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Fantasy ~Rebirth: Rise From Discord~

Rusty Knayls

Maintenance Tunnels

The flickering lights fell without a notable pattern, it's dull golden rays seemingly nearing the end of its efforts, fighting each moment the large sewers would fall into eerie darkness, willing itself to assist their sights. Though the dreary surroundings even within the light of its breaking bulb were capable of conjuring monsters within the remaining shadows produced by the objects which littered the areas surface.

Rustys eyes subconsciously created the illusion that the obsidian patches which clung to the walls and trailed the floor along the cracks moved each moment they was positioned in her peripheral vision. Though such imagries were proven to be but false fantasies, as preferred, for just as they must have been before the shadows remained still and un-moving when she'd throw a pathetic glance in their direction.

"Dammit, let's just get out." Rusty growled irritably as she dragged her fingers back a crossed her dry scalp, fingers occasionally hitching on one of the many clumps of tangled strands atop her head, but despite the slight moment of pain that would faze her at the tug of her hair her features would be found to not falter instead being occupied by a rather bored expression to hide her anxiousness behind. They had merely been down there for a bundle of seconds and the symmetrical corridors and jittery lights were already forcing her into a restless persona.

Rusty was prepared to propose the idea of which way they as a group should decide on traveling down when two figures gradually made an appearance, the predictably main one of the two dressed in thick attire capable of contorting the males thinner structure, a clever and affective tactic normally used by those taking part in dirty business. Rusty wondered who the man was, and how the two had entered the sewers themselves, if there were such a thing as another entrance the group should be very wary of.

The patched women ears then picked up the makes oddly familiar tone as he openly stated his name, a name the women found to be nearing the ridiculousness of her own personnel title. The amount of confidence he held in himself, this Maggotpie, was though the most interesting. Rusty questioned if Mudpie thought she'd take him seriously with such a plagued name.

Though abruptly a string of memories from the past stunned her for a moment, and caused the women's eyebrows to in some way do the impossible and furrow into each other once again with irritance, though amusement as well, Muckpie always went after those in debt to him, though why was the man going to such lengths for a single male who got away with a few things? She could simply imply they were to be weapons.

"Oi, Muttonpie." Rusty chimed in casually especially as she was now fully aware of who he was from other encounters as well, her blotchy fingertips hidden within one of the many pairs of pockets which decorated the her cargo pants. "Since we aren't in your gang and are trying to get out, it'd be useful if you pointed us in the direction of where we should be goin' since you seemingly got in just fine." Patches drew in a deep breath and with obvious impatience let the contents of air blow out through her nose as she awaited the Milkpies preferably useful response.

@SkyGinge @Shura @Karma200 @DamagedGlasses @Der Kojote @The Kaosophile @Mad Prince of Sanity

In a riot

It didn't take Sinda long to find someone to work with. While her cellmate seemed to fly into a fury Sinda hid behind, watching her work her magic. Sinda had seen bloodshed before, but watching her ally work made all of her experiences seem like nothing. The woman crushed one man's skull in an instant, and just as quickly snapped a man's neck, ignoring his pained attempted at survival.

Sinda waited for the woman to leave before picking up the man's baton, intending on making good use of it. Her cellmate was still crushing the opposition on her path towards their rescuer - and the bulk of the guards. Sinda followed close behind, keeping herself well away from the woman until she let two men survive. Sinda saw her chance and took it, tackling one of the men before he could get too far.

Looking him in the eyes, Sinda let fury flash on her face in an attempt to intimidate him. "Where is my crew?" She asked, hitting him in the head with a baton. Blood poured from his fresh wound where skin had been scraped, but he only seemed to look confused and afraid. "Where are they?" She asked, her voice increasing in intensity. This time she punched him, sending waves of pain into her knuckles.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" The man screamed piss filled his pants. He was terrified, knowing that he was going to die in the prison. He knew his death was about to arrive. Fortunately for him, Sinda wasn't the type of person to kill an unarmed man.

"Fine." She said, knocking him out with one more blow from her weapon.

With no answers, Sinda followed close behind her ally, not wanting to wait for another wave. The man who freed them spoke into the intercom as she headed toward the woman, telling them to leave through the forest. She didn't have her crew, but Sinda knew to take her chances when she had them.

Following close behind the others, Sinda ran past the gunfire and chaos, seeing nothing but freedom from their prison. Like her cellmate she made it out with sweat running down her face and rapid breathing. The sprinting had exhausted her, but she had already felt the wind. Wind was something no prisoner felt, something people could only dream of from the confines of a cell.

Sinda felt that wind and knew that she was outside.

She was free.

Cellmate: @Kharmin

Mentioned: @Tree

Running along with the other prisoners, Otto didn't fear getting shot. This did not mean that he did not witness the death around him accumulate. By the time Otto had ran into the thick of the forest, there was a trail of bodies littered from the door which the prisoners had exited, leading to the forest. As he ran, Otto passed the likes of a few different people; Sinda and Danica were the first. Cu and Jett Lawless, a short time thereafter. Even though he recognized the faces of these people, obviously as prisoners, Otto did not stop. There was no rounding up of anyone to be done - hell, at this point, most of the prisoners were dead anyway.

The ideas that Otto had amassed as he ran through the forest involved the prediction that more than half of the prisoners were killed in the escape. Little did he know, that number was lower than reality, which saw closer to around three-fourths of the prisoners felled. Regardless, Otto was not trying to be a part of that statistic; the opposite seemed much more appealing in comparison. When he felt that he got a safe distance into the forest, Otto took a seat against a tree.

Huffing and puffing, the young man was well aware of the fact that he should probably keep moving, but he was exhausted. If there was any time to take a break, it was around the time he began to feel nauseous from the amount of running that he was engaged in. While Otto was certainly an athlete, in shape and mentality, extended exercise wore out even the men of substantial physical strength. A combination of stress from trying to keep his head on his shoulders had been relieved, seeing as he was in the forest without so much as an extraneous peep around him. The ring of the prison's alarm, as far-off in the distance as it seemed, was the only thing that could (barely) be heard.

Otto knew how this was going to play out. The country was going to be overflowed with the king's guard in hunt for the prisoners, so as much as Otto wanted to take the rest of the day off to just sit on his behind - it was highly unlikely to be safe. Originally, Otto hoped to round up some of the prisoners and have them follow him; to begin anew, in terms of his own plots for rebellion against the king. Unfortunately, this was no longer possible, considering most of them were dead. The ones who weren't? Otto kept moving on past them.

What was the next plan? Move to the eastern-most side of the continent. Whether Otto would do that alone, or with the help of a couple others, that was his next goal.

@LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine

Keziah Swann and 'Mags'

Outside the Lysian Prision

Mag's visibly twitched again, his dull eye twitching underneath the shroud of his cloak. Evidentally, he hadn't been expecting to come across one of his former employers. Keziah had expected that from him; his brain could only cope with one thing at a time, and that thing was usually money. Keziah, on the other hand, was expectedly unsurprised. After all, with the illegal nature of their trade, and the king's tendency to arrest for very little reason, they were almost certain to encounter a previous client.

"Rusty," Mags' voice was like ice, or sizzling sulpher - something unpleasant, anyway, "Fancy seeing you 'ere. But the name's Magpie. Or pref'rably Mags. The name's 'orrific enough you'd think it'd stay in that sieve like brain of yers. And I'll have you know I ain't got no gang, nor ever 'ave. Guess prison does nice things to yer brain, ay?" Way to treat a customer, Keziah thought to herself.

Evidentally Mags soon grasped the same thing, for as it had been with the child, his temper calmed, and he reined in the wildness of his tongue. "As fer how we got in," his voice was now back to a restrained normal tone, "Snuck through the front doors, din'we. Ain't no point in going back that way now, what with the seas of goons them've got 'ere. Nah, we're stuck goin' this way. Speakin' of which... where are we goin'? And 'oo's even in charge?"

@HighnessesReign @Shura
Piper Alyss

Forest outside the Prison

Piper noted those who had survived – there weren’t many. She closed her eyes briefly, recounting the events that had progressed in the prison. Many of them had been fighting the guards, however there had been a group that got away if her memory served her right; they had went down a set of stairs. She had sought to join them, but unfortunately fate had had other plans for her. Where they may be now was unknown to her. “There was another group who may have escaped,” she said, trying to get someone’s attention without really caring who it was. “Anyone know where they might have found their way to?”

It wasn’t so much that Piper cared about them. She didn’t know any of them well enough for that. Her instinct was more of a survival one – if they had more people they were more likely to be able to find their way back to a functioning society. Again, Piper found herself correcting her own thoughts. The land didn’t have a functioning society, but anything was still better than being lost or imprisoned. Piper knew that this was a critical moment in her life. She had an opportunity to be a part of something that might be able to create a better world to live in, but she didn't yet know if that was a road she wanted to take.

Piper looked at those remaining in their group and from the information she gathered, she knew that she was the lesser warrior among them. Piper’s skillset lied elsewhere so staying with them was her best bet at this point; once they got to a city, then she would have an opportunity to reevaluate her situation. Her eyes fell to Otto – his was the only name she knew – and he was walking passed her. He didn’t even react to her being there. Piper jogged to catch up to him and tapped at his shoulder. “Do you have a plan?” she asked, her voice slightly snappy because she didn't feel like he had a right to ignore her. She had fought when he asked without any questions. She had followed him when she barely knew him. Now they were out and it looked like he wasn't going to include the rest of them in his plan. “We helped you fight through the guards; we followed your lead when the riot broke out! You can’t just ignore us now!” Piper then realized she had unintentionally spoken for the others who were there as well. She glanced around at them, hoping no one was offended by what she had said because that really hadn’t been her intention.

Spoken to: @LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1ef13efb_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.4941213b6c5431f4883b1026f5490bb8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46607" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1ef13efb_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.4941213b6c5431f4883b1026f5490bb8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Danica - Forest Outside of Prison

Once the fury left her, Danica regained her senses. She swept sweat-soaked and vomit encrusted hair from her face and looked around. Voices echoed lightly nearby so she stood on feeble legs, drained of strength that had been exhausted from her berserk state.

Danica peered through the forest and found the fellow who had seemingly initiated the escape along with a few others who had survived the mad dash from the prison. Unsure of what to do next, Danica slowly made her way toward the small group uncaring for the sounds her passing made through the brush and foliage of the woods.

She knew that their flight would not be long should they remain here in the forest. The guards and their allies would soon quell the riot and then be on their heels and Danica was certain that the guards would not be faulted for simply outright killing escaped convicts rather than spend the time and effort to corral them and march them back to their cells. Even so, Danica vowed that she would never return as a prisoner and justified to herself the use of her Fury to prevent such a thing from happening.

Danica managed to catch up with the small group as one of the girls was addressing the one who had led them from their captivity. The girl was right: they needed a plan of action. They had safety and strength in numbers and splitting up at this point would be detrimental to them all.

She continued her approach as she crashed through the brush on feeble legs that were slowly regaining their typical strength. "The girl is right," Danica commented as she arrived. "Without everyone, this escape could not have happened. We should band together for the good of us all, for divided we will surely be recaptured or killed once they decide to track us down."

@Tree @LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine @Hales



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Eyes turned up to the woman named Piper. She had asked him if he had a plan, and indeed he had. Otto was surprised to see that the woman was so eager as to care for what it was that he had in store. When she had mentioned the fact that Otto might have thought about ignoring the others, it brought a smile to his face. What a silly suggestion. How could he forget? Especially when there was the factor of power in numbers. "Relax. I have a plan." Pushing himself up to his feet once more, Otto's breathing had leveled itself out to a regular rate. "First thing's first, though. It'd be nice to find a place where I could take a bath." A harmless joke. Obviously, at the moment, there was no time for that. "We're going to gather up everyone who cares to listen and drag them with us."

Simple enough. The job required people pulling random bodies which had passed them, or perhaps scoping out a bit further in the forest. Otto had to make the call of traveling a certain direction, one of which he all ready knew. Pointing toward the east, Otto spoke once more.
"We're moving that way. We can scope out a bit and pick up some stragglers we bump into while traveling in this direction, but not too far. Stay close, keep moving east. First town we hit, we're not going to stop in. They'll know to look for us there. Obviously the further we get the faster, the better off. We could outrun them if we don't get distracted."

Otto had no problem getting back at it. He nodded to everyone who was in his current circle; Piper, Danica, Sinda, Cu and Jett. Then, he sprinted off in the direction he had pointed in, without another word. If the group came across any other parties, they would surely convince them to move along with them. Otherwise, they had to get moving as fast as possible. It was probable to estimate that the king's guards would be swarming the country within the span of the next twenty four hours at most. That meant that if the group didn't want to be killed on site, there was little time to waste.

The young man was injured in multiple ways, but he ran through his pain. He was dirty, bloody, and tired. None of that mattered with his life on the line - with any of their lives on the line. Otto did not even know if the group would stay with him once they escaped the area. Once they get safe, why would they? Unless they shared the same hatred of the king's authority as he had, they would surely have no reason to spark another rebellion with him. Especially with incarceration or death as the consequences. Neither scared Otto; changing the world was worth it if he had to sacrifice his own life in the process.

@LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine

Escaping the prison

Both ankles and wrist cuffed, he slowly walked down the hall with the two guards by his side. Absent minded , his eyes slowly wandered from corner to corner as he trudged his feet. As they reached his cell, the first guard had released his arm to open it up. When the cell doors open a voice had sounded off through the cold interior halls. The guards clueless began to look around to see where it was coming form, though Ugo had looked down only one direction. From the time they opened the door to that last part of the voice's speech, Ugo had became aware. The words Fight for you freedom, rung through his ears , like that time when the gun connected with his temple. The guard that had opened the door commanded for the other guard to stay put, to watch him to make sure he didn't try anything. Ugo looked down at his blistered feet, his bruised arms, and the aching pain from the needles constantly piercing his skin. The guard must have been talking to him, since he began to shake Ugo , commanding him to lift his head. Ugo could only hear the words fight, which only brought back memories of his father escaping.

Ugo's eyes trailed into the cell to which he had lived in. His gas mask was sprawled against the floor, while his headphones broken in two from his previous outburst of rage. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes, firmly planted his feet to the ground, then thrusted up. The guard screamed out as his head slammed against the guard's chin, knocking him back. Ugo opening his eyes glanced back to see the guard stumble back. Quickly turning around, he head butted the guard in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Falling , Ugo ended up straddling the guard , his hands near the mans face while his head was on his chest. Groaning, Ugo felt slightly dizzy from the hard hit, but had no time to be worrying about which was which. Clasping his hands together he threw down his fist on the mans nose. Solid was his first thought, then the keys was his second. Grabbing the keys , he managed to unlock his ankles first then his wrist.

"Serves you right."

He muttered as he grabbed the mans baton and his flashlight. Running into his cell , he grabbed his gas mask , putting it on to cover his mouth and nose. For a second he had felt like himself. His black shaggy hair hung low while his body was up straight rather than its usual limp form. Ugo made sure to place his hand on his heart to see how he was breathing. Slowly he inhaled a big gust of air before exhaling. "To freedom." He whispered as he dashed out of the cell and down the hall.

Withing minutes Ugo arrived on scene of the riot. It seemed that it had died down some, but that was only because there were more guards to subdue the prisoners. Huffing Ugo caught a select few head down a certain hall way, while other head down another. It appeared that they were splitting up, so there must be more than one exit. Ugo slipped behind some prisoners who decided to crate a wall, so the guards wouldn't be able to break through. Sliding past a fallen guard and around the corner, he had stumbled into the control room. Just his luck three guards where inside. One was on to of a female prisoner, her clothes no longer in sight, while the other two watched. Before backing out Ugo saw at the top right corner a screen where there were underground tunnels. Smiling a little the girl had looked over toward him. Lifting her hands she whispered out help to Ugo. Ugo bite his lip as he watched her suffer. Apart of him wanted to help, but the other wanted to be free, to escape. Gritting his teeth he dashed forward to stop the three from their act.

It took about 20 minutes to wound one and kill the other two. The girl sadly had already been cut to where she would bleed out in less than three minutes. Ugo knelt down as he gave her a frown. "I'm sorry." The girl smiled a little as she mouthed a thank you before her eyes had lost all color. Ugo hated himself for not reacting faster, so in order to repent for his mistake, he took the ridged knife one of the guards had and had slit his arm. Bowing his head in respect he held the cut arm before returning to his original plan; escaping.

Grigori Ivanov

Maintenance Tunnels

Grigori had for the most part had tuned out from the conversation, some people had seemed to know each-other. Though one fact that didn't slip his attention was apparently the fact that these new people were in the arms trade. I would take them up on the offers of weapons...however the little one seems to go crazy at the sound. I Don't think i'm going to be doing anything with gun around her. I need to get a bow. And fast. However, His attention was drawn to the fact that there now was a seemingly semi-limp Casey clinging to his body. he heard something that barely registered above a whisper, "I need air, I can't breathe."

Grigori was not medically trained. Hell the fact that he was still alive he could mostly chalk up to be being lucky or cautious. All this considered the current state of the girl now clinging to him was indicative of a "Major problem" He tried to shake her lightly, "Hey...Casey? Casey? Come on...we're almost out of here." She seemed to be somewhere else mentally,Grigori cursed to himself and decided again to carry the girl again. God...what the hell did they do to you...first the gun now this?

He Approached the girl that seemed to be leading them, silver hair and blue ribbon. He said urgently in a noticable Xaran accent, "We need to get out of here, and we need to get out of here now. Not only because of the guards, but because of her." He motioned with his head to Casey. "I have no idea what the problem is. We need to get her out into fresh air. I don't know what is going to happen if we stay down here any longer. We need to find our way out now."


@The Kaosophile

Water pipes

Ugo found himself in a small hallway filled with different pipes that weaved in an out together. There were things that were in globes, with red sticks that pointed toward numbers. Steam would explode out every five minutes, and the flooring beneath him was wet and warm. Ugo found himself within the area where they keep their water. The globe things must have been the water pressure, and the steam probably from the water over heating. Ugo tugged at his hair as he tried to figure out which way to go. The fork in the road led to three different paths, and he couldn't remember what the map looked like back in the control room. Groaning, the blood on his arm had dried up, clotting his cut so it wouldn't bleed anymore, however his feet and ribs were fresh with cuts. Thanks to the gas mask Ugo had on, the steam didn't hurt him all that much, except when some aimed directly for his eyes. Walking crouched and low, Ugo decided to take the right path, which lead to even more pipes ,but thicker ones. You could hear the rushing water, and the screams from the steam that would shoot out viciously. Ugo kept his ears covered, his hands taking the full damage from the hot steam. He made sure to keep his screams to himself, his tears welling up as he ducked from one stream of steam, only to end up in another.

By the time he had reached the corner, he heard footsteps from behind. Ugo sped up his pace as he began a light jog, the small puddles of water splashing as he ran down the hall. Lucky , he found an opening, a vault like door that said waterfall. Ironic wasn't it, it didn't look like a water fall, but he bet there was water and something like a fall behind the door. Sighing he tried to find another way, but he was boxed in and the shoes that came heavily behind had gotten louder. Damn it all , was his reaction, so he grabbed the cold bars of the doors and began to turn it. The cold bars were a nice soothing cure for his burned hands, but his enemy when it came to turning. Ugo didn't know how much strength he had left, and the door was draining it. Holding in his breath he did a few more hard turns before taking the baton and hitting the bars to spin. The bang echoed through the hall, giving the guards a beacon to where he was. Cursing underneath his breath, he turned one last time before the vault door made a creak and slowly opened itself up. Smiling Ugo could nearly jump for joy till the guard's came around the corner. "THERE HE IS." The one yelled out to the other three that piled behind him.

Ugo huffed as he pulled open the door more, enough for his small lanky body to crawl through. Leaping in with no idea of what was below, the back of his body had hit a stone wall, making him arch his back in pain. Screaming out , his voice became muffled by the water below. Sloshing and gasping for air, Ugo began to follow the current of the water way that was going down stream. Ugo counted this as third exit unlike the others who had taken other routes. He was lucky to have found this, more lucky that it was water and not something else. "DAMNIT." the guard cursed as they watched Ugo helplessly climb up from the water to take in more air. Ugo felt accomplished to have escaped, but he knew he wasn't out of the clearing yet, not at least till he was far away.
Jerom Jakson

The guys was response was kind of intimidating, but with a quick comparison between him and all the other people around, he realized that hwas rather short. Jerom coudln't say much, as he was short too, but at least he had a reason! This man had to have been around in his prime, probably as old or a bit older than his own father. He had no right to be lacking in height! He stood his ground from the man, not letting any of the trepidation that had sprouted take root in his system and instead turned away from the man to look at the rest of the group. The rest of his speech was heard, but Jerom paid only minor attention to it. Looking around the sewer, Jerom scratched the back of his head to relieve the itch that had been created by his boredom. It was times like these that he realized he had a small pebble stored away in his shoe, pressing against his foot.

Jerom looked up when he heard one of the older men, who was accompanied by a girl slightly older than Jerom, speak up at his companions insistence. Of course, from what he said, that girl was having a problem, and Jerom had no qualms with getting out of here and far away as possible. Looking to Aisha, he kind of felt that she was the leader. Either her or one of the older people. Sure, he wouldn't let some thug pick on him, but he was really out of his element. Unsurprisingly, there was a big difference between being in a fishing village compared to a prison escape. Aisha held a feeling of calmness and care, and she also knew how to drop a man twice her size! He had no problem with letting the white haired ninja lead the group, but for now, they need to get out of here!

Speaking up, he asked, "So how are we going to get out? I mean, I thought just running towards the way opposite of where we came from was a good plan, but who knows what we'll run into?"


@Der Kojote


@The Kaosophile

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c20165609_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.7800107bee882da896efec79693adc43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47410" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c20165609_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.7800107bee882da896efec79693adc43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Running. Why did escaping have to require so much running? Danica cursed her ill-fortune and set off after Otto as he sprinted east through the forest. Had she not sapped much of her strength and endurance during the escape – during the time that Fury had controlled her – she would not have complained. Well, perhaps not as much.

Still, Danica knew the urgency in their flight. The more distance from the prison meant the higher likelihood that their escape would prove fruitful. Following him for now seemed prudent as he appeared to have a better idea of their surroundings than she. As much as she would prefer a slower pace, and a weapon to keep their pursuers at bay, Danica understood the realism of their situation so she pulled at whatever inner reserves she could find to keep up.

In her fatigued state, it was tempting to simply succumb to Fury and allow that spirit's strength to get her through her adversity. It hadn't yet failed to do so; the primal instinct of survival that Fury possessed always managed to prevail. Tempting as it was, however, Danica knew that her body was only human and could withstand Fury to a point after which even that spirit would falter. The candle that burns twice as brightly, burns twice as fast and Fury burns so very brightly.

Wordlessly, Danica followed the others as they managed their way ever easterly, the sounds of their accelerated breathing and rapid footsteps of flight through the underbrush the only sounds that disturbed the local denizens of the forest. Danica felt a bit safer in knowing that the squirrels and birds would not tell of their small procession's passing and silently she thanked them for their reticence.

And, all told, the bath Otto joking suggested really didn't sound like such a bad idea.

@LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine



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Ugo was thrown about against the raging waves. His screams couldn't be heard , and his body continued to surfer damage from metals that were not properly put together. Ugo could count how many, the gaping scars that made the water red for a few. There was three on his arms, two on his leg, one on his back, one on the other arm, and one going down his face at an angel. Ugo didn't know if he should cry , for his body, or the fact that he was able to escape. Nevertheless tears began t run from Ugo's eyes as he began to ball and slap the water as if it was his enemy. Childish , or brave. Whoever said man shouldn't cry was a lie. Ugo had let all his frustration out , from the time his parents broke up, to the time where he ended up in prison. Ugo even cried for the girl that had died back in the control room. Ugo covered his eyes as she tumbled and flipped through the downstream water. This world was messed up wasn't it. What did he ever do was a common question for him. Thinking about it again, made Ugo chuckle. the chuckle turned into a steady hiccup of laughter , then before he knew it , he was laughing like a maniac. His mouth open wide as he closed his eyes, s the blood wouldn't run into them. The answer to everything, was that it was all messed up. How could there be answer, when there already was one.

Ugo took his last breath before getting knocked into a metal wall. Knocked out Ugo's head fell limp into the water, his mouth open so that the water could flow in and out.

For a few Ugo's body went down the canal of water , and various poorly built pipes before he had reached the end. Falling out like someone throwing cheese onto a sidewalk, his body stuck to the grassy ground of the outside. Ugo's body was pale and dripping in blood, he could have been labeled as dead already, but someone in an all yellow suit had grabbed a hold of him. Dragging him away from the end of the sewer, the hauled him to a small building, a shack of some sort. Ugo didn't understand, he couldn't see. All he knew was while he was in his deep sleep, that he was being moved, something was happening to him. In his mind he hated this feeling, and had told himself to wake up. Futile of all his mental screaming, he took one last breath and told himself to get up. He started swearing and mentally throwing his fist. At last his eyes moved a little. Coughing he opened them slowly to see a beating yellow light on him. "I feel...like , someone in those shows my fathers always talked about. Captive gets taken and tested on." How cliche he thought. Ugo turned his head to see a female dressed in a black shirt and gray pants. She was putting up medical supplies. Ugo quickly looked toward his body, to see that his wounds have been bandaged.

A heavy sigh escaped the girls lips as she looked to the strange Duo who had found them in the tunnels then to the rest of the group. "I... don't know the way out of here but something tells me we should at least get away from the ladder." She spoke up glancing around to everyone before starting to move down the tunnels. Time was starting to run short and the more they stuck around the ladder the more she started to grow paranoid. She glanced over to the duo the strange man and woman "uh... there isn't really a leader... we're just trying to get through out of here..." She muttered softly. The tunnels were empty save to the echos from above as more prisoners rioted. There was the occasional faint pop of a distant gun shot but it was far away.

Aisha stood on edge as they navigated through the dimly lit corridors. The maze of maintenance tunnels had very little in terms of marking for directions leaving the group to travel around blindly for the most part. There was a marking every once in a while which lead to a ladder back up but it was much to risky to try and venture above ground. Aisha was starting to grow worried that they would be caught in the the maze and dragged back to the prison. It was honestly the last thing she ever wanted to have happen not only for herself but everyone else. Part of her still wondered if any one managed to make it out above ground. The riot was big enough but at the same time there were a lot of guards.

The fain sound of rushing water could be heard which peeked Aishas interests rushing water meant one of two things. The sewers or an opening out to some sort of body of water. Either way it was an exit. "I think I hear something." She muttered before starting to move towards the sound.

@DamagedGlasses @Karma200 @HighnessesReign @SkyGinge @Der Kojote @The Kaosophile
Piper Alyss

Running in a forest

Piper followed Otto as he took off running again. She had asked him if he had a plan; he said he did, but she still felt like the information he’d provided was insufficient. Were they heading for any specific location? He had pointed in the direction they were now running. Did he know what they would find in that direction? Piper had never been one for maps so she honestly didn’t know what might be that way and she didn’t like being kept in the dark especially by someone who she wasn’t quite sure if she could trust.

Nonetheless, Piper ran after him without asking further questions. She couldn’t afford to be left behind in the forest on her own because that would go even worse than their current situation could possibly get. Piper’s breathing was heavy and although her ankle was beginning to feel better, she still had a very noticeable limp and she could feel the weight of her eyelids growing greatly. Piper had only been in the prison for one night, but in that single night, she got very little sleep and all this running was beginning to take its tole. Her mind wandered back to Otto’s comment about a bath. Oh, that would feel mighty fine right about now.

Simply the thought of it brought Piper’s attention back to her current outfit - the gray prison uniform. It still disgusted her greatly and the splatters of blood from the fight were doing little to improve the situation. I do very much need a bath, she thought, and new clothes. That was enough to give her a new sense of motivation and a new kind of energy fell into her sprint. She found herself getting ahead of everybody else and she called back, “Come on! It may have been a joke, but doesn’t a bath sound great! Anything to get me out of this cruddy outfit!” She smiled slightly hoping to lighten the mood.

@LotusSan @Rifleman @Draven Valentine

"Don't worry. We'll find one. I got a guy. All we gotta do is get through a couple miles, and we'll be set. Trust me." Some were lost along the way; the disappearance of Jett and Sinda was something that Otto was not expecting, but nonetheless happened to be a calculated loss. The group was rather small at this point, with three people left other than himself. Otto knew there were others who were still out there, despite the fact that they were not all together. Perhaps, at one point, they would find each other. For the time being, Otto's new-found freedom would not be wasted on dwelling on the people or events which were behind them. If any progress was to be made, and the group wanted to keep there freedom, then they would have to continue fighting for it. As long as there were people who shared his same outlook and ideals, Otto would be around to see that things would change. It was either that or death.

A life devoted to change for those who were oppressed was something that gave Otto purpose and meaning. Those close to him, which he had lost along the way, gave him drive to keep fighting. It was not about who deserved what. Otto never pondered about whether or not he was supposed to die before others. Instead, he refused to waste the efforts of those who had fell for a purpose higher than themselves. It was the same reason Otto had not given up long ago. Just because the 'cards' that his generation were dealt happened to be rather grim, did not mean that the next would have to be dealt the same shitty hand. Eventually, after the appropriate distance was traversed, the group would run into a house far-out into the wilderness. Before approaching the door, Otto stopped the group. "Stay here, while I deal with this real quick. We should be good for the night, at least." Looking between the faces of those who were still with him, he turned after offering a confident nod.

He walked the length of a few steps, before he reached the door of the large, wooden abode. Surrounding it, was nothing but forest for miles. At this point, the group had spent the past ten hours traveling with one or two small stops. An elderly man, as old as eighty-five, opened the door. He was using a cane to help himself walk, and his back was bent forward. His head was completely covered with white hair; long on his head, and chin. Eyebrows practically hid his eyes, which sparkled upon the sight of the boy. "Otto, my boy! Come here!" Shakily, he extended a hand to Otto, who carefully bent over to hug his grandfather. Obviously, the man took note of Otto's condition before noting that he had brought a few people... All of whom seemed banged up similarly.

"Well, there's no time to squander, my boy!" The old man motioned to Danica, Piper and Cu. "Come, all of you! I have food and hot baths ready for use." With that, Otto turned back to the three with a bright smile, before turning to walk past his grandfather. Maids within the large, two-story dwelling had all ready gotten to work on preparing food and bath. Otto would wait to take his turn for the latter. He was lucky to make it to safety in one piece. Sticking his hands in his pockets, the young man looked around the house in marvel. The last time he had visited was a few years back, when his brother was still alive.

@Kharmin @Hales @Rifleman
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c229dca9e_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.31ac085e60ada62acac5e1df076fd926.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c229dca9e_Danica_HorizFlip_30.jpg.31ac085e60ada62acac5e1df076fd926.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Danica followed Otto with some reservation. He said that he had a plan, but thus far hadn't divulged any information about it. Everything that surrounded him seemed too damned convenient. How had he managed to open the cells? How had they managed to escape the confines of the prison? Granted, several of the escapees had lost their lives in the mad dash for the fence, but Danica was certain that had the guards really wanted to keep them contained, they had sufficient resources to do so.

She kept silent as they continued through the woods as she pondered their situation. Birds and squirrels objected loudly to their passing then returned their focus to their more primal needs. No particular path was taken and Danica ignored the many briars and other low-lying flora that tried in vain to slow their progression.

The two-story, wooden house that seemed to appear from nowhere surprised her. That Otto knew its resident surprised her even more. The elderly, white-haired man had been expecting them which further raised Danica's suspicions. The old man's demeanor seemed sincere, but Danica had her suspicions. Everything was just too damned easy, too convenient.

She entered the house and took stock of the elaborate furnishings within. Servants and hired hands were at the group's disposal and the spread of food was tantalizing to say the least. However, Danica kept her distance and regarded the events that unfolded before her from the safety of the door frame.

"So," with a slow, metered tone Danica addressed their newest, white-haired benefactor, "who are you?"

@Tree @Hales @Rifleman



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Jerom Jakson

Running through a tunnel

Jerom has jumped slightly when he first heard the slight resounding echo resound through the tunnels, reminded quite clearly of his mother's own experiments with the weapons that they had managed to suit up themselves with. Making sure he didn't lose sight of Aisha, he continued onward, and, if anything, was only inspired to run farther and faster. The rumbling sounds of rioting prisoners had died down as they had moved farther and farther away, the distance between them quieting the echoing force into a small collection of lowering and intensifying sounds that he could really on hear if he paid attention. The sounds of popping gunfire was not a comforting one, but just as the prisoner noise had, it became an uneasy background sound.

He wasn't sure how many ladders that had passed on their way out, and while each one presented the small temptation of satisfying Jerom's curiousity, he knew for sure that he would either die up there with his curiousity stuck in his throat or he would be left behind, not that he expected Aisha to even allow him to. After many turns down a number of different tunnels, each one presenting another slightly lit up path way, the task of running almost became monotonous. The adrenaline was still there, assuredly, but his mind was left to wander, and wander it did. It was only by pure mishaps that it wandered to the subject of capture. Jerom cleared his head, shaking it, 'No, no. We won't be caught. Every step we take is another step to freedom and one that the guards have to take.'

His worries stopped just as Aisha herself stopped. Looking up at her, he saw that she seemed to be looking for something curiously, but after a quick glimpse he was lost as to what the mysterious object was. Turning back completely, Jerom looked up the group's psuedo-leader, for she was leader in his eyes despite her protests, and asked, "Aisha, what is i-?" Jerom stopped as he heard it. The soft tumbling, the dull tumultous sound of crashing water as it hit solid ground with resistance. The familiarity filled Jerom with hope that he hadn't before dared to express. He smiled victoriously as he uttered his next words softly, but the weight of excitement they carried seemed to send them bumping off the corners of the curved walls, "That's water."

@Shura @SkyGinge

"That's water."

While water was an important substance for which life needed to survive, it was something that was commonly overlooked. Aisha had never been so happy to hear the rushing sound of water in her life. "I think it is..." She replied softly before turning to the others with a wide grin, her bright amber eyes reflecting hope and excitement. "That mean's we're hopefully free!" She said before turning and moving quickly towards the sound of rushing water. Her dim hopes were now soaring as could see the dimness of the tunnels give way to some kind of light around the corner. She could feel the bubbling of excitement in her stomach as she closed in on the light. A bit funny since normally it was supposed to be the other way around.

Aisha forced herself to slow down and approach with caution remembering that they were still in the middle of a break out. The sounds of the riot were far past distant and hard to hear by this point even with the assisted acoustics of the tunnels. Heart hammering in her chest, Aisha approached the corner. She pressed herself against the wall before slowly peering around the corner. The site which greeted her was a glorious one. It seemed they hadn't been the only ones to think of the tunnel as an exit as a small part of the wall had been knocked out leading into the sewers which ran parallel to the maintenance tunnels. Just beyond the opening was a outlet pipe which dumped the contents of the pipe out into the open.

The smell may not have been the best however it was the key to their freedom. "This way." She said turning around the corner and closing in on the hole in the wall. It seemed they had tried to fix the hole at some point but with so many issues it had gone unfinished. The only reason there weren't any guards was possibly because of the riot. Thing had gotten quite out of hand. Watching her footing she made her way long the edge of the sewer pipes and embraced the fresh air which reached her through the outlet. Her eyes scanned the surrounding seeing only a river surrounded by forest. Upon the winds were the distant sounds of a riot which had spilled out into the open it seemed.

@DamagedGlasses @SkyGinge @Karma200 @HighnessesReign @Der Kojote @The Kaosophile

Jerom Jakson


Jerom had to run to keep up with Aisha, but in all honesty, there was no trouble in doing so. The same excitement that fueled the rapid motion of Aisha had taken control of Jerom as well. His body felt weightless as he cut through the air with seemingly no air resistance at all. It had been so long since he had heard the glorious thrashes of water, the way it would slip into the air and give the smell of salt. Even his mouth ached for it, a need to thirst branching from his sudden need to find freedom. Water meant freedom and freedom meant water! He couldn't bathe in freedom so water would have to do! The sudden visage of light was just another reason that Jerom felt compelled to follow through with running even harder, his muscles not even complaining as they too got swept up in the moment.

If he had been purely alone, with no one to guide him, he would have surely ran towards the light with all of his brio, but the sudden halt of Aisha, her body suddenly slowing down to a tense walk, before her body conformed to the wall as she cautiously went forward, checking out for the unseen dangers. It must have been how she suddenly looked, but Jerom fell into place with a solemn seriousness usually unseen in his face. This close to escape, but each step he took as he followed Aisha seemed to force more and more trapidation in his legs. If he hadn't just finished sprinting, he would have been questioning the fact that his muscles were seemingly being dragged down by the feeling, but he kept pushing forward, detirmined to not let a simple feeling of fatigue get in the way of making his way out of here with head held high.

He noticed suddenly that Aisha seemed to be happy about something, her expression being very similar to the one she had when they had collectively heard the sound of water in the first place. Looking around her, which wasn't hard, he gained the same glint in his eye. The hole in the wall must have come with its own holy surround system because he could hear angels shouting in his ears. Slipping inside the makeshift sewer entrance alongside Aisha, Jerom held his head up high as he felt freedom being, but then closed his nose with a gasp as he was instead filled with the detestable stench of the sewer. However, the water was a nice reminded of what they were getting closer to, even if it was blanketed with a murky appearance that matched the smell like a Tee.

Jerom catapulted into the forest around him as he felt the last shackles of the prison let go of him, traversing the sewer having been an escapade in itself, but this was his reward. All of their reward. He could hear the soft, but definitely present sounds of discord from up above, the riots that had rose up in the face of possible freedom truly a sight to behold. Well, not a sight. He was fine with being only close enough to hear barely, and even that was pushing it. Smiling, Jerom went over to the cleaner looking water and really looked at his reflection. He hadn't been at the prison for long, but the boy on the water's surface that stared back at him definitely looked a bit more guant than he remembered. He smiled nonetheless and grinned at Aisha, "We made it! We really made it!"

@Shura @SkyGinge @Karma200 @HighnessesReign @Der Kojote @The Kaosophile

Keziah Swann and 'Mags'

Outside the Lysian Prision

"No leader, eh?" Mags scowled, "No idea where we're goin', eh? Bleedin' typical!" He threw his arms up in emphasis of his frustration. Ever the showman, Gramps, Keziah thought into her mask. "Not only do we find ourselves marooned with the wrong bleedin' vigilantes, but they're weaponless, planless, an' ain't even bothered to organise 'oo's in charge! Surely at least one of you goons occupied yer time in that hellhole ruminatin' 'bout wot yer'd do to escape?" If you're going to make a song and dance over it, why don't you volunteer yourself? Keziah mused.

The dim corridors were an absolute mage, and Keziah noticed Mags pulling a baffled expression at every turn they took, confused by the total familiarity of the passing scenery. They twisted and turned so many times it felt like they were caught in some sorceror's mind game, but eventually, their white-haired 'leader' (who had adopted the role perhaps subconsciously) halted them at the sound of water.

Ah, the elation of freedom - elation completely lost on Merchant Mags, who'd frankly held on to his far more responcibly than his younger companions. "Woo, freedom", he muttered, skulking about at the party's rear with Keziah, who tagged along behind without the ecstatic dash of some of the company, "Look at these pansies - gloriously elated over the sight of bleedin' poop. Bleedin' Titch over there reckon's this is my 'ome, or some'it stupid. Yeah, well, I 'ope you enjoy yer freedom; least you've got some'it out of this. Myself, on the other hand, well, I'll be content to grumble as ever. Lost a whole round of precious bullets, din'-I? Bleedin' fortune. Physical fortune too, unlike all this spiritual lib'ration balls, 'n' stuff..."

"Customers," Ever efficient, Keziah stopped the miserly merchant's grumblings with a single word. Or, as Mags would probably word it, reset his eyes back to the prize.

@Shura @DamagedGlasses

Pursuing Otter

Caspian had been sitting in his cell turned away from the door staring at the wall, there was something stuck in the wall, a rock of sorts put together in a weird way to it. It wasn't removed when the cement was added and it was started to bother Caspian, it was a damn welled pretty rock and he wanted it. His nails had been worn down but his many attempts to pry it out and he wasn't close to even giving up yet, all the while he was bouncing his head side-to-side with the sounds of someone being beat as if it were a song. In Caspians mind it was a song as he was humming to make it so, to take away from the absolute brutality of the prison, or perhaps he was just a crazy fuck. There was a few moments where who ever was being beaten and who ever was beating would exchange words and a bout of anger began to manifest in Caspian. They were interrupting his song, how absolutely rude is that! Despite this he decided to take his mind of things and look to where his sink used to be, it had been removed by himself during an episode of hyper energy and he decided hopping on top of the sink was fun because of its metal moaning against the concrete. That was until it fell to the floor and make quite a loud banging sound. The moment played back in his head a few times over before he picked up the sink and placed it on his bed. No more banging sound just the soft touch of metal to cot, much more pleasant in his own viewpoint.

Caspian turned around to eye the rock in his wall once again with a new determined approach there came a rustling of metal on metal..it was keys, Caspian liked keys. Shortly after came the sound of a click, one he only heard when doors were unlocked. He turned on his heel and saw a fellow prisoner...Otter? Odd name for a boy or was it Otto, it sounded better that way to it'd be Otto. It appeared he got his hands on keys and unlocked his door along with multiple others and Caspian was not against it. He started for the door a grin coming to his face and as he opened it he halted.

"Oops, my sink."

He stated turning around and grabbed the sink off his bed tucking it under his arm and started back out the door again looking around at everyone and everything around him. This place was sure as hell much more ugly than Ai, and the many things you could steal from markets on Ai..Oh how he missed it. The commotion of everyone shouting and arguing was very irritating to his ears and he couldn't cover them because he was holding his sink in his right arm, so he made an attempt and did so with his left hand plugging his index finger in his ear. Through his right ear came a voice heard above all others speaking of if you want freedom you must fight for it. Caspian wanted a lot of things but currently freedom was number one, number two was his sink right now but that could change in a heart beat. Looking towards the opening doors he saw a rush of guards in their uniforms and upon their uniforms they had shiny chest badges and those batons. He had no idea why they were called batons when they were just black beating sticks...But he wanted them both, he began walking after the crowd of rushing prisoners weaving his way through them and came upon a prisoner fighting two guards..If that's what you wanted to call it, it looked more as if he was being beaten to a pulp.

Caspian took his sink in both hands and sprung high in the air holding the sink over his head and slammed it upon the guards head surely cracking his skull open resulting in a frown forming on his face. The sound was resonating again though a different kind it displeased him, he was now mad at his sink again and went to throw it aside knocking the other guard dead in the face with it breaking his nose and rendering him unconscious. There came two searing of rings after that from the contact with the guard then the impact on the floor.
Shut up shut up! Caspian kicked the sink somewhere into the crowd and started searching the two guards, taking a baton from one and a badge from the other. He placed the badge on the right of his raggity vest and a smile returned to his face, happy once again. However this grin was wiped off his face when a foot was felt in the small of his back sending him flying forwards causing him to trip on the unconscious bodies. He'd extend his hands to catch himself and the momentum slowed to a halt so that he was in a hand stand looking at the assailant. Caspian furrowed his brow as the guard pursued him baton cocked back for a vertical bash to the balls. Nope, not letting that happen. He twisted on his hands so instead his legs fell to rest on his shoulders before his muscles tightened and his right foot locked with his left ankle creating a hold. Once he had done so he tightened his core and threw his upper body back to launch the guard face-first into the ground resulting in a satisfying smack of concrete on flesh.

There was a gunshot then that could be heard and a group of muttered shouts, Caspian stood up and went towards the large crowd seeing blood and brain bits upon the floor. Oh, what a shame..Then came the chants of counting, they were all going to charge? Caspian checked his vest for his badge patting it lightly with a grin before starting to sprint towards the end of the "2" count as he wanted to be moving full speed by the time they hit three. He had to weave and bump through people in order for this to work and it indeed did play well. To Caspians left side was a large man with massive gaits sprinting for the woods, sprinting for his freedom but he was met with a train ticket to hell instead. His chest exploded from the high caliber round and covered the left side of Caspians body some of it even getting in his mouth. Disgusting. Caspian picked up his pace now letting out a yelp mixed with laughter of fright not wanting to turn into putty much like that man had and before he knew it he was in the woods, but he didn't stop. His legs kept going there wasn't a way for him to stop his legs he just had so much energy from being pent up, he was exhausted but he kept going there was no pause in it. That was until the words of others caught his attention to his right, they must of just passed him as the patter of feet on grass and breaking sticks was heard. Making a cut in front of a tree and turning his hips right he followed after the group a good distance behind a multitude of thoughts racing through his mind. That was until they all came upon the house, a house was someones property, and in those properties hold things. Things that Caspian may want, the biggest thing he wanted right now was food. He
sliiiid in with the last of the group coming inside to gaze around at everything. The scents of food being brewed up in the kitchen caught his attention the most. Instead of going with the flow of others he followed his nose instead walking directly into the kitchen his eyes flaming with delight.

@Tree @Hales @Rifleman @NewFace @YoMumWhatsforDinner
Krahdos Dragoshin

Escaping the prison, in the most elegant of manner

Krahdos would be sat silently in his cell, staring at the floor, his fingers intertwining with each other, as he rethink'd his life, as he pondered his life, he was suddenly snapped from his thoughts by the sounds of panic and yelling, as the guards were yelling something about an escape, all hell was breaking loose, Krahdos saw this as his moment to escape. to be free of this place, to once more set out on a adventure. in the rush of panic and excitement, the guards had forgot to lock his cell, he took his chance and slipped out of the cell, and made his way outside. He would remember that in the courtyard there would be some stairs. Rushing over to the stairs the gate to them would be shut, behind him he would hear a voice. "Got you now, make this easy and die quickly" as he spun around he came almost face to face with a guard wielding a spear, he would instinctively dodge the spear and wrestle it from the guards grip before flicking it around and ramming it into the guards gut, with a groan of pain and a trickle of blood escaping his mouth the guard would collapse dead. "Sorry mate, I need this more than you" Krahdos would say sarcastically as he moved back and proceeded to pole vault the gate to the stairs with the spear. a small wooden sounding thud would be heard as the spear fell to the ground behind him.

Having cleared the gate, he would begin his mad dash to freedom, jumping and sliding under obstacles that laid before him, his agility being of use in this situation. in no time he would have cleared the main gate, and would be escaping into the forest. the forest would grow darker and darker as he ran further in. hoping no one would have followed him as he escaped. Stopping by a tree he would take some heavy breaths and rest awhile to regain some stamina. "
That was bloody close, hope anyone else who was lucky to get out is fine.. best keep moving, gotta get outta here" He would mutter as he began to move further in. As he delved deeper he would hear the foot falls of people, a group. he wasn't too sure how many were there. but he took cover in a bush in a hurry. some twigs snapping and leaves rustling as he dived into the bush. "Shit.." he would mumble as he hid in the bush. wondering what would happen to him if its a patrol searching for escapees.

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