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Fantasy [Private] El Stories

Arya woke up to Star's talons digging into her shoulder and a sharp nibble on her cheek. Waking with a start and glaring at the tiny dragon, Arya pushed the hatchling off and grumbled. She'd slept like a log, and, thankfully, her dreams were filled only by blissful darkness. She would have to remember to drink more often when she didn't want to be troubled by her strange dreams. "All right, all right. Let's go eat, I suppose." She said, packing her things and straightening the bed as best she could. The pack that held her ED and other concessions hung at her hip as she stretched, straightening her clothes and fixed her hair. Slowly, Arya opened the door and headed downstairs, Star settling on her back, the hatchling's head resting atop hers.

She spied Rain and the others as she went downstairs, and headed over. "Oh, good morning you guys." She said, a slight smile on her face. "Heading out already?"

Heavengiver Heavengiver Late Late I iFlipTables LegenDarius LegenDarius MementoDei MementoDei
Komodo immediately perked up when Arya showed up in the room. He saw exactly what he was looking for and didn't hesitate to walk up to Arya with a low growl rumbling up in his throat. The scent he was focusing on was the hatchling that Arya is carrying on her. Komodo hissed in alarm, looking up at Arya and having pure curiosity. Though his curiosity was viewed to be aggressive, with his growling and hissing.

"Komodo, what are you doing..." Xavier had to get up to pull the dragon away but Komodo kept insisting to stay close to Arya, trying to bite Xavier to drop him but his trainer didn't let go. "Geez what's wrong with you?" Xavier looked at Arya properly and his eyes widen to see a small dragon on her. He dropped Komodo in surprise and the dragon grumbled in annoyance for being suddenly dropped, shaking out his wings. "That..."

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Phantom was enjoying his small breakfast at his table, and he chuckled as he watched the male elf excitedly put an outrageous amount of food on his plate.
"Well, now that I'm here...what should I do?" He mused as he picked at his porridge and he took a small bite and he stared at the group. "You think I could ask them if they know about some jobs that are available?" Phantom asked and then he smirked after a moment, "Yeah. Let's socialize."
He stands up and puts away his plate on a pile of dishes he saw to the side. Phantom strapped his staff to his back, quickly made himself look more like a presentable priest looking for work (even trying to tame his hair). He walked over to the group and he gave a big smile and a wave.
"Hello!" Phantom greeted, "Do any of you happen to know where I can find a good job?" His eyebrow noticably twitched as his smile faltered for a second. He muttered something under his breath before regaining his composure.

LegenDarius LegenDarius Heavengiver Heavengiver Late Late I iFlipTables Breakthrough Breakthrough
Morning rose quickly as Dust just stood in place, thinking of the next course of action, ignoring the presence near him. After Altera, he needed to go back to the Demon Realm, at this point they should've decided who would replace Berthe in Feita since now his soul is with Tureen.

The thought of him replacing him didn't felt well, more so if that group went to that town they'd fight and there's a chance that Tureen would need to fight him. If that would happen then he couldn't hold back, nor was he allowed to. She was a dangerous ally, to go easy on her would put him in a disadvantage.

His thoughts were interrupted by shattering glass to the side, knowing who he was, Dust looked disinterested to the Lake.

"I was wondering when you'd come around, Glave. You want another favor right?" He asked him without looking at the masked man.

"Direct as always, I see. Yes, I need another favor from you and don't worry, I already have a suitable reward for you." He chuckled as he showed Dust two floating dice on his hand.

"What is it this time? Last time it was the knowledge of the ancients and that was just one of those, this is something big if you're giving me two." He commented giving the mysterious man his attention.

"A certain person is looking for me, but her current self can't face the trial that she wants to pass. I ask that you give her a hand on making her stronger." He explained, holding back a giggle.

"There's a catch to it, isn't there." He pointed out since his favors usual role with that.

"Perspective. You're heading into Altera, correct? I want you to a water amulet from there and give her before you fight her."

"Water amulet? You want me to give her a boost on beating me!? Are you nuts? Not to mention that she has the dragon boy with him! I'll barely live if the Greed Dragon decides to help them!"
He growled as he was literally being told to lose.

"You're right, I'm giving them more chances to beat you than to beat them. But knowing you, a challenge like that is enough to put your blood pumping, is it not?" He chuckled as he pointed out Dust's small fault.

"Tch, fine I'll do it. What's in these things?" He attempted to grab the dice, but before he could they attached themselves onto Samael's chains. "What the..." Soon, the die were absorbed and the dark chains now had purple lines on them, pulsating with energy.

"It looks like Samael liked the gift. This'll probably even the chances of you winning against them, or not." He laughed to himself as he started to walk back into the crack that he created. "Also, tell Oblivio something for me, Hennon already knows but will wait until he sees him as a threat. That is all." And with that, he was gone.

"What am I, a messenger for him?" He commented as he stretched his body. Looking behind him, he saw Rena looking at him with a perplexed expression. "You're done on checking on those two? Good, we're going to look for some ingredients that we can only find in the daytime, midday we're leaving for Altera." He explained to her while moving towards the bridge. "Come on, we're wasting time if we don't move."


Add was observing his brothers new toys, true to his word he was able to make his weapons with the spare makeshift Nasod parts, though once they were in Altera they could improve it into the real deal. Testing still took some time to find a way to completely stop the process, but for now they were able to stall it for a while.

Looking at the security cameras, he noticed that a person was talking to Dust, the locked chains and the mask gave it an enigmatic aura around him and at the same time to be wary of him.

"Damn it Wally, why didn't you implement an audio option on this damn ship." He grumbled as he was curious on their conversation until the man left the cameras field of view, he moved to another camera but the man never came. "Where... he couldn't have jumped off the ship, so where is he?"

Slightly confused he thought an impossible theory that the man might be a deceased person, but then he quickly pushed that thought out. Whoever he was, probably has ways knowledge of optical illusion or something of the sort.

Pushing the button on the microphone on the testing room, he called out his brother.

"Carna, I'm heading out to eat breakfast, you wanna come or do you want me to bring you something?"

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"I'll come," he said. He had felt an uncanny presence somewhere on the ship. Although he wasn't sure, it made him panic slightly. As if he was being caught in the act. He was pretty sure Hennon already knew of his defection. That man was hard to read, but spending time with that kind of aura? He learnt a couple things.

He wondered what kind of food was in the airship, but then again, he was never one for appetite. After all, in his childhood, he always gave more of his food to Ed. Even though the older brother tried to refuse, he would try to ease the other's suffering. Even by just a little bit. That lack of appetite carried throughout his life so he imagined he won't be eating much at breakfast.

Fume Fume
Star watched Komodo curiously, blinking slowly as the small dragon hissed and growled at Arya, who watched mostly in curiosity. "I don't think he likes you, mama," Star spoke cautiously, growling back at Komodo, bright yellow flames flickering at the edges of the hatchling's mouth. Arya simply stroked Star's snout gently, tiredly trying to pacify the small dragon. "What if he attacks you?!"

"Then it'll become an issue. Leave him be. Xavier and Komodo are...acquaintances." Arya said, shying away from the term friend. She hoped it wasn't too obvious, but at the time her tired mind only cared about getting food in her belly rather than anyone's feelings. And she really didn't want to have a brawl first thing in the morning. Not when her head was pounding like a war drum. She smiled and waved gently to Komodo. "Don't mind Star, okay? He's-"

"She's," Star corrected.

"Right. She's harmless. I hope." Arya quickly corrected, putting emphasis on the correction. Then she turned her attention to Xavier, yawning softly. "And I was hoping you could lend me some advice on dragon raising. Since..yknow. You have Komodo and all."

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"Komodo is just being very curious. He haven't really seen another dragon at this size..." Xavier confessed and having to use his legs to keep Komodo from getting too close. "Um...I hope you don't mind me asking on where you find her, and I guess I can help, I just need to figure out what kind of dragon she is..."

In truth, Komodo was just the only dragon Xavier raised, easy to handle too when he was just a hatchling. Though only time he had difficulties was now, since Komodo is bigger. Besides that, Xavier never really encountered another hatchling until now. On the bright side, Xavier remembers about being taught for these things. He understands behaviors and communications, and their diets are mostly the same. It shouldn't be too hard to teach Arya.

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Lara was getting tired of waiting, so she did the only useful thing she could do to pass her boredom. She established a mental connection with Dust again and began her transmission:

"Good morning. Things here have gotten a little out of proportion very fast. There is a strange nomad who got to the town not later than this morning. By the looks of things, he is able to communicate with some powerful being and is looking to join Rain's crew. She is the blue haired healer from the Underground lab that is looking for Henir and...well, there's also a new dragon with them. Not a famous one. Anything worth mentioning on your side?"

Fume Fume
"I don't trust them," Star grumbled, a low purr could be heard as Arya continued to rub her snout, but eventually the hatchling gave in, resting her head back on Arya's. She watched Komodo intently, eyes narrowed as her tail whipped back and forth. Arya smiled faintly. As far as trusting them on the battlefield, Arya knew Xavier and Komodo were very trustworthy. But she had to admit, giving that kind of information could be dangerous. Telling them that there was a whole chamber of dragon eggs beyond Kayak's chamber would lead to questions and possibly having them reported and destroyed.

"I don't exactly remember," Arya admitted. It wasn't a total lie. She had just been following the child that gave her the dragon teeth. "As for the kind of dragon Star is, I was hoping you'd know. I'm new to the whole dragon rearing process." Arya smiled softly. Star slid down Arya's back, flapping her tiny wings and flying around the room.

Late Late
Rena snapped out of her daze and followed Dust. She wondered who the strangely dressed man he was talking to was. She felt as if she had met the man before but she couldn't recall anyone in her memory that even looked remotely like the man. Nevertheless, the feeling of deja vu lingered in her mind. After a bit of pondering, she decided to take a risk.

"Um, Dust... who was that man you were talking to earlier?"

Fume Fume
"Hmm..." Xavier gave the girl a quizzical look.

From what he know, dragon eggs hatch under intense heat from their mother dragon but not too much of it. It's usually timed in certain days. Though Xavier doesn't recall any mother dragons from the six he knows of. So its likely that the eggs were laid long ago and kept warmed by the dry environment. Probably in a safe area where there isn't predators around. Arya probably ran into one at the right time of its hatching. That is what he believed and he was very curious.

Though he won't press any questions. "I'll be happy to help. Maybe this can make up for my behavior and rather gruesome battle of last night," Xavier said and offered a small smile.

Komodo watched the small hatchling with steady eyes.

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The strange priest did come up to her, asking if there are any good jobs. She gives him her gentle smile, though she masks the fact that she knows he's displaying the telltale signs of multiple beings in one body.

"I'm not too sure about what is available. Maybe ask Stella, the woman dressed in brown over there."

She points to where Stella is.

Phant0m Phant0m
Phantom gives a slight chuckle.
"Thanks! But I was kinda hoping that your group might be where the opportunity is at," He said, "You all are travelers right? Got room for one more in your party? I can bring a lot to the table: healing, information about other towns or cultures, and I'm pretty persuasive if you uh, need a little juicy gossip but you're having a tough time getting it from someone. You don't have to worry about paying me. I'm just tired of travelling alone...you know?"

Heavengiver Heavengiver
"Oh...well, then I guess I can use some help. It's a pretty long journey to be honest, so I hope you're prepared for what's ahead. I'm Rain, nice to meet you."

Rain extends her hand out to the priest. It looks like, even if Steele and Airi leave, she won't be losing the number of people in her party. It made her feel a lot better.

Phant0m Phant0m
Phantom shook her hand. "I'm Phantom," He introduced himself, "Pleased to meet you, Rain." He gave her a smile. "And don't worry about me. I'm always moving from town to town so I'm used to long journeys."
The priest tilted his head as if he was listening to something before straightening up. He looked over to where the dragons are and he whispers to Rain, "Are the people with the dragons in your group too?"

Heavengiver Heavengiver
"That man is Glave, administer of Henir's Time and Space. He sometimes comes to me from time to time for a favor, or when I go to him for a favor. We always give the other something for their trouble, from money to possessions." He informed who the man was while giving her a hand to climb. "I was wondering where he was going to pop again, he's an old... let's say cooperative fellow. He's not a friend and not an enemy, but don't try to fight him. He knows how to fight." Warning her they followed a certain trail that he usually takes for Bethma only supplies.

"Alright Rena, I'm gonna need a small list of ingredients. I'm gonna need three blooming flowers of a cactus, four pints of fire breath, give the komodos around here some of this meat they know exactly what you're asking back and finally a few drops of poison thorns. That should be all. Go find me those komodos and flowers would you? I'll take care of the poison." He explained to her while separating from her.

He needed those ingredients for the research department, they were close to find the ideal climate to grow themselves the products, they even had a few komodos that were fed and in response to give up some fire breath to them, the only problem was actually the world that they live in. The dark miasma makes them nervous, so they can't produce the ingredient that they need, which means that time needs to pass for them to relax to the point where they cooperate.

Extracting the poison was needed for a few antidotes back in that world. Supply for these were short so gathering a few would help, plus to gather this poison you need to focus a little to draw every little drop.

Except when Tureen comes up out of nowhere and almost costs Dust some poison to be coated on his hands. He grits his teeth while growling softly, taking out the horn.

"This is gonna be a thing, isn't it? I can already tell that, which means I gotta be careful with what I think before you try to read it. Absolutely great..." He mumbled to himself while making sure that she knew that he was slightly upset for it. Maybe it was some revenge from before, but that didn't cross his mind.

"Basically another one joins the fray, terrific. I'm already on the low end of things and now I gotta be down even further, thanks a lot Glave. And don't mention that girls name to me, I've already have my plate full with her thanks to him." He informed while finishing extracting the poison. "I'm going on a whim saying that they might be heading to Berthe's old territory, Feita. A demon should've substituted him by now or they're still deciding on who should take care of it for now." Holstering his sack bag he walked down the road to wait for Rena to appear.

"We're leaving for Altera at lunch time, me and Rena are finishing picking up some ingredients for later on. With a group like that, I'm certain that you won't get bored that easily. Not with a mermaid, the Greed Dragon's vessel, Ren, the weird girl and now with a nutto. Don't let them get to your nerves though, it'll probably be difficult."
He said while waiting for Rena to come back.


"Come on, brother. Eat up, we're gonna need our strength once we reach Altera." Add encouraged his brother, watching how little he took for himself. "We're not back home, so you don't need to give me food, eat as much as you want! We have plenty for our trip."

ChibiSkye ChibiSkye K KizayaTaishuro MementoDei MementoDei
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"Oh, that? I'll admit I'm not used to seeing something like that," Arya began, trying her best to mask the shudder that came over her when she thought back to last night. It wasn't something she wanted to remember or be reminded of. "But it's...i-it's okay. I'll probably have to get used to seeing things like that every so often. And I apologize for running away. The heat and blood...it brought back some bad memories." Arya sighed as she admitted to her actions.

Star flew close to Xavier, sniffing at his hair and face while circling him. "He smells funny, mama," Star said as she perched back on Arya's shoulders.

"So do you. Stop being so rude." Arya reprimanded lightly. Then she had an idea. "Hey, Star? Can you talk to Komodo and Xavier the same way you do to me?"

"I think so. If they want me to try, I can." Star answered. "Or maybe they can already hear me. It's possible."

"Well, it's worth a shot," Arya shrugged. "Care to try?" She asked Xavier. "I wanna try and see if it's possible that Star can communicate with you and Komodo the way she does with me."

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Lara smiled at Dust's annoyance. It was true that this way of communicating could certainly inconvenient for both. She quickly thought of a solution once Dust stopped talking.

"Tell you what. Both of us are somewhat annoyed by these random conversations, so let's give them a time lapse. So we both expect it and don't...put our current situation in danger. Also, who the hell is Ren? The elf mercenary?"

Fume Fume
"No need to apologize for running away," Xavier said. "Well, we could try. Usually if a dragon have a companion like a human, their communication is altered so only their trainer can understand them but no one else. Except a dragon of course. Komodo here communicates...in a strange way, he doesn't really talks to me. Only spits and growls, sometimes he'll chirp or purr. I got very used to it, I practically understand his mood right now without needing to hear him. Sometimes if I want him to do something specifically, I just have to whistle certain tunes. He responds to that without a fail." Komodo wiggled himself out from Xavier's legs and the trainer leaved him be. Komodo still curiously look up at Star, his wings quiver slightly as if he wants to fly too. "I'm certain Komodo will understand your dragon, I am just not sure about his communication towards her. He probably wants to be friends," Xavier added and briefly looked down at Komodo. Komodo briefly switch his gaze to stare at Arya and let out a small chirp. "I guess seeing a baby dragon makes him pleased."

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Arya laughed softly. "Babies are rather irresistible, so I can't blame him," Said Arya as she watched Komodo. Arya patted Star's head and told the hatchling, "You got the go ahead. So do your thing."

Star took off again, first landing in front of Komodo and standing in front of him, staring intently into his eyes. Star's eyes began to glow brighter. "Can you hear me?" She asked. She repeated the question several times, until moving on to Xavier, repeating the process.

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"Yeah, they are. I hope you get along with them. Dragons are known to be protective."

She smiles at Arya's and Xavier's interaction. It looks like she could be staying, considering the fact that she needs help raising a dragon. Steele is still buried in his food, and the siren wants to take over, grab her money, and leave without him.

"Don't you dare."

"I know, I know."

Rain continues to wait for Steele to finish his food.

Phant0m Phant0m LegenDarius LegenDarius
"Hmm...yeah, I can understand her," Xavier said, smiling. As for Komodo, he didn't really show any signs that he understood her, yet only trying to have a closer look at Star with his head tilting slightly. "Im sure his behavior of his will stop eventually, maybe when he gets comfortable around her." Komodo kept his distance. "Besides that, I am really glad you found her. She probably would get eaten really quick from predators and sometimes hunting doesn't come so easy." Xavier paused for a moment. "So I am assuming you gonna stay with me then, since you want to raise her properly."

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Arya nodded. "Originally I was going to stick around anyway if you guys let me. But this way seems good too." Arya smiled softly, Star seemed pleased that Xavier had heard her but somewhat disappointed that Komodo didn't seem to understand. Arya's smile widened, however, when Komodo chirped at her. "But I hope you don't mean staying with you as in dating? I don't think I'm ready to give up being single just yet." Arya lightly teased.

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Upon hearing Arya's comment, her other self takes over and laughs. She swings an arm around Arya's shoulder.

"My dear Arya, Xavier here is a ladies man. You're bound to develop some sort of crush on him later on, like this girl here. Too bad..."

She sends Xavier a sneaky smirk, as if she's indulging a deep secret.

"He's into blonde elves with busty chests, right Xavier~?"

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Arya rolled her eyes and smirked slightly. "That a fact?" Arya asked, giving Xavier the same sneaky smirk. "We'll see if that's the case then, won't we?" Star stared from Arya to Xavier, blinking slowly. When Rain began to speak, the hatchling stared at her silently.

"You're all weird," Star grumbled slightly.

Late Late Heavengiver Heavengiver

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