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Fantasy Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?


The Queen.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/large_by_kathleenmitch-d8usks4.gif.8f3f811e2a8630c54b3ed715af05cd0f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77621" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/large_by_kathleenmitch-d8usks4.gif.8f3f811e2a8630c54b3ed715af05cd0f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Hi! Most of you probably know what the In Character tab is for, but just in case there are some newbies, this is where all of the actual role playing will take place.

Please don't use the IC to talk to one another. I don't mind if you throw in a sentence or two as long as it is with an actual post and in parentheses.

Also, keep in mind this is not a simple roleplay! I would prefer you post at least five sentences per post. I understand you all have lives outside of RpN so I don't mind a short post every now and then. but if it is consistent then that is just unacceptable.

Don't forget to proofread and have fun!

(Wait until I have posted before you post.)



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Teigawa Jinzou

The world we live in is full of mysteries. Children with strange abilities you couldn't begin to imagine. Sitting on the side of a large river bank lay an average height, blonde, spiky-haired teen with dark-purple eyes, a set of headphones resting on his head. His eyes were closed as he faced the light-blue sky, ignoring the clouds above that seemingly morphed into all kinds of different shapes and sizes. The grass around him was long, and blew gently with the soft breeze, causing his hair to do the same. A sharp sigh escaped his mouth, opening his eyes just in time to see a large bird flying overhead. "I'm bored..." His hands rested behind his head.

As Jin continued to stare off into space, he suddenly took notice of a...letter? flying towards him as though is were filled with the weight of an elephant. His eyes widened as he quickly rolled over, barely dodging the deadly envelope,
"What th-" Jin had buried his face in the grass, both hands covering his head to protect himself from whatever the hell else was flying around; like that would help...Lifting his head to see the letter, you could take note that...nothing happened. It was just laying there as though someone dropped it while walking. There were no cracks in the ground, and the surface was completely in tact. "...hell?" Jin slowly stood to his feet and stepped towards the letter with narrowed eyes, "....A letter?" Upon picking it up, and glancing around on instinct to see if anyone else was watching, Jin opened the envelope and began reading was was written inside with a disgruntled expression.

"This...letter...is for those of you with many troubles...and extraordinary abilities....Heeh~?" Allowing the paper to dangle by his side, still gripped tightly in his hand, Jin chewed his nail for a second, looking out at the river with a smirk, before finally finishing it up. "If you wish to see how far your powers will take you, then cast aside your friends - Don't have any - your family -...Pops isn't that great - your possessions, and come to our world of "Little Garden"..." Suddenly, as though messed up on some kind of drug, Jin began to grow a little dizzy.

A strange, blue aura enveloped him, and by the time he came to....he was falling from the sky it seems. Arms and legs spread wide, he stared out at the ground beneath him in brief terror,
"...Eh? Eeeeeh~!?" For a moment, his entire body began spinning as he caught more speed. The wind caused his eyes to water, and even a little bit of drool escaped his mouth, but he quickly wiped it away, and tried to remain calm. As the ground beneath him grew clear, Jin could see exactly what he was falling toward; a large river...That's slightly relieving...However, what if there are sharp rocks just waiting to impale him? Guess we'll find out. Jin closed his eyes, and soon felt the stinging pain of his body smacking a pool of water.


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Her mother hadn't even noticed when Maka had slipped away from the house, book in hand. She walked far from their house of silence and shivers. The trees in the clearing were bare and shivering, the air cold. Like Maka. The small, skinny girl opened the book, an old Shakespearean tale, and began to read where she had left off. The one eye that was visible, the other hidden behind her dark fringe, read the pages of ancient words with interest. The cold world around her disappeared, replaced with one of nothing but words.

The other school children won't come here, she thought to herself. Their taunts and smirks haunted her memories. "Lonely witch girl Maka! All you do is read books and be quiet, isn't it?" Their laughs echoed the hallways. Until she kicked one in the jaw. The hall silenced, all eyes staring at her. The kid's mouth started bleeding. He was rushed to the nurse's office, everyone else leaving while calling hushed insults.

When she arrived home, her mother was sitting at the dining table.
That's odd, Maka thought. She's not locked in her room for once. That's when Maka noticed the letter clutched in her mother's hand. "What are you holding?" she asked expressionlessly. It was one of the few times she'd talked to her mother, ever since Father was murdered. "A letter. It's addressed to you." Hana Fujimoto replied blankly, before leaving the room like a ghost. Maka opened the letter.

'This...letter...is for those of you with many troubles...and extraordinary abilities...' Maka began to read the letter. The first part was correct. But... Extraordinary abilities? Probably just another disguised letter from the psychologist. "If you wish to see how far your powers will take you, then cast aside your friends, your family, your possessions, and come to our world of "Little Garden"..." Before Maka had time to react, she was falling down, the house around her changing into a dark place of nothingness. A faint lake lay beneath her. She braced herself for impact. Her frail figure slapped against the water.
Outside the small Victorian café, rain poured down in unending silvery sheets from an overcast sky. Shiro watched the deluge through the window next to his table, sighing inaudibly before absently taking a sip of tea from a white porcelain cup. He instantly winced as the hot liquid scorched his mouth, setting down the teacup in annoyance. What a dismal country, he mused silently. Granted, it did have a number of historic sites and museums, so his stay had been highly beneficial to his collection, but the climate was terrible, and the other collectors here - whether they were museum curators, historic site managers, medieval enthusiasts, or bibliophiles - far too antagonistic. So what if a certain colleague happened to visit them at two or three in the morning? Shouldn't they be willing to discuss their collections at any hour of the day? Did the English simply have no enthusiasm for their work?

After ruminating on the terrible work ethic of his English peers, he picked up the cup of now slightly-less-hot tea for another sip. In the midst of wincing again, Shiro noticed a corner of paper sticking out from under the placemat. Lifting the covering revealed it to be an...envelope? Setting down his teacup, he extracted the envelope and flipped it over to check the front. Addressed to me...some sort of prank? He opened the letter and examined its contents with mild interest.

A letter for 'those of us with many troubles and extraordinary abilities,' is it? Shiro thought. Well, certainly, he did have a rather arduous hobby, but the challenge was a necessary part of the process...'If you wish to see how far your powers will take you, cast aside your friends, your family, your possessions...' wait, that would be a problem, 'and come to our world of "Little Garden."' Without giving him a chance to protest, the letter suddenly emanated a strange light, and the world around him shifted. He found himself high in the air, plummeting from the sky towards a distant lake far below...
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Ichisake Hayami

The sun's rays beamed down, brightening the place and creating a happy atmosphere. Actually, the sunlight wasn't that bright. It was pretty windy too. Kites were being flown, and leaves were wandering in the air. It was a good day. The sound of children laughing echoed through his head, along with the howling of the wind. Ichisake loved this weather, not only because of the aforementioned things, but it was a suitable time to read something outside. There were some individuals who didn't like it, but he couldn't change it for the few that didn't, because of the majority that did. He headed to the riverside, carrying a book with him there. The reason he always used to read is that he had nothing else to do. His friends either worked in part-time jobs, or hung out with others. And reading was really fun too. He could imagine fantasy-like situations involving him, like being a princess stuck inside a castle, or being a pirate out on the sea. There were several things that went beyond your wildest imaginations. He wasn't the type to daydream, but he would love to go on exciting adventures one day; that was his lifelong dream.

He rested on the grass, by the river, and opened his book. However, just as he began uttering the words, what appeared to be an envelope flew onto the contents. Dropping the book, he looked at what the letter stated. "Many troubles and extraordinary abilities?" Half of that sounded like him. "Cast aside your family, friends and possessions?" He still couldn't trust the ones that called themselves his friends, but he was close to his family, so could he really do this? He couldn't abandon what he owned either. In any case, before he could reply, he was surrounded by a blue glow. He felt some sort of trippy feeling, and when it stopped, he found himself floating in the sky. Before he could react, he fell down into a body of water with a splash.

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"Whoaaaa!" exclaimed the boy as he fell from the sky, unsure of what exactly was going on, but he was falling and it was serious, he could die here. Or worse...he could ruin his clothes...not his clothes. Zane found out as he looked down to find a lake below him, as well as a few dots in the lake; he could only guess they were people or rocks. He had to act quickly as he didn't have much time, what with him plummeting to the ground below, his bag of grocieres spilling everywhere as they fell.

His emerald green eyes scanned the surrounding area below as he fell, it getting closer and closer by the second,
ugh I do not want to be part of this the boy thought to himself; why did this have too happen to him? As he quickly approached the lake, an idea sprung through his mind, it was crazy, but it might just work. He quickly took off his single-strap backpack and began to fall like he was about to do a belly flop to help him slow down a bit,navigating himself over to where he was right before a tree branch from one of the tree's overlooking the lake. Zane held his bag by the strap with both hands before placing it right above, and a little bit in front, of his head so that he could get caught the branch. Gravity brought his body down and strained his arms a it, causing pain to go through his arms from the sudden stop in acceleration, he was safe from the lake. He sighed as he looked down at the lake, watching as his groceries fell below and splashing into the lake, "Oh lord that was close, my clothes almost got ruined...how da f*&k did I even get here?" Zane silently stated to himself as he began to think about the past events of the day...

Today had seemed like it was going to be such a normal day, he was awaken by his parents for breakfast, a nice stack of syrupy hot cakes and a glass of punch; his normal and favorite thing for breakfast on most days. Anyways, after going through a normal routine of showering, getting dressed, and eating; Zane had left to head over to the high school he was going to at the moment. Even there he had a normal day, as always he had been cracking jokes all day to get people to laugh and was rapping and singing during the passing periods and lunch.

After school he had walked home to get started on a project that was due in a few weeks on economics, and before he entered his house he checked the mail and saw that he had a single letter out of the daily trash mail they received. Before opening it though, he decided to go on a jog down to the store about a mile down, placing his head buds in he started to listen to some good rap songs. He quickly finished buying the food his parents needed before heading back, halfway back he reached into his pocket to change the song on his ipod and found the letter; he had completely forgotten about it. Zane opened the letter and began to read it to himself.

"This letter is for those of you with many troubles and extraordinary abilities. If you wish to see how far your powers will take you then cast aside your friends, your family, your possessions and come to our world of "Little Garden'" it read. He scratched the side of his head and raised his eyebrow at this, it confused him. "What the~" the boy started to speak to himself but was cut off when suddenly he was suddenly enveloped in a blue glow, the whole world disappearing and then transformed into something else...

"And to think this day started out so normal...ma's going to kill me when I get home..." Zane muttered out loud as he began to think of what he could do at the moment, not much since he was hanging off a branch of a tree by a backpack over a big lake...he might have to get his clothes wet... "F*&k"

Problem Children (1 Slot Open) | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Noromal day life on Earth -> "Little Garden"

Mood: Happy-go-lucky -> Freaked out -> Confused

With: No one in particular
Maka was all wet and soaking, her school uniform drenched in the cold water. Her fringe drooped down her face more than usual, weighted by the water, and dripped onto her clothes. Maka quickly checked if she still had her book. "Phew." She sighed, seeing the hardcover book of hundreds of pages clutched safely in her hand, only slightly damp. The words were still legible.

Maka looked around at this odd place. "One things for sure; it's not Earth." She said, looking at the different aura this world had to the one she'd fallen from. So then came the real question; where was she? She spotted a cute girl with long blue hair standing on the shore, smiling and waving. Maka looked down as she slumped out of the river, gloomy expression written all over her pale, dripping face.

(Thought Id post something ^^)

E M M A L I N E ? G R Y F F E N


The air hummed with frantic whispers of the cast, some voicing stage fright, others excitement. A muffled shuffle of a feet hurried across the floor as the crew ushered the leading stars to their opening spots. The show was about to begin!

Emmaline stood stage left behind cover of the curtain, allowing her character--a middle-aged, Regency widow, sour with resentment--settle into place. Her lips pressed into a severe line across her face, her eyes narrowed into slits. Heavy stage makeup outlined bags and wrinkles, her skin seemingly hanging from from her skull like wet laundry.

The thirty second call rang across the stage, setting butterflies aflutter in her stomach--not from fear or anxiety, but agitation and thrill of course! She wanted to fervently to be out in the spotlight, to a be someone else, to be somewhere else in time and culture. The curtains finally pulled and light filled the space. A wave of applause echoed off the walls of the theater. Her heart nearly beat outside of her chest.

Until she caught a glance of something at her side...

Emmaline bent to floor to inspect an envelope sealed with wax that she was sure hadn't been there before. Despite its plain appearance, it completely captivated her attention, turning her mind away from the show at hand. Her features contorted still with her sour look, she took the letter into her hands and flipped it over to find her name etched gracefully into the parchment. The taught expression left her face in an odd break of character for the actress, conquered instead by confusion and intrigue. With a swipe of a finger, the seal was broken and gone was the leading lady and the letter she found.

Her lungs exploded with screams as Emmaline found herself falling through the clouds. Her limbs flailed as if to fend of the ground closing in, growing larger, closer, drawing her in towards a certain splattered death, and--

Flight. Glorious flight. The air whispered through her newly formed feathers, the human-turned-hawk soaring through the sky. Her beak parted with a screech of pure joy. She had never experience the form of a bird before, never had the chance! It was amazing, spectacular, completely indescribably fantastic!

Or rather, it would have been if the sights greeting her eyes hadn't been just as indescribably
foreign. Panic set in and Emmaline resorted once again to flailing in the air. It hardly ten seconds passed by before her body morphed back in a flit of static and hit the ground, the forgotten letter fluttering down beside her soon after.

Her chest heaved with frenzied breaths as she took a moment or ten to recover. The braided bun of her hair fell loose and draped across her shoulders, her pearly costume stained with grass and mud. Her slippers had been lost in all the excitement. When finally she caught her breath, Emmaline snatched the letter and tore through its meager contents.

..mumble, mumble, 'troubles and extraordinary abilities'?! There are others?!" After a blink and jerk of her head, she continued on. "... mumble, powers, mumble, 'cast aside your friends'--pftt--'your family'--pftt--'and your possessions'--WHAT--"and come to our world of Little Garden...'"


Blink, blink.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mmosk1EXRc1qistd4o1_500.gif.2e6b219a3136f89ebc83c7e11ad4165c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_mmosk1EXRc1qistd4o1_500.gif.2e6b219a3136f89ebc83c7e11ad4165c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Here so soon?"

The sounds of feet skipping on dirt could be heard, as well as water splashing in the distance.

A beautiful woman-rabbit hybrid pranced down a small pathway enclosed by pure silence, dark green bushes, and tall trees.

Although there were millions of trees, bushes, and plants around her; one bush stood out from the others.

Small streams of light poked through and muffled noises could be heard. The closer she grew, to this bush in particular, the louder and brighter everything seemed.

The bunny-girl knew exactly what was behind this shrub and couldn't wait to emerge from the forest to greet her guests.

Approaching the brier she peered in through a small hole, her vision was restricted and the most she saw was a thin girl with dark purple hair who appeared to be soaked with water sitting next to a perfectly dry teenage boy.

Moving her line of sight over to the lake, she saw two others swimming and/or drowning.

A little ways behind the lake, another small girl sat, wearing a rather flashy outfit that seemed to be covered in mud.

With this it was made clear that five of the 'problem children' had arrived, although she was expecting six. She assumed the sixth child was merely running late and would be here soon.

The rabbit didn’t have much time to wait for anyone else considering she was already late as it is. She had hoped to arrive before the problem children and be there, waiting, as soon as they all fell from the sky.

Now would be the best time to introduce herself before all of the children ran off and began messing with anything.

Using only her legs the girl sprung up over the hedge that stood between her and the lake, landing perfectly on her feet, where she now stood in front of all of the children. Her arms sprung up into the air as if she had just finished a circus act.

"TA-DA! Welcome, Problem Children!"

She cheered to everyone around her, unaware of the man hanging by a tree limb behind her. This child was in fact the 6th problem child she had presumed to be running late.

Her arms transitioned to her hips almost instantly after finishing her exclamation and she continued.

"I am Black Rabbit, although, my friends call me Chii! I am here to welcome you to the world of Little Garden. I assume you all got my letters I sent you? I also assume you all know why you're here, right? If you don't I will explain that momentarily, but first, where is the sixth child?"

Every syllable that fell from her mouth was full of enunciation and 'cheer' and her hands moved with every word.

She spoke fast and loud, giving the children no time to answer and no time to soak up what was happening around them, and with that, once again, she continued.

"You all are here because you have been blessed at birth with extraordinary abilities! You are descendants of the Gods and I am here to ask you all to bring honor or shame (preferably honor) to the world of Little Garden using your wonderful abilities. Now as soon as you emerge from the lake I can get started on the real explaining."

With every word she grew closer and closer to the body of water, plopping down right next to it and sitting indian style next to the soaked purple haired teenager, finally finishing her rambling.

@Mugiwara @Ravel

You guys can finally post! The RP has officially started.​



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"Well, that was dangerous," Shiro remarked dryly, standing on the lake's shore. "A little slower and I could have drowned." Bare moments before striking the water, he had somehow managed to vanish in mid-fall, simultaneously reappearing on solid ground nearby. After spending a few seconds to brush imaginary dust from his completely dry clothes, he glanced around at his surroundings, noticing a number of assorted individuals strewn about the area. Before he could say anything, however, his observations were interrupted by the Black Rabbit's sudden entrance.

"...Ah, a strange creature appeared -- no, a cosplayer? As expected, they do say some pretty interesting things," he mused, looking at Chii thoughtfully. "The outfit isn't bad even if I don't recognize it, and the ears seem particularly realistic, so...I'll give it an eight out of ten." Having delivered his uniquely nonsensical verdict, Shiro raised a thumbs-up with a completely serious expression, somehow managing to disregard everything the person in question was saying.
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Mythios sighed as his eyes followed the events unfolding underneath him, another girl appearing and transforming somehow, causing him to blink twice in disbelief. How could someone grow wings? That's-That's just crazy...right? Next came a rabbit girl out of the bushes, doing a little show for them while somewhat explaining to all the other kids what exactly was going on and why this was happening, something about being birthed with special abilities and bringing honor to the gods; he didn't catch most of it as he was a bit out of range for the most part. He shifted from holding onto his bag to having both hands on the branch when he felt the grip loosen a bit before placing the bag over his arm carefully. Mmmhmm girl got some funk in the trunk thought the boy silently to himself, chuckling slightly after wards. It was kinda disappointing though as he began to realize that she didn't seem to notice him stuck in the tree's, that blew as she seemed to be his only safe ticket out of this situation he was in at the moment. He cupped his mouth with one of his hands and breathed in...

"Yo Black Rabbit, Mind helping out a friend?" shouted the boy before placing his hand back onto the branch and awaited for an answer, not like he had all the time in the world but he couldn't do much more but wait sadly...


Location: Hanging from a tree over the river

Mood: Neutral

With: Everyone

E M M A L I N E ✌ G R Y F F E N


Location: Little Garden clearing

Mood: Confused/Terrified/Outraged/Slightly at ease

Tags: @Mugiwara

TA-DA! Welcome, Problem Children!"

Were she a animated grasshopper, Emmaline would have jumped far, far away in a single nanosecond to leave behind nothing but a silhouette of molted skin, so startled was the actress at the sudden appearance of the bunny-girl. Alas, Emmaline Gryffen was only human and settled instead for a jump and a sharp gasp, the letter crumpled in her grasp.

It was then that her eyes caught sight of several others about her age. Her gaze flew from one to the next, inspecting each one with wide-eyed curiosity. But no other commonalities could be found. With a tug at her dress and a bite at the back of her bottom lip--a nervous habit that came only from misdirection or lack of it--Emmaline stood and turned her forest eyes back towards the casino-girl-wannabe as she started her explanation.

The psychotic notion that she was the descendant of a god coupled with the loss of her Regency widow character sent her mind whirling like some cruel carnival ride! Who in the world did this bunny-girl think she was?! Surely one of her cast-mates slipped something in her water before the show, such things were known to happen from jealous actors. ...Right? Surely she was hallucinating! Hallucinating during the show! On the stage! That was the only possible explanation!

Words from the two males fell on the deaf ears of Emmaline, her face growing ghostly. If she really was hallucinating, if she was indeed on stage... she hadn't spoken a single line! Oh, woe must the audience be, she was completely, absolutely ruining the performance! No, no, and no! She would not allow for such a thing!

Insolent fools, all of you," she began in harsh tones, though her attempt at a sour facade fell shaky and then flat. "She is nothing more than an appalling old windsucker, I tell you! Rightly detestable!"

Ahh, that felt good. A bit off, perhaps, shaken by the situation, but at least she remembered her lines at all amidst this chaos!

Maka was deeply indulged in her book, when a flimsy rabbit girl came along and introduced herself, as well as this new world 'Little Garden'. There were many others at the gathering too, and judging by their faces this was all quite a surprise and shock for them too. Maka hid her own shock at have being tipped down off her own world, to fall into an icy river where the grass next to it grew in a whole other world. She looked up from the book with an expressionless glance, and looked at the rabbit girl 'Chii' with an expressionless stare. "So, how are we supposed tp know what gods we descend from, and what abilities we have? Because most of us, if I am correct, just fell from the sky from our normal world into this one," Maka murmured quietly, but loud enough for the others to hear. She had even finished it off with a slight tinge of bitterness.
Ichisake Hayami

Ichisake got himself on his feet, shivering. His clothes had gotten wet, causing them to shrink onto his body. He felt both uncomfortable and cold, wondering how he had gotten there. Just a minute ago, he was reading a book by the river, when suddenly a letter flew into him and now he was there. His book, where was it? He tried to remember where he had seen it. That's right, he had dropped it to read the message. The one he couldn't go over properly because he was teleported away.

He tried to take a good look at where he was, but before he could, a girl in a rabbit costume showed up out of nowhere with outstretched arms. She welcomed them to a place he didn't even know the name of, and called them 'problem children'. He wondered what that term meant. As far as he knew, he didn't cause any problem to anyone. She then continued on stating that her name was 'Black Rabbit'. Well, that did explain the cosplay. She was the one who sent them the mysterious letter, as he expected.

She mentioned how they were all born with powers that were far beyond the ordinary. He did wonder how that happened, so this would be a good chance to find out. He was a descendant of god, as she explained, so maybe one of his parents had something special too. This locale was named 'Little Garden', but there was nothing little about it. Deciding not to dwell on what she told them too much, he walked out of the body of water and sat down near a tree.
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