Project Black IC

'Now, what the devil could this woman possibly be talking about....'

The woman that Captain Ross was dealing with, "Daisy" though the Avalon somehow doubted the authenticity behind that name, seemed to have gotten an accurate count as well as what positions they held in the ship. That also meant that it was entirely possible that she had gotten a hold of their identities and that was bad news for Aeva. All it took was one quick search to find out the government was searching for the bird that had flown its coop. Daisy didn't seem to be interested in either of the Captain's guards beyond some mild irritation at.... something. Perhaps it was the fact they were armed? Though the irritation wasn't visible to normal eyes. It was in the way her jaw muscles flexed ever so slightly in educated restraint. The way the eyelids narrowed at a miniscule degree and the pupils contracted and relaxed as they attempted to release the focus on the object of her irritation, being the two men safeguarding Ross.

The woman apparently wanted cargo to be shipped off planet in a way that seemed not only urgent but permanently. If the angel knew anything, it was that there was one two types of cargo that could demand such haste and removal.... and both of them were illegal. This wasn't a normal cargo run. They were smuggling something or someone out. That meant that Aeva needed to update their electronic defenses and that meant messing with Shin's systems and that meant having to tell Shin to find the deepest layer in hell and dig 20 feet deeper before proceeding to jump in it. If a woman like this was able to scan the Gallion in its entirety, obtain the number of members aboard, their identities, roles, where cargo was being held and what kind of cargo all at once? It spelled bad news for any official government scans or god forbid, a pirate raid looking for loot. None of them could afford all of their information being on display for anyone with a halfway decent ship scanner.

As the Captain beckoned them to leave, Aeva stayed behind for a moment, his eyes never straying from the woman known as Daisy as his mind ran through the possibilities. The large, winged man had nothing to go on but just as Ross seemingly had something up her sleeve, it looked like this woman hadn't used up all of her tricks yet either. Eventually, the pseudo angel departed from the tavern and quickly fell in step with the Captain, "Captain, with your permission, I'm going to upgrade the Gallion's cyber defenses. We can't just be getting scanned by anyone like that. There may be no problem now but it could certainly pose one in the future for all of us." As they walked, the streets started to become a little crowded and Aeva had to tuck his wings in tight against his body but he still managed to inadvertently bump into people here and there. He was also getting more than a few uncomfortable stares. More so then a giant, orange winged, beautiful, angel man would normally get and none of them seemed interested in a conversation or a drink.
Beep... Beep... Beep...

The monotonous refrain of the alarm woke Yarrow up, causing his upper body to lift off the cot. Silencing the alarm, Yarrow took a few moments to collect himself and thoughts, doing his best to rub the sleep away from his body. Standing carefully, the grogginess showing he wasn't awake just yet. Dropping to the ground next to his makeshift bed, Yarrow began a routine of exercises. Push ups for the arms, crunches for the core, and squats for the legs. Yarrow stretched after the three sets, jogging in place as he looked to the door. Running for the heart... Yarrow chuckled to himself lightly before walking further into the structure. One day I'll make that mile run routine, but not today.

The door to his back was less of a door, as it consisted of an opening with plastic sheets haphazardly covering it. The rest of the structure was the same, tools and materials littering the floor, but signs of abandonment apparent. Only the back wall seemed to be decorated, lines of strings crisscrossing the papers and pictures taped on it. Yarrow passed them all, moving some plastic sheets to the back to enter a small courtyard in development. Grabbing the bucket placed by the door, Yarrow carried it out to the half built fountain and proceeded to fill it with water; emptying it over himself and repeating the process until he was clean.

A few other morning routines completed, Yarrow went to his wall. The pictures, newspaper clippings, weapon shipment details, they all ended in red x's. Dead ends, except him. Yarrow's finger landed on a picture of an older man labeled 'Noctavio Alreed'. The picture made him out to be in his late 80's and unable to do anything worth putting his face on a paranoid man's wall, but he was the last lead left. Yarrow walked back his cot, changing his clothes and packing his cot. Taking all of the paper and photos off the wall, Yarrow put them in his backpack as well.

Cleaning his presence from the building as best as possible, Yarrow went out of the construction site through the front and began his walk to the town. It wasn't far, just a trek through the slums and a few alleys before reaching the middle end bar he sought. Referencing the picture and name one more time, Yarrow walked into the bar. It didn't take long to spot the older man by himself. Yarrow didn't care for intimidation or lying, and thus approached with a drink in his hand. "Mind if I sit here?" Yarrow smiled at the man before sitting across from him, "I hear they have an interesting dish, care to try it with me?".

------------A round of drinks and a dish of Bor'Gani Cakes later.-------------

"Listen, you seem like a nice guy, but I haven't heard anything." Noctavio whispered to Yarrow, looking down as he answered his company. "If it's any constellation, I hope you find some news." With this the older man met eyes with the giant in the booth with him, a small grin to atone to his lack of help. The smile was met back, Yarrow shaking the man's hand with only a small hint of sadness. "It was still a nice talk with you, Noctavio," Yarrow stood after releasing his hand and placing a few bits of currency on the table, "And a chance to try some new food is always welcome.". The elder seem to find some solace in the man's understanding, and waved gently as the large outsider exited the bar.

That was my last lead, and I'm still as lost as ever. Yarrow breathed deeply, taking in air slightly more fresh than the smoke filled tavern. With a moment of recollection, Yarrow rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled. No problem, just another planet crossed off the list. With a slight contortion of frustration, Yarrow moved towards the shipyard. The walk was more painful than hearing his investigation had been halted yet again, as he had time to dwell on it as he weaved through the crowd of people in the street. It took some time, but Yarrow made it to the yard and entered with little direction on which ship would be the best.

Check registry, find out some flight plans. Maybe I'll even find a gun running ship, they'd be happy to see me. Yarrow gripped his necklace and put it under his shirt, not wanting the large crystal to be exposed any more than it had to be. The distraction of the large ships in front of him or the sounds of ship hands moving cargo, in any sense Yarrow didn't notice the small hands of a young boy entering his backpack and taking out a small silver briefcase until it was too late. Papers spilled out of the open slit alerting Yarrow to the now sprinting boy, "Hey get back here! That briefcase is dangerous!" Yarrow yelled as he attempted to grab the papers and begin his run.

The boy only looked back for a moment before heading towards the exit, only a few onlookers and an alien fiddling with his lighter stood in his way. "Stop him!" Yarrow had begun sprint, but his long legs were built for force and not speed.

Zed Zed
Broken from his trance, Ken looked down at the man scrambling for various papers and pictures. He peered at the photos, more curious about them than the flustered male who happened to yell at him. "Stop him!" Ken tilted his head then turned to look into the crowd, scanning for the quick movements of the thief. It didn't take him long to spot the boy running, a predatory gaze easily tracking him. "Oh." He stated, spying the silver case in his arms. "Okay." He lazily agreed.

Ken turned back towards the man and secured his lighter, slipping on the other strap of the duffel back to make it a backpack, taking time to make sure the straps were tight he turned towards one of the large cargo pods nearby and jumped. It wasn't high, but he used his arms and momentum to pull himself the rest of the way up. Looking around, Ken pushed his glasses up his nose out of habit while he looked again for the boy and the case. There, the child had slowed down.

Then the Vulk'tam ran. It was easy for him to jump and run along the top of the cargo pods, though he almost slipped twice, the flat soles of the leather shoes were pitiful for tasks like these. There was no one else up there, no crowd to push through, just freedom and random threats from various dockhands. Did he insult my mother? Ken thought idly before jumping off the last cargo crate, pushing into the throng of men and woman, he slowly made his way towards the boy as to not attract attention. Of course, a tall pale man with paper-white hair would be something to stare at anyway.

From the passing people, he got various glimpses of what the child was doing. It seemed like the thief was attempting to open the case. Didn't he say it was dangerous? Ken slipped between a woman and her lover just as they were about to embrace to dash out and grab the case from the boy's hands. The child looked startled as Ken held the case in one hand idly above him. He also looked starved, an unfortunate but common occurrence. Shoving his hand in his pocket, he pulled out his last three coins and tossed it at the child before turning to saunter back through the crowd towards the owner.

He sniffed the case, wondering what was inside before grasping the handle and holding it properly. Approaching the man back at the dockyard, he peered around to see if anyone had come from the Gallion before offering his arm in assistance for standing, though Ken knew the Human was much taller and bulkier than he was and likely didn't need the assistance.

Holding up the case, he offered it back to him. "Here." Ken's stomach rumbled, he was already hungry and tired, expending the energy to run took more out of him than he realized. He also wanted to take off his clothes, it was too hot, Ken fought the urge to undress and just stood there in the oppressive heat, gold eyes staring at the man. He smelled of smoke and alcohol, food and a natural stench, plus various other smells that accompanied a tavern. Tilting his head, Ken wondered if he was in the same place as he when he was fired.

Sticking out his hand he offered it in greeting the way Humans do. "Ken." He introduced himself but was spending more time assessing the male and his current physical condition.

Hibiscus Hibiscus
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Seethus raised his "eyebrow", or really the protrusion of flesh above his eye and pressed the button, as the seemingly random pattern game started. Seethus was having trouble keeping up, flopping his webbed hands hands from button to button. He didn't want to fail, this was his one chance at making himself useful, then he got an idea. Seethus leaned in close to the board and began to to use his face tentacles to press buttons as well, it was like having three extra hands. He was now pressing buttons almost right after they lit up.

He made a light clicking sound with his beak, a noise he made when satsified wth himself, when a Lolligo couldn't learn fast enough, they would adapt. He looked up at Shin and let his tentacles hang freely, he then titled his head "Anything else? I'm certain that you must....have another trick up your....sleeve" he said in a jovial tone.
As Ross made her way through the crowd she seemed in more of a bitter mood than anything. She didn't even look back to Aeva when she stopped and looked to the map on her watch. "No one has ever been able to scan the Gallion before." She told Aeva. "I'll let you take that topic to Shin." She grumbled at the name of her navigator. For him to find out that someone had indeed scanned their ship was not the kind of conversation she wanted to have with him. "As of right now...." She turned the map off and started to head for the drop ship docks. "We get back to the Gallion... I want all hands on board before they get there to get their shipment... And leave the next one." Ross walked briskly through the crowd at this point. "Aeva keep an eye from the skies... I don't want any of Daisy's men or otherwise following us." She stated into her com.

"Shin.... Meet me at the docks in three clicks." She added hoping Shin had his com or his tablet with him. Granted he had one or the other.


Val watched the two from where she sat. She tried to sit up in her seat as much as possible to see what Seethus was doing. Even at her best efforts she was getting no where. she sunk back into her seat when Seethus turned to Shin. She looked to Shin, hoping the navigator would be impressed or even slightly satisfied with the other's performance. Shin had watched Seethus carefully, at first it seemed that Seethus would not be able to keep up with the switches and knobs. But with the help from his tentacles on his face, Seethus was able to get the job done. Shin frowned a little at this. Maybe there was something else he could find for the squid to do around the ship. Piloting was one thing, but having to keep his face so close to the counsel would make it difficult for Seethus during flight.

"You could say that." Shin flipped a few switches above them and then followed to a panel on the wall closest to him. "I think we can find something else for you to do on the Gallion." The lights flickered on the dashboard as Shin switched himself to the main pilot. He continued on with a few more things before pausing when he heard Ross come through his com. "On my way." He stated back.

Ross did not sound in a good mood, Shin could only guess that she had some trouble with their client. But it didn't sound like they were in a hurry, or like they were being chased or anything... So that seemed like a good sign.

The drop ship made it's way out of the Gallion with the doors closing up behind them as they left the hanger. Shin never did like leaving the Gallion all by herself, but for anyone trying to sneak on her or anyone who would try to steal her........ Good luck with that..

Once they landed at the docks Shin opened the side door to the shuttle. He looked to Val, "You might want to wait and see what the captain has to say before heading out." He told her as he picked up his tablet. He leaned back in his seat a bit leaving the drop ship still running.
A massive cloaked figure waded through the throng of people. He would have been intimidating, had his "cloak" not been more akin to a quilt with sleeves. And he wasn't just wearing one, he was wearing three, plus a more formal attire underneath it all. And beneath that, since we already have x-ray vision, is what can only be described as tribal wear. His bulky form would be almost laughable, were it not for the two large axes crossed on his chest. This was Brusk, the Lizardman that had left his home to find something greater than himself, and found cooking. Sadly, not many people thought he was wanting to become a guard when he asked around for a job, and were disappointed when he told them he cooked.

And that was pretty much why he was wandering the streets of this planet. No one would hire him, he his dignity wouldn't allow him to work as something he didn't want to be. In his mindless wandering, he ended up in the shipyard. At least, he was fairly certain that this was the shipyard. Hmm. If this was the shipyard, perhaps he should go to another planet in search of a job. But how would he get a ride when he had no currency? Perhaps he could trade his services, much like how he got to this planet. Yes, that would have to do. Everyone always needed something carried, and most of the time he could carry it.

Lucky for him, a ship recently landed on a pad. But no one in that ship looked important enough to be a captain. So he settled for waiting. He'd know the captain when he saw him, he knew he would. Unless he didn't, then he'd have screwed up. But there were other ships, and other captains.
Yarrow couldn't let the boy escape, but the photos and information littering the ground were also vital to his cause. With a man with white hair the only one seemingly caring for his plight, Yarrow put his faith in the man. This was reassured when the crusader jumped onto the shipping containers and gave chase, a feat that impressed Yarrow to a high degree. Focusing on picking up the photos, papers, and documents; Yarrow found himself staring at a picture of his sisters in their younger state. The few moments staring at them passed by enough time for the good samaritan to find his way through the crowd, offering his hand.

Yarrow smiled, putting away the photos in his bag and taking his hand. "You're a life saver, you know that?" Yarrow mainly lifted himself up, not wanting to drag the alien down from his weight. Yarrow knew know it was an alien, from his white hair and yellow slit eyes, but he didn't judge. If anything Yarrow was grateful, showing his character that he went out of the way for someone not his race. Upon standing, Yarrow took the case from him and put it in his bag swiftly. "I'm Yarrow Rein, it's nice to meet you Ken." Taking his hand, Yarrow felt the slight curve of the sharpened nails in his palm, but paid no mind.

"I suppose I offer you a drink or a nice meal?" Yarrow chuckled lightly, putting his arms to his hips. "Oh, but I'm leaving planet as soon as possible," Remembering his original reason for coming to the yard, "But I'm guessing that's why you're here too?". Yarrow saw his backpack and glance over to the large ship, the same Yarrow was eyeballing for a vessel off the planet. Perhaps I made a friend for my ride in the passenger ship.

Zed Zed
Ken shook Yarrow's hand in polite greeting and looked around before his stomach started to growl again at the mention of food. "I suppose I offer you a drink or a nice meal?" He wanted it, but he agreed with Yarrow's next statement. "Oh, but I'm leaving planet as soon as possible," Ken shifted around, eyes looking about, picking out random details. "But I'm guessing that's why you're here too?" Yarrow asked.

"Yes." Ken responded, nodding as he did. Turning his attention back to Yarrow for a moment, he gave a brief gesture towards the large ship they were standing near. "Gallion?" Curious if he was looking to board the same vessel as he. It was huge and intimidating but a ship that size could have hundreds of crewmen! There might be a place for him somewhere. Ken wondered if Yarrow was looking for work too but decided to ask a different question having been privy to some of his photos.

"Family?" He asked, gesturing to the man's backpack. Ken was even more curious as to what was in the case but figured that wasn't something to ask about, being dangerous. It could be a weapon, but weapons were common out here. The photos were interesting, he didn't have any photos of his own family, a camera could be a nice souvenir to bring back if he ever did get the chance to go home.

He looked like he was spacing out again, staring off at some moving thing in the distance. Ken took off his glasses and folded them, putting the spectacles under his shirt hanging from the chain around his neck. He listened to Yarrow's response, even if he wasn't looking directly at him, but the glasses allowed him to see further. If he could see further, his eyes would be drawn to other various things outside of the current conversation and Ken knew that it was difficult for Humans to talk to someone without looking at each other. It was difficult for him to focus on someones gaze but Ken was unsure if that was a Vulk'tam thing or just him.

Ken gestured to himself with a lazy tap to his chest. "Doctor." Nodding towards Yarrow, he wondered what role the man would take on board the ship if they did board together. "You?" His question was just as slow and drowsy as he was beginning to feel. It was still too hot; The tip of his tail moved up and down briefly before relaxing. His stomach growled once more before settling in to being just a bothersome pain. Ken dragged his filed down claws through his hair then scratched the back of his neck where his hair was buzzed short as he listened again, to Yarrow's response.

Hibiscus Hibiscus
Seethus hung his head "I see, sorry for wasting.....your time" he said as he got out of his seat and began to walk away, his sway a lot more low and sluggish. If he couldn't become a pilot then he most likely couldn't become anything similar like a gunner, he felt rather useless once again but managed to turn to turn to Val "Excuse me Doctor Val?....when you have the time, could you....examine my wrist?" he asked in a dour tone as his webbed hand twitched, he didn't want to waste the doctors time but he knew he needed to fix his wrist.

He took a moment to wonder if Shin liked him, probably saw him as more of a pest, hiding in the place he called home, it just made him feel worse.

He was curious as to where Shin was going, on his way to where? Shin sounded serious.again the curiosity was killing him, maybe he could help, maybe, just maybe. But he wouldn't know until he made himself useful, that encouraged him a bit, he would have to work for this but still, he was sufficiently forlorn.
Yarrow watched as Ken's eyes explored his equipment and clothes, wondering which piece intrigued him. His clothes were plain, tan and black pants that could be considered combat variants. Besides some patches of dirt, they couldn't be considered customized. The same could be said about his backpack, although the contents could be considered interesting. Lastly his holster was the one thing Yarrow hoped he didn't take a closer look at, for the large pistol was obviously using illegal parts.

A grin appeared on his face with his answer, happy that he might be able to give some answers on the various ships. Yarrow followed his hand as he pointed to the large ship that had caused a large commotion coming into atmosphere, the same Yarrow had been spying the entire time in the yard. "Oh, that's her name? Just might be some room for you and I on something that large." Yarrow replied enthusiastically, trying to decipher whether or not the ship had room for passenger. The lack of workers near the ship and the appearance of the ship, it all stacked up to odd; but Yarrow didn't know of ships and wasn't one to judge. The next question caught him off guard, Yarrow's smile immediately dimming.

Ken's eyes were prying, but Yarrow didn't feel at ease with the yellow slits focused on him. Yarrow took out the photos, bringing out a photo of Noctavio as it was the only one without a red x or his family. "No, most of it is work photos. Although I think I count this man among friends on this planet." Yarrow rubbed the back of his head as he answered, wanting to quickly change the subject. When Ken looked away it gave Yarrow a little hope his lie wasn't spotted, or that Ken didn't mind too much. In either scenario Yarrow cleared his throat before he looked back to Ken.

"Oh wow!", Yarrow smiled at his next topic, finally noticing Ken's speech pattern. The one word response was interesting, Yarrow wishing he could speak a little more, but he didn't mind too much. "I don't know if I've ever met a doctor before, hopefully I won't need you services, but it's still very interesting." Yarrow chuckled before realizing he was supposed to give his occupation, once again wondering what to say. "Um," Yarrow's unease showed in rush to put away the photos, especially the ones with red x's; Yarrow not wanting to be mistaken for an assassin or other ilk. "I used to work on a farm," Yarrow sighing, already up with the attempt, "I was a gun runner for a bit, but now I'm looking for any type of work.". Yarrow looked back into his eyes, hoping he didn't have any disgust for the illegal gun running business or his shady photos.

Zed Zed
Val looked to Seethus a little taken back as the drop ship moved about through the sky and then landed. By the time they had landed Seethus was in front of her. She listened closely to him before giving him a bright smile and nodded. "Of course." She said brightly. Val unbuckled herself as she got out of her seat. "If it was bothering you, you could have come to me sooner." She told him. Val was very good at her trade. She loved her work, which made it feel like no work at all.

But as she looked to Seethus she could notice that the man was not just hurt from his wrist. She could tell Shin's actions worried him and made him feel doubt in himself. She leaned in to whisper to the other. "Don't mind Shin. He always seems grouchy." She told him with a smirk. "From what I can tell is that he is not mad at you." She glanced to Shin, "I've only seen him smile once." She confessed, she wanted to hold back a small laugh as she continued with her words. "It was me, the Captain, her old first mate and a Rider we had at the time. The Gallion had been stuck on an old rim planet, Shin had been working on the engines for almost a week straight." Val took a breath as she gathered the rest of her story. "Well, after he was done, we had to wait sometime for the ship's systems to come back online. So the Rider suggested a game. The game of Holding. (just like Monopoly)" She held back another laugh. "Shin never won... But we all got drunk and really had a few good laughs." She frowned a little but still kept a small smile. "That was a long time ago." She told him. "But I can tell that he does not hate you." She kept her tone to a whisper as she watched Shin get up from the pilot's chair and head to the door.

He stopped at the door and placed dark shades over his eyes as she left the drop ship. At the end of a small walkway he found a touch panel on a small stand. He tapped the screen a few times before it light up green. This meant the ship was excepting passengers.

Val shrugged a bit as she looked back to Seethus. "Now we wait for the captain. Hopefully she will let us know what to do." Val did want to go shopping and sight seeing, but the Captain seemed very serious over the coms. If anything, maybe Seethus could help her gather things for the ship.
Ken listened to Yarrow as he talked, finally able to focus on him as he absorbed the information. He nodded at the appropriate times as he continued with the conversation. Pulling at the collar of his tailored shirt he used it to fan himself a couple of times before letting it go. "You look healthy." He added after the comments towards his profession, Ken lacked any noticeable accent as he spoke, but nodding again he was glad the man wasn't sick or injured.

When Yarrow mentioned the guns, it didn't really phase Ken at all, he just nodded in acknowledgment of his words, accepting the fact with ease. He knew the profession was more common than some people realize, even if Ken himself didn't own one, weapons were a staple in the Rim. He had seen the pistol in its holster attached to Yarrow but knew the man had no reason to use it at this time, so Ken ignored the weapon.

"Ah." Ken had noticed some movement around the Gallion, he pulled his glasses back out and held up the folded tool to an eye, closing the other as he peered through. "Shuttle." Ken nodded towards the landing craft and opened the arms of the spectacles, placing them gingerly on his face then shifting his duffel bag on his back, to slip it off the other arm and carry it properly. His tail swished side to side, excited, he started to walk to it.

Turning, he looked back to Yarrow Rein, "Coming?" he asked, waiting for him to move along with him. Looking back at the shuttle he noticed the green light flick on and he continued until he reached the vessel. He stilled his trimmed down tail, which looked like it would belong on a cat the fur was so short. Examining the outside of the craft, he moved to what appeared to be a door and knocked. As Ken waited he remembered the trade he was going to propose and slipped off his polished leather shoes and belt. Putting the duffel down he crouched and dug out a simple pair of well-worn slip-on shoes and stuffed his feet into them in a rush before standing and picking his bag back up.

Hibiscus Hibiscus Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova
Seethus "smiled" at Val, again repeating that gesture he could make with his tentacles, one he thought that val had caught onto by now. He liked Val's reassurance "Many thanks Doctor Val" he said jovially, making another clicking sound with his beak "Shin being drunk must have.........been interesting" he said, attempting imagine Shin being drunk, or even smiling but from what he had seen of him, it was rather difficult. Seethus also wondered what the state of the Captain was, he has listened in on some of the coms, and she didn't sound pleased.

Either way, maybe the Captain would give something to do on board the Gallion, and even if she didn't he trusted her judgment, although at this point he would do anything, hell even combat roles, despite the fact he had the effectiveness of a wet rag when it came to battle, he was willing to help any way he could, at least you could throw a wet rag at someone to distract them.
As the light on the pod turned green, Brusk wondered if the captain was in fact on board. If that was the case, perhaps he wouldn't know who the captain was. Deciding that there was really only one way to find out, he makes his way through the crowd, towards the green lit pod. There was already a few people at the pod, so he decided to go join them.

But the two that were there didn't really concern him, it was the person that was standing at a panel not to far away. It might have just been a coincidence, that he was standing there and the light just happened to have turned green. Or it wasn't and he was just some random person standing by a control panel. Just in case, he stood off to one side, letting the two in front of him go first. They had gotten there before him, after all. He could wait to request passage. And if they filled up before they reached him, then so be it. There were other ships that would be accepting passengers somewhere.
Val agreed with Seethus even if the other had never seen the Gallion's navigator drunk. Shin was pretty interesting when intoxicated.

Although she wanted to stay on topic a knock stole her attention. She wondered why someone was knocking on their drop ship while Shin was outside it? She merely peeked out to see that Shin had already noticed the other by the drop ship.

Shin looked up from the panel and over to the stranger knocking. Shin glanced around before looking back to the guy. "Can I help you?" He asked. His tone was a bit bitter and he also sounded annoyed in a way. "This isn't a house pal." Shin added as he looked the other up and down a bit. Shin started to even notice that there was another hanging around their drop site. He had just placed up the green light for passengers, but didn't expect to get passengers so soon.

He tilted his head a bit as he noticed the shoes and belt in Ken's hands. This spoke to him as odd, but he wouldn't bring it up unless the other brought it up first.

(Sorry for this being late and short. A lot of things happened over the past two weeks and things are starting to go back to normal. So more posts and longer posts in the near future. Hopefully we can get this rp back on track. Once again sorry for the wait.)
(( Sorry, I was confused. I didn't read anything about a door opening, just that a button was pressed.))

Ken stared at the man and his tail wagged slightly, excited. He tried to control himself, but it was difficult. The annoyed tone the man held didn't seem to phase the Vulk'tam in the least. Holding up his shoes and belt he offered, “Trade for passage?” then added on, a little faster than his usual languid pace, “I am looking for work, do you need a doctor?”

Peering through his spectacles, he tilted his head, tail still wagging and perhaps he appeared a little puppy-like as he eyed the man up and down. With his gold gaze, he stared, trying to see through the darkened shades the man wore. Expecting a response, he only briefly glanced back at Rain before returning his attention to the man in the shades.

Looking into the ship, he waved at anyone who noticed.

Super Villain Nova Super Villain Nova Hibiscus Hibiscus KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor
"Passage on ship." Buras hissed and clicked. "I carry for you in exchange." The longer he had stood there the more he realized he would much rather find a ship on the first try rather than try and find one. And maybe he wouldn't find one, what then? Who knows how well he'd fair in the cold nights of this city. Maybe he'd be lucky and find a heat vent to snuggle and hold onto for warmth. Or, he could get on this ship first try and not have to worry about it.

But what if simply carrying things wouldn't be good enough? What then? He doubted they'd be to impressed with him offering to cook for them as well. If worse came to worse, perhaps he'd have to bargain away his precious axes, many have already presented an offer for them to him. If he had to, if he had to. They would be the last thing on the list, along with all his clothes and his dignity.

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