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Fandom [PROTOTYPE] We are Blackwatch

Mercer or Heller?

  • Mercer

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Heller

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters

The Outcast

Return of the King
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(This takes place after the first game but before the second. We will be useing the zoneing frkn the second game)
New york is a hell hole. Infected are almost everywhere and no one is safe. On top of all that Mercer (code name: ZEUS) A been confirmed as still alive and just as dangrous. You are a standered blackwatch trooper begining yiur first day on the job. Its time to save NYC!

NOTE: A Character sheet is not up yet, please state here if you wanna join

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