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Fantasy [Private] El Stories

"You dare...to kill me?" Xavier snarled, his voice shifted between his own and Perkisas'. He made an attempt to get back up, yet pain strikes him as he was in a mortal's body. "Curse this body...such attack wouldn't even dent if I had my scales..." His growl was deep and unnatural, a small red aura surrounding him.

Xavier looked back at the incoming lizardmen, squinting as he faced back at Steele. His muscles tensed up as he got back on his feet, eyes red with anger. Before he could attack, Rain got in the way and hissed in response when she grabbed his claw.

"Little rain drop, not so wise to be this close to me," growled Xavier. He paused fot a moment after staring into her eyes and slowly started to chuckle. "You may be near the water, but if this happens again, you won't have the water to aid you and you won't be able to stop me so easily next time..." Xavier took a small step back as he inhaled deeply, glaring over the sword.

It took a lot of time for Perkisas to finally retreat back after giving one last angry growl, pulling his hand away from Rain. Xavier was back to his self, falling onto his knees as his appearances shifted back to normal. He yelled adruptly at the pain on his back, smashing his fist down in reaction and the claw tips digging into earth. An endless stream of curses left his mouth. It took him awhile to adjust the pain, breathing hard as he felt Perkisas aura suddenly trying to tone down the pain. Almost as if he was sorry. Xavier grunted angrily at the celestial beast, not wanting it's pity.

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Arya watched the exchange curiously but said nothing. So, Xavier had another voice in his head as well. Per...kisas? She could have sworn that was the name mentioned. But still, it looked like he and Rain knew each other somehow, which was definitely worth looking into. But right now, she just wanted to move on ahead and maybe not get attacked by more lizardmen. She walked over to Xavier and knelt beside him. "Need some help?" She asked kindly, extending a hand towards him.

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"You may be a powerful legend in my world, but I won't hesitate against you. And do not call me a raindrop. I'm much more powerful and vicious than one."

With their conversation over and Xavier falling to his knees, the siren lets her shyer self take over and watches her worry over her comrade. The healer sings a song about the stars, letting the water particles forming around him absorb his pain and fix his wound.

"Can you stand, or do you need a few minutes? We can let the others scout out the area."

Arya comes over to offer some support, and Rain smiles gratefully at her.

"Thank you, Arya. I'm sorry to you and everyone about this."

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"They think nothing of each other; I know that. If one of them fell, the other would either consume them or move on without a hitch. But for their higher officers? If one of us defected, we would be chased down. That's what's worrying me. If they chase me down, what if they find out about you? Hennon would plan and do something horrible. I...can't let that happen. I have to get stronger to defend you."

Fume Fume
Out of anger, Xavier smacked Arya's hand away. "Leave me be!" he yelled. He faltered slightly when he saw the surprise and perhaps a hurt expression from the girl. Xavier felt his wound healing up but it won't help to steady his emotions. He felt mixed. "Give me time...I'm sorry," he mumbled, clenching his fists together against the dirt and trying to steady his breathing, Perkisas' rage dwindling down.

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Ren twitched when he saw Rain heal Xavier's wound. She effectively just helped an enemy. He gave her and her boyfriend a death glare before leading the others as she had ordered.

"Let's go!" He hollered to Airi and Arya. From there, Ren knew not to draw his sword again, and he just focused fire on incoming lizardmen.

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Arya frowned slightly as Xavier slapped her hand away, flinching slightly from the pain as well as the surprise. But he did say he was sorry so she supposed it would be okay. Steele called for her to move on ahead, however, and she complied. "Stay safe, then." Arya nodded to Rain and Xavier before moving on ahead.

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"There goes my help huh...?

Rain goes to put the lizardmen closing in around them into a deep sleep, letting out the same melody she sang when Ash was attacking Rena. She tried her best to be as calm and angelic as the song she's singing, but her heart is in inner turmoil. The effect of her song also isn't as powerful as back then, as the lizardmen took longer to fall to the floor. Her other self could only watch and heave a heavy sigh. Once she finishes singing, Rain tries to take deep breaths to still her frantically beating heart.

"I guess we might be alone..."

"Unfortunately...I don't think they will stay after this incident...especially not the elf."

"Are we still paying him?"

"Yes...of course."

Rain steps onto the lake and looks ahead to find the others plowing their way through the hoard of lizard warriors. Such a shame that they won't be staying around...but she doesn't blame them. Her chances of going home are slowly disappearing, and the dancer turns her head away from Xavier in an attempt to hide her sadness.

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After awhile, Xavier slowly got up to his feet, feeling a bit more relaxed. He noticed everyone left except for Rain and felt a sense of guilt.

"Sorry, I screwed up..." Xavier felt his voice broken, surprising himself. He felt his emotions getting the better of him. "I didn't think he would get so angry at the sword. M-Maybe it's best if I just leave the group so this incident doesn't happen again..." he mumbled, his voice uneven. "I don't want...to hurt anyone else."

This sort of feeling felt familiar, like a deja vu situation but he doesn't recall something similar like this happening. Whatever it was, his felt his heart swelling and his eyes watered. There shouldn't be anything to cry about, he always said to himself. Yet it couldn't be helped. Plus he couldn't really touch his own face, the gauntlets were still in a cooldown from the earlier attack.

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Lara sighed as the elf on the other side of the link cut it before she was able to reply. She had a feeling from the beginning that Dust wouldn't like her way of communicating, but it was safer if she started the link instead and kept them brief. She took note of the code number and finally reached her destination. The long sleeves of her shirt had been torn away because of the ritual she had participated in, her usually tied hair flew freely with the wind, as the energy also tore her usual hairstyle away. She wasn't bothered by the changes and she let down her illusion spell and retrieved her usual hair colour and eyes.

The mines were already close by, she could probably get there in less than ten minutes. She dusted the accumulated sand off her cloak and hood before continuing her way. At the entrance, a Nasod miner menacingly blocked her way and she repeated the code number Dust had told her and she was no longer bothered by any of the dozens of Nasods that were gathered here and there in the cave. Once she saw the ship, she entered and sat down on the dock without uttering a word to anyone, and focused on gathering small quantities on mana to fill the marks Kayak had given to her.

She couldn't wait for their inevitable death, the other adventurers would take them down sooner than later, she was almost certain of it. She glanced at the sound of a door opening and saw a vague silhouette come out of it towards her.

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When Rain heard Xavier talk in such a broken tone, she didn't care that small tears were falling down her face. She draws closer to him.

"It's not your fault. I understand how hard it is to live with another person inside. Even if the others leave, I won't. We still have to find out more about Perkisas and this world. We still need to find Ash and Rena. I still need people to help me get back home."

Rain then does an odd gesture to the boy. Curtsying to him, she moves her hands around each other before extending one of them out to him, almost like an invitation to a dance.

"If this is the moment we lose them, then let's go surprise them and finish this with a bang."

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"Finish it with a bang, huh..." Xavier mumbled as he stared at Rain. He glanced over where the others headed off, sighing. Xavier went ahead to rub out his eyes with his arm and nodded his head. "...right, okay." Xavier closed his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "Let's get going and surprise them, then.

"I can only advise you to be on your toes with the elf. He may not be the one who struck me down from the skies...but I don't like him. He might not like us either after my tantrum," Perkisas chuckled. "Oh well, should be entertaining I suppose."

'Any way for me to gain more strength without awakening. I am starting to feel tired of getting knocked back..'

"Of course. I can boost up your attack power but only for a limited time. Best to do it at the last minute or just be very haste throughout the battle."

'Without the bag, I can manage. ...does it work for anyone around me?'

"You think I'm going to lend my strength to petty mortals? I'd rather choke..."

'You said it lasts for a limited time. Not forever.'

Perkisas growled in an upset tone at Xavier yet he stayed quiet for a moment. "...fine... they'll really be in for a surprise."

Xavier, confused what Perkisas meant, went ahead to gently grab Rain's hand to raise her up from her gesture.

"Come on, they couldn't gone far."

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After Xavier attacked Steele, Airi was very tempted to rip Xavier into pieces. She however, followed Steele's orders. Casting one last look at Xavier (and Rain), she sent them a death stare.

"Hurt one of my comrades again and I will give you a painful death." Airi growled before heading into battle. She slaughtered at least a dozen of lizardmen with her daggers alone. Blood stained her clothes.

Is this washable. This better be washable.

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"Let's go, Xavier. Let me show you what I can do!"

She turns to rush to the water. Instead of skating on top of it, the siren dives into the lake. Swimming faster than any human possible, Rain manipulates the water to flow around her. From afar, one could see a whirlpool slowly forming. The lizardmen look in her direction...and find themselves staring into the eyes of an ominous creature riding a tidal wave.

"Watery Embrace!"

The wave swallows her enemies whole, sweeping them back into the lake, where the siren hacked and slashed away at their bodies. Her movements are fluid, unreadable. Once she finished with that batch of lizards, she lands in front of Steele and the rest of the group with a graceful bow, completely dry. She doesn't turn to face them.

"There's a cave beyond this lake. The one behind all this is over there. A lizardman called a shadow warrior that the shaman raised from the dead watches over the place. We'll kill it, head in, and murder Kayak before he resurrects the dragon."

Without another word, the healer rushes forward.

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As Xavier followed after Rain, he perked up at the word "dragon". So the stories were true, his mother dragon didn't randomly make it up just to keep him traveling outside. Xavier put some distance with the other group, not wanting to provoke anyone who probably doesn't want to see him again. Perkisas already proved to be unstable with his emotions. He only glanced at the three before running off to fight off more lizardmen.

"Just tell me when it's a good time to use my strength. Rain drop doesn't seem to be half bad, I suppose I should be careful when getting angry around her," Perkisas grumbled.

'Perkisas, curious question.' Perkisas stayed quiet, unsure what Xavier wanted to ask. 'About the trials...there is a second one for me right...?'


'When...do I know I am going through it? Or pass it?'

"Heh, you'll find out on your own time. I am not going to make it easy for you just because you passed the first one."

Xavier sighed before he sucker punched an incoming lizardman, watching it go flying off and landing on top of its fellow allies. 'I guess that's fair.'

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While Dust moved silently out of the town with his stolen goods. He still had it in him from his thieving days. A surprise since it'd been decades since he last stone something, even if it was for something petty as tools and resources. He also got new clothes for both him and Rena that he kindly stole from a shop, her clothes were completely ruined and he was taught by the succubus to always take care of a girl.

He never liked that life, hence he retired quickly from it, ignoring the urge to steal something valuable that a real thief would crave. That wasn't for him anyways, he's more of a fighter than a sneaking rat.

Passing hill from hill, he noticed that from afar that some action was taking place. Moving to higher ground, he quickly took note that it was the adventurers that were in the Nasod Inspector chamber.

"I'm guessing that they are the uninvited guests that Tureen talked about." He thought to himself, observing that a few changed a bit. Looking a bit stronger than before.

*Clink* Samael responded seriously, advising that he shouldn't engage them.

"I know. Better to ignore than to get involved with them. Besides, we won't need to stay here for long, once the Nasods refill our fuel tank, we're heading straight to that floating Island called, Altera. Maybe we'll find something useful there."
He responded back to them before jumping down and following the road.

With them distracting the lizard man, it made the rest of the walk much easier than before, since all enemies were concentrating against the new intruders.

Passing through the mines without a hitch, he reached the ship without making a ruckus. Looking to the side, he noticed Tureen gathering mana for herself. He decided to not bother her and continued downstairs towards his room.

He looked in his sack bag and started to retrieve the stolen items, putting the articles on his bed. From the tools that he gathered to the clothes that he took. Taking off his cloak and putting it in his sack for safe keeping, after all it was a gift from a demon that took care of him.

"Alright, I've got the ingredients ready for the ritual. I'll take the clothes to Rena in a bit, after I finish her massage on her legs, maybe I should wait in the morning. Need to take these stuff into the smelter room for later. I'll take the blacksmith tools for now and then give Rena her new clothes. I'll put mine later." He mumbled to himself while gathering the supplies and moving them into the smelter room.


"You got it wrong, Carna. WE need to be stronger. Don't just put everything in your plate, share some of it with your brother. After all, two minds are better than one."
He responded to him while finishing the tuning.

"Besides, we have the demons on our side, isn't that an advantage already? We got the hybrid on our side, and that bastard likes to help people out, if he gets to benefit out of it. I'm going into the test room to see how this thing works, call me if you need any kind of help with that new gear of yours." With that he entered the room and started to test the power of his new creation.


Time passed by and Rena continued her rest while awaiting for Dust or morning. But even waiting for both it'll still take a while.

"I'm bored." She plainly said while looking around. Trying to find anything to distract herself, but the only thing that she could do was listen to the sounds outside. She heard a lot of work in a few rooms away, and a big while back it sounded as someone left the ship. Probably her brother to get something. An hour passed and another sound was heard, was he back?

Nobody came to met her, which means that it was someone else. Releasing a sigh, she looked at the spirits and they started to do a little dance around her.

"This'll work. Thank you." She replied to their kind gesture while awaiting her brother.

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"Alright." He worked on his mediums, searching through his virtual library of information. There were soldiers that used guns, but they were primitive. He could try working with a prototype and customize it to his liking. However, the prototype itself isn't a weapon. It was an input prototype.

He ran through several programs while creating his mediums. With the parts that existed on board, creating them wasn't a problem. He synched the mediums with his Operators and within the hour, managed to create an operating weapon system. It was hard work.

Fume Fume
Arya quietly followed after the others, still hurt by Xavier's refusal for her help than anything. She whirled her makeshift weapon with deadly precision, slashing at the wrists of her enemies, preventing them from ever wielding a weapon again. She watched Rain and Xavier closely, as they seemed to be having fun in their own way. She supposed it was about time she did the same.

Rain mentioned something about a Shadow Warrior guarding the entrance to a cave, and rushed ahead as well, hoping to encounter it first. She recalled something her late master once taught her about spirits and undead. And if what Rain said was true, this would be doubly effective.

She found her target waiting for her, the twin swords in its hands menacing to anyone who would be intimidated by it. But Arya was a woman on a mission and paid it little mind. "Banishing Blade." She spoke, whirling her weapon in the form of a cross, the area around Arya igniting into a violently bright light, incinerating any undead in the immediate area.

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Even though Xavier was focused on his battle, he can feel Perkisas tensing up whenever Steele attacks the lizardmen. It was really bothersome, yet he can't worry about that too much now. Xavier only wished to get the mission done and have everyone back in Bethma in one piece. He saw Arya running forward, reminding him how he denied her help. Yes, he did felt bad. Xavier wasn't the one who accepts help so easily but he was aggressive towards her on this. He hopes she would forget about the next day. Or even after the battle.

Xavier went ahead to catch up in case she would get herself in trouble like against the Scorpion King yet stopped to shield his eyes from the blinding light, grumbling in annoyance from the brightness. The time the light died down, he looked over to see that the once standing Shadow Warrior was kneeling down. It almost look like a weak attempt to hold on longer, yet the powerful attack seem to do its damage and the Shadow Warrior eventually started to fade away.

"I guess that made things easier," Xavier commented, somewhat curious where she learned her skills.

When everyone was caught up, they were standing in front of the cave that Rain mentioned about. Since the Shadow Warrior was taken care of, they can just run it and smack away any other lizardmen inside to reach to Kayak. Xavier realized he was at home base now, he can feel hear emitting from the cave. It made him lightened up as he got an advantage now.

Xavier didn't dare to wait any longer, unsure how long they got until Kayak starts to resurrect a dragon. He ran into the cave, welcoming the heat that seems to be all around. He was quick to spot geyser holes and shouted over at them.

"Careful where you step, there are geysers here. If you don't want your clothes catch on fire then best to avoid stepping into one when they erupt."

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Ren hopped after Airi, careful to sidestep any erupting craters. As he did, he turned his head and saw the steady stream of fire pouring out of the geyser before it disappeared back down the hole. It was a beautiful, interesting sight.

A spear flew past Ren and embedded itself into the wall. Whoever threw that had worse aim than Stevie Wonder, mentally commented Ren. He looked up and saw a convoy of lizardmen, Komodos, and... flying skeletons? Ren wasn't surprised. It was a strange sight, yes, but he'd seen stranger ones.

Ren tapped his reader and activated Adrenaline Shot. His pupils shrank as the adrenaline kicked in, and he took off at breakneck speed. Running straight into a fray of bloodthirsty lizardmen, he pointed his rifle straight into the air.

"Sharpshooter Syndrome!"

A blinding light surrounded him, blinding and burning all the nearby lizardmen. The light dissipated, revealing a mountain of steaming corpses and melted weapons. His cloak and his lime-green hair swayed softly in the air, as the swirling winds around him slowed to a stop.

He continued on, sprinting and sidestepping the erupting geysers, eliminating all the small threats that came his way—all without breaking movement. Soon he ended up in a large, cavernous area. Giant Ivory bones laying on a clearing within the cave. It was as if those bones were intentionally organized and put together by someone. He saw a strange figure ahead, but it was too far to make out what it was. Ren brought the rifle to his eyes and peered down the scope, and he saw that it was a lizardman that seemed to be performing some sort of ritual. An eerie light surrounded him as magical glyphs from a lost alphabet flew around him like a tornado.

Ren turned back and motioned towards his comrades, gesturing for them to hurry up.

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Arya remained silent, walking down the path after Airi. While in truth, she had ceased being mad s little bit ago, it would still take her a long while to feel up to helping Xavier ever again. Steele rushed ahead, taking out any small threats along the way, and Arya did the same, catching spears out of the air and throwing them into the flying skeletal dragons or right back at the lizardmen that dared try to pin them down by the geysers. She caught up to Steele, keeping her footsteps light and her distance from the lizardman at the end of the cavern. Arya frowned. Who was this clown, and why was he being creepy?

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Rain reveled in the familiarity of the situation. Every fire bat, every scorpion lashed out in the same way she predicted. Their corpses litter her feet as she spins around the geysers. The dancer can feel the sweat forming on her skin from the heat, but the beating in her heart...it only served to make her twirl, jump, and throws her daggers faster.

She sees Steele run back and gesture them to come over. Rain made sure not to stay too close to him, for fear of upsetting him.

"Let me go in first."

Launching herself into a flip, Rain lands next to the shaman, startling him.

"W-who are you? How did you find this place?"

"Hello again, Kayak. I see that nothing has changed for you."

"W-what are you saying?! How do you know me?!"

"Simple really." The dancer summons her tiny dagger, coating them with the red tint of blood.

"I'm here to kill you again."

The shaman jolts back in shock. Who was this crazy girl and her weird talk?

"I-I refuse to die here! My dragon will-!"

"Oh, that pathetic thing? Go ahead and summon it. It won't do much against me."

Her tone was icy and vicious. Long gone was the crying girl dancing over the lake. People were going to leave her, and her journey is going to get harder. Her other self feels herself merging with her shyer counterpart, and she internally weeps, worried over the girl's mental state. She jumps up and launches a bombardment of bloody daggers in his direction, feeling nothing when her attacks cause him to bleed.

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Xavier was caught up with everyone and noticed Rain's attitude towards the battle. It would feel wrong if he wasn't worried. He perked up at the berserk shaman lizardmen showing up and were quick to aid their leader by healing him up. Kayak recovered back and he set up a bonfire right away to give him space.

"Alright, let's take out those healers first. They'll give us trouble if they keep healing Kayak," Xavier said to the other three who watched the battle. "And...let me strengthen up our attacks." Xavier closed his eyes for a moment, feeling Perkisas slowly increasing out his aura to nearby allies. "Strength of Perkisas!"

An image of Perkisas appeared for a split second and let out a frightening roar that seems to rattle the cave. A red aura surrounds Xavier and his allies, feeling the boost of energy they needed to finish this mission. "Make haste, it won't last long."

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