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Fantasy RavenWood Academy of Magic and Science

Marko hadn't seemed to nodice and just kept walking until he got three doors away. he then pulled the key to his dorm out, unlocked the door, and walked into his dorm. his head was down the hole time.
"Hmm. Either you're not human, or you used a spell to change how you look?" Ana asked, unfazed by Zoeya's display.
Raze watched as the guy walked away and entered his room. "Weird guy." He commented, brow furrowed as he turned and continued his long strides to his room, almost breaking the door when he pulled it open before slamming it shut. He locked the door then sat himself on the bed. "Start simple Raze. You want to experiment as much as possible before you destroy something and get called to the headmaster's office for damaging of property." He took a deep breath as the fire formed in his hands and he focused everything on it.

"OH SHIT!" Raze dove under his desk, hitting his head as an explosion hit. "Seriously Raze? You have 30 ideas to entertain yourself with and you had to choose that for your second one." He stepped out from under the bed and examined his room. Burnt marks covered just about everywhere. "Stupid genius." He rubbed his head as he made sure his belongings were safe. At least he had stored them away so they weren't burnt to smithereens. "I swear. The moment classes begin the first thing I'll ask the teacher to teach me is to control my magic and how to cast complex spells without burning up everything around me." Loud knocks on his door interrupted him. "Great." He muttered under his breath as he headed to open the door.
Zoeya let out a laugh " much more clever then I first thought " she lowered her wrap again showing her normal face, which looks rather unremarkable. "Perhaps I don't need to tutor you after all" she said in a now unmuffled voice, she leaves the wrap around her neck for the time being.
as raze opened his door another explosion sounded from down the hall the explosion shot the door out of its frame and into the ajasent wall. a minute later marko walked out of the door coffing up smog, and covered in soot.
"I'm just a quick learner, that's all." Ana said with a smile. "It would take me a while to learn how to do it, though. I may be good at recognizing it, but not doing the action myself." Ana chuckled, enjoying the company of her new acquaintance, and hopefully, friend.

(going to sleep, night!)
"I guess that makes two of us." Raze muttered as he turned to face the person who had knocked on his door.
A farther ways away down the hallway of the dorm rooms, Meledy heard and explosion. She jogged toward it, that being her maximum speed while wearing flats, and noted a door blasted off its hinges, and sooty marks scattered around the walls. The lingering scent of smoke and burnt oxygen lingered behind. "What in the world!?" Someone must have been caught in the explosion, she saw a dirty figure coughing, doubled over. "Are you okay!?" She ran toward Marko.

@Dusk Wolf
Marko "coff... coff, that wasn't supposed to happed, coff...coff. what oh i'm fine." he began wiping the soot off his face
Saterienne and Israphel stood in the small dorm room of the latter, the former slowly migrating around the room, inspecting the furnishings and so forth, while they both chatted with one another.

"Hrm, so, how was yer first day, kid?"

"S-so far? Terrifying."

"Right, but anythin' aside from the usual?"

"I-I got some w-work done in the library. S-started translating an o-old Wiccan text."

"Still hell-bent on bein' a spoonbender, huh? Y'know ya could always come to the School of Science and work with me. We sure as shit ain't got superpowered ass-fucks runnin' around everywhere."

"I-I know, but... i-if that's the price, I guess I'm w-willing to endure it..."

"Bah, it shouldn't be the price at all. Load'ah crap that a kid can't get educated without fearin' for 'er life."

A silence stretched out between them, before Izzy finally broke it,

"Th-the Headmaster s-said I was a candidate for b-being an Enforcer. Wh-what do you think th-that's about?"

"Pfft, that old man probably wants you as a bargaining chip, he knows his balls are in a vise."

"Wh-what, you really think so? J-just after this one i-incident?"

"Nah, it's plenty more'n this. Us over in the Engineering Department, we've whipped up a little something... it's classified, can't say much, but I'm pretty dammed sure what it could do has got that old fart quakin' in his boots."

"It's really that powerful? That someone like him is afraid of it?"

Saterienne stopped, and glanced over to her younger sibling, staring at them for a long moment, before giving a wink and rustling their hair, then walking out the door. She never said goodbye to them, for reasons Israphel didn't fully understand.
The morning after the incident with the drunk Huang Biao decided to set out, and explore the school. Following his campus map he got himself some breakfast before heading out and hitting up the various classrooms. First year students having no classes for at least another week, but the upper class students were still in session. Huang spent some time observing the older students practicing magic far beyond his current scope before wandering towards the library. He spent some time wandering the shelves trying to find the subjects relevant to his current abilities. Finally finding a book that seemed like it would be a good primer, he sat down in a study area and pulled out a notebook and felt-tipped pen to take notes.
Xavior smiled softly, sitting at his desk, looking over some paperwork. "The representative from the council is here." Fiya said, floating around softly. "Let them in." Xavior said, not looking up, smiling a bit. "S-so..." The representative said, smiling. "About the things we talked about before? Can they... Can they be done?" He asked, smiling hopefully. "They can." Xavior said, nodding slowly. "How ever, not at the moment." He added, finally looking up at the representative. "Oh... I see... When can we expect a more... positive answer?" He asked, watching Xavior clearly nervous. "You will get one, when you get one." He said, waving for him to leave.

"Any report on how the Academies are doing?" Xavior asked, a few minutes later. "Do the scientists still think what they are doing is something I should fear?" He asked, smiling softly. "Yes, of course they do master!" Fiya said, landing on his shoulder. "Though they don't know you like I do so..." She said chuckled, shrugging a bit.


Hiita sighed, shaking her head as she looked at the book again, slowly taking notes.
(Sure, a lot happened that I figured 'next day' was acceptable... It's now early morning/dawn.)
Dusk had eventually gone back to his room and gone to bed.

marko had camped out in the hall since he had in a sense blown his room up.
(Oh OK....fair enough)

Zoeya would eventually bid Ana farewell, locate her dormitory, settle in her belongings, and get ready for the night. Though most of it was filled with reading... And practicing, rather then sleeping...this was more often then not.. How her nights were, and she was fine with that,. Though it might prove a little troublesome once actual classes start, she's more used to making her own time for everything...rather then following times set for her.

She stumbled out of her room...sorta hunched over, walking like a zombie, her normally golden eyes looked more of a rotten yellow under her droopy eyelids. The only thing that did look well prepared... Was the bow on her head that she always wears. Her face wrap was loosely fit around her neck. She shuffled though the hall....an open book in one hand, she looked as though she was reading it as she was mindlessly walking.
After dealing with the remnants of the explosion, Meledy headed back to her dormitory room for a little sketching, and then sleep. She changed into her satin pajamas, navy blue with indigo colored tie-dye-patterned stripes. She hopped over to her bed, folded her glasses, then dived into the bed, snatching her kawaii-cat-pillow and hugging it until she fell asleep.

The next morning, Meledy woke splayed out on her bed far from the way she has called alseep in. The sheets were halfway onto the floor, and the cat-pillow halfway across the room. She hurriedly dressed and dragged a hat on top of her head, then swund her bag off her desk, already packed for another day of wandering.
Raze had been thankful that he hadn't been called up for the damage he did the night before. The last thing he wanted was a bad start to the school year or even expulsion because of his unintentionally destructive tendencies. He'd spend the night sleeping on the floor of his room thankful that he had somehow managed to avoid completely blowing it up like the guy down the corridor. Now it was the wee hours of the morning and he had been spending the last few minutes telling himself to have more patience and fight the urge to use magic again.

"How am I going to survive until classes begin? If I go to the library I'll probably be entertained but I can see yesterday happening all over again when I leave the place. I could try exploring school grounds but after that then what? Why must we wait so long for classes to start?" He frowned as he rolled around the floor. It didn't help that he always woke up early. Way too early now that he was trying to ban himself from using his magic until lessons. He continued rolling around hoping time would pass quickly. It didn't.

Raze jumped to his feet and headed towards the door, walking down the corridor briskly before he forced himself to slow. If he walked at his usual pace with his long strides he wasn't going to have enough exploring to keep him busy especially when he'd covered quite a bit already.

After a short while of walking at more than half of his usually speed, Raze gave up and say himself down in the courtyard. Waiting was never one of his strong points and only so many things entertained him. He sighed as he sat there. If he loved something else as much as he loved magic maybe he would have more things to do and cause less problems. Only everything he loved was magic related. "That's right. I'll find someone to talk to about magic or maybe something else." He then set off to look for someone else.
After tying on tennis shoes in the stead of flats, Meledy again jogged the course of her classes. After she went around the courtyard a second time, she noticed somebody in the center of it, looking incredibly impatient. She hopped in place while she observed him, then decided to pace down the length of the hall she was currently in to cool down. After she did, she stepped into the courtyard, but stayed as out-of-sight as was able, hiding among a small cluster of shrubs and removing her sketchbook. She turned to a blank, unruled page and began trying to sketch the surrounding corridors and bushes from her memory, looking up every so often. Soon, she had several light rough outlines for small trees and bushes, with a blank center on the page. "How do I draw a person like that..?" She pondered aloud, muttering under her breath and screwing up her face in concentration.

As Raze moved to leave the area, he caught sight of a slight rustling behind some bushes and walked over to investigate. His eyes widened slightly in surprise when he found a young girl crouched behind them, sketch book open and pencil in hand. She was focusing hard on the page that had tough outlines of what looked to be the courtyard and the corridors but the center was blank. He frowned as he tried to think of what it might be but got nothing. At least he had found someone to talk to. "What goes in the middle?"

"EEP!" Meledy squealed, not noticing that Raze had snuck up behind her. Or that he had even left from his spot. Her head whipped back and forth between him and his position prior to her beginning the drawing, seeming confused. She finally registered that he had spoken, and that it had been a question. "Oh.. uh.. Here?" She pointed to the blank space. "Um... it was gonna be a... a bunny." She was a horrible liar, but she tried as best she could to keep her reddening face from giving her away, so she nodded her head in such a way that a chunk of it slid in front of her visage.
Raze raised an eyebrow. "A bunny? Occupying that much space? Must be huge. Why a bunny though?" He shifted his gaze to the girl whose face was now downcast.
"..." It took her another moment to realize he had asked another question. "Oh! A bunny because... I need more practice drawing... fluffy things. And I left a large space because the background could be set in the wrong place for the position of the bunny if I filled all of it in beforehand." She circled the empty space lightly with the dull end of her pencil. At least the latter of the statement was true and she wasn't tripping through her words anymore.

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