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Realm of the Gods

It was a rather beautiful afternoon, the bright sun shone down, illuminating all that was in the woodland. Birds were chirping, bunnies hopped through grassy fields on their way to find food, foxes skittered about in the background, waiting for the next unfortunate animal that would cross their path. Everything seemed so calm and so surreal. Above canopies of leaves blocked out the warm sun's rays, leaving some areas shrouded in shadows and mystery, though sometimes the sun managed to worm its way through the gaps and reveal what was within the shadows ahead. It was a perfectly fine day, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

A small boy walked through the forest, brown boots thudding against the dry ground as his blue eyes darted back and forth, taking in his surroundings. He had a rather large smile on his face, he had come to the forest today to play around, look at things with some of his friends...but he'd lost them earlier, and now he didn't know where they were, or how he could find them. Still, he didn't seem all that worried that he was lost, in fact he seemed rather interested in everything that was around him. That was probably distracting him from the fact that if he didn't find his friends he may not find his way home again.

As the child was walking something to his left caught his eye, he stopped, turning in that direction. Just beyond a huddle of trees he could see a rather large gathering of people, or what seemed to be people, being the curious soul that he was he decided to get closer. He strayed off of the path and hid behind a tree, watching these people, they seemed to be walking...but towards what? The closer he got the more he realised just how strange these people were, they looked almost see through...and they were all doing exactly the same thing, walking in unison looking exactly the same. It was almost scary... Who were these people? And what were they doing out in the forest like this? Where were they going? There was something very intriguing to Yuki about the way they moved, he wanted to follow them, he wanted to find out more.

It was a hard task for him, moving around the forest without making any noise, if these people heard him then he didn't know what would happen. They were very strange, none of them did anything but look straight and walk, they didn't turn their head, look in a different direction, do a dance, nothing...just hands by their sides, walking, walking, staring, walking. Their walk seemed to go on forever and Yuki was thinking about giving up on this whole thing, it didn't look like they were going anywhere special, but then they stopped. There was a row of trees in front of them and one by one they went through a gap between each of these trees. Now this...this could be interesting. Once he'd seen the last one go Yuki came out from his hiding place and headed over to these trees, he looked around for a second to make sure he wasn't being watched, before slipping through one of the gaps himself. After that...darkness...

The boy shook his head and blinked his eyes, had he fallen asleep or something? That was one crazy dream... He sat himself up, feeling the ground beneath him...wait what? His vision hadn't fully cleared but by the sounds and the outlines he was seeing he wasn't in the same place he had been before...or... What? Where was he?
There was already a long line out the door by the time Vasuki roused himself from a deep sleep and meandered into the main hall. Many of the people today held flowers and small pieces of jewelry, nothing special. Vasuki's eyes calmly surveyed the room once before he blinked, uninterested, and made his way to sit next to his partner. There were two similarly-patterned mats on the ground for them to keel on as the visitors reached the front of the room, bowed deeply, then deposited their offerings into the large open chest in front of them. Vasuki took the one on the right and fought back a yawn that threatened to loose itself from his mouth.

"Mornin'." his partner, Nekri, snickered. "You look terrible."

For a moment, Vasuki felt a small wave of distress pass over him and he quickly looked to the nearest reflective surface-- a large metal pendant sitting on the top of the offering chest. His eyes narrowed and he huffed, looking back at Nekri with disgust. "Stop it," he said. "Just leave me alone."

Nekri shrugged and turned his wolfish grin back to the young girl who was placing a bouquet of flowers into the box. He leaned forwards towards her until they were only a few inches away. "Thank you so much for coming," he said. "It's always such a pleasure to see you, my lovely subject..." He winked at her as she turned bright red and scurried off back to her parents. Nekri snickered underneath his breath and sat up again, smiling innocently at Vasuki's glare. "What? I'm just being
polite! Isn't that what you wanted?"

Vasuki shook his head and looked back at the long line once more. They would be here for quite a bit longer it seemed. At least another hour and a half-- perhaps more if any of their subjects wished to speak to them or to give their offerings in other forms such as a speech or a poem. Vasuki liked those offerings the least though he had to admit, many of them took considerably more time and effort to create than their other gifts. But such was the life of a city god, he supposed. You had to listen to the voices of your people however they chose to express them and you had to look moderately pleased about it, too. Vasuki always had a harder time looking pleased than Nekri did though he knew that neither of them cared for the meaningless words of the spirits.

About thirty minutes later, Vasuki found himself jabbing his elbow into Nekri's side for the third time.

up!" he hissed, wondering if hexing him awake might do more good.

Nekri opened one red eye and made a low grunting sound in the back of his throat before shutting it again. Vasuki was about to cast his nastiest hex before the doors to their public shrine opened and an elderly man rushed in, breathing heavily as he pointed behind him.

"A...child...!" he gasped, leaning over onto his knees. "There's...a child!"

Irritated, Nekri opened his eyes. "Eeh?" he asked, crossing his arms and looking down at the old man from his cushion. "What the hell's that got to do with us? And why are you interrupting...?" His voice was a low, angry growl.

The old man shook his head. "No... My lords... It's a human!"

"Whaaaat? Really?" Nekri cried, his exterior changing drastically. His frown was replaced by a wide grin and he was on his feet in an instant. The rest of the audience in the room gasped. Vasuki, however, remained calm.

He stood up, his commanding presence setting a calm over the room that had been disturbed prior. "Act rationally, Nekri," he said softly. "Now... Where is this human child?"

"He's at the gates," the man said.

Vasuki's brow furrowed. How could a human have gotten through the barriers? That was...unheard of. Although he refused to admit it, the thought of there being a human in town excited him. He hadn't been the god of this city the last time a human was here after all. This would be his first time seeing one alive. That is... If the human child was still alive after passing through to their side.

"Very well... Then, let us make our way there after the offering ceremony," Vasuki said, sitting back down on his cushion dutifully.

Nekri scowled. "Screw that!" he cried, jumping down onto the ground and grabbing onto the elderly man. "I'm going now! You! Take me to the human!" His grin was back in full force.

Sighing, Vasuki stood up again and smoothed out his robes. It seemed that yet again, Nekri was going to get what he wanted and traditions would be broken yet again. But it wasn't as though any of the other spirits could say anything about it since it was their own rules they'd be breaking. And even so, Vasuki had a nagging suspicion that the other commoner spirits were looking forward to seeing this human as well. It was just best to humor Nekri for now, he decided, as he followed them out of the shrine and out into the streets.
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This was very strange, had he been teleported or something? Yuki didn't understand what had happened. He blinked a few more times, clearing his vision once again, his eyes widened in wonder at what he saw around himself. The ground was rough, scraping his small hands slightly as he dragged them along it's surface. Behind him there was a gate of some kind, though no matter how long he looked at it he couldn't quite work out what exactly it was. Tall buildings of all different colours appeared as he turned his head in the other direction, had he wandered into a city? A city in the woods? Was that what this was? But he'd never heard of a city being out here before... That was a little peculiar...

It was only then that he noticed the people surround him, he let out a small yelp, bringing his arm up in surprise. They pretty much caged the child in, looking down at him, whispering, murmuring, pointing... What was so...interesting? Then he noticed their appearances, they were a little...different to what he'd seen before, no in fact they were very different. Some had horns, some bright red eyes, others different coloured skin. Who were these strange people? What was he doing here? They were fascinating, but he didn't understand what or who they were. It wasn't possible for a human to look like they did...was it? Well, at least he didn't think that it was possible...but the evidence was right in front of him, wasn't it?

"E-Excuse me..." Yuki looked around at all of the people, not sure who to ask, he was a little flustered right now so he was trying to just go with it all. He wasn't really afraid of them, in fact they were very intriguing to him, but he did want to know where he was and how he'd gotten here... How was it possible to hide a city this well? He hadn't even seen a glimpse of it through those trees, nor heard it, everything had been so silent... He was so very confused, these people just lived out here and no one knew about it. "You...wouldn't happen to know where I am...would you?" He still didn't know who he was addressing, he was just fishing for an answer right now.

As he moved his feet and managed to stand up he noticed a few people moving away from the crowd, something must have caught their interest. Yuki didn't know whether he tried to walk past them all or just stood here, they all seemed very interested in him, and even a little shocked. From where he was standing he couldn't make out the quiet whispers of the people around, there were too many people having too many different conversations, he could hardly make any of them out at all because of the sheer number of people talking.

Shuffling, turning, staring... "Everyone make way! They're here!" A voice shouted as people started to move, what was going on now. Yuki just turned his head to the side, looking from person to person in confusion. Who was here? And why was everyone making way for them? Were they a King or something? This day was turning out a lot different to how he'd imagined, a lot weirder, though his interest had been peaked now.
"Quit dragging your feet, Vasuki!" Nekri ordered, jogging backwards as he made his mad rush down the street to see the human. "I wanna see if it's still alive!" He had long since let go of the old man who had informed them of what happened in favor of moving faster. Both Nekri and Vasuki knew that since humans were such a rarity here that it was more than likely that the large crowd in front of the gate was centered around the child. Vasuki felt a little sorry for the kid if they were still alive. After all, who liked being stared at like some sort of spectacle aside from them?

The crowd parted as they walked through, a small entrance being formed. Every spirit bowed their head low in respect, though their eyes stayed glued to the small creature they'd formed a circle around. No one wanted to look away in fear that the unpredictable human might move and run away and their entertainment would be gone.

Nekri reached the child first, looking down at the child. "Oooh, you're alive?" he said, his grin forming maliciously. "I see..." He crouched down so that he was eye level with the child and looked at his bright blue eyes. "You have very pretty eyes, you know."

Finally, Vasuki caught up and stared down at Nekri, contemplating whether or not to kick him aside and away from the child. "Nekri..." he said. "Step back."

Surprisingly enough, with one last teasing smirk to the child, Nekri backed up and let Vasuki go forwards. He was much shorter than Nekri and only had to bend down to be eye level. "Hello," he said, a soft smile on his face. "You are a human, correct? Do you know where you are?" He spoke slowly and deliberately, hoping that his words would translate correctly into the human-speak.

Before he could reply, someone in the crowd spoke up. "He was just there when we arrived! How has he gotten in?"

From the back, there were more murmurs. "If one has gotten in... Does that mean there will be more? My lords-- How do you plan to stop this from occurring?" There were whispers throughout the crowd now and Vasuki turned his head and glared at them, stopping the noise immediately.

"Quiet," he commanded, turning his head back to the small, scared-looking human in front of him. "As you were saying...?"

The boy's eyes stayed trained on Vasuki as if trying to block out the spirits around him. "Y-Yeah...I'm...human... I don't know where I am though...I just...ended up here...." he said softly.

Vasuki's expression softened. "Ah, I see," he said. In his mind, he was wondering just what he was going to do with this situation. On one hand, he wanted to take the child in and to help him return home but on the other hand, would showing kindness to a human be the right thing to do? How would that look to his subjects? He had only been in power for a decade now and despite his people's loyalty, he had the sneaking suspicion that they were waiting for him to mess up. "And where do you hail from? Do you remember that?" Perhaps if he knew more about the child he could decide what course of action to take.

Finally, it seemed as though Nekri's patience ran out. "Can we keep him?" he blurted out. "Please? I've always wanted a little human house-servant!"
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Yuki could hear people in the distance, others were parting and he saw a man walk through. He was tall, really tall... He'd never seen someone as tall as this man, was this who they were making way for? He must be quite important if this was what they were doing for him. Though all eyes still seemed to be on Yuki, he didn't like that... Suddenly he was a little afraid, he looked down, hating that all eyes were on him. It was as if they didn't want him to run away from them, he felt like running, but he couldn't make himself move. Was there a reason for this? All of these people...and suddenly this very tall man...just looking up at him he felt uncomfortable. They did seem to be respecting this man though, he had to be important...definitely.

The man crouched down to his level and looked at the boy, his large eyes were slightly wide, and he seemed a bit afraid of what might be done to him. Though...this man didn't seem like a bad person, "I-I..." He didn't know how to reply to his comment about his eyes, but he just stared at him, his gaze never leaving the man. He didn't want to seem disrespectful, nor did he want to catch the eye of anyone around him, they seemed so intrigued... Like he was lunch of something, what was it about him they liked? He didn't understand...

There was another voice, another man? The one in front of him moved to make way for another man, still tall but smaller than the last. His eyes moved to look at this man, he just stood there, unmoving, were they a duo? He hadn't seen this one before, but he was here so...

He asked if Yuki was indeed a human and if he knew where he was, he was about to answer when someone from the crowd started to speak. What if more humans came through? What? So...he wasn't meant to get through here? He took a step back and wrapped his arms around himself, keeping eye contact with the man. So, he shouldn't be here? He hadn't meant to come through, he was just curious...that was all...

The child gulped and nodded up at him, "Y-Yeah...I'm...human...I don't know where I am though...I just...ended up here..." He replied in a quiet and nervous tone. He seemed to be getting more afraid by the second, he was surrounded by strange creatures, unable to run, finding it hard to move... He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to act, "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..." He told the man in front of him, he was trying to say that he hadn't meant to trespass on their land, he had just been interested in what the spirits were doing. He'd gotten himself stuck in this situation, what did they plan on doing with him now? How did he get home? Could he get home, or was he stuck here? Was this where he had to stay? It was interesting...and very pretty...but....

The man asked where he hailed from, which Yuki assumed was where he came from. He broke eye contact for a moment and looked at the ground, then back up, "I-I-I..." He stuttered, unable to get his words out. Then the tall man spoke, keep him? He wanted a human house-servant... So no one here was human...definitely seemed that he was quite rare. He was shaking a little by the end of this conversation, there were too many people around him, he didn't like it. Right now he couldn't speak properly, he just stood there, his eyes darting backwards and forwards between the two men. He didn't know what to do...
"He's not your house-servant!" Vasuki snapped, standing up straight now and putting a hand on the human's back protectively. "Stop referring to him as such." His eyes ghosted over the crowd as if challenging someone to stand up to him or to try and say otherwise. No one said anything but a good number of them looked down, their eyes wide in shock. They often heard their leader's bicker but never before had they heard Vasuki stand up for a human. That... Well, that was new.

Nekri looked down at the boy and back up to Vasuki. "Well then he's not yours either," he reached forward and yanked the boy towards him, leering down at him. "How about it, hmm? I'm
much more fun than Vasuki! How about you and I be friends?" He grinned, his sharp teeth showing.

Vasuki huffed, crossing his arms. "Honestly! I am not trying to say that he is mine or he is yours. We're going to take him back to the shrine and then discuss what to do with him..." He looked over at the rest of the crowd still watching the show in front of them intently. "Privately," he added.

At this, Nekri shrugged, his grip on the boy loosening a bit. "Well, wanna come with us to the shrine? It's super cool there when dumb, boring Vasuki's not around!" He looked almost excited to have the boy there but Vasuki was not about to leave him alone with the boy for an instant. He didn't doubt Nekri's intentions but he could be... A little insensitive. As in, Nekri didn't always know about what might kill a human verses what wouldn't. It was possible he could play too rough and end up killing the boy.

Sighing, Vasuki waited for the boy's answer although regardless of what he said, he was going to have to come back with them. It was just a matter of if it was willing or not.

(aaa this is kind of short I apologize)
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Yuno was shocked as he was suddenly stood up for my the shorter of the two men, they confused the young boy, and their bickering just made him more nervous. It seemed these people were in a position of power though, this man had looked over the crowd and no one had challenged what he had said. This was probably just a peculiar for them, hey didn't seem to see humans that often and so deciding what to do with him could be rather tough. He was a little afraid of what they would decide, what if there was an option to kill him? He didn't really want to die yet...

Stumbling, the taller male pulled Yuki towards him, the boy almost fell over as he wasn't expecting to be moved. Were they fighting over him? Why? That was...weird. "Ah..." He mumbled as he looked up at the man, it seemed he wanted them to become friends, but everything was moving too fast for him to understand and so he didn't really know how to respond, not that he knew how he should be speaking to those men anyway.

Vasuki was the shorter one's name, he'd picked that up at least. It seemed they were going to take him back to a shrine of some kind and decide how to deal with this, well, right now anything was better than standing here with all of these eyes on him. He was nervous and uncomfortable, even if this was going to be something bad he'd rather be with only two people than stood in the middle of the street with everyone looking at him like he was some form of public entertainment.

He swallowed and looked between the two, they were quite daunting to the young boy but he tried to speak as calmly as possible. "I-I'll...come...." He replied in a quiet voice. How nervous he was could be told by the tone of his voice, it was so quiet, like he didn't want to be heard, or was afraid of being heard. However he was still intrigued, this place was quite amazing, and very different.

(Don't worry about it, mine is too.)
Vasuki tried his best to smile reassuringly down at the boy but knew it might come out looking a little...scary. He was not used to using that kind of facial expression with people let alone someone so innocent-seeming. He didn't want the smaller creature to feel pressured into going with them but he had said that he would follow willingly. Vasuki passed up Nekri, shooting him a glare. "Let him go," he said. "He said that he would follow us. We have no reason not to believe him."

Nekri shrugged, not letting go. "Hmm... How about cause he's a human? You know we can't trust them. Even if they do look innocent." He frowned for the first time today. "I think maybe your little fixation is clouding your better judgement... Buuuut I guess we can talk about this later!" Surprisingly, he let go and skipped on ahead, looking behind him to make sure that they were following.

At this, Vasuki visibly relaxed and flicked a piece of blue hair over his shoulder, not bothering to look down at the boy. His 'fixation' Nekri had called it? What did that mean? He didn't much like the ton that Nekri had given him but he had to obey nonetheless. After all, they were of equal statuses in the city; neither was above the other. At first, it seemed like a good situation but Vasuki worried about what would happen if the two of them could not come to an agreement on what to do with the human. Vasuki thought he might like to release the human back to his own lands but Nekri seemed to have alternate ideas in mind. Ones that would benefit them, perhaps, but not the human child. He decided to keep these worries to himself and not voice them quite yet.

He let the child walk in front of him but behind Nekri, making sure that he wouldn't try to run. Once or twice the boy seemed to stumble over the rocky terrain and Vasuki reached out to catch him each time on instinct before pulling back. He had to constantly remind himself not to show any favoritism towards this human. If he would not do the same for a spirit then he should definitely not do that for a human. Still, it was tiresome.

Finally, they reached the shrine. This one was different from the shrine that they received offerings in. It was larger and far more ornate with large golden embellishments up the sides of the newly sanded wood and a long, brick walkway to the sliding-door entrance. Nekri turned around and waited for the human to go inside first. Vasuki didn't want that. It might be too bright inside for the human's eyes. Perhaps they did not see the same colors, he thought? He walked ahead into the room and used his magic to dim up the lights. You could still see, he noted, but it was more candle-lit now.

Not waiting for the other two to come inside, he took a seat on a cushion next to a low table and closed his eyes patiently. He needed to organize his argument.
Yuki had seen the attempted smile by the one name...Vasuki! That was it, at least he believed that that was the man's name. He'd heard it from the other after all. His smile however was a little strange, but it didn't seem to be threatening towards the child, in fact he seemed to be trying to help him out. So far he'd only argued his corner, the boy definitely appreciated it, but he didn't understand it... Still, he didn't need to, he wanted to find out what these two were going to do with him. They had started arguing again, it seemed that they were on totally different ends of the table with this.

The boy looked up at the taller man named Nekri and then at his own arm, he'd forgotten that the man had had hold of it in all of the fuss and confusion that was going on. It didn't seem like Vasuki liked that very much, and it was making Yuki a little more nervous... They couldn't trust him because he was a human? Is that how they felt? He didn't have anywhere to run, and he was rather afraid of them both so he wouldn't try anything... He couldn't risk it... They still couldn't trust him though, humans really were rare here if they were so distrusted. That or they'd done some bad things to the people here, he didn't really know.

Finally Nekri did seem to let go of him and go on ahead, he moved his arm and little and just watched him. Should he follow? He didn't quite know what to do. He looked at the other man, but he was paying no attention to the child. This was all so unnerving, again Yuki started to shake slightly, but he held his arm and tried to stop it. There was no time for that, he just had to move didn't he? He had to move along and obey them, there was no other choice... At least he might get to look around the city whilst they walked, that was something that he'd wanted to do, and it was still very interesting to him.

He started to walk, in front of the smaller man, but behind the bigger man. It seemed that this was a sort of way to stop him from running, he still didn't believe he could get away, even if he tried. As they walked the boy looked around in awe, it really was a magnificent city! His wide sky blue eyes lit up as they watched each building go by, all different, all special. His fascination with the things around him caused him to trip up on the ground from time to time, he was probably lucky that he didn't end up falling over. Looking at the city caused him to forget about his worries for a moment and just to focus on the beauty of the things around him. A small smile even appeared on his face for a brief amount of time, he seemed a little less nervous whilst just looking around.

Nekri came to a stop outside a large building, and when Yuki got there he stopped with him. It was a good looking place, gold placed everywhere, the wood finely made. It seemed that the man was waiting for him to go inside first, he looked up and then returned his gaze to the floor, the small smile he'd had before fading, the fascination disappearing, fear striking him once again. Once he was in he wouldn't be able to run at all would he? As he stepped inside he quickly turned to look behind himself before walking a little further in, it was just as nice inside it seemed.

Vasuki went to sit on a cushion, but Yuki didn't move... He was feeling rather uncomfortable, and he didn't know what he was meant to do now. Should he just stand here and wait? Did they need him for anything? He just...didn't know... So he stood, nervously glancing around, waiting to be given instructions as to what to do next.
Nekri sat on the cushion opposite of Vasuki, staring at him with an amused look in his eyes. Vasuki was already taking this as a challenge. Both of them weren't about to give up their ideas of what should be done with the child. They waited for him to sit down as well in one of the other available cushions but they simply stood there, looking around like they thought one of them might jump up and eat him. Nekri thought that might be funny. But he was smart enough to know that if he was ever going to get his way he had to at least act like Vasuki was right. Then, once Vasuki wasn't looking or busy with some boring city business Nekri could get what he wanted.

"You can sit down, you know," Nekri said, laughing at the boy's actions. He seemed so silly just standing there doing nothing! "In fact, I insist that you do sit down. Closer to me, please, if you don't mind."

Vasuki's eyes narrowed at this but he allowed the boy the choice to sit wherever he would like to. "O-Okay..." the boy said, sitting down like he was asked to after a moment of hesitation. Nekri let out another quiet laugh. He was so obedient, too!

Vasuki cleared his throat and looked at Nekri, who only smiled sweetly at him. "So... I suppose you'll want to state your case first?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Nekri shrugged, looking at the boy. "I 'unno," he said. "But I do want to know your name! Can you tell me, please?" He was honestly quite interested in hearing a human's name. He wanted to know other things too like how many people made up the average family in the human world and what sorts of things they ate for meals and even just how many meals they had per day! Everything about them fascinated him though he knew those questions would have to wait.
Yuki already knew these two had totally different opinions on what should be done with him, he didn't know which of them would win, and that was the scary part... He didn't know what was going to happen, being left in the dark about things was very unnerving. Though he was getting half distracted by how beautiful everything was, this place was amazing! It looked really nice! He wanted to explore it desperately, there must be so much in this city that was different from his own world... He'd love to see it all, to witness it all... Maybe they'd show him, no, that was very unlikely... Unless he got to stay here, then he'd probably get to see it, but then again, he didn't know if he wanted to stay... He wanted to see his family again after all... All of this was messing with the child's head, making him even more nervous.

The boy jumped at Nekri laughing, the sudden sound that broke the silence scared him slightly. He said he could sit down? Oh, so they did want him to. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the cushions, should he? Well, they wanted him to so..

"O-Okay..." He replied, heading over to sit on a cushion that was closer to Nekri's side than Vasuki's. He didn't really have a preference as to which man he'd rather sit near, he was just doing what he was told. You were meant to listen to adults and respect them, so he shouldn't be rude or disobey them. Plus he was nervous and didn't want to make a bad decision, going with the safe option was always best.

Then Vasuki started to speak, they were probably going to decide what to do with him now...but Nekri seemed so nonchalant about that, in fact he seemed more interested in the boy himself.

"Ah...um..." For a second he had to think about how to reply, that was probably the nerves, "My name's Yuki..." He told him, looking up at the tall man, even sitting down he still looked big. Though why was he so interested in the child's name? Well, it was polite to ask a person you'd just met their name, he was probably just being nice. Neither of them seemed like nasty people, he relaxed just a little at that thought. They weren't out to kill him by the looks of things, so he should calm himself down, even if it was only slightly.

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