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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ⋆✩ ☆ Reach for the S t a r s

Sasil said:
Wow this has been really quiet.
How has everyone's weekend/week been going? Hopefully better then mine e.e

It has, might be due to exams.

I know I start my testing hiatus in a week or so so I've been studying my butt off making sure I don't fail my classes.
NessieAlways said:
It has, might be due to exams.

I know I start my testing hiatus in a week or so so I've been studying my butt off making sure I don't fail my classes.
Good Luck Nessie! You got this! <3
I guessed that was the case xD School aways getting in the way of the world online lol

Good luck everyone!
INB4 I GET LAZY AND FORGET AGAIN OR W/E. in short, i'm trying to focus on my school work right now and i apologize for that BUT i have next week off so i'll likely get my re-intro in some time then! sorry for any delay and not saying anything sooner.
Good Luck Pine!

Also everyone else who has mid terms o 3o I am your cheerleader from the internet world you can do it!
Correction to my last post: I actually only have Thursday and Friday off, and I forgot that family visits were going to be a thing... BUT I'll still try to get in that post at some point later in the new week. :U Apologies for the wait so far tho gomenasai.
It's all good pine o 3o

I think everyone seems to be pretty busy with school and life stuff from the sounds of it.
okay so BASICALLY what happened if i'm a dumbass and left my charger at the dorm over the break so i couldn't do shit for the past few days and now it's finals time and all this studying and exams and presentations and aaAAAHH
So while writing Leah I pictures a funny and quirky girl just throwing flowers all over the place. While looking for her face claim, I just went onto YouTube and searched up cover artists and listened to a billion and one covers until I found a voice and face I liked. I chose Christina Grimmie base on her singing voice and had no idea of her personality.

Now after seeing this video, I've realized Leah has a lot in common with her Christina. I mean they might as well be the same person!

Prepare to hear Leah sing this every time she walks into "this magical place!"

Christina Grimmie on Twitter





so anyway guess who's on winter break and about to rock ur world with another intro

(some time this week or next week)
*shitty laughter* I am the worst. I don't even know what happened between now and last time I posted. I think I could maybe make an intro between today and tomorrow, but I just want to check with you guys first if you still even want to do this? I'm really incredibly sorry omg.
Hey guys!

Sorry I've been MIA

My mother did the worst thing possible. She disconnected the Internet.

My brother failed a class cus he didn't do his homework so as punishment she took away the internet. Sadly that affected me as well.

I'll be back in my apartment by Monday so I'll be back for good then!
That sucks that they took the internet away D:

And Pine I don't think you have to worry to much holidays made everyone dissappear for a bit xD Hopefully they all come back though o3 o

I am still interested just been offline for a bit because of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Has me obsessed o.e
lol omg nessie that sucks holy hell. i try not to bitch too much irl but man they would never hear the end of it from me if someone took my internet away ahaha. ;w;

yeeee holidays are crazy and idk it's kind of weird how getting back to school makes activity so much worse here but also so much better? xD i guess it's because all of us roleplayers are procrastinators at heart.

but hey man if i had that game i wouldn't be online much either tbh. xD u have fun with that m8.
Oh I have been...Pretty much I get off work and start playing it. (As long as I don't have to fight my sister for the tv lol) The game is so pretty and the characters are all so diverse. I love me Bald Elf, Solas~
-rolls in and breathes life into this roleplay-

How are we doing here guys? Lol I'm willing to push through and continue this. For some reason, I didn't get any notifications at all for this. @_@
*giddy wave* Polaaaaaaa ! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

I'm back at college and already repeating the process of deliberately neglecting my basic responsibilities, same ol', same ol'. I should try to do a post some time this week. Just need to kick my muse into gear. *weeps tears of blood* and preferably do a bit of homework at some point that would probably be wise
Heyyyy Pine!

Oh god. :( I've been back in college for four weeks now. LOL I have a midterm tomorrow and I've been "taking a break" and you know, prodding everyone about role playing again. I think we lost @GiannaCoco but...lol I'm not really sure who's still here. I should tag everyone and see what's up.

@NessieAlways @eheu @Sasil

Homework? :P What homework? There's no such thing.
FirePolaris said:
Heyyyy Pine!
Oh god. :( I've been back in college for four weeks now. LOL I have a midterm tomorrow and I've been "taking a break" and you know, prodding everyone about role playing again. I think we lost @GiannaCoco but...lol I'm not really sure who's still here. I should tag everyone and see what's up.

@NessieAlways @eheu @Sasil

Homework? :P What homework? There's no such thing.
As I said in the other RP

Still here!

Just lurking in the background while I try to settle my schedule and balance life.
(waves) I'm still here. Just been relieved from some very important exams, so I'm certainly still available if this is to be continued.

I'm also writing for several other things at the moment, though. Will be waiting for news on this.
eheu said:
(waves) I'm still here. Just been relieved from some very important exams, so I'm certainly still available if this is to be continued.
I'm also writing for several other things at the moment, though. Will be waiting for news on this.
Woohooo! Lol I think we got the main group back. I'm going to go over the roles again because I kind of forgot. Haha

Bedroom #12: Lilian (Keyboardist)



and Saul (Bassist)



Bedroom #17: Klara (Guitarist)



Bedroom #21: Ben (Drummer)



and Leah (Lead Singer)



So we're down to 5 people. The struggles of keeping a role play alive. x-x

So we lost our one and only guitarist. :( I'm going to have Klara be a guitarist to make things easier. Alright guys! Five people, we can do this!

@Pine :< I guess their bassist rivalry will be gone now. Maybe they can just be bitter frenemies.
@FirePolaris haha oh damn, you're right. What, is he supposed to actually CARE now? Get ALONG with people? Blasphemy.

Hehe, I'll get back to you on all of this. *puts on thinking cap*
Hey wait! Am I still in this? Cause I'd be extremely happy to still be in this.

And I haven't checked in because you know, with all the I was being rude and disappeared for a whole month thing, I thought that this was gone and stuff...

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