Quest of Truth [Inactive]

"That level of magic is no hindrance to me. However, it is an effective countermeasure for other angels. Impressive work. Again, I'd like to state that I am not against you. Why is that so difficult for you all to believe?" Zariah was slightly perturbed at the humans' adamant rejection of his help. He'd done nothing wrong personally, so why judge him by his people's actions?
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" I keep watching your lips moved back, and forth,but I see you doing nothing to help. I don't know if you've taken a sit-rep of oh the current world. The human population is non existent, because these magical creatures called angel. Are you stupid enough not to notice what happens in history to people who are placed in situations like the human population is placed in currently? I thought you were truly smarter than that. Humans do this magical thing call hate, some of us hold onto the hate for various reason. Now either you can go, and be with your fellow angels, or if Henry wishes to let you, you can help him. " He'd stare at Zariah with his arms crossed.
Letting his temper get the better of him, Zariah snapped back, "You humans also have an annoying tendency to hate irrationally. I did not wish for the humans to meet this fate. I was told by my Father to love you more than anything else, even Him!" Zariah took a moment to calm down. "I apologize, that outburst was unwarranted. Nevertheless, it is true that I, as much as any human, want to know why this happened. The existence of those two hybrids is even more intriguing. I will help, but only with your permission. Perhaps I can atone for a miniscule portion of my species' sins." he said more solemnly.
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Henry listened and took a deep breath before speaking up. "What the Hell. It's not like it's going to do me any more harm then already has been done." Looking at the Angel he blinked hearing something in there that perked his curiosity. "Hybrids?" It was the first he had heard of such a thing but it made perfect sense with things he had seen of late. He had once watched a angel carry off what seemed like a human child. Could it have been that the child belonged to that angel.
Zariah felt abnormally elated. It seemed that, even if only for his healing ability, he'd been accepted... no, not accepted, but at least acknowledged. "I assure you, my healing will have you functioning as you were shortly. In fact, it may also heal any lingering internal wounds or chronic pains you may have. However, and you mut forgive me for this... my powers require a sacrifice of life." he spoke casually. "Not yours, or any of the others' here." he added hastily. "However, I advise you," he said, speaking to the hostile man, "to stand back while I heal your fellow human. The grass and trees in this vicinity will soon be dead and gone." Taking a step forward, Zariah withdrew a sickle blade that looked fit to lop of a human's head. Taking the viscious-looking weapon, he pointed it at the injured human and placed the deadly tip directly above his temple, drawing the faintest drop of blood. The drop then slowly made its way down the blade, swirling around it, defying the laws of physics. In a moment, that blood fell onto the grass and surrounded Zariah and the man in a series of sigils that lit up, one by one. As each rune became aglow with angelic magic, the natural surroundings of the three became less and less alive; trees collapsed, flowers wilted, and grass turned a sickening yellow. Suddenly, with a loud crash, the blood signs disappeared, and along with them, the man's injuries. "That should be sufficient." Zariah spoke as he wiped any excess blood from his blade and sheathed it in some pocket dimension. "I advise that you stay still for a few minutes; my power will make you woozy." Speaking to both of them now, he said, "Alright, I believe it is know time that I inform you of the story behind these "hybrids". Would you like to now how they came to be?"
Henry watched every moment of the healing. Once it was over he blinked once before releasing the breath he had been holding onto. Glancing at the now dead plants he felt a little ping of nervousness stir in him, yet he pushed it aside. He was much to curious in the story behind the hybrids to let his human emotions get the better of him. "Yes. I would much like to hear about this. such creatures shouldn't exist, yet they do. How odd. Not that I have anything against them."

Killian had woken to find the vehicle had stopped moving. Carefully he climbed out of it and looked between the three adults gathered there. He caught a little of what was being said and could not help but speak up. "Ma loved pa and pa loved ma." He puffed out his cheeks as if trying to say that was all the more they needed to know about how he had come to be. Was it so wrong that his mother had loved a human and his father had loved a angel. He didn't understand.
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