Quest of Truth [Inactive]

Dimitri frowned for a moment, and quickly walked over to the man. " First rule of survival trust no one, and right now we are in a tricky situation. Whether my blindness is because of selfish needs, or because I'm looking out of others. It doesn't matter. So far my blindness had gotten me this far." He turned around, and his hands balled up into a fist,as he used every once of strength he could must from both emotion, and pure brute force and slammed his fight into Henry's upper right temple. His fist quickly began to throb after the impact, and he watched Henry hoping the force was enough to just knock the stupid man out, so he could deal with him later.
Henry could understand that much, yet still in these time you had to take some chance or you'd end up the last person alive, then what would the point of surviving be. Blinking he had little time to reacted before the man had turned and slammed his fist into the right side of his temple. He thoughts before blacking out were merely *that's going to leave a mark*.
He'd quickly caught the man before he fell to the ground, and quickly picked the man up. He carried the man over to the seat behind the driver seat, and set him in the seat. After he checked the man's temple, as it began to bruise, and turn a nasty shade of purple. He searched the man, and removed all of his weapons from his person. When Dimitri was sure that Henry carried no more weapons he duct taped the mans hands behind his back, and duct taped his legs together. Finally he gave Henry one more once over, and then quickly closed the door, and made his way into the driver seat, and quickly put the hummer in gear, and quickly continued back on track with their prior mission of getting the h*ll out dodge.
Killian looked at Dimitri and frown. "he no good?" He was looking over the seat at the other man and wondering why Dimitri had gone through such length to bind the new comer. It worried him a little. Clearly if that was needed then the man must be bad and untrust worthy. If so then why bring him along?
" No he's a somewhat good guy, I suppose. I took so much time to bind him up, because he's gonna be extremely pissed when he wakes up not to mention he'll probably have a massive headache. But I couldn't risk wasting anymore time, so I had to use force to make sure he'd just shut up. and come along. Plus I wasn't much of a fan of his demeanor, nor was he a fan of mine. We'll deal with him, when he wakes up. Right now he just needs to wake up so we know I didn't hurt him too badly." He'd gave a sigh, as the situation easily could have gone worse than what had just happened. Right now Dimitri was more worried about making it to the mountains, and the place where he had an idea where the temple lied.
Killian blinked and nodded slowly. "We be okay?" His vocab was growing a little with his time spent around Dimitri and Sarah. He was slowly picking up on there language and word use. "miss my mother" He mumbled quietly to himself as he glanced down at his bare feet. A small sigh escaped from his lips and he looked toward the towering mountain peaks up a head.
" Ya you, and Sarah will be ok. As for me, it depends on how pissed off the flower child is when he wakes up, and how pissed off the angels are. He should be coming back to conscious anytime now I suppose." As they continued their way the road ahead was calm, and the sun began to lower into the mountain ahead of them. The time which has passed since their conflict with Henry was about four hours.
Killian gave a small nodded and begin to play with a small weapon he always had on him. He didn't know what it was or was meant to be. All he knew was that it had once been his mother's. She had gave it to him right before her death and he had kept it close. A pure angelic weapon and to him it was no more then a toy.

At first he felt nothing as he slowly opened his eyes but then the pain washed over him. Henry felt the binding and shook his head. Man, that guy was a dick. This was totally uncalled for. Closing his eyes again he felt he would have been better of stabbing the ass and running. At least then he would have died with people who actually acted like humans and not like the damn angels.
When Dimitri look in the rear view mirror, and saw Henry was beginning to wake up he gave a small smile since this meant he hadn't killed the man yet. It was a good sign he was awake, now the question came to whether he had given the man a concussion, a fractured skull, or worse brain damage. " Good your awake, how is your head Henry?" Dimitri's eyes went back to the road, and the exit which he had been waiting all day to see was starting to come into view. " I'm sorry for your current situation, but I had to tie you up because I didn't you waking up, and tried to kill me."
Henry opened his eyes and gave Dimitri a pointed look. It wasn't as if he could answer the man. Closing his eyes again he refused to speak with someone whom behaved on the leave of the common angel. He wondered what had happen to the group he had been with. Most likely dead. He felt a ping of sadness for them considering most had either been elderly or rather young. It was a waste for the young to die in such a manner.
" You know just because I knocked you out so you'd just shut up, and listen to me . . . " Dimitri thought about that for a second, and chuckled to himself for a moment. "I guess I now know what it's like to be a kidnapper" " Look Henry, I can't help you if your going to be a pain in my ass." He'd pulled the hummer off the highway on an exit known as "Exit 43, Appalachian mountain trail." The road got slightly more rough, as the road led them to Dimitri's summer house.
Henry wanted so bad to say that wasn't helping. That if he had wanted to help him he could have tried talking to him like a human being instead of pointing a bloody gun at him and making threats. He might have responded better to that then this. Honestly who taught this guy how to make friends and help others, because clearly he sucked at it. Glaring at Dimitri he rolled his eyes trying to get his message across.
" Fine, when your brain begins to hemorrhage. You can't say I did try to help you." After a few moment of going down the new road Dimitri made a hard left, as they were now on a gravel road. After about a mile a pair of fences opened up, and as he passed through the double layer of fences, the gates closed. Ahead of them was a house which could arguably been taken for a millionaires palace. When they reached the garage Dimitri shut off the Hummer's engine, and turn to look at Henry.
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Henry let his eyes close and just laid there for the rest of the ride. He could make out the soft sounds of a child sleeping in the front seat and wondered if it possible was that asses kid. Maybe not. In these times it wasn't unlikely to have a orphan among your group. Sighing he tried to keep from thinking about his head, the more he thought about it the more it would hurt. "You know this isn't qualified as helping someone. You pointed a gun at me and started making threats. I think things would have gone smoother had you not behaved like a bloody angel." He growled once the vehicle had stopped.
Dimitri opened the door behind the driver side, and turned on a flash light shining it at Henry. " I don't think you remember that we had very little time before the Radiation would spread. I don't know if you heard me properly before, I had just blown up a grade one military base. Now hold still while I try and figure if I broke your skull or not." Dimitri began to shine the light in Henry's eyes, and place a single finger in front of him. " Just follow my finger with your eyes, Don't move your head." As he said that he moved his finger slowly from left to right.
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Henry gave a huff, but did as he was told. With a small huff he followed the finger the best her could. Only one of his eyes followed it. The other did every once in awhile. "Is the child up front related to you?" He was trying to change how he approached this idiot. Clearly the way he had tried the first time got him no where. Maybe this time things would turn out better, though he still didn't much like the man.
"Which one? There are two in the passenger seat, but neither of them are mine. Plus I'm not old enough to have a kid of my own." Once he was done he turned off the flash light, and would look at Henry. " Well your not going to like the news, I'm gonna give you. So should I just skip the news, and help fix the damage?"
Henry sighed here there were two kids. "Man you have your hands full." He knew well how hard it was to take care of kids and keep them safe. It was next to impossible for most. The elderly were worse by far though. "I really don't care how bad it is or what not. Just tell me and then I'll let you know if it's worth fixing." He didn't want to waste time on something that wouldn't really would effect him much.
" Well I fractured your forehead boss, which is now putting pressure on your brain, and disrupting your ocular nerve for your right eye. If I don't do something soon enough the swelling with push the fractured bone deeper into your brain causing you more brain damage. And if not treated at all you will begin to loose memories, and soon paralyze, which will finally lead to death. " Dimitri quickly reached past Henry, and pulled out a large book which was well over six inches thick. The book was leather bound, and looked as if it was much older than even the medieval times. " So whats your decision."
Henry raise a eyebrow actually thinking about it for a moment before finally sighing. "Yeah, you should probably fix that. As much as the idea of death sounds inviting I still have things I would like to do before hand." He gave a grin as if his plans were of the questionable sort. "So can you leave it go until I forget a few things. I got a few memories I'd be better off without." It was half a joke. It was true he had memories he would like to leave behind, but then again so did the rest of them. "Man if I go I'd like to go like my dad did. Torn in half then ate. I bet I'd be sour."
" Well if I was to let it go, then you would be in excruciating pain for probably about a week before you'd start loosing brain function." He'd gently Henry out of the seat, and would carry him on his shoulders over to a large oak tree in front of the house. Once they reached the tree he gently sat Henry against the tree, and laughed slightly at his jocular manner of his current situation. After a moment Dimitri turned on the flash light, and placed it in his mouth, while he flipped through pages of the old tome looking for what he actually needed.
Henry watched Dimitri with interest. "So how are you going to fix this?" He ventured to ask even though he knew he should just be quiet and let the man work. After that he was quiet. He wondered how much this was going to hurt, probably a lot, yet no more then getting bit by one of those hound beast. Those creatures spit was like venom. Closing his eyes he let out a sigh hoping this would just be the start of something new and not an end.
Zariah had been surprised by the explosion at the military base, but he'd done the best that he could to contain and confine the radiation emitted from the blast. After all, he was an angel that protected not only humans, but all of God's creations, including the plants and animals that lived on the Earth. Once he'd done so sufficiently, Zariah followed the trail of the human's vehicle until their meeting with what seemed to be another human. However, the first one, the one that had accused Zariah of killing his lover, seemed to be unnecessarily hostile and confrontational, and struck the new arrival without question. From then, Zariah had followed them to their current position, where the hostile human gave the unfortunate news to the man he'd hit. Zariah knew that healing that injury, even with a human's angelic chant, would be excruciating. However, perhaps he could do so more soothingly. Walking out of the shadows, he spoke kindly and said, "Excuse me, but, if you'd like, I'll heal the would a little less painfully than the angelic words he intends to speak."
After a few minutes Dimitri let out an "ah hah" after a few minutes of reading, he closed the book, and turned off the flashlight. He pulled the flashlight out of his mouth, and set the book, and the flash light on the ground. " You can say its magic. I hope your the type of person who believes in seeing is believing." With that being said he looked over at the angel, whom he had zero tolerance for. " I figured I left you in the ruble of that base." he released a sigh of annoyance, and shook his head. "Some of us aren't one trick ponies Zariah. Speaking of which how did you get past my angelic barrier?"
Henry glared at the angel and tried his best to back away. He clearly had more issues with angels then most. "No thank you." He winced as he struggled, but soon just gave in. He glanced at the man and then the angel. It seemed they had met before. Sighing he grew quiet to watch their exchange.

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