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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(As am I. Probably just gonna hand out candy to all the tiny children that run around screaming. I know I'll at least have to keep my classmates from stealing the entire bowl.)
(then theres me xD sick af and just wants to sleep. Besides, I live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere so I can't really hand out candy even if I were healthy. Welp, I gtg right now, we're going to get some meds for me)
"Hmm..? You don't know what your thread type is?" Günther asked, scratcing the back of his head.
(I honestly need someone to dress up as Revnoir or Scourge with the mask and everything and scare people xD )
Jody entered the main base, taking in the surroundings. It was so much different than her previous post. Being assigned as the leader of S2 was a true honor. And she just couldn't wait to start bossing people around.
Yulier could be found finally awake and strolling through the fully white halls. She was right near the entrance, reading something that seemed to be a book of an unknown subject.
Aura had fallen asleep at his desk, so he hadnt noticed Yulier leave. When we awoke and saw her gon, he frowned just a bit, then sighed. He pulled some food out of a fridge in the back of the office.... More proof of how long it had been since he had set foot out of his office. No one even seemed to notice the absence of his walking around the bace.
"Well.... Looks like we have a new squad leader." Aura muttered looking at his computer. "Good. I will have to meet her soon."
*Scratching the back of his head as he walks around* "Okay now first part of learning this place and where to go down now to meet my coworkers" *Looks around and starts rubbing his head*
Arya walked around the halls and saw a man she did not recognize. "You! Stop there!" She yelled running over, aiming one of her pistols at his head.
*Raising both hands in the air* "Well this is one way to welcome the new guy that or this is some twisted form of hazing. Then again eh nice to meet nice names James"
"Sorry... Just a precaution. Some reapers can look like humans. We cant be too cautious these days. Do you have your papers?" Arya asked, not lowering her gun yet.
"Oi Don't go shooting at other people Arya..."

Kano sighed. He walked up to the scene and slowly lowered Arya's arm. He stared at James slightly, examining. He sighed once more in relief. From what he remembered he spotted darkness in the depths of their eyes. Blank slates. Kano hand his hand on the hilt of his katana which laid on the oppisate of his main hand on his hip.

"What squad... And wheres the paperwork?"
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"Well" *Slowly lowering his hands to his pocket and pulling out his papers* Haven't been assigned a squad yet but I do have my papers" *Raises his arms in the air with the papers*
"Full name please?"

Kano remembered a small list of names before he started to wander about like usual. He took a glance at the papers to see if they had info for Weave recuitment. He started to wonder, who is recuiting?
"James M. Montgomery nice to meet you"*Hands still held high in the air*
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"James M. Montgomery... Ok you're good to go"

Kano let go of the hilt of his secondary blade. He wanted a fight, however he would have defeated him at almost an instant. Kano speed, agility and reaction timing was nearly unmatched. Though power was equal to 2nd in Weave now that his threads were buffed. Kano stood straight he smirked like usual.

"Welcome to Weave James..."
*Gives a sigh of relief* "Well thanks and nice to meet the both of you it feels never either of both of your names but hey both of those will come with time I suppose. Now then where can a guy get a decent meal at." *Claps both of his hands together and then gives a wide grin of joy*
"Follow the hallway all the way down... Also the name is Kano, Kano Kiritsu, Leader of Squad 8. And this is Arya something something? I forgot what squad she is in? Oh well..."

Kano sighed and slightly chuckled. He cracked his knuckles then pointed towards the direction of the hall to where the mess hall was from thier position in the first floor hallway.
"It's Arya Tsukiborodo. And I'm in squad 7. And I'm sorry sir bug I was just following orders." Arya said.

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