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Futuristic Prosthetic Hearts


The Kitty Soldier
(Do not post until your character sheet has been accepted. Post all OCC type chatter to the respective thread. Tag fellow role players when addressing his/her character.)
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The Beginning of Our Journey
"I hope they will accept their fate. I cannot imagine not having them help this cause...I could only see destruction from here on out if that were the case."

Two labs have created technology so powerful and unique that society fears every aspect of them; every person involved is an enemy; every lab rat is putrid and pathetic to have involved her or himself with such experimentation. Once, prosthetics were simpler, a few functions on each body part, replacing the old to provide basic abilities for the person who has lost their original limb or born without one. Now, prosthetic have evolved into great weapons. A lab in New York City had produced such a mass amount of parts that it struck fear into the most influential of leaders of the great city. Another lab, however, was set up deep underground by a woman that once called such an invention a miracle for the world. This female scientist has split away from such a group, assembled her own team of passionate and loyal people, and called for those lab rats she knew to have worked on, to gather in her secret location.

Here, she will explain it all, and she will do her best to protect them. But even she did not know what was expected from her newfound enemies. Her name is Faye Shada.

She was currently waiting in the council room, surrounded by other sleek white chairs and an equally sleek and bright white long table. There were plenty of papers spread about in front of her and she was swaying back and forth in her chair. They have all come, hopefully, as she wanted to help them, and allow them to help the world. Let them be what she thought they were created for, not what they would have been forced to become.
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A raven haired male slinked his way through the door, checking the watch on his wrist. 5 seconds... 4 seconds... 3... 2... 1... And he made his way through, loudly knocking on the door pane as he made his entrance. He stepped inside and stood by the table with his arms crossed, not bothering to take a seat. His eyes traced their way from the papers upon the table to the scientist pacing her way about the room. How curious, she seemed so anxious, what could this be about? It didn't look like anyone else had showed up yet, of course. He was the only punctual and responsible person in the group. With a raised eyebrow he spoke.

"You called, Miss?"

Valéria Mórka

Valéria slouched against the cement pillar, smoking pensively. 'What in the world am I getting myself into?' She thought as she dropped her cigarette and crushed it with the toe of her right boot.

"You can't smoke in here! You're inside an underground lab! If a fire broke out in here it'd be disastrous!" Screeched a scientist as he scurried towards Valéria, panicked. She smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh please, stop being so anal. Besides, I've survived one fire," Valéria's eyes darkened.

"Might as well test my luck again," A cruel grin slowly spread across her face. The scientist paled slightly.

"Are you Miss Mórka?" He asked quietly. Valéria nodded; he paled further.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect. Please follow me, Miss Shada awaits your acquaintance," He fidgeted with his clipboard under Valéria's gaze.

'Well... Lets get this over with,' Valéria nodded and followed the hastened steps of the anxious scientist.

They soon entered a hallway that ended with an open metal door. The scientist stopped and turned towards Valéria.

"Miss Shada is just through that door," He then all but ran away. Valéria chuckled slightly to herself, and then took the last few steps across the threshold of the open door. She was met with a long white table scattered with papers, and a female scientist speaking with a dark haired man.

"Hey," Said Valéria casually, slightly uncomfortable.


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A place this bright reminds me of the sun shining right on the water, although this is quite blinding.

Des' dark brown eyes scanned along the white tile that surround him as he walked. His eyes had to squint at all the glare and he found it hard to believe any scientist could work productively with such an environment. This same area produced his hand though, the very hand he slid along the equally white and tiled wall as he approached the meeting room Faye had told them to gather in her letter. She informed them briefly in the letter that her fellow scientists had abused their purpose of the creation of prosthetic technology and she broke away from the group to help society. Hm, Des thought to himself that it would be ironic if they helped the very society that shunned them. How many others suffered? But now he wondered what exactly the other scientists were attempting to use prosthetic technology for if this woman had to leave their group and claim her duty was not to "help" society. More so sounded like she wanted to save it...from what, though?

He walked into the open door and took a seat, glancing at the blonde haired chick that smelled of must or smoke - he didn't see if she actually smoked a moment ago - and a dark haired male that stood nearby the table. Both waiting just like Des for answers to several questions. Faye stopped swaying in her chair and looked at the three. So few...I hope the rest will come. This won't do with just three...He could tell she was worried but he wondered how many she had called altogether? Maybe they didn't come because they didn't want the attention; they were already trying to hide away from society, they probably wanted to avoid giving normal people more reasons to hate prosthetics.
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The rain was pouring harder then it ever had, the streets were flooded and everyone was either inside or running away to the nearest shelter. Ghost looked up and watched the rain, enjoying the sight of the flooded over streets and the empty city. Ghost wondered what this letter was about, to be honest it was extremely vague. Ghost knew who the woman was, but wasn't sure what role she actually played in all this. Maybe she was the mastermind or a pawn, this could all be a trap and he's falling right into it. Ghost decided that if he came this far, he may as well go all the way. Ghost walked through the alley way to an oddly clean brick wall and knocked on a specific brick, three times. The brick seemed to vanish and a masked man looked through it. Ghost showed him the soaked letter and then the man nodded and seemed to walk off. Once he had been away for a minuet or two, the wall opened like a sliding door and lead down a hallway to an elevator. Ghost sighed heavily and headed down the hall way and into the elevator, pressing the only other button on it that wasn't "top floor".

The elevator seemed to take forever, it was also extremely silent. Ghost took a sec to look at his hands, thinking about the iron coffin he was locked in. He sighed as the elevator finally arrived at it's destination and he started to walk through the underground lab. It was extremely bright, just about everything being white. Ghost could barely take it, this was not a place that he had ever seen before. He had been so used to the outside that this was borderline blinding. Suddenly ghost felt someone run into him that it made him stumble abit. He looked over to see a scared scientist, rubbing his head which must have hit ghost's suit. Ghost chuckled lightly and held out his hand for the man "apologies buddy, might wanna be careful who you run into" he said in a clam voice as he helped up the man who quickly looked at his clipboard, then to Ghost "Oh...I-I'm s-s-sorry, you must be G-Ghost, welcome" he said in a scared, but happy tone. Ghost nodded "It's a pleasure, so where am I needed?" Ghost asked. The scientist pointed down the hallway "Right through that door, but be careful...there's a crazy one in there...she's easy to find...smells like cancer" he said as he walked off. Ghost was really curious who he was about to meet through the door. Ghost walked over and entered through the door to see the three who had arrived and the main lady herself. Ghost noticed that it was pretty quiet and he decided to take a seat and lay back abit. "So who wanted to be the one to start a conversation...unless this is just a group for people who love awkward silences" Ghost asked in a joking tone looking around the room.

  • Finn


    Finn ran through the streets trying his best to not get his suit too wet. He rounded the corner into the alleyway where he saw Ghost seemingly walk through the wall. He kept on running with his arms over his head until he reached where he had seen Ghost. Finn looked around for the specific brick that the scientist lady had instructed him to knock on. He finally found the correct brick and he pounded on it until it moved away from the wall and was replaced with someones face. He thrust the letter in the mans face and he walked away. While waiting for something to happen, he looked over at his watch and realized that he was horribly late. Sweat started to bead on his forehead as he thought about what the consequences might be. The wall finally opened and he ran in, only to see the doors of the elevator were closing. he had just missed it and he pounded on the door in frustration. He slumped up against the wall and waited for the elevator to come back down while tapping his foot impatiently.

    Finn heard the ding of the elevator and quickly moved in and pressed the floor number that was specified in his letter. He looked at his reflection in the doors as the elevator went up. He adjusted his tie and tried his hardest to dry off. He had reached the designated floor and spotted a scientist in the middle of the hall. "Hey, mister!" He called out to the man as he ran over to him. "Um, yes?" He said as he turned to face me. "Um, I just got here and I'm running really late, do you know where I'm supposed to go?" He asked with a hurried tone in his voice. "Well yes, you just have to go right through those door at the end of the hall, but look out for..." Before he could finish his sentence, Finn was already halfway down the hall. He sprinted up to the door, fixed his suit and his hair, and casually walked in. "Sorry about my lateness, I got stuck in traffic on my way here." He said as he went over and sat down in one of the chairs at the table. He looked about the room and at the people who currently populated the room. "Well don't we have a motley crew going on here?"

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Des watched as more people came trotting in, one even rushed in soaked and drenched by the afternoon shower. He had to smile, just a quirk of a smile, amused by the mixture of people amongst this group. He ran his hands along the collar of his navy blue t-shirt to smooth it out, slouched in his chair, and swung side-to-side. Des had confirmed that his red, black, and white flannel shirt’s sleeves were all the way down to his wrists and his gloves were on firm. Some of the others dressed a bit nicer but one came in with a full body of armor. Intriguing, and quite magical; Des wondered if this man went through a lot of pain before he was given that prosthetic body. “Plenty of people must find it unique to see a game character usually found at comic cons out amongst the normal people.” In all honesty, that’s what this man reminded him of: a character from sci-fi or fantasy movies or games. He believed people chose to run rather than flock towards him, however, since it was clearly all prosthetics.

“I’m very glad you all made it. Thank you for gathering here even if my letter was very…short and vague.” Faye started out, “My name is Faye Shada and I’m one of four scientists that created the very technology that keeps you alive. However, the other three have diverted from our initial mission, and have taken most of the technology for their wretched goal of destroying those that reject you and them.” She spoke softly but loud enough to grab their attention.
Jonah stood across the room, tugging at his own red flannel shirt nervously. He felt trapped in this blinding bright room, it was of an intimidating nature that made him feel on edge. Of course, the unnerving bugs crawling under his skin didn't jist spawn under the ceiling of this meeting room, but as each of the other invited members of this party arrived. He made sure to keep ample room between him and the odd characters that entered the room after he. That metal head especially, nothing was more suspicious and unsettling than a lunitic in a mask with more power than he should have. Jonah had been eyeing him since they had entered the room, I mean, who couldn't have? They certainly stuck out like a sore thumb, what with their coat and stormtrooper getup. A scowl snuck his way across his face but left just as quickly as it came when the scientist spoke.

With wide eyes and a straight posture, Jonah stared directly at Ms. Shada. He was more than ready to hear about what was going on and why he was pulled from some well deserved alone time for this.
Lorelei stepped out the cab, opening her umbrella as she was greeted by the noisy patter of rain. She was running late because of the traffic condition rainy days always seem to bring. I'm probably not the only one. She thought. The people on the sidewalk gave her weird glares as she headed towards the alley. Unlike some other prosthetic parts, hers was very obvious and no doubt attracted plenty of unwanted attention. But that never bothered her. They can stare if they want, it only makes them easier to intimidate. Upon finding the strangely clean brick wall, Lorelei knocked three times. A masked man appeared and proceeded to ask for the letter which she produced hastily. He nodded curtly and let her into the elevator. She smiled politely and stepped in, pressing the button with the floor she was supposed to go to. While waiting for the elevator to reach it's destination, Lorelei sighed deeply, mostly due to anticipation but the element of fear crept over her. If this is a trap your laser is fully charged. She thought, trying to calm her hectic mind.

The elevator arrived with a ding as the doors opened. Lorelei walked into a hall filled with busy scientists, running around and talking hurriedly to each other. She stood in front of the elevator for a few moments, insure of what to do. Fortunately, a scientist walked up to her and showed her to the room. Walking in, she noticed that a considerable amount of people had been gathered already.

"Traffic." She said simply, looking around to see if she recognized anyone.
Faye nodded at the newest arrival and easily remembered working on this girl with one of the other scientists of her old group. Poor thing – all of them. They all thought those parts were to help them when really they were unnaturally adjusted to fit a soldier. We once wanted to make them fit in but then one of us thought far differently. I wonder if these young folk will understand what our true intentions were before power and vengeance overshadowed it and if they will believe that I still stand for that purpose? Faye sighed then looked to her clipboard, checking off next to Lorelei’s name and going through the attendance. All of the ones she had contacted were present and with such a strong array of abilities, Faye was confident they could accomplish any mission.

“Alright, please let’s go around the room and introduce ourselves starting with our newest arrival. Friends, please tell us your name, and I know it may be obvious for most of you, but share also what your prosthetic is and capable of.” Faye’s tone was gentle and not much louder than a mouse, a very small and harmless one. It wasn’t high pitched though, just very soft.

@The Endergod @DookieMcGee @Garnet @kayashirna @CrystalGoblets
As Faye spoke, Lorelei was still shifting her gaze from person to person. Faye she had recognised as the kind lady who had helped her with her prosthetics. The others she had seen once or twice but didn't know their names. What's the point of all this memory if no one tells me anything? She thought, though she herself knew the answer. She smiled at Faye and stood silent for a few moments before realising the newest arrival was her.

"Oh, um. My name is Lorelei and my prosthetic parts are my eyes and frontal lobe. I can store a lot of memory, I have multiple types of vision and I can produce a laser from my visor." She said, her voice louder than Faye's but not nearly as confident.
Ghost sat back and sighed as he saw the room packed with people, not knowing a thing about them or even who they were made him a bit uneasy. Once one of them talked, Lorelei, he made sure to listen carefully to get some insight on these people. She seemed beautiful, yet it was easy to see that this woman could be dangerous. All those stored memories, god only knows what a hacker could get from her. Either way she was on our team so there was no worries there, other then getting lazered in the face.

Ghost stood up next and yawned for a second then spoke. "My name is Ghost, I was a marine for four years and a bodyguard for two. My prosthetics are this suit that gives me added strength and speed, but also helps me breath. I've worn the suit for too long and now I can't separate from it, but that's stop bothering me a longtime ago." he spoke in a decently loud volume with as much confidence as he could muster do to how intimidating all these new people were to him.

So far a nice mixture of people.

“Well, I’ll go…my name is Desniel, though, please call me Des. My, uh, prosthetic part is my left hand and wrist. My lower feature is the strength I have in just this one hand. I’m able to hack into plenty of machines and other technology as a main feat. Quite enjoyable, when you want to know the secrets of life.” His quirk of a smile wasn’t meant to be smug but he found great amusement in unlocking nearly anything technology driven. It usually only took him a moment to discover different aspects about a piece of machinery or data. He would connect a special cord he made for himself from his hand to another device so he could read what he picked up or transfer data.

“I’m not much a fighter. More so an infiltrator.”
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A slender female had sneaked into the room. She didn't bother to be silent, but she didn't bother anyone either. She came in just as Faye started to speak. She watched everyone fidget, and listened to the people surround the room. Kaylen had white hair, left side shaved off and she only stood at 5'6". Muscular body but very slimming to the eyes. Speaking of eyes, she wore protective tinted glasses that had light blue rims. She noticed that she was next and took a deep sigh, "Kaylen Rose..." she paused, a thick German accent flicking off of her tongue as she spoke, "My prosthetic are my eyes. I have nocturnal vision... Meaning I am able to see clearly through the darkness as if it were bright as day." she paused, "Though, it is difficult for me to see with lights on... So I wear tinted lenses to keep me from going blind." a second paused and she nodded, "I am also capable of seeing things more clearly from far away." Kaylen leaned back and glanced up at Faye.
Jonah noted the appearance of the new female with a gentle nod and listened around the group. Slowly stepping his way forward, he cracked his neck with a sigh of relief and waited for a good moment to include his own introduction. Crossing his arms, he tapped his foot and peered around the room waiting for Miss Rose to finish.

"My name is Jonah Caro," He began with a mellow but confident tone of voice. "And my entire spinal cord was replaced. So, Miss Shada and fellow scientists' technologies saved me from being paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of my life. I'm grateful." He flashed a respectful smile towards Faye before continuing. "I'm, er, I suppose I'm capable of manipulating at will what I do and do not feel from my body, whether or not I feel pain, whether or not I feel sensation at all. I'm also-" he hesitated to add. "I suppose this synthetic spine also enables me to be far more flexible than a normal human being with a normal back." His voice seemed to dwindle down as he finished his last sentence before he quickly backed into the wall and leaned against the surface, trying to withdraw from the conversation as quickly as he had entered.
Faye let out a soft long exhale and cleared her throat. She checked off as she went through the list of those that spoke. It appeared everyone was here, maybe. For now, she had to discuss with them what their mission was, and the purpose of their lives and prosthetics.

"First of all, I want to apologize deeply for everything we may have caused you. The group I supported for so many years discussed of prosthetics to heal and help people, not to cast them out of average society. I cannot imagine how much scrutiny you have all gone through and it pains me to know that the world hates you because of what we turned you into. My intentions were to help you, not to make you into some super humans. But now that you have these abilities, I want your help to use those powers to stop the other three colleagues of mine from creating more prosthetic parts and more pawns for them to control. This will include a deal of fighting and investigating. It will strain you physically and even more mentally but please remember that I am here to help you and I am on your side."

The most important part - she had to assure them everything she was doing would benefit them. They came here for answers, and that gave her hope they would support her mission. Then maybe when this world was cleansed, maybe then they could be accepted and return to their previous life.

Hopefully...but who would stay throughout the entire journey?

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