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One x One [Private] The Map of the Stars Character Sheets


Ghosty ghosty
Format for the Character Sheet:



Species: Human? Alien? Hybrid?


Crew Name: The name of the ship they are a member of basically

Position: What is their position on the crew? What are they responsible for?


Skills: What is your character good at? What are they capable of doing?

Backstory: Why and How did your character get to be a part of the crew? Why did they become a space pirate? A glimpse into their life before they took to sailing the stars.

Miscellaneous Info: any fun facts about the character you wanna add?
Name: Clay

Age: Eh who knows. He looks like he's 27

Species: Alien. He's an Elsyk.

Appearance: Vibrant pink hair in an undercut. His hair is long and pulled into a braid crown kinda thing around his gold Christmas Reindeer antlers. There's always flowers in his hair. Clay has big doe-like eyes that are a bright red color with black scelera. His skin is a light lavender color sprinkled with silver freckles. On his right arm he has a tattoo of a gold, blue, and red peacock. He's a thin guy and his height is about 5'6" ( 6'6" if you add the antlers).

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn

Position: He's the Security Detail of the ship. And he's also a footman to get supplies or ransack places.

Personality: Inquisitive, Calm and Soothing.

Skills: Clay is good at reading people and can quickly determine who's a threat and who can be trusted. He's also good with his holograph sword, a weapon that basically has a laser blade so he cuts his enemies without too much of a mess. He is also someone's shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.

Backstory: Clay wasn't much of a rebellious kid, but he was pretty damn curious about everything. He is eager to learn things so when he came across the opportunity to travel the universe, well of course he was going to take it! He didn't mind that he's labeled as a space pirate, he got things done and learned along the way. When he encountered a lost Skylar, he offered a partnership. 5 years later, the pair became inseparable and in sync with each other and even got matching tattoos. When the pair encountered Rayna after a heist, she offered them places on her crew from veing impressed with their skill. Her ship was better than living on a cramped pod so they happily accepted and have been on the crew ever since.

Miscellaneous Info: Clay can't smell anything. His powerful sense is taste, so occassionally he'll lick Skylar's cheek and compliment his taste instead of the normal smelling and complimenting their perfume.
Name: Skylar Veresailles

Age: 26

Species: Human

Appearance: He's average weight for someone who is 5'4". He has short hazlenut colored hair that is gelled back. On the keft side of his head there's glimpes of silver and baby blue wires in between strands of hair that move like a cyber network that decorates the area around his left eye. His left eye is a simulated green color to match his right eye, but it's obviously a cyber eye.

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn

Position: Chef, Security Detail, Supplies Manager. Depends.

Personality: Skylar has matured to have the "take no shit, but do no harm" kind of attitude. It takes a lot for him to be really pissed, and when he's pissed he'll shoot without hesitation.

Skills: He's the sharpshooter of the crew. He's usually seen with his trusty twin pistols, or if a heist is a bit more complicated then he has his sniper rifle ready. Skylar is also a decent cook and is the only one trusted to make meals. With Clay's help, Skylar is decent enough with a knife.

Backstory: When he was a punk-ass teenager in high school, Skylar and his friends blew up a car because they were bored. His friends abandoned him when they realized he was injured, and if the cops haven't arrived as quickly as they did Skylar would've been worse off. The surgery to give him sight in his left eye and fix his burns and wounds was super expensive and his parents were furious with concern and with the fact that they had to practically sell their souls to treat their son. Then as soon as Skylar turned 18, his parents kicked him out of the house and forced him to find a place in the world since he was so determined to do his own dumb shit as a teenager. He hailed the nearest space cab and just wandered for almost an entire year until he met Clay and stuck with him. With Clay, his life at least had some structure, support, and a home.

Miscellaneous Info: Skylar is very anal about organization. Everything has to be where it belongs and his room is impeccable. "Anthem of the Lonely" by Nine Lashes suits him.
Name: Scarlet Cross

Age: 24

Species: Human

Appearance: Her hair is a natural red color, either in a pony tail or down. Always let her bangs flow against the wind~ She has bright green eyes, multiple piercings on her ear, and a scar over her left hand. 5’4”, but if you count her boots, then just add an extra inch. Soft and light skin. Basically, a white girl.

Crew Name: The Star Raiders


Personality: She is brave, stubborn, and enjoys a good challenge. She never know when to quit and always try to have the last word in. She is willing to face danger as long she has her crew by her side.

Skills: Scarlet knows how to use a gun but she is best at sword fighting. She always carry a special sword with her, the blade made out of a rare star that landed on her planet years ago. Her family put her into fencing class when she was young and she ended up being top in her class. Her leadership skills and quick thinking always help to pull her crew out of dangerous situations and is rather the best at steering the wheel compare to most.

Background: Scarlet is from a very rich family, living with her mother as a child. Her father would visit every now and then but often times, her mother would push him away. Scarlet admires her father and wanted to follow his footsteps to explore through the space full of stars. Plus, as she grew older, Scarlet was getting tired of her mother scolding her around. She left home after her mother mentioned of finding a suitor for her and eventually stole a getaway spaceship with lots of careful thinking and precautions. Thus, she was free from her prison cell on her planet and searches out for allies and hopefully before her life ends, her father.

Miscellaneous Info: Scarlet is picky with her food, doesn’t like to dance at all, and she has a British accent. Oh yeah, this should be fun.
Name: Nyome Walker

Age: 19

Species: Hybrid. Half-human, Half-Creix

Appearance: Nyome is 5'4", looks unhealthily thin but that's actually a healthy weight for her considering her hybrid status, pale as snow with prominent dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes are a pupil-less dark nebula purple with silver "star" specks decorating them. Her hair is dark black and from far away, looks like she has a lot of split ends and mattes but her hair is literally feathers. Her mother's Creix bloodline is avian, so instead of wings Nyome has feather hair. And her fingertips are black mini-talons.

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn

Position: The Navigator, or what she refers to herself as the "Ship's Living GPS"

Personality: She makes jokes to help lighten up the mood, but she's very serious about her stars and her crewmates. Nyome can be easily distracted and she's very restless when she's not completely focused on studying stars and figuring out the quickest way to move.

Skills: Nyome knows her stars and her solar systems. She is also a quick enough study so she can find her through a new solar system if necessary. Sometimes she's put on the field for a heist and she wields her whip, "Nightmare" as she affectionately calls it, like a total badass and she is always begging for Desiree to give cool updates to her whip.

Backstory: When Nyome was born, her mother placed her in her father's arms and was like "have fun" and left. Her father, Yuko, and her were really close but he struggled to provide for his daughter. He danced to the local strip club so he could afford everything he could, and Nyome felt terrible that her dad was struggling so hard with life. Always obsessed with stars and navigation, Nyome was going to try and be a part of the universal navy based on her planet. However, she heard that space pirates make a lot of money, and she casually ignored the illegal aspect of it. Yuko didn't want his daughter to go, but Nyome was wicked stubborn and had her heart set. So, he put her on strict communication rules and when Nyome snuck into a space pirate meeting and inquired Rayna about her needing a navigator for her crew, her dad was with her and gave the spiel. Nyome hasn't broken the rules yet, and whatever she earns from her share is sent to her father to help him out back home.

Miscellaneous Info: Nyome has insomnia. Her mother's Creix blood makes Nyome nocturnal but she makes herself diurnal so she can be with the rest of the crew and not feel left out, but it really fucks up her sleep. Also, don't mention her mother. She despises her with her very being, but she's close with her half-siblings that she encountered on her adventures.
Name: Drew Hart

Age: 20, the kid of the crew

Species: hybrid, half human and half Jacror

Appearance: He has green hair color, mostly bed hair and at other times he would try different styles. His skin color is close to a white colored human but he has a bit more red hue to his skin. His ears are pointed and does have quills coming out from his back, not too long to cause a mess in a room. Drew's eyes are bright green with a slight mix of blue.

Crew Name: The Star Raiders

Position: Map maker, map reader, astronomer, the monopoly banker

Skills: He is able to rememorize maps very well thanks to the other half of his hybrid species, not to mention that his parents were astronomers and basically passed down their knowledge to him. His main weapon is the laser pistol and when spooked or suddenly scared, the quills on his back will erect and shot out at different directions. It's something he doesn't have too much control of so his crewmates would have to be careful when fighting along with him. His quills become very sturdy once they're out of his back and is already sharp, to begin with. Besides that, he knows how to save up money and what to spend it on compare with the rest of his crewmates.

Backstory: Drew grew up with his parents and they were unfortunately killed during a pirate raid as it was rumored that they had a treasure map hidden in their home. Yet as they found nothing, they left his home broken and destroyed. They never found Drew as he hid in a secret compartment in his room, in which was where he found the map himself. Confused and lost, Drew kept the map to himself and was left alone to think on what he should do. He has no knowledge of the pirates that destroyed his home and he isn't one to be revengeful. Eventually, Drew figures he should carry on in life and later years, he opened up a shop of maps and telescopes. Shortly afterward, his town was raided by pirates once again and fearing that they were the same pirates from before, Drew tried to escape with his valuables like the treasure map. He ran into a Zruvord who was looking for his shop in the first place but in the end, the Zruvord ended up helping Drew to escape from the danger. Eventually, Drew realized the Zruvord led him to a ship and was somewhat forced to join a rather small crew. He was upset about it at first, being forced to join without him giving his consent, yet he slowly started to warm up with his crewmates and became rather good acquaintance with every one of them.

Miscellaneous Info: It's very obvious that he is crushing on the captain but she doesn't seem to pay too much attention to it. He loves reading books, and rather know a lot of secrets about his crewmates. Also, he keeps a collection of maps despite the fact he knows how they look like down to the smallest details.
Name: Rayna Sylesta Pierce

Age: 32

Species: Hybrid? She's only 25% Human, and 75% Ot'iht. Her sire was a human-Ot'iht hybrid and her birthgiver was 100% Ot'iht.

Appearance: Rayna is 5'7" but she wears an obnoxious pirate hat purely for aesthetic with a feather and everything so that adds about 7 inches to her height. Her eyes are a bright turquoise color that glow. She changes her skin tone from day to day depending on her mood, but her hair is always its neutral gray color. She is always wearing bejeweled leather armor or her stereotypical pirate captain outfit that's just an obnoxiously bright yellow just covered in jewels. Heels 24/7, even when's fighting and running. Around her neck always is a titanium locket with a picture of her parents projected on its surface.

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn

Position: She be the Captain of her ship.

Personality: Her personality is like a flip of a coin. When she's on her ship and with her crew, Rayna is flambuyant. She likes being showy and being all smiles. When she needs to be firm, she will be. She doesn't tolerate unnecessary bullshit. On the field, she almost completely switches her personality. Her grins turns into either smirks or very subtle show of teeth. She is seductive and professional as she makes "deals" with her victims. If Rayna gets caught in a heist (which she makes sure she's the one to be caught. She's very protective of her crew) she'll go back to her flaunting everything. When she says or promises something, she'll deliever on it. She's reliable and trustworthy like that.

Skills: Rayna's Ot'iht blood gives her the ability to shapeshift, but due to the human genes she inherited from her sire the shapeshifting is limited to any creature that walks on two legs which is plenty for her, but she's most comfortable shifting into creatures she's very familiar with to imitate them easier. If a heist is going to be impossible for a simple grab and go, Rayna is called to go on the field to orchestrate a long game heist. Weapon-wise, Rayna mainly wields a stainless steel trident that she activates from a small rod that she can easily hide in her sleave and "pierce" her enemies. If she's feeling saucy, Rayna might switch it up and either fight with a short-sword or with a pistol.

Backstory: Rayna's sire, Alair Pierce, was one of the notorious space pirates and growing up she helped around his ship. So basically, her sire's crew would either kiss her ass or insult her "privilege" since her sire was the captain, but she did the chores that no one wanted to do until she was old enough for Alair to start teaching her how to be a captain.

Rayna has no memories of her birthgiver, but she has seen a holographic pic of her sire with his partner, Sylvestre. Apparently, Sylvestre was arrested by the universal police force during an attack when Rayna was about 5 years old. The attack forced Alair and the crew to retreat, not wanting to risk a massacre to try and save the Captain's lover. Whether or not Sylvestre is dead or alive, no one knows. Space pirates are condemned to life in prison with no word about what happens to them beyond being arrested and dealt with. Alair was a coward and didn't try to break his partner out, and Rayna plans on picking up what her sire lacked.

When Alair retired from being a space pirate, Rayna inherited the Captain role and proceeded to kick her sire's crew to the curb for treating her like shit. She was stuck with managing the old ship, which was originally named Blackhole Manor but it was in gross condition so she renamed it "Dusty Rose Thorn" because it was dusty af and she was constantly called a thorn in the crew's side so she wanted to give a big ol fuck you to them.

Miscellaneous Info: "Phantom" by NateWantsToBattle. Just if you listen to it, it reveals something about Rayna. Also "I Like It" by Cardi B showcases another aspect of Rayna. Rayna's big about respect and honesty. She prefers to be called "Ray". She also has a gold allergy
Name: Scar

Age: looking like 30, age is unknown

Species: Zruvord

Appearance: As a zruvord, he has many different ones as a reptilian. His base appearance gives him a soft gray skin with scales mostly at the nape of his neck, top back, biceps, and calves. His eyes are yellow and have black short hair, getting shorter going down his neck. He is very muscular to begin with and taller than the rest of his crew as he reaches up to 7 feet tall. He can grow bigger depending on what reptile he shapes into or even getting smaller. He as well has a long, reptilian tail that can match up to his height. Scar as well has many scars, mostly on his back and one over his right eye and one at the right of his lip.

Crew Name: The Star Raiders

Position: security, the tank, the one who always keep an eye on Drew so he wouldn't run away from them one day, weapons handler

Personality: A very serious guy, jokes don't make him laugh and he takes things very seriously. Scar is always quiet, he keeps things to himself but if something caught his attention, he will speak up. His deep voice makes him intimidating and he is aware that he can often appear, frightening. Though, that makes him happy even though he doesn't show it. Showing expressions is not his thing so most of the time, it is hard to tell whether he is happy or not.

Skills: Scar is the brute force of the crew and really, he is a carry. He is familiar with all kinds of weapons, technology on their ship, and being able to carry three times his weight. His shape-shifting skills allow him to reach to different abilities of reptiles, such as being able to camouflage in his surrounds to running across water. Though he does go through a "cool down" after shifting and as years go by, it usually takes longer. His preference of weapons though is his twin pistols and his large electric hook.

Backstory: Scar was a slave, to begin with. He was a slave for work, and for sport. He earns his scars from the punishment he receives for refusing orders and his emotions became numb as he lost the feeling of happiness for being a slave for so long. So long that he doesn't remember who was in his family, when was his birthday, and forgetting his real name. One day, he was scheduled to fight for entertainment, as usual. Though, as he faced his opponent, he was surprised to see it was a human girl who held a confident smile and having no weapons on her. Scar hesitated for a good moment until he was whipped to start fighting. The girl, in which later was his captain, convinced him to break free from his chains and to be the first member of her crew. The confident look on her face and showing no signs of fear at all when facing him inspired Scar to do what she said and rebelled against his tormentors. He still doesn't understand it fully of why he finally snapped like he did but he went onto a rampage through the arena and making an escape out of the hell hole. Scar kept Scarlet safe with him up to her ship and since then, Scar has a strong respect for his captain as she was brave enough to smile at him before her possible death. Thus, Scar does what she says and always gets the job right. No matter what it takes.

Miscellaneous Info: Scar likes peace and quiet, and listens to all sorts of music. He is able to sign language, thanks to his other fellow slaves for teaching him back then though he doesn't know how to read a book. The only thing he does understand though is $$$. Besides that, he does have night terrors and he strangely finds comfort when having a stuffed animal with him in his sleep. Something about soft and squishy made him feel safe.

Also, he is gay.
Name: Desiree Grayson-Mitchell

Age: 26

Species: Human.

Appearance: 5'2" with light tan skin, and she always stands proud. Desiree has dark brown hair that it short and curly with a lock of Nexus's fur braided on a charm and stuck into her hair and dangling by her left cheek, and her eyes match her hair. She's always either wearing black space armor or in her usual grease stained t-shirts and leggings when she's busy with ship repairs or computer repairs.

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn

Position: Tech Girl/Mechanic, Strategist. Also is responsible for keeping Nexus in check when he's out on the field in a heist.

Personality: Desiree is a very enjoyable person. She's great with conversation, is a very pleasant person. The fact that this sweet girl is the only person on the crew who has murdered someone in cold blood makes a person blink in confusion until they hear Desiree's input on how to intimidate a prisoner or how to quickly take down crowds of enemies. She's actually pretty bloodthirsty if she's presented the chance to go out in a heist. Pretty ironic that the bloodthirsty person who has killed is the one to keep her platonic partner from being bloodthirsty and killing someone.

Skills: Desiree is a decent shot with a laser gun in her Universal Police Detective days, but she'd rather fight with different weapons if available: so she mainly wields the good old-fashioned bow and arrow which is the only non-tech thing she deals with, or a staff if she just wants to hit things to fuck shit up. She's very knowledge with technology, computers, everything machine basically. She's the go-to person for shint new weapon updates, repairing broken communication units, or to investigate why part of the ship is making a weird noise. Desiree also likes to make plans and can improvise on the spot, but she hates that not a lot of people listen to her in the heat of the moment. As an ex-Detective, Desiree is also called upon to interoggate prisoners or intimidate them.

Backstory: Desiree used to be a Detective with the Universal Police and she was assigned to work on the space pirates case. She hated every damm second of her schooling and her job, but both of her fathers are part of the Universal Police force, and their parents were also a part and blah blah blah. She was forced to go through all of the hoops of being a cop because it was family tradition (even though she was adopted and technically didn't even need to follow that nonsense). Desiree always had a passion for technology and computers, and her parents let her indulge that passion as a hobby: she built her own computer den and taught herself how to fix her hover motorcycle and her fathers' cars. So, if she was forced to be a cop, at least if she was an Intelligence Analyst she could apply her computer skills. Nope. She graduated, got her criminal justice degree, and was stuck on the same case as her parents who were higher ranking officers and basically made sure she got the job.

She met Nexus during her first year on the force, busting a pirate crew for abducting humans and aliens and selling them off to be slaves. When Nexus revealed that he had been on the slave trade since he was young and bad nowhere to go, Desiree had him stay with her at her own condo. The pair bonded over the years and Nexus gave her a lock of his fur to proclaim Desiree as his platonic mate, the one person he's truly loyal to. She appreciated it alot when Nexus was trying to find her other jobs she might be happier with so she could leave the force.

When Rayna was parked at a ship dock and cursing up a storm about her broken ship while Desiree was doing a ticket run to kill time while her more experienced partner was off investigating a crime scene, it was a miracle. Desiree quickly ignored her job to see what was going on and quickly offered her help to Rayna. When Desiree wasn't on the clock, she brought Nexus along to help her out with repairing Rayna's ship, and complained to Rayna about her work woes. Rayna offered both of them a spot on her crew: she was in desperate need of someone to keep the ship in order and someone to keep it safe. Nexus accepted, but Desiree wanted some time to think.

Desiree's partner quickly became suspicious when she showed up to work late or was too distracted during a case, even less aggressive than usual with the suspects. When Desiree gave the boss her letter of resignation, her partner definitely knew something sketchy was up and stalked Desiree that night to where Rayna's ship was docked. The cop tried to arrest Desiree, Rayna, and Nexus on the spot and cause a scene when Desiree shot him without any hesitation and with a grin. No one was going to take away her hard earned freedom to do what she wanted. The trio high-tailed it away from the scene and Desiree and Nexus have been with Rayna ever since.

Miscellaneous Info: She likes to dance to a song that's stuck in her head while she works, so frequently her crewmates will catch her mid-dance. Desiree is fluent in Spanish, but she doesn't engage in conversation in Spanish at all. She likes to think out loud in Spanish or curse out the difficult tech when she's trying to fix it. Desiree loves to use codenames over the communication units during a heist.
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Name: Andrew Fields

Age: 22

Species: Hybrid, most human and a hint of Ojork

Appearance: Slightly shorter than most men, having dark brown hair and blue eyes. His hair is mostly messy, he can't decide a style to stick with and usually walks around with bed hair all day. He is slightly pale but average human skin, though it is different in the dark. He is basically a walking glow man and the colors vary to what emotion or mood he is in.

Crew Name: The Star Raiders

Position: the scary cat of the crew, maintenance, cleaning boy, someone who is very good at running away

Personality: Andrew is shy at first but once he gets to know you, he is very friendly and outgoing. He loves to make friends and is always eager to know how is everyone's day. Though often times, he can be sensitive to certain things and not really pirate material, but he is there anyways. Andrew does his best to cheer his crewmates up, even to Scar despite the fact that the man scares the shit out of him. He is the sunshine for everyone really.

Skills: Andrew is....a special case. He doesn't know how to use weapons or even hold one. He is only good for cleaning and fixing stuff around. Though, if he does have to fight, he'll use his mop.

A wet mop.

Backstory: He started off as a slave, known to clean up mess most of the time and having to do lots of errands here and there. He was a slave for a pirate really, but when the crew was low on money, they put him up for sale. Andrew doesn't really remember much about his family as his childhood was slow paced and simple. It was ruined, of course, when pirates came in to raid. His parents and siblings were taken somewhere else for slavery so he doesn't have a clue on where they are and how they are doing. Though, seeing that he would be passed away to another crew, he doesn't really care too much about it.

Eventually, he was bought but Andrew immediately developed a fear for his new owner as he was a Zruvord. He even made an attempt to run away after he was out of his old chains but the Zruvord grabbed him quick and dragged him back to the ship. Andrew found himself inside the ship before he could even make a run for it. Despite that, he tried to fight against the shapeshifter due to the fact he was still carrying him around. Though to his surprise, the Zruvord apologized to him and put him down on his feet. It was something that Andrew never heard before, an apology. Before he could try anything, that was when he finally met the captain of the ship.

After a good talk here and there, Andrew realized that these two bought him his freedom. They got rid of the chains around him and gave him new clothes, food, and even offer him to stay with them. As Andrew has nowhere else to go, he willingly stayed with the crew. If only he could stop feeling afraid when Scar was around him. Especially when he slacks off in his work.

Miscellaneous: Andrew knows what good food tastes like and he rather eats a lot. More than Scar. He can also sing songs, providing entertainment or an attempt to lift his crewmates' soul up. He knows a lot of jokes too. Besides all that silly stuff, he is, get ready for it, gay.
Name: Nexus

Age: 27

Species: Alien. He's a Xrult

Appearance: Nexus is 6'5" (a big boi) and has a very athletic/muscular build. He's the most anthro of the crew with long, lean legs of a maned wolf. He has medium-length fur of the "flame" color (red fur with black tips) and his tail is white-tipped instead of black. Around his neck doesn't have any fur due to scarring, so he wears a violet bandanna to cover it.

Crew Name: Dusty Rose Thorn.

Position: Security Detail and he's also always the footman in a heist. In between heists he helps Desiree with the tech stuff when she's overwhemled with work.

Personality: Nexus is quiet and brooding. He's the most talktative with Desiree since he's extremely loyal to her and she's his platonic mate. He is extremely wary of other people, quick to intimidate others and he will fight if no one intervenes. The angrier Nexus is, the more animal-like he becomes (hunches over, bares his teeth, snarls and gives a roar bark). Once you gain a bit of Nexus's trust, he's more tolerable of you. He's a big cuddler once he trusts you more. He's always cuddling Desiree or any of the other crew members in his down time. He's not secretive about his bloodthirst like Desiree, but due to him not having a good handle on it Desiree is basically his babysitter.

Skills: Nexus can work hard and fight hard. He has a lot of stamina and speed so if a witness tries to escape, Nexus is on their ass like a lawn mower on grass. He is a dual-wielder: he fights with two traditional sicmars, meaning they're just regular blades with nothing fancy about them besides that they're sharp.

Backstory: Xrult are known for their fierce loyalty, and as such they're usually in positions where they are guards or such. Unfortunately, they're the prime targets for kidnappings and slave trade. Nexus doesn't remember his parents due to being separated from them at a young enough age, but he was the troubled child. He didn't hesitate to use his fangs and claws, so he was subject to a collar that would shock him and choke him if they yanked on it hard enough. They were trying to "train" him to be the perfect product, but no one wanted to buy him because he acted so feral.

He was shocked enough to scar the tissue around his neck due to an increase in the shock intensity. Desiree saved him from his abductors when he was 18, and she was generous enough to let him stay with her in her apartment. She didn't mind that he was very wary, and Nexus appreciated that she didn't just see him as some alien, she looked beyong his Xrult blood and helped him heal. Told him it was ok that he was the way he was. They even grew close enough that Nexus asked her to be his platonic mate, and was overjoyed she accepted his lock of fur.

He tried to return the help by searching for a job for Desiree so she could be happier, but when Rayna popped into the picture he fully supported Desiree's decision. He was mildly concerned by her murdering her partner as they fled, but he always has her back and in extension....he has the crew's backs.

Miscellaneous Info: "Natural" by Imagine Dragons captures Nexus's vibe. He has a lisp and it's the only adorable thing about him basically

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