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Realistic or Modern Red Scarfed Children Lore



Dish Breaker
The First War.jpg

0. Greenling- Greenling is the lowest rank available in the Suchet Royal Army. As a Greenling, you have no formal military training and are responsible for the more menial tasks around the encampments. Such as cooking meals in the mess hall, cleaning dishes, doing laundry, etc., along with any task a higher ranked officer has given you. Greenlings are often the most poorly treated in the ranks. In addition, have been nicknamed: dogs. You are given the status Greenling as soon as you arrive and are stationed in one of the three major military encampments or as most people call them "The Dregs." ( See Important Areas for more information).

Greenling is a particular post in the theory that it is the only position that doesn't have you physically fighting on the front lines. Likely, because a soldier with little to no training is of no use on the field; moreover this rank is given to younger children around 8-10. You can be promoted from Greenling in two ways. You have held the position of Greenling for the length of six months in which you are automatically pushed to Private. Correspondingly, you can also be promoted by an Officer who holds the rank of Corporal or above who thinks you are fit for active duty.

1. Private- Private is the second to the lowest rank in the Suchet Royal Army. The primary focus of a Private is basic combat training, as well as, learning how to follow orders quickly and efficiently. All Privates will go through 8 weeks of rigorous mental and physical exercise. Throughout your time as a Private, you will be evaluated on your performance. Everyones' evaluation will focus on three primary attributes. Intelligence, Strength, and Charisma. These, of course, won't be the only things they will be looking at...since they are more like umbrella terms. Used to find skills within those attributes.

How you perform in basic training dramatically effects your available missions and jobs down the line. For example, those who ranked higher in intelligence will place in positions that require more technical know-how, as for those who have a higher strength score will have missions that require more brute force. You are promoted from Private once you have finished basic training. As part of training, all Privates are forced to live one straight week on the fronts lines. This is often the last training week and will decide if you will survive or not.

2. Field Private- Field Private is a status only given once all training has been completed by that of a regular Private. As a Field Private, you will start specialization training in a particular field depending on your evaluation scores. You will be given dorms away from the Greenlings and Privates. You will be given more hands-on missions, and you become active duty.

3. Specialist- A Specialist's job is precisely what it sounds like. They are recruits who have built up a specialty in a specific area of there field and are considered one of the best at what they do. They are given job specific missions and are given minor leadership opportunities. This is a rank given only to those who excelled in their line of work, and very few are given this rank.

4. Corporal- Corporal, is the last rank anyone under the age of 18 can receive. As a Corporal, you are mainly assigned the task of training those who rank Field Private and below. You are often stationed in camps and are some of the longest living survivors from the first drafts. That or you are just extremely good at your job. Your priority at all times is training your "recruits', so they are the utmost fit for the front lines. Now, whether they live or die, that's on their own hands. By now the military has beaten you down, ripped you apart, and rebuilt you. Very few people in this rank have any fond memories from home or their parents. Their hearts are for the King. Bonus: Because so few make it to this rank if you are promoted you are given the privilege to wear the King's Family seal.

5-10- All ranks above that of Corporal are only permitted to those of Royal blood and are over the age of 25.
( I am aware that I skipped ranks. This is just more of a reference to who would be your commanding officers. For the most part, I am just following U.S. Army ranks with a few modifications here and there.)

5. Sergeant

6. Warrant Officer

7. First Luitenant

8. Second Luitenant

9. Luitenant General

10. King's General

Important Areas.jpg

1. "The Dregs"- The Dregs is the nickname for the three largest military encampments in Suchet.
~ Roniford- Located in the northern fields of Suchet it is known for its vast amount of ample open space and the mountain range that is located nearby. Roniford is the coldest of the bases and also the smallest of "The Dregs." Those who are considered difficult are sent to this base to straighten out and find some country pride.

The Task of Roniford is to handle the northern border. Where the fight with the neighboring country Yunkia is still ongoing. But not thought to be much longer due to future peace agreements and a possible arranged marriage between the two royalties. Suchet has its eyes cast inward at the moment they don't have the time to deal with outside force.

~Plinkon- Is a base located near the capital city of Suchet. It is the base that is tasked with home defense and often has the most resources due to its location. A majority of all Greenlings are sent here. Plinkon would be considered the Largest of " The Dregs" and a common starting place for everyone.
~Zephyer- Zephyer, the last of the major bases, is the middle child. Located far west to the Capital. This is where most royal officers are sent due to the fact its the farthest out of harm's way. This is only for those connected directly to the King's line of course and those who they wish to tote along. Occiasonly some extremely pretty Greenling with be taken up by some royal visiting one of the other bases and shipped off to here. Zephyer is hugely stockpiled with food along with its self-sufficient farming system has a water resource in a river nearby, and has weapons that are unknown to most. Zephyer if you couldn't tell is the fall back if the capital is ever overtaken.


Uniforms for boys and girls are greatly similar to that of America Air Force Blues. Straight legged dark blue pants with 5 brass buttons in place of a zipper. A white short sleeved button up paired with a dark blue blazer also adorned with brass buttons and the army's seal on the right shoulder. Also shoes are military mandated black boots.


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