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Fantasy Realm of Vardisso

Reinhardt said:
Just need to clarify something. Does Aiden arrive to Vardisso with his wheelchair or not?
No, he doesn't. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough!

If you think it makes more sense for him to have the wheelchair tag along, I don't mind ^^
Reinhardt said:
I apologize if my posts are not of good quality, nor length. I've been quite busy and distracted lately.
No problem, we all have a life :)

I have the reverse issue: my posts are too long...
@Average @Orion Pax you've been unable to respond these past days. Should you fail to post until this sunday, I will be forced to take control over your characters. If you are to continue in this inactive state, I will remove your characters from the rp.
With lots of stuff going on irl, not sure I'm gonna be able to participate. May still have time to get a post in, but if not, sorry.
I'm fine either way. Your posts are good, you're giving me enough so that I can write Carja's replies with some internal commentary without having to force myself to write unimportant details to fill up paragraphs. I hope I'm doing the same with my posts.
I'm relieved to hear that. Your posts are fine too. I'm a bit unsure how Aiden will react exactly but I'll post sooner or later!

Now why do I get the feeling that being paired with Caja decreased Aiden's survival rate by a good 25%?
Because Carja is one of those old people who just stopped giving a fuck. I mean, yes, he could help you with that beast that is currently eating your liver, but then again, that would require some effort. Also, getting eaten by a beast builds character.
... I knew he was going to need a skilled called Contagious Cheerfulness. I just knew it.

Let's hope we can be reunited with the other characters soon!
Carja had fun once, it was awful. But really, he can be cheerful, he just tends to not include others in that cheerfulness.

I wouldn't mind if the characters grouped up later on. From an overall perspective, I prefer when characters are separated for a while and are reunited slowly and over time. When the group blobs together at once, it feels too coincidental.
Hello, y'all. :)

I was wondering if this roleplay was still open to applicants? I know it can be difficult to implement characters into a story that has began already, so I understand if it's not possible. However, I do quite like what I've seen so far.

In any case, have a wonderful day. :)
@callmenox Post as much as you like, just make it so that the others can easily catch up.

@Sunbather It's still open for applicants. Don't worry about the character implementation, I'll be taking care of those, should there be new characters.

Expect a post on the next two days, if not tomorrow.
@callmenox Nah, Carja is really easy to ignore. I guess the problem here is that Aiden can't really just walk away.

Also, since right now we're just writing conversation we might as well continue. Shouldn't really be that hard for others to catch up to two people talking in a tavern.
@augmentedspartan Especially with one that, as you said, can't really walk away, but we'll see about that in my next post :P That will arrive... err, sometimes in the beginning of next week, what with Easter and all that.

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