Project Runway


Indecisive Being
Hi everyone,

Project Runway was one of my favorite shows and I believe it would be created under the fandom section (whenever I decide to create it). Project Runway is a fashion designing competition.

Anyway, I was contemplating on whether the dresses or outfits should be original or the role players would just get pictures of clothing.

I also wanted to have three judges. There are a lot of mechanics I was planning to implement. I was thinking to use dice rolls to determine when people make mistakes on their design/clothing.

As a judge, I probably have to look for specific things. Like the designers' signature 'style.' Something that should reoccur in almost all their designs. Originality, the visual appeal, and if it meets the theme assigned to them.

I don't see a lot of longevity here from what I have read. I mean first off having the players have to draw out or otherwise create clothing items for this role play sounds both labor intensive and limiting. Not everyone is a great artist and even fewer feel comfortable with sharing their work to be judged. That would really limit the number of players willing to play, I think.

It seems like it is a fight waiting to happen. In the competition on the show, we see a lot of people that are unhappy to be working together. Granted, I would like to think that players could keep their emotions out of their in character play but when you start putting in personal pieces of art work, it can gray the borders of in and out of character. I think it is just begging for unwanted drama.

Not to mention what happens to the people who get cut? They are just kicked out of the role play?

I am sure there is a role play that could come out of this, I am just not sure this exact approach would be the best.
Yeah, those who get cut are permanently out of the game. I did a similar thing with a reality show. It was pretty awesome.
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be about an event during which the government has turned on people with mythical powers or something xD I was so confused.
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ProRPer said:
When I first saw this I thought it was going to be about an event during which the government has turned on people with mythical powers or something xD I was so confused.
Nope, totally not xD
champagnepapi said:
the contestants from the show can design clothes or put them together using polyvore.
it's a great site.
Ooooo lemme check it out :3

Thanks for helping

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