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Fandom Puella Magi: Renegade


The Golden Maiden

-In Character RPing page now available-

Please check the Overview and then head over to the Character Sign-Up page

so we may begin our new contract.


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I believe about four to five Magical Girl/Human characters should be enough to start off with, until then please post in the Out of Character Chat.

(I apologize for the long wait...)

02:05, July 3rd, 2032 - Furugawa City.

A harsh, chilling breeze blew through the empty streets of Furugawa as black clouds of smoke smothered the sky, street lights began to flicker on and off, windows howled, and houses settled with unnerving creaks. For veteran Magical Girls, this meant the arrival of the 'Witching Hour', where witches of all shapes and sizes emerge from the shadows to wreak havoc on the city, and that it was their duty to take action and fend off these attacks. For a certain creature however, it was a calling to oversee this battle of the night to its conclusion, to ensure that it would end in his favor. This very creature; an Incubator named Kyubey, was perched upon a tower crane with a magnificent view of the city presented in front of him, he watched carefully as the witches of the night slowly awoke from their slumber, releasing enormous waves of negative energy that penetrated the cold wind, sending a shiver down his spine, "Oh my...so my suspicion was correct, there has been an increase in witches lately, and such a frightful amount as well, the emotional state of these humans is simply astonishing...", the extraterrestrial feline gave his body a stretch before he slowly looked up at the clouds, "Still, it's not as if it's something to complain about...the outcome will certainly prove to be useful for the future, provided if we play our cards right. We'll just have to move those girls in the right direction...that's all".
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Mori's chunky heels clicked against the sidewalk as she stalked the street for anything suspicious. She held a trench knife in each hand, and cold sweat dripped down her face as the negative energy suffused her senses. The moon was blotted out by smog, and the night air was cold against her bare upper arms.

They might as well come on out. She was going to kill them anyways.

A familiar that resembled a centipede crawled out from underneath a house. "First come," Mori muttered, crushing it under her heel, "first serve." She walked towards the house that appeared to have a Witch in its crawlspace, but a sound startled her. "Kyuubey?" No, Kyuubey was up there... it had to be... a familiar? Or another magical girl?

Heaven forbid. She wasn't just the best, she was the only one.
Kasumi stood in the kitchen of her newish home. Her hands were moving up and down in the sink as she worked hard at cleaning today's dishes. Kasumi could see light flicker outside of the window that was in front of her. She had to get going... Quickly finishing the dishes, Kasumi quickly grabbed her jacket and ran to the front door to put on her shoes.

Normally she would tell her mother she was going, but her mother had been working late at the hospital that night. After putting on her shoes, Kasumi ran out of her house and ran to a close alleyway. Looking both ways for signs of people, Kasumi took out her soul gem and transformed. A few seconds later Kasumi had transformed into a magical girl and ran into the night.
Melody is standing on top of a building, this sure proved to be useful, she stretches and heads of, her boots making a small thud on impact with the ground, she already had a plan, help some random magical girl and lead her to her doom, seems about right, she jumps from roof to roof while scanning her surroundings "There should be at least one of them outside" she mumbles and stops near the incubator "Enjoy watching it?" she asks crossing her arms while overseeing the city, truth be told, she hated him and killed him more then once, but she'd spare him, this night.

She hums softly, her best friend, Chaos, had decided to sit this one out, hence why she wasn't sure where to go now, or she'd handle the girls, she always liked seeing their shocked faces.

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