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Fantasy RavenWood Academy of Magic and Science

As he began walking away, Meledy waved, "See you around..!" She realized that she hadn't even gotten his name. Well, that's Meledy: 0 Socialization demons: 1 She thought gloomily. She then continued to wander the halls in search of her classrooms.

(I have to leave for what is expected to be all the rest of today, so... Just saying so!)
The man then smiled, nodding slowly. "About that." He said, before raising his hand and waved it a bit, the wood on the table the shot out at Israfel, before slowly disintegrating a few inches near him, a few symbols could be seen glowing a soft blue on the ceiling. "There are sigils all across the schools like these, that ensure lethal force can't be used. they also inform us of any damages that may be taken, this is to ensure nothing bad happens. We didn't come, because there was no reason to."
Israphel cried out, starting to leap away and put their arms up to defend themselves from the sudden attack, sealing their eyes shut and waiting for the pain to come... only for nothing to happen. They slowly winched apart their eyelids, staring in confusion at the cloaked man... then, their expression turned to abject terror, and they started to back up, feeling their heart stammer again from the sudden adrenaline rush.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-why d-d-d-di-did y-y-y-y-you...." Izzy babbled in a meek attempt to speak, fear lubricating their voice "wh-wh-why d-d-did y-y-you d-d-do th-th-that? Th-th-that w-w-wasn't... th-th-that w-w-wasn't n-n-necessary!"
"It was necessary to point out that no matter how drunk or high someone here may become, no matter how violent they get..." The man continued, smiling softly still. "There is a zero percent chance that they would be able to use lethal force." He chuckled, nodding slowly again. "Oh, and if he were to attempt to harm you, with malicious intent, the sigil would have activated, sealing him in a 15-tiered barrier. He'd have to be a god to get out before we arrived."
Did Esthal always have to be late in the school year! She arrived at the school and held her head high. Then forgot to watch were she was going and slammed into a wall. "Dammit!" She yelled. "Stupid wall you broke my glasses!"
@Musicomar4 The school year just started, and it's only maybe three days in. Classes for new students wont start until day 10 or 14 depending on schedueling.
Izzy was starting to hyperventilate again. Well, this was fantastic. So not even the enforcers actually gave a damn how much they were intimidated or traumatized by attempts to kill them, just so long as they weren't physically hurt, their emotional state was irrelevant. That was not a policy that someone like Israphel Faust could survive with, they were simply too fragile, and they knew it. So what if someone couldn't reach out and strangle them if they still died of a heart attack from anxiety?

Then, heavy bootfalls thumped around down the hall. An enormous frame filled the doorway, and when the person to whom it belonged stepped inside, Izzy felt relief thaw their frigid spine.

"Huh, huh, huh, what've we got hear?" Saterienne Faust muttered, rolling her head to one side, then the other, popping her neck, "Some fuck-ass dickwad bullyin' my little sibling? Nah, I must be seein' shit, that can't be right. 'Cause if that were right, I'd be pretty fuckin' pissed off, and nobody wants that, wouldn't you say?"

She loomed over the cloaked man, giving a grin that held absolutely no humor or friendliness whatsoever.
The cloaked man smiled, shaking his head. "Just informing him of Academy policy." The cloaked man said, nodding as he stood up, the seat and table slowly bleeding back into the floor. "That no matter what, physical harm can't be done in this academy, unless supervised by the staff, or an Enforcer." He said, smiling a bit sadistically at the last part at Saterienne as he moved to leave the room. "And last I checked, Saterienne, you have no say in this Academy, as you are neither staff or an Enforcer." He then chuckled, looking back at Israfel. "Oh, and if mental health concerns you, then go visit the on sight Hospital, they have a psych ward."
"Well 'ah course, if it was possible for physical harm to come to people here then what would you useless fuckwads do? Man, you might have to get off your lazy asses and stop bullyin' the students and actually do your jobs! What a terrible fuckin' fate that'd be for you poor schmucks," Saterienne spat, then drew a grin, "And oh, didn't you hear the news? I am a member of the staff; just got elected to head of the Engineering department. Which means, uh- oh yeah, I outrank your pansy-ass. So apologize to Izzy, now. That's an order."

Really, this promotion was inevitable. Saterienne had been attending this Academy since the age of eighteen, and excelled greatly in her field, at least until a certain incident with some rogue mages during which she'd gotten injured. Of course, what ended up happening to them was quite a bit worse.

Israphel simply stood by, watching the Enforcer starting to leave; they seemed to be quite a bit more confident with themselves, now that Saterienne was present.
"You really are a foolish child aren't you Saterienne?" Xavior Grimm said, slowly pulling the hood down. "Last I checked, I outrank everyone." He said, chuckling again. "And on that note, even if I was not the founder of this here academy, like I have been the past 16 thousand years, I as an Enforcer, the head to be exact, would still outrank, any member of staff." he then smiled, looking over at Esthal. "Did you need something child?"
Saterienne burst out laughing, just bracing her hands off her knees as she guffawed.

"Well, shit, I knew your crappy police force was crooked, but the fuckin' Headmaster himself was picking on a goddamn child who was already stuttering and sputtering to begin with? How fuckin' pathetic can you get? Hell, you're probably a fuckin' pedophile, too. And sixteen thousand years? Your white ass? I'd tell you not to make me laugh, but shit, too late for that!"

The woman spat in Grimm's face, and then slammed the door, still letting out a few last chuckles.
Grimm sighed, shaking his head. "If you ever have any more issues, eel free to dial 0 on the phone in your room." He said, turning to look at Israfel. "It is a direct line to my office. Just keep in mind, Abuse of powers, no matter the origin, is prohibited on Academy grounds, I take security serious, that is why there are several safe guards in place designed to ensure the safety of new students. The two I mentioned are just the most commonly needed." He chuckled, waving as he turned into smoke. "Oh, and come to my office later this week, you are one of the five people selected to become Enforcers." He added, before the smoke left the room, out the window.
"Uuhhh yes, my glasses broke as you can see." She took them off and portrayed them. "Can anyone guide me to the place where they keep the glass so I can fix it.?"
Grimm smiled, slowly reappearing behind her. "I can yes." He said, smiling softly at her as he took her glasses. "Hm... they aren't seriously damaged... so they should be fixed easily." He said, nodding slowly.
"Abuse 'o' powers- y'mean like usin' 'em to scare the shit outta innocent students, ya dirtbag?" Saterienne growled at Grimm, "Yer the fuckin' headmaster, yer supposed set an example not encourage bad behaviour!"

And then he was gone, and she just shook her head, pissed. Israphel looked completely astounded and mortified by the whole exchange, staring at their older sister with wide, haunted eyes.

"D-did you really j-just talk like th-that to the H-Headmaster?" They asked, incredulous.

"Course I did, even ten-thousand year old, nigh-omnipotent fuckwads don't get a pass for behavin' like fuckwads. Shit, his supposedly-wise ass of all people should know better than terrifyin' someone who's obviously goddamn skittish. I might just report this crap to the High Council... doubt they'll do anythin' drastic to him, but if it gets turned into a spectacle he'll look like a douche in front'a the whole magical community."
Having wandered throughout the school, found all her classes, and refaced her pattern on foot three times over, Meledy was was leaning against a wall, panting, the pencil previously holding her tangle of hair together clenched in her mouth while her now wrinkled schedule and map hung in the air from her swinging hand, her other arm braces on her knee. She noted a dissipating figure near the stretch of dorms, and one other person. From her place several yards away, she waved. "Hey!-pant pant- Big school, huh?"
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Zoeya opened her eyes, and looked towards Ana once again...after a moment of thought, she began to speak once more " perhaps I could show you something right now, a prolouge to a lesson of sorts... Sounds interesting? " she raised an eyebrow at her, and shifted her position so they were facing each other

(@Anaxileah )
Ana nodded, eager to learn anything she could. She absolutely loved learning new things, despite her shy nature. "That sounds great, Zoeya." She said with a gentle smile.
"Alright... Alright" she said taking deep breaths. " the first thing I want to show you..." She slowly lifted her hands towards her lower face-wrap....she put her fingeres around the top of it. Then with a sudden pull downward she revealed the lower half of her face, it was monstrous, large fangs, and a twisted grinn... With blood dripping down from her chin. She quickly put back her face wrap... And stated simply " learn anything? "
"Maybe we'll be in the same class then. See you around." He smiled at her then strode out of the library, heading in the direction of the dorms. He had comfortably settled into his room at school, B160 but quickly tired of it. Still it was the perfect private space for him to test his magic without causing a potential disaster like he had on the first day and the day after that when he nearly set a tree on fire. No distractions, nothing to break his concentration, the worse that would happen would be him burning up his own room. Still better than burning down an entire section of the school. He had gotten everything he needed out of the library today so he wouldn't need to leave the room for a while save for food. A good thing considering his terrible inability to sit still and wait. Waiting till the 10th day of school at least for lessons to start was far too long a wait. He'd need to practice his magic less he go mad from the waiting. The last time he'd been made to wait had ended in a disastrous accident as a result of his magic.

As he walked as quickly as he could to his room, Raze could feel the urge to use magic growing stronger as faint flames started to form at his finger tips. 'Just a little bit should be fine.' The glow of the flame grew stronger as he slowly let it coat his fingers and spread to the rest of his arm while he picked up his speed. The excitement was killing him, the desire to try out new magic. He was so focused on his magic that he walked straight into someone just as he entered the dorm area. The flames coating his arm faded as he looked down at the person he had walked into. "Sorry."


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