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Fantasy «§» Raza Highschool «§» for the magically gifted

She screamed, which wasn't an uncommon thing to hear in defense class she had no way to defend herself from the cyclone and it was to big to dodge. She panicked and threw her hand foward a large blast of blinding light forcing the cyclone to discipate "What the heck!" She said, staring at her hands, gaping.
He'd raise an Eyebrow, Chuckling as the girls own surprise at her Ability. "Now that was pretty cool." It seems like she able to do something else different that plant manipulation which surprised Auro quite a bit though he didn't show it too much. Wondering what she could actually do or better yet what was she?
Krona nodded in agreement. "Me too...." She continued staring at the mini explosions of colorful rainbows. It was magnificent. Such an ability like that would be amazing. "You're ability is unique, I like it." Her eyes turned to see his face. He had a soft, gentle look in his eyes, like an uncle. Like Fisher's.... She shook the thought of Fisher away and returned back to gazing at the doodles.
Del's emotion was currently very calm and soft, just from a little thing like that. He didn't even have the previously embarrassing action in his mind. Hus soft, small smile was still there, as he directed his view to Krona. She was... interesting. He'd never seen an android before. She definitely wasn't as unemotional as he'd expected, but that was probably just a stereotype. Del felt a happiness suddenly, like he'd made a new friend. He could already tell that they would become friends. "I'll see it one day, and I'll take you with me." Del paused for a moment. "I'm Del, by the way. Kinda like the laptop. But with one L." His voice was soft, a tiny bit hushed.
She sat down and flopped on her back her red hair sprawling out around her, suddenly exhausted that flash of light (which still shocked her) took her energy "I surrender." She said and stared at his paper "What are you?" She asked curiousity pouring from her voice. She probably seemed dramatic just laying there but she really didn't care she just waited for his answer.
He'd chuckle at that, thinking he should be the one asking her the exact same question. " Heh just a simple guy who uses a bit of my own style of Magic~" It was quite true, His Magical ability seemed to be somewhat unique to just himself and it had managed to catch a fair number of people off guard when having a duel. "I can explain it to you If your that interested." he'd shrug, It was common enough for people to ask about his magical talent.
"I'm Krona, That's what my creator called me...." She replied back. "With a 'K'... Some people spell it with a 'C'... But I don't mind.." They won't know if I'm upset anyways.. Krona thought to herself. Inside her heart was beating like crazy, she made a friend. Finally a friend. Just like Fisher. She just hoped her new friend didn't abandon her and move on to a new friend.
As Nikolai ran through the halls all he could think was "of all the days for my alarm clock to break, it had to be today!" When he finally reached the classroom he walked in and explained to Mr.Quan what had happened."Sorry my alarm clock died and I woke up late, what are we doing now?" Mr.Quan explained the partnering up. "Ahh shoot, is there anyone without a partner yet?" asked Nikolai.
Indira had been sleeping until now. As she looked at the scene before her in the classroom, she decided not to step in. She didn't want to involve herself in a fight. She did like fights, and her doll seemed to be burning in her hands as she backed away from the door. Her doll, an almost exact replica of her, would burn when Indira wanted to fight. She sighed and turned around, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. She had missed a majority of the class, but she didn't really care about attendance. She stepped into the classroom and smiled, her presence dropping the temperature in the room. Every puppeteer made their surroundings colder, only because they weren't living. Puppeteers could be compared to ghost, and Indira was one of them.

"Excuse my lateness, but is there anyone willing to fight me?" She questioned, her smile seemingly that of a ghoul.
She shot to her feet "Oh tell me!" She squeeled her enthusiasm probably scaring the poor boy "Woops didn't mean to be so loud..." she said quietly blushing at her weirdness "What does it do? Oh and how does it work?" She asked a little calmer then earlier. When she was exited about something (learning about that cool power was pretty exiting) even just the slightest bit she lost control of her powers. Flowers grew beside her and she squeeled seeming rather jumpy then steppdd on then. "Woops... sorry" she said quietly.
(Oops, posted that a bit early)

Slightly intimidated by the girl with the doll, Nikolai said "I just got here too and have nobody to partner up with.

Am I good enough?" Hoping she would agree. Nikolai looked at the girl who walked in and thought "She looks a bit

young, is she really a High Schooler?"
Eveny returned back, her gaze on the people fighting before going back to her desk and fixed her weapon. Class was almost over and everyone seemed to be arriving extremely late. Moving skme hair out of her face she then went to take the finished weapon to the project wall if there was something made during class. She then frowned, she was too short to even reach the first bracket to place projects. "Why do I have to be so short. I should at least be two inches taller." she said as she grabbed a chair and stood on it, placing her project on the lowest bracket.

Hopping down she then moved the chair back to it's original place. The classroom made her very uncomfortable. There were so many students. All she wanted to do was go home and plau video games in her room, the one place she could be alone and not have to worry about the outside world. Sitting back at her desk and sketched out another weapon which she would make a home with her sister's help, if she didn't annoy her too much.
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Auro would grin, He definitely took a liking to this girl already finding her bubbly personality rather refreshing. "Well Unlike most Magic users I use my Short hand ability to make as people would call them Miniature spell books which i can use to make quite a few effects happen as you saw earlier. Mainly by combining different colors and elements. It's a pretty handy ability, Somewhat Unpredictable too because of the range of things I can do with it." He'd smile slightly, Always liking to explain his ability to people. "My only question to you though is what you might be, That light show was pretty cool." He'd ask, not bothering to hide the curious tone in his voice.
"Ugh..." she panicked. what was the best way to go about this Run? No that seemed rude Change the subject? That makes me seem suspicious! Flat out tell him? seemed to be the best option "Um I have absolutely no idea." she admitted quietly "I can do anything with plants and animals seem to like me... but that light thing has only happened once before and I was really angry, it seems to happen when I feel upset or cornered." she said. A small hint of a smile appeared on her lips "You should see me in power control class. I'm amazing." she said sarcastically, her tone giving away that she was absolutely horrible "I believe one time I almost strangled the teacher with vines when she scared me." she said laughing.
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"Since you showed me your abilities, I guess I'll show you mine..." Krona held up her right hand. Her hand held up another blank paper and it disintegrated into ashes. The ashes fell to the ground and she picked it up slowly. Squeezing the ashes in her palm, it became a blue flame. The blue flame flickered and dance in her palm. "It's not too great... I can do more but... I don't feel like it.."
Indira's smile grew wider as another late student accepted her proposal.

"Oh, of course you're good enough! Anyone can fight with me!" She exclaimed, thinking highly of her fighting skills.

"Shall we dance, then, sweetie?" Indira said, a wild glint in her eyes. She let her doll go, and as it fell, it caught fire. A low laugh erupted from Indira, and she couldn't hold her excitement in. The doll's ashes fell to the ground, and just when her opponent thought nothing would happen, a hand burst from the ashes, then an arm. The doll rose from the ashes, slowly pulling itself out of the void the ashes opened up. Indira couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably as she watched her creation rise. The thing that rose out of the void looked exactly like Indira, the only difference in the eyes. The doll had lifeless eyes that seemed to stare blindly, and Indira was delighted at this fact.

"Would you please say hello to my newest puppet, Indeares." Indira said, the puppet's name quite obviously coming from her creator's name. Silvery strings came from Indira's limbs and connected to her puppet's, allowing Indira to control her puppet with each movement.

"Shall we fight, then, sweetie?" Indira asked, smiling with wild eyes once again. "I have gone and made a spectacle of myself, so I would much rather enjoy it if we got this over with quickly."
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"Eh Fair enough, Still that was quite the awesome spectacle." He'd grin, Obviously finding her Powers quite interesting. "Try not to strangle me in the Next lesson then alright?" He'd chuckle , He'd already took quite a liking to this girl she seemed quite interesting. Maybe this year might even be better than the last.
"Well I can't say that isn't impressive but I've got tricks up my sleeve also." Nikolai responded calmly. Walking over to the ashes Nikolai asked "May I?" Grabbing a handful and walking back. Also grabbing some rocks from his backpack, Nikolai set them down on the ground and held his hands over it all, "Now watch this!" He exclaimed as he created a bright light. After everything was visible, what was left on the ground was a full sized steel spear adorned with ribbons of black and red. "Now lets get this started shall we?"
Dang. Emil snapped out of his dazed state on the floor and stood, quickly making his way to class. he would have to wait to find Oscar until classes were over, even though he was already severely late. quietly, he stood outside the doorway to Mr. Quan's class, observing from the partially open door before something caught his eye. A white snake slithered into the room, blending in with the wall as it crept beneath the desks nearer to the wall. Mismatched eyes widened when Emil noticed the reptile, and he slipped inside the room quietly, discretely following the animal. Thin fingers came to brush the dark hair from over his left eye as he searched beneath the desks, mumbling under his breath,"Oscar.."
She slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. He was funny "I won't strangle you! ... maybe just throw you at a wall." she joked her smile growing wider every second. Just then the bell rang telling them it was time to transition to the next class "Hey want to walk with me to class?" she asked as she grabbed her books. She could tell Mr. Quan was mad at the late students by the way his vein bulged so she simply looked away "Oooo check this out!" she said as she snapped her fingers as a mustache made of flowers formed under her nose. They were brown with yellow middles. Then she wiggled her eyebrows and a Mario hat made of red flowers appeared and did her best Mario impression which ended with a coughing fit "I love doing that." she said gleefully then snapped and they disappeared.
Eveny watched the snake slither around, and then she saw a boy crawl around the floor after it. Not knowing what to do, she got up from her seat and moved her chair, the only thing blocking the owner and the snake. "What are you doing?" she asked as she looked at the boy with curious eyes. Although she had a curious expression, she was laughing so hard on the inside.
"Aww, maybe another time." Said Nikolai a bit disappointed, but glad because of one thing. He didn't know how to fight with a spear. Changing the spear back into a couple rocks was an easy job and he just shoved them in his backpacks second slot. He heaved his backpack on and remarked to the strange doll girl "That thing is impressively scary, nice going." And walked on to his next class.
"Ah my soul can rest in ease knowing I won't be strangled to death. Sure why not you seem pretty cool." He'd smirk slightly, spinning his little notebook around in his hand. He'd watch with utter amusement as she did a Mario expression laughing at the spectacular sight. "I'm already jealous of your power." He'd say in between laughing.
Indira was quite disappointed that the bell had rung before they could start fighting, and she smiled as he left.

"I take that as a compliment, my dolls are quite beautiful, and we can always fight later." She softly whispered to herself, walking towards her next class with her puppet following behind her.
She laughed and started walking "I'll give you a call when I know how to use it." she said sarcastically, she turned her eyes to him "Wait, did I even ask what your name was?" she asked. What person talks to someone for so long and doesn't even ask there name. She scowled "Ugh... I'm so akward." she said.

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