Other Random crap I’m thinking about

River Rose

RIP Avicii 1989-2018
So, anyone want to talk torture methods? I mean, I just learned about some cool ones. Also I know about medieval ones. And if not, I would like to talk about how liking people is both the most painful and enjoyable thing on the face of this planet. That is all for now.
Does Mac and cheese have to be made with a specific type of cheese or- can you just throw some pepper jack on noodles and call it art?
Dried fruit and mummified fruit are not the same things. I know this because I mummified an orange. It smells like a skunk sprayed a garbage can that got tossed into a larger garbage can and rolled in cooked broccoli.
Can anyone invite a vampire in? Or does it have to be an owner? Or does it just have to be a resident? What about public facilities? What counts as public? Are invitations one-time things or can a vampire be always welcome?

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