger to start the brainwashing early. Soon child soldiers are pedaling the streets. Reporting their own parents. Fighting the King's war.
You have been selected to join the kings new fighting force. An army is being built and you don't have a choice but to be part of it. Don the red scarf.​

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