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Futuristic Reconstruction

Scottish Cupcake

The Ruler and Savior of All Cupcakes


A war had sparked in between the US and Russia. It was fought in Russia slowly destroying Russia piece by piece . The war began stretching and tearing Eastern Europe apart one by one countries got involved picking sides. Every country slowly became more occupied with the war that everything began falling apart. Companies. Schools. Lives. It all came crashing down.


It's been 11 years and the war has finally ended. There is now only 2 million people on the planet and only few countries have began to rebuild themselves. Those countries consist of America, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Sudan, and China. These countries are those who are now fighting for territory and supplies.

Country Claim:

America - Meredith - Female

Russia - Jacob - Male

Germany - Erika Wagner - Female

Brazil - Desirae Santiago - Female

Sudan - Ayo Mensah - Male

China - Zhi Yamauchi - Male

Money key:

Jewels is coins not real jewels

# = Number

# of US dollars / 10 = # of Jewels

10 US dollars = 1 Jewel

100 US dollars = 10 Jewels


Item - US Price - Jewels - How Rare

Sweets - 90 US dollars - 9 Jewels - Extremely rare

Meat - 110 US dollars - 11 Jewels - Extremely rare

Bread - 10 US dollars - 1 Jewel - Common

Clean Water - 70 US dollars - 7 Jewels - Common but limited

Grains - 50 US dollars - 5 Jewels - Common

Wine - 100 US dollars - 10 Jewels - Common

Vegetables - 60 US dollars - 6 Jewels - Common

Fruits - 100 US dollars - 10 Jewels - Rare

Metals - 120 US dollars - 12 Jewels - Rare

Leather - 150 US dollars - 15 Jewels - Extremely rare

Cloth - 150 US dollars - 15 Jewels - Rare

Silk - 200 US dollars - 20 Jewels - Extremely rare

Sugar - 80 US dollars - 8 Jewels - Extremely rare

Tea - 90 US dollars - 9 Jewels - Rare

Hotels - 1000 US dollars - 100 Jewels - Common

Boat Rides - 1100 US dollars - 110 Jewels - Common

Wood - 100 US dollars - 10 Jewels - Common

Minerals - 180 US dollars - 18 Jewels - Rare

Tobacco - 160 US dollars - 16 Jewels - Common

Books - 300 US dollars - 30 Jewels - Extremely Rare

Paper - 210 US dollars - 21 Jewels - Rare

Ink - 230 US dollars - 23 Jewels - Rare

Paint - 230 US dollars - 23 Jewels - Rare

Paint Brushes - 210 US dollars - 21 Jewels - Rare

Pens - 200 US dollars - 20 Jewels - Rare

Pencils - 190 US dollars - 19 Jewels - Common

Graphite - 140 US dollars - 14 Jewels - Common

Charcoal - 130 US dollars - 13 Jewels - Uncommon

Ammo - 300 US dollars - 30 Jewels - Common

Tech - 600 US dollars - 60 Jewels - Uncommon

Country Territory:


America - Pink

Brazil - Yellow

Germany - Orange

Sudan - Purple

Russia - Blue

China - Green

Unclaimed - Grey

1. No bunnying 2. Please try not to do one liners 3. Please use third person 4. Put " The world is making a comeback" in the other section of your CS 5. There are only 3 of each gender. 3 males. 3 females. 6. No drama OOC please. Drama in character is okay though. 7. Put your characters favorite season in the personality part of your CS ( Ignore the first and last one please!! This is the real one.) 8. Please have some character development. I don't want people making a character with no development. 9. Please if you want to say ANYTHING OOC put it in the right tab.((Or in parentheses if you want to say something OOC during RP.)) 10. Put " Rift " over the appearance of your character.


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Jacob set the timer on the bomb, before running out of the American outpost. He had his full suit of armor, the skintight body suit beneath it, his hat, heavy scarf, mask, and backpack on. He ran away and hid behind an outcrop of rocks as the outpost blew up, sending chunks of concrete and wood flying everywhere.
Erika sat up breathing fast and deep she was just sleeping at her camp that she had set up the other night and was awaken by the sound of an explosion. She stood up and walked outside of her camp only to see what was an explosion. It looked like it was around the place where she had past by the American camp where she had been shot by an American. She didn't even notice the wound until she had set up camp and saw blood on her hands. She had to remove the bullet with a stick which only made the wound bigger. She had used cloth to wrap around it and stop the bleeding. She walked back to her camp and packed everything up before heading back to the American camp. Erika carefully strapped on her gas mask on and walked to the American camp only to see someone in a full suit of armor. She watched the person from a fair distance before she walking closer tripping on a rock she fell out from behind the rock. Erika crawled back behind the rock praying the person hadn't seen or heard her.

(( I know there's no dialogue but there was no need.))
Jacob looked at the direction of the sound but saw nothing. Even though it was a suspicion, he decided to check it out. Getting up, he slowly walked forward to where he had heard the sound.
Erika heard footsteps coming her direction and froze. I'm too young to die! Please! Please! I want to live! Please! She thought before standing up attempting to run away from the person walking toward her.
Erika heard the person running after she began running faster tripping over her own foot. She rolled on the ground and hit her head against a rock. Erika tried to stand up but only fell back down " Please I'm too young to die! Spare me!" she said hopefully shielding herself from any attacks. " I just wanted to see who blew up the Americans!" she pleaded afraid for her life.
He looked at her. The girl had tripped, and fell down. She said something about being too young to die and wanting to know who blew up the Americans. "Me." He said.
Erika looked at the person who she now knew was a man " And who are you?" she said looking at his masked face. She stood up and waited for an answer but she still hadn't let her guard down.
"And who are you?" She asked. He said nothing, noticing the cloth tied around her arm. He picked her up, and turned around, ignoring her protests.
"W-What are you doing?! Answer my question!" she said startled by the sudden action. She found it useless to protest he would have the upper hand if she tried to fight against him" I'll introduce myself first if you want me to. I just have to know who you are. You blew up the person who tried to kill me," she said trying to persuade him. She wasn't lying the American tried to kill her that's why he shot her in the first place.
"Jacob." He replied. He walked past the smoldering ruins of the outpost, passing them and heading into what seemed like a barren wasteland.
Well I guess that helps. She thought still looking at him " I-I'm Erika," she said shifting a little. " Why did you pick me up?" she mumbled looking in the same direction as him.
He said nothing, just poked at the cloth that was thoroughly soaked with blood. Jacob looked around, before moving to the left and opening the entrance to a cave. Lights were inside, and the faint murmur of voices could be heard.
" M-My gun shot wound? I'm fine really," she said before he moved left. She heard voices but didn't pay any attention to anything that was happening she just looked at her arm. She bit her lip touching the bloody cloth with her pointer finger.
Jacob shook his head, emerging into a giant cave with supplies stacked on the walls and people milling about.
Erika looked away from her bloody wound " Where are we?" she asked looking around at the stacked supplies and people walking around and talking to each other. She was very confused and had no idea where Jacob had taken her. She still hadn't let down her guard. She wasn't going to until he proved that she could trust him at all.
"Home." Jacob said, walking over to a small stack of supplies with someone next to it. He pointed at Erika's arm, before putting her down near him.

"You're just gonna dump her on me? What if I needed supplies! Or was sleeping!" The man asked. Jacob sighed, before walking away.
Erika blinked " What in the 9 hells just happened?" she said watching him walk away. Does he do that? He doesn't talk much... Did something happen to him? She thought looking at the ground and playing with the laces on her boots. She didn't feel comfortable in someone else's 'home' especially when she hardly knew the person. She took off her gas mask just because there was no reason to still have it on." What happens to me now?" she asked looking at the man. " I mean I can't stay here I have places to go and supplies for my travels," she said thinking about her pieces of history that she had in her bag.
Jacob sat down at the end of the cave, setting his backpack down near a box and a sleeping roll. rummaging through his backpack, he took out a book and started reading it, leaning on the cave wall.
Erika bit her lip taking off her backpack. I can't stay here definitely not. She thought digging through her backpack finding multiple things that she didn't have a second thought of leaving in her bag. She pulled out a piece of chocolate and placed it in her mouth. Next she had pulled out her pocket watch that she bought off the black market. She set her bag to the side and began messing with the gears. She smiled ; she had always enjoyed things of the past it made her feel safe and at home. She had been so distracted by the pocket watch that she had let her guard down. She didn't think anything would happen though.
Erika looked at the man "Uh, sure," she said setting the pocket watch to the side. She took off the cloth so she could show him "Go ahead and check my arm. There's nothing wrong with it though," she said setting down the cloth.
"Sure there isn't." He snorted, looking at the hole. "Looks like you used a dirty stick to dig a bullet out!" He told her, reaching for a box behind him.
" That's because I did," she said looking at him " I don't have any tools to get it out." She looked at her bag and pulled out the stick. She looked at the tip that she had used to get the bullet out " I had to get it out somehow I couldn't leave it in there," she said setting the stick down.

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