• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Prosthetic Super Soldiers CS


The Kitty Soldier
*Before you begin, keep this in mind: if you notice another person having a body part you wanted to use, please feel free to use DIFFERENT abilities. (All abilities accepted by me, in the end. However, I may decline the duplication of certain body parts, e.g. the lungs.)*

**Make your character sheet as elegant, fancy, and creative as you'd like...or don't...it doesn't increase chances of being accepted.**

*** Tori Bradley Tori Bradley is the Co-GM and will have power to ask questions, advise, and accept your characters. We both will work together and split up the sheets. She is final say on the ones she reaches out to but I can still like them after she is done.***

Character Sheet Skeleton:

- Add your character's name as your sheet's header, of any style. (Use this same header of your character's name for each post In-Character.)
- Add a Picture to the left/right/above all the main content (only realistic or realistic fantasy pictures allowed).

General Information:
- Name:
- Alias/Code Name Given: This name was given by the main scientists of the laboratory. Feel free to share up to three sentences on the background/creation of the code name.
- Side: Peaceful or Evil. Remember need half and half, however, this is subject to change.
- Age: Peaceful Soldiers between 14-19; Evil Soldiers between 23-29
- Height and Weight: In feet/inches; In pounds.
- Sex/Gender: Remember the above ratio "restrictions".
- Ethnicity:
- List personality traits:

Prosthetic Information:
- Prosthetic Part: Name the Prosthetic part that has replaced your character's human original.
- Picture: As close a picture you can that represents the prosthetic. Prosthetics are made of a variety of materials now; very advanced. (Just not gold or diamond, ha!) Realistic or realistic fantasy pictures only.

- Unique Ability: Share the one unique ability of your character's prosthetic. This is the most powerful ability but also (can be) draining for the NEW soldiers. The Evil soldiers have malfunctions with their most powerful ability.
*In this section, provide info on the ability itself, a few sentences on the unique ability's strengths and weaknesses, what occurs when it drains your character, how long the effectiveness of the ability lasts, and how long it lasts draining you character. **This may or may not all apply.**

- Lesser Ability(ies): Add a max of two lesser abilities (these could be helpful to just an individual or a whole group).
*Similar but different to the above; share what the ability(ies) is(are), strengths and weaknesses, how long they last, etc. The lesser abilities, being less draining but often weaker, can last longer - sometimes a lot longer depending on the ability.
Note: If you are unsure about the abilities section, just put down a ton of info and one of the GMs will reach out to you about it.

- History of Obtainment: Provide at most three full paragraphs of how your character lost her/his limb(s), small background of her/his life without that limb(s), how s/he felt about being approached by the government, and what s/he feel now with the new Prosthetic.

Extra Details:
- Family members: Name the alive members but feel free to add any notable characters that are dead.

- Government Attire: Describe what their choice of combat training/work out, leisure, and mission attire is. The government lab allows them to be comfortable and gives them a wide variety of clothing. Keep in mind, mission attire is more padded and full coverage depending on the Prosthetic part; and is mostly black, dark navy blue, dark burgundy, or dark forest green.
*All mission attire comes with gloves, boots, and helmets if the soldier needs them, i.e. a soldier with arm Prosthetics will most likely not need gloves. Every shirt worn during missions has an emblem on the left pectoral (even the Evil soldiers have this emblem still). The emblem is the initials A.P.I.P. (stands for the American Prosthetics Initiative Project); it is in gold-colored stitching.

- Likes/Dislikes: List/describe a few.
- Hobby: A hobby or two of what other characters and the scientists might see them doing during leisure time around the lab. Even the Evil characters will have time to relax at their own hideout.
- Habits/quirks: Meaning does your character do anything weird if they are mad, happy, anxious, distracted, thinking, etc.? Have two to three quirks if you would like to add quirks to your character.
- Goals: Our characters are anew with the Prosthetic body part(s); share what they hope to do and gain by using their Prosthetic for their country.

Links to the other threads:

OOC | Overview | Rules & Notes | The Scientists | In Character Story
*Clicking any of the above will replace your current page. Open the above links/sections in a "New Tab" to avoid loss of in-progress work and the like.
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General Information:
- Name: Kad Hawk
- Alias/Code Name Given: Sun Walker, the lab gave him the name because of his tendency to overheat his prosthetic to deal more damage and hot headed nature.
- Side: Peaceful
- Age: 15
- Height and Weight: 5'7 ft, 113 lbs
- Sex/Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Canadian
- List personality traits:
Hot Headed

Prosthetic Information:
- Prosthetic Part: Both legs
- Picture:

- Unique Ability:
Cannon- The energy boosters built into his prosthetic legs can store up a lot of energy to be released as a destructive blast much like a laser cannon. After using this ability, Kad cannot use Rocket or Hover for an extensive period of time while his prosthetic legs recharge and movement also becomes harder since his body is less able to handle moving with the heavy prosthetic legs without the energy boosters to help.

Lesser Abilities-
Hover- Just as the name states, Kad hovers above the ground powered by energy boosters built into his prosthetic legs that allow him to hover off the ground and move much faster than the average human, it also gives his legs increased power and a slight aerial advantage in combat. He does not have very good control over this ability yet because it is completely different from walking and running.
Rocket- He can detach one of his limbs and send it flying to attack others from a distance. Only one leg can be detached at any time and needs once launched, the leg needs to store up enough energy before he can launch it again. He can overheat the prosthetic legs to burn enemies when he strikes though this can damage the prosthetic and require extensive repairs.

- History of Obtainment:
Kad lost his legs less than a year ago as a result of an accident related to and indirectly caused by the Evil Prosthetics, at least that's what he's been told. His legs had been crushed when beams from a construction site collapsed on them while he was on a morning jog in a crowded street and he has lost complete use of them since.
Before he lost his limbs, Kad was a talented kick boxer and sprinter with big dreams and a bright future so following the accident, he had been devastated to be bound to a wheelchair no longer fully independent or able as he once was. He became very difficult and shut the world out, angry and upset that he had been the one to be struck down by the beams and the only one in the crowded street to receive such life changing injuries. When the government approached him with the offer, Kad jumped at the chance even though he knew he'd never be the same again having the strong desire to return to even a semblance of what his life had been before the accident. He's been very grateful to the government for giving him what he calls a new lease on life and is willing to do anything they ask of him in return. Though life with prosthetics and his prosthetics themselves are not what he expected them to be, Kad is much happier as compared to before when he was still impaired and bound to a wheelchair.

Extra Details:
- Family members:
Jessica Hawk- Kad's mother with whome he has a tense relationship. He blames her for his sister's death and both mother and son avoid each other and rarely speak.
Dallas Hawk(deceased)- Kad's deadbeat gambler of a father and a subject of intense hatred for Kad. He had come back after Kad's accident vowing that he had changed and was determined to set things right. Instead he got himself killed and took his daughter with him to the grave.
Ella Hawk(deceased)- Kad's precious 6 year old happy go lucky little sister. The pair had been very close up until her death. When he had gotten injured and shut everyone out it was Ella's persistence that brought him back into the world of the living and out of the darkness he had created for himself. He had loved her immensely and still does, blaming himself for leaving her alone the night she died.

- Government Attire: Describe what their choice of combat training/work out, leisure, and mission attire is. The government lab allows them to be comfortable and gives them a wide variety of clothing. Keep in mind, mission attire is more padded and full coverage depending on the Prosthetic part; and is mostly black, dark navy blue, dark burgundy, or dark forest green.
*All mission attire comes with gloves, boots, and helmets if the soldier needs them, i.e. a soldier with arm Prosthetics will most likely not need gloves. Every shirt worn during missions has an emblem on the left pectoral (even the Evil soldiers have this emblem still). The emblem is the initials A.P.I.P. (stands for the American Prosthetics Initiative Project); it is in gold-colored stitching.

- Likes:
Sister- his little sister was a ball of sunshine who brightened up his life, especially after his injury
Music- it helps him to relax and block out the rest of the world
Puzzles- especially challenging ones. They help take his mind off his pain and give him an immense sense of satisfaction when he completes one.

Parents- the only thing his parents ever did for him was give him life and his sister until they took her away.
Criminals/Evil People- they are the ones who put him in his present situation. The ones who ruined his future, took away his legs and his sister and he'll do whatever it takes to eliminate them.
Sitting still- More so after he lose his legs. Kad feels the constant need to be preoccupied by something else he go crazy.

- Hobby:
Listening to music

- Habits/quirks:
His ears twitch when he's happy
Kicks things when frustrated or angry

- Goals:
Honour bound Kad wants to eliminate all criminals and threats to safety in this world so that no one has to suffer like he has.
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Desnielle DeLeon


First Field: Basic Intro. Begin…

“The date is the 28th of August 20xx at 1715 hours. We are recording…please speak clearly into the camera and pause when you need to.”

[So I sit down in their cushioned wood chair, situate myself, and fold my hands into my lap. Clearing my throat. I nod to let her know I’m ready.]

What is your name and given alias? Uhm, my name is Desnielle DeLeon, but my friends called me Des, for short. The lab calls me Rift. I'm a part of the Peaceful government party.

[Eyes are always shifting from the camera…this is so odd.]

A Little More
First Field: Basic Intro. Continued…

How old are you? Seventeen, just turned seventeen three months ago.

Can you clearly tell us your height and weight? Right, well, I’m 5’3” and my last weigh in scaled at 133 pounds. I’m Latina and Dutch, more so Latina, from my father’s side. I identify more with the Latin side of my family.

[I can’t help but quirk a smile and wonder about my family.]

How would you describe yourself? Your body and what you look like? I think a lot of people mistake my eye color to be very dark brown but it’s actually a warm chestnut color. I’m olive skin tone and speckled about my body are beauty marks; I have dark lashes, dark brown hair – it’s usually wavy and tied in a pony. I think I could get more muscle; otherwise I’m short and thin. Um…well, I’m not too fancy. The clothing I usually wear is jeans, t-shirts, button-ups, tennis shoes or anything flat. Now, I guess, I like to cover my arms and hands; so anything long sleeve, and gloves paired with suit me every day.

Now can you describe a few traits that best explain yourself? Wow, yeah, okay. I’m adventurous; passionate; passive mostly, though it depends on the subject; risk-taker; and…oddly enough despite how I look, resilient.

Alright, thank you. A few moments while I adjust the camera.

[She was panning the view out…so they – whoever would watch – could see them…the very things that branded me for eternity.]

The Prosthetic
Second Field: Prosthetic Data. Begin…

Let’s go back to the beginning…of how and why you needed those in the first place. Tell us the how and why. Well, I was in a car with a few of my friends. One of the guys were driving and I was in the back right passenger’s seat. It was rainy but he was driving the speed limit. It was a bit later, maybe ten o’clock - on a Thursday. We were headed home after having dinner. The road was two lane, one for each direction, but it was straight and long, and allowed for passing. However, the rain picked up hard and it was very dark and foggy. Sight distance was blocked by all the rain and fog so the driver slowed down a lot. All of a sudden a car came up quick, as if in a flash, and veered to avoid hitting us from the back, trying to pass us. But another truck was coming from the other way and that car had to avoid hitting the truck, so it veered back and slammed us off the incline of the road. We went down and rolled for a while…it felt like forever. I barely woke up, seeing medics everywhere and my friends being laid down beside me on the soggy, leafy ground. The rain still came down but it was softer…it felt like it was crying but it hid the fact I was…
Two of my friends died that day – I don’t want to say how but myself and the driver survived. He was paralyzed waist down and suffered severe brain damage but he, uh – a few weeks later he killed himself. And you? What happened to you?

[I looked at the woman, narrowing my eyes a bit. She knew it was obvious but had to ask.]

I came out the best, suffering from major scrapes and gashes but only losing from just halfway up my forearms and all the way down. Some parts of my arms were still there but they were crushed and torn up a lot. I don’t remember feeling anything at that time.

And now what do you have? …I have two fully equipped and prosthetic forearms and hands. They were able to attach them to my surviving joints…somehow. I can’t feel like I used to but I can move them as if they weren’t metal. They feel like they’ve always been a part of me. They don’t squeak, or creak, or rust but just, move like normal. It’s still all metal but it’s “special”, though I prefer to cover them up.

Before I ask you about how the project approached you, can you briefly explain what those partial arms and hands allow you to do? Sure, they, uh, well for one thing they gift me impressive strength, able to lift at least five hundred pounds – however, I have not yet practiced my projected maximum weight. That’s what they say, that they can handle even more than what I am lifting. It’s taken several months but the practice has helped my body adjust to these new arms and hands. The hands themselves have similar power but are also equipped to tamper with, hack, and alter various types of technology. Whatever they uploaded into my hands and fingertips, makes it so I can unlock, read, or destroy something computer based, hence my alias. I don’t know the full limits but I was told they have no effect on fellow prosthetics if they are computer based. An example can be hacking into computers by touching my fingertips to the hard drive of a computer. I can also gather information and upload it to another computer or database. I’m still learning all the abilities but so far I haven’t come across any computers that I can’t break into. Oh, and the arms have a special spot that opens quickly and lends me two small daggers, one on each arm.

*Note: Des' arms and hands are made of a "flexible" metal and are black in color all over except the fingertips are a charcoal color. (Color different than picture.)*


Thank you. Now please share how you were approached by the project, and your thoughts. I was in the hospital for a couple days before the doctor told me I was recommended to a new facility and moved without further explanation. I didn’t even consent to it but the new facility made me very comfortable. A female scientist said the doctor worked closely with her group. She promised me that she was going to help bring back my arms and make me useful once again. The whole explanation of what she was going to do is kind of a blur but I remember her saying that I could go back out in the world and live out my life regularly after I helped her group. She just needed to repair my arms. It felt right and I wanted to be mobile once again, so I agreed.

[My eyes blinked frantically, shaking my head a bit, and clearing my throat, again.]

They say my operation took three days and a half of connecting and testing my new arms and hands; then four more days to recuperate and slowly adjust; and from then until now, training to adapt to my new abilities and learn my limits. I saw that same lady and her team ever since the operation completed – I still see her, as she says a familiar face can help me cope with everything. Just a few days ago her team said I will be put to good use, and that I was not given special arms and hands just for looks but for a specific purpose. I guessed this meant “the help” I needed to provide. The scientists said, that same day, they will gather us all together soon to “send us out.”

[There was a good long pause and I situated myself again in the chair, looking down at my shiny hands and turning them slowly. I still couldn’t fathom it.]

Who Am I
Third & Final Field: Background. Begin…

I would like to know more about you. Information that is unrelated to your new body. Do you have any family still alive? Yes, I have my mother and father, though they seem to avoid communicating with me ever since I was in that car crash. What are their names? Famke and Enrique DeLeon. Any other family members? I don’t have any siblings but I was close with my cousins, though now they live several states away and some in Canada. I don’t hear much from them. My closest of cousins were Ana Lucia and Romario; we were all the same age and I nearly grew up with them but now they are far from here and we haven’t spoken for a long time.

What is your regular training and mission attire? Who needs to know this? [I laugh but don’t let them really answer or comment on that.]

I prefer wearing black or dark colors and as comfortable and form fitting as I can get. Whether that’s leggings, workout pants, water resistant workout shirts, hoodies, or shorts. We all have to wear something with that patch on our shirt if we go on missions. I like long sleeves the most and I even wear gloves if I am not using my hands to hack anything. So long as I am covered, I feel shielded from the world. I think we look like real Army soldiers in our mission attire. But if I am just roaming around and minding my business, I just have jeans, a comfy shirt, and a jacket or sweatshirt, or sweater on. I don’t like showing my arms and hands.

Alright, almost finished. What are some of your likes and dislikes? I like:
- Lavender [laugh]
- Sitting by the fire and reading
- Warm nights in open fields or yards
- Water sports
- Traveling throughout the cities
- Greek food, and
- Various shades of blue

And I dislike:
- Pasta anything unless it’s Thai noodles
- Plain vegetables
- Being alone
- Overly loud environments
- Opossums and rats
- The color orange, and
- Taking pills or other medications

What are some of your hobbies, when you were still living at home? I liked to sketch a lot, especially when I was traveling with my family and going on all our adventures. I loved to sketch the mountains, villages, trees, people, and animals. I also love volleyball and jet skiing. Although, I don’t think I can do much sports anymore.

Now, this may seem silly but what are some of your habits or quirks?

[I had to chuckle at this…just thinking about mine made me laugh.]

I used to dig under my nails whenever they were long. I liked to make sure they were clean and straight. I would file them all the time. But now, I guess, [I chuckle and lift up my hands] I don’t have that problem anymore. Though, when I am in conversation with anyone, I often turn my head a little to the side as I listen, and my eyes squint with a “worried” look to pair – said my friends and family. I remember my mom mentioning that is how I concentrate on the words I hear. Also, I had the occasional hair pulling, but I’ve lessened that due to fear of snagging it out with my metal fingers.

And finally, what are a couple goals you have with the new involvement in the project? I want to finish the job and see my friends and family again. I hope they want to see me. It’d also be nice for society to stop looking at me so horribly. I can’t help I got in an accident. I guess I want a clean slate. Saving people is my new job but if they don’t appreciate me for it, it won’t feel good after it’s over. I think everyone in this project deserves another chance in the real world, and to understand.

This is all very pertinent information for our database, Ms. DeLeon. Thank you for your time. Please, exit out this way and we will call you in for further time if needed.

[The oddest of questions yet they must need a profile. Can I ask the same things of the scientists? What have we gotten into?]

This concludes our session with Ms. DeLeon. We will contact her if in need of further information. We have gathered enough for a detailed report on her person as the project ensues. Although project start date is unknown, we are continuing to gather similar information of all the laboratory’s patients. Closing out session #APIP-1608DL at 1845 hours.

Fields Completed by DN. Ready for Review by SYE.


Emmanuelle Chriqui Laying In Woollen Dress.jpg

code by l o l i t a

"They said I would be changing the world but what will the world think of me after it all?"



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Handler Walksun


- Name: Handler Walksun (gr8 name rite?)
- Age: 16
- Alias/Code Name Given: Forcemind, because he can created force field shields and that he's also a Star Wars nerd.
- Height and Weight: 5'9 Ft, 132 Lbs
- Sex/Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Jersey, Italian, French
- Side: Peaceful
- Personality Traits: Handler is a silly, goofy guy for his own good. He believes that everyone is his friend and will laugh at his so-called jokes. He acts cocky on missions against enemies. He never knew the point of killing their enemies. All he knows is the bad guy is evil and must be eliminated. Because of his principle of everyone being his friend, Handler is loyal and would do anything to protect his friends from dangers. However, he doesn't exact know if something is dangerous or not. His stupidity is what makes him brave and happy.
- Prosthetic Part: His left arm.

- Unique Ability: Force Field: With his metal arm, he creates an energy shield out of his palm. It blocks every attack, but it will weaken after a couple of hits. It lasts about 1 minute and needs 1 minutes to charge. It makes his other two abilities weaker.
- Lesser Ability(ies): Minigun: A minigun props out of his arm and shoots small energy blasts.
Garble Gun: A energy whip reaches out of his arm and latches onto higher surfaces, which then pull him towards the higher surface.
Both these abilities increase the warn up time for the energy shield and cannot be used while using the energy shield.
- History of Obtainment: Handler was born in New Jersey as as an only child to a normal middle-class family with a mental disability, ASD. He was a big Star Wars nerd growing up and he still is. His grades were all Ds ands Fs. He had no friends in school except for a couple of people which the school called losers. He always believed that tomorrow will come with a better day. And he waited for that day. And waited.
The day finally came where he was walking home from school near the train tracks. The train tracks went near a shooting range, and he was accidentally shot in the stomach, knocking him unconscious. A train rolled over his left arm, splitting it in half. The people at the shooting range called the hospital. An ambulance came over, put him in the back, and brought him to the hospital, where he was there for 3 weeks.
After leaving the hospital and going back to school, everyone was being nice to Handler. Everyone had became his friend and he ate it all up. He never knew that they were faking it.
And then, the Prosthetic War began. His world was turned upside down. His parents couldn't effort to keep their son anymore. Handler always said he's the one to end this war. That what went through their parents when they made the decision to sell Handler to the government. Handler's dream was coming true. Then his dream turned into a nightmare.
- Family members:
Jennifer Walksun - Jennifer was Handler's mom. She was very loyal to Handler and a "friend". She was always afraid of what her son might become. She always had meetings with the school council to make sure Handler gets his education and happiness. When she sold Handler to the government, she was afraid of they'll do to him. She even regretted her decision.
Tyler Walksun - Tyler was Handler's father. He never had time to see his son because of "work", but secretly he didn't want to see a disgrace to his family. He's the one who made the final decision to sell his son.
- Government Attire:

- Likes/Dislikes: Handler likes Star Wars and Superheroes a lot. He likes when everyone is happy. And since everyone is his "friend", they are always happy. He likes his free time where he can play with toys, videogames, listen to music, and watch movies. He likes anything pizza and junkfood related. Handler hates when people don't answer back to him. He also hates healthy foods. He hates doing work, chores, and reading. He hates when mentions ASD, as he believes that everyone is lying when they say he has it.
- Hobby: He watches Star Wars, Comic Book, and any other type of movies that were popular (like BTTF). He has a bunch of Lego sets that he plays with. He has this big Lego City where the stories he makes usually take place in. He also has Lego Star Wars and Superheroes sets. He once made a story where the Death Star destroyed Lego City, so Marty McFly and Doc Brown went back in time and teamed up with the Rebel Alliance and the Justice League and blew up the Death Star, preventing the destruction of Lego City. He also plays video games like Mario and Kirby. He's basically a child in a teen's body.
- Habits/quirks: Whenever something doesn't go his way, he would freak out and have a meltdown. He would bang on things, yell, argue at himself, while sounding like a robot. He needs to be somewhere quiet and empty to calm down, which takes about 30 minutes. If he forces himself out of the calm down period, the melt down period will get worst.
Whenever his happy, he giggles consistently.
Whenever he's around a cute girl, he's cocky and tries to impress them.
- Goals: To save the world, get a girlfriend, get famous, and always be happy.
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Beau Romeo Taylor
General Information

Name: Beau R. Taylor

Alias/Code Name Given: Intel

Beau was given this nickname due to his ability to gather information and infiltrate other organizations. A kudos to when he used to gather secrets from other organizations for the government to use.
Alignment: Evil(?)

Age: 24

Height and Weight: In feet/inches: Five foot, ten inches. One hundred sixty-two pounds.

Sex/Gender: Male

Ethnicity: ethnic British

List personality traits:

  • Mysterious
  • Loyal
  • Short-Tempered
  • Dark
  • Arrogant
  • Sly/Sneaky
  • Silvertongue
  • Organized

Prosthetic Information

Prosthetic Part: Right Eye


Unique Ability:
H.U.D.: User can create or see a head-up display containing
information about the world around them, allowing them to
perceive data without requiring user to look away from
their usual viewpoints. This includes distance,
molecules in the air(just percentages, e.g. percentage of
oxygen in the air), weak points/vulnerable spots in structures

Lesser Ability(ies):
Computer Interface: Beau is able to access the computer
through his eyes. This includes using various applications
as well and hacking into foreign technology with a thought.

He is also capable of downloading computer files and data
stored in nearby technology. It can also upload itself unto other

devices. Texting, emailing, taking images/videos and
calling people are also applications of this ability.

Scanner Vision: This is the ability to perform thermal,
x-ray. MRI and various other scans in regards to the
human body as well as animal life.This ability can
also be used to identify who someone is, often
leading to further investigation of their past(via the
computer implant).


Early Life

Beau lived a normal life before getting his prosthetics. He once had a loving family. His father was an engineer, his mother a waitress at the nearby eatery. Beau himself usually read in his free time and was often teased at home with jokes, having been dubbed a "Bookworm." Beau's life was great until his second year in University. He'd been on his way to the bus stop, coming home after his midterms before being fatally shot in the head. The reason is believed to be a gang fight and that Beau had just been caught in the crossfire. He'd been down for months though luckily the bullet miss his brain though detatched his eye from it's optical cord as well as smashed it completely. Beau had to learn to rely on his other eye and wore an eyepatch to cover up his wound.


It'd been a couple months after the incident before Beau walked into his house, filled with government operatives and a bushy-browed old-man, possibly in his fifties. He'd been asked to sit down as he was informed of the prosthetic program. He quickly denied and was told that he'd just been revealed to classified information. He and his family would have to be killed if he didn't cooperate, and so he did. The prosthetic treatment took days to implant and months to get used to. The eye had been connected to his loose optical cord and some alterations were made to the inside of his brain. The feeling of having a computer installed in your brain downright aches. It took him months after getting used to it before he even began to learn to use specific scans and computer algorithms in a safe way. About a year after, he'd been sent on his first mission: retrieve information from the North Koreans. His first mission was difficult though with the aid of a Korean dictionary app installed in his head, a really good make up artist and his wits, he was able to retrieve the information without dying. After that, it was mission after mission after mission, infiltrating and exploiting organizations... all before Afghanistan, 2014. He'd been told to infiltrate the Afghans' government. He did and along the way met Sakura Patel, a young adult woman who Beau had met on the mission. The two quickly grew close before he was told to kill the young woman, apparently the secretary and main organizer of said organization(no name, classified). He refused and ran, ran as far as he could. His parents hadn't been killed, it'd been a bluff.

After Prosthetic

Beau returned to the city three years after leaving the government prosthetics program. He'd reconciled with his family and settled down as an engineer in his father's shop though had been diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and had become a darker version of his old self. Beau has recently joined the evil prosthetics though is no criminal. He thinks out his objectives before and after every mission and has his mind set on bringing down the prosthetics program.


Family members:
  • Reggie Taylor: Father, 52, Alive
  • Mariam Taylor: Mother, 50, Alive
  • Sakura Patel: Former Love Interest, 22, Alive

Government Attire: N/A (Beau didn't have a suit due to
being a part of the undercover ops unit/U.O.U


  • Cars
  • Quiet
  • Grass
  • Jewelry
  • Golf
  • Disorganization
  • Loud noises
  • Dull situations/people
  • Exes(Ex-Girlfriends)
  • Being lectured by parents
Hobby: Beau often folds paperclips and finds it both
amusing and relaxing.

Habits/quirks: N/A

Goals: Bring down the prosthetics program

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Alexei Romanov


General Information:
- Name: Alexei "Alex" Mikhail Romanov
- Alias/Code Name Given: Entity (This name is derived from the software that runs Alexei's bionic eyes. It is called the Entity Algorithm)
- Side:
- Age: 23
- Height and Weight: 6'1'', 163 lbs
- Sex/Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Russian
- List personality traits:

    • Hot Headed
    • Strong-Willed
    • Stubborn
    • Cunning
    • Mischievous
    • Vindictive
    • Manipulative
    • Reserved
    • Observant
    • Dangerous
    • Protective

Prosthetic Information:
- Prosthetic Part: Bionic Eyes
- Picture:

- Unique Ability:
D.H.I: Alexei has the ability to create a holographic digital interface that serves as a computer from which he can upload, download, scan, search, or analyze data. The interface allows him to access surrounding technology, crack firewalls, and retrieve or send out information fairly quickly. However, this ability takes all of Alexei's focus, and has a very negative affect on his brain function, leaving him disoriented and incapacitated for several minutes. Following using it, he has a painful migraine and impaired vision. The ability itself will only work once every couple of hours.

- Lesser Abilities:
Telescopic/Microscopic Vision: Alexei's eyes can zoom in and out to a degree, allowing him to see things you would normally need a telescope or a microscope to see. This allows him to see things that are very far away or very small. However, the eyes can only zoom in or out to a limited degree and could leave him with slightly tunneled vision. This ability can last for one to two hours at most.

Threat Identification: This ability functions like a radar system. Using electromagnetic signatures, sound waves, infrared scanners, and facial recognition software, his eyes can alert him to impending threats or sources of incoming danger, allowing him to avoid or stop them. Malfunctions can happen with any of the software and scanners, which could put him in perilous situations. This ability can last for several minutes.

- History of Obtainment:
Early Life: Alexei was born into a small, impoverished family in Moscow, Russia. They had very little money and lived shelter to shelter for years. As a little kid, Alexei never understood that some people celebrated holidays and had warm houses, three meals a day, and fancy things. He thought that they way his family was living was normal. As he grew up and became enlightened to the truth of the world around him, he sought to discover why his parents had to live the way they did. In his search, he found that his uncle Victor was a wealthy, ruthless businessman living a lavish life. Thinking his uncle would help him and his parents, he went to him. Only to find that Victor was the reason his family had lived such a life for so long. Victor had fabricated a court case that took everything his father owned and dubbed him and his wife and son criminals so they could not get jobs. After that, Alexei spent every day helping his parents. When he was seventeen, their lives had finally stabilized. They had small house in Bryansk and a steady, albeit small, income thanks to Alexei's manipulative nature.

Before Prosthetic: However, Alexei's luck ended there. It was late on a Wednesday night, and he was on his way home with a wad of "borrowed" cash from a local convenient store when his accident occurred. An intoxicated driver without his headlights on was swerving all around the icy back road leading to Alexei's run-down neighborhood, and did not see the seventeen year old walking there until it was too late. The car struck the lower right side of Alexei's body, sending him into the air over the roof of the car to later land several feet behind it on the road. The initial impact of the vehicle only caused a broken hip, but because the angle of projectory, Alexei landed on his skull. The neurological damage was extensive and irreparable. The seventeen year old boy was comatose for six months before his brain had healed to the point where he was able to function on his own. Thanks to advances in medicine, he was mostly the same boy that he was before his accident, though he has occasional problems with speech, movement, and memory loss. The only huge difference was his loss of sight.

Prosthetic/After Prosthetic: When Alexei returned home, he and his parents relocated to America for a chance at a better life. Alexei was there for only seven weeks before the American government showed up at his door. They told him about the secret initiative project that they were running, said they needed someone of his situation for a specific job in a Special Ops Force. Alexei refused vehemently; he was his parents' only caretaker. Without him, they had nothing. But the agents didn't take no for an answer. They switched tactics, threatening the safety of his parents if he did not comply. When they offered to provide a house, jobs, and money for his family, he packed up his things and left. His procedure took three weeks and seven surgeries to complete. For weeks afterward, he had constant migraines, dizziness, and disorientation. He was sent on his first mission at nineteen years of age, almost two years after his arrival. The mission was a simple, but dangerous one: retrieve a list of identified targets from a sealed government office. Narrowly escaping with the help of one of his secondary abilities, he returned to base and invigorated his training. As time passed and Alexei suffered the almost constant malfunctions of his prosthetics, his anger and hate against the government grew. When he threatened to leave and the government threatened his family, Alexei killed an agent and vanished from the grid. When they agency couldn't find him, they kidnapped his parents. Now Alexei is working with the Evil to bring down the Prosthetics Project, but rather than do it for himself as his fellow soldiers are, Alexei is doing it out of loyalty to the people who raised him. It is Alexei's loyalty that holds him here.

Extra Details:
- Family members:
Alekseev Romanov - Father, Alive
Viktoria Romanov - Mother, Alive
Victor Romanov - Uncle, Alive

- Government Attire:

Combat Training/Work Out Attire
Leisure Attire
Mission Attire

- Likes/Dislikes: Alexei takes pleasure in simple things. He enjoys nature, quiet, and classical music. His dislikes include disloyalty, noise, and cities.
- Hobby: Gardening. Alexei took up gardening soon after he arrived at A.P.I.P. It helped relax him and calm him down in his new situation.
- Habits/quirks: Alexei runs his hand through his hair and pinches the bridge of his nose when he's stressed out, nervous, or distracted. He clenches his fists and jaw when he's mad, and raises his eyebrows when amused, curious, or confused.
- Goals: Alexei has no goals pertaining to the project itself. His goal is to protect his family, and make sure they live the life they deserve after seventeen years of hell because of what his uncle did.
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General Information:
- Name: James Nugent
- Alias/Code Name Given: He was given the name Pyro due to the condition he arrived in. And also his pyrotechnic tendencies that seem to come from the trama of the event.
- Side: EVIL
- Age: 23
- Height and Weight:
In armor 6'3" and 300 pounds including the suit.
- Sex/Gender: male
- Ethnicity: irish, welsh
- List personality traits:

Prosthetic Information:
- Prosthetic Part: suit.
- Picture: flamethrower_soldier_by_atomicsandwich.png
Made of a heat resistant carbon steal and some technology on the inside to keep his body together and his organs going.

- Unique Ability: ARMORED UP. His suit is fire proof and slightly bullet proof (small arms like pistol rounds nothing more). It also keeps his body alive... It should of been dead if the program didn't save him. As of now the suit is holding together his body by pure force and is forceing his organs to work.... He hasn't been outside of the suit since they put him inside it.

The suit is fire proof and resistant to small caliber rounds. As for the weaknesses it is hard to move with any agility and forget silence. The constant pain drove James off the deep end years ago too. Its rumored that he doesn't even know hes fighting any more at times and he simply sees things ddifferently

- History of Otainment:

It all started with a trip to Atlantic city for an anime convention james was going to after driving 9 hours from his town of wall township Ny. James went to bed early to get up the next day and go to the convention he spent so much time as saveing up for. Unfortunately he would never get to go. All because of a woman smoking one floor low where James was sleeping for the night. She fell asleep with the cigarette in her hand eventually dropping it setting the room Ablaze. Eventually it spread to neighboring rooms including James'. unfortunately James smoke detector was out. He was pulled from the fire with third-degree Burns covering his whole body. It was written off as a gonner but "luckily" for him one of the scientists were by the hospital that night.

Unlike most others who got approached about it James didn't have that luxury. He simply woke up and extreme agony in what felt like a skin-tight coffin with liquid running around him. It turns out it was his new suit. The pain never stopped for him. Well actually the pain was scattered due to the fire damaging most of the nerves on his body leaving james in a world of pain and cold unable to feel much otherwise. Things went south on his first and soon to be last mission. He was sent to deal with a cartel leader in a south American country. He was too successful. James burned down 25 square miles of forest to the ground. So many drugs were burned, that a town downwind from the location actually got high.. And james was in the middle of it when they picked him up. They quickly locked him up realizing what a monster they had created... Only the flames of insanity stayed strong. Leaving the prison they stuck him in to burn down three days later.

Extra Details:
- Family members: non alive

- Government Attire: he has his armor

- Likes/Dislikes: List/describe a few.
Fire- it makes him feel alive for a bit. And if it gets hot enough he may actually feel warm for a bit.
Cooking- ironicly the psychopath is extremely good cook and takes great pride in this.
Energy drinks- he practically has a addiction for energy drinks.
The cold- he always feels cold so has a strong hate of it.
Spiders- he HATES them. He almost lit one of his teamates on fire once trying to kill a baby spider.
- Hobby:
He enjoys cooking any type of dish. He hasn't burned one meal yet... Somehow.

- Habits/quirks:
When he gets nervous, excited or bored he starts playing with a Zippo.

He somehow always has a few cans of energy drink on him. Normaly on a satchel pouch attacked to his armor.

- Goals: no one really knows his goal... I dont even think he knows his own anymore.
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Eleanor Schulz
general information
name Eleanor Schulz
alias/code name given Phoenix - Ever since entering the facility, Eleanor and her bright hair have stood out. Some thought it sometimes looked akin to flames.
side Peaceful
age 17
height and weight 5'8", 120lbs
sex/gender Female
ethnicity English, Scottish; raised in America. (Her accent is in between British and American)
list personality traits Optimistic, Loyal, Selfless, Hardworking/Dedicated, Adaptable, Mature/Sensible, Cautious, Judgmental, Reserved, Observant, Composed/Calm/Collected
prosthetic information
prosthetic part Ligaments, and a few tendons.
appearance The tight wires are tied together making them near impossible to break or be damaged. They are also the most flexible that the strong metals can get. They aren't anything special in appearance, looking just like a multitude of black wires with some geometrical patterns of silver and blue on them. Though they cannot be seen, as they are inside her body, not exterior limbs.

unique ability If Eleanor breaks a bone, the ligaments can grow and replace the broken area or connect the broken parts together. This becomes another "joint" per say, and is just as flexible as any of her other joints in her body.
Whilst it allows her body to become more versatile, Eleanor still feels the pain with every movement, and it is amplified when she bends the artificial joint her ligaments grew to create.
Though she can only maintain one of these at a time, currently.

lesser abilities By nature, Eleanor is incredibly flexible - beyond what any human could comprehend. It takes virtually no extra energy, making it similar to a normal function for her. But if she is wounded or tired, this doesn't act like a natural human function and fails like her other prosthetic functions. Though this ability is the least affected.
She can also wrap around someone, legs around their stomach and arms around their neck, and make her ligaments contract and tighten. This creates an affect similar to that of a boa-constrictor, as she begins to cut off their airways and crush their stomach. But this needs a bit of time to properly work.

history of obtainment Eleanor had no control of her eventual loss of her ligaments. She was born with a previously unseen disease that had no affect in her early life, but grew worse with each year. The diseases progression could be compared to that of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

It wasn't long until she had struggles moving her limbs without risking dislodging a joint or other dangerous outcomes. Eleanor could no longer be a girl her age and had to be careful of everything she did. Often those caring for her would forbid her to do things with her friends as they seemed too risky. She was isolated and her mental state only worsened along with her ligaments. Through this Eleanor also became an insomniac.

But then the government approached her, with what seemed like her only chance to begin to lead a normal life. And so she agreed, with the people caring for her also advising she go with the government. Unbeknownst to her, they were against it, but paid by the government.

After more surgeries than most of the prosthetic soldiers among her, Eleanor had the freedom of proper movement again, and more. In a way, she feels rejuvenated but she is still quite cautious.
extra details
family members
Thomas Schulz (father), 46 - Alive
Rosemary Schulz (mother), 44 - Alive
Ezra Schulz (brother), 20 - Deceased

government attire
mission attire

The ocean, the beach
Music; playing instruments, singing, listening etc.
A whole range of blues and greens
Off the shoulder shirts
Candles, especially scented ones.

Outspoken people
Daytime talk shows
Any kind of prejudice
Long book series
Comments on her accent (which is in between British and American.)

hobbies Music in many forms. She enjoys writing music, singing and can almost pick up an instrument and play it well. Though, she is most talented at the piano and violin.
Eleanor also enjoys simply reading, both fiction and non-fiction. She prefers reading in candle light.
When she could, Eleanor loved riding a motorcycle.
habits/quirks Eleanor is ambidextrous and has no consistency on which hand she uses.
Bites her lip whenever nervous or thinking, and in extreme cases, chews her lips.
She hums a lot of the time, though very quietly.

goals Eleanor wants to prove to those who didn't believe she'd amount to anything, that she in fact can do more than they ever thought.
She also wants to provide others with their second chance, as she was given her own.
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Fiona Belmont


  • - Name: Fiona Belmont
    - Alias/Code Name Given: Inquisitor
    - Side: Evil
    - Age: 29
    - Height and Weight: 6'3" (with augments); 215 lb. (with augments)
    - Sex/Gender: Female
    - Ethnicity: German, Dutch, French.
    - List personality traits: Cold, Calculating, Highly Efficient.


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