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Prince and the Thief (SilentMadness and EmElisa)

Randar jumped from the saddle when Ilyia mentioned taking the horse for a drink. He was feeling the effects of his silent fight against the forces that tried to control Ilyia, and the Spider gave even more to make him surrender. He found himself needing to double on the arcane energy that he let out, but with each change, the Spider changed as well. Randar knew what the dark being was trying to do. To weaken him, to strain him until he could fight no longer, and then... to take over Ilyia and run with her. I will not let this happen, he encouraged himself as he watched Ilyia leaving with the horse. He only hoped that she was enough in control not to let herself driven away completely. The Spider was trying to gain enough distance over him so that his fluttering arcane barrier would not affect Ilyia any longer. But Randar was a step ahead from the totem, and took care to move away from the road, and lean against a tree that brought him closer to where Ilyia would stop, thus putting her within the radius of his magic.

Sitting against the tree, he let his head fall back and his eyes close for a moment. Only one moment... he told himself, exhausted, but quickly dozed off.

And he was again in the darkness, with the shadowy figure overlooking him. Even if he couldn't see a face, he could swear he could see a malevolent grin. It was mocking him. The Spider was silently mocking him for being so foolish to consume himself in his valiant attempts to slow down the process of Ilyia's control. "You are bold." The distorted voice told him, and he could swear he had heard a part of it, something in it, somewhere. "But foolish. Do you not understand that you cannot fight me? That you cannot win? It is too late. I've taken enough control over her and no matter what you'll do, you can't push me out. I'm a part of her. I will consume her, feed myself, help her get vengeance, then consume her furthermore until... she dies. It won't be hard for me to find another host. Maybe I'll even take you. You still have a will of vengeance of your own."

Randar's eyes snapped open and he gasped for air desperately. His nap was so short lived, yet it felt like years. A veil of fog was clouding his vision, and he turned his head as he tried to dispel it. He saw something in the distance, shimmering in the afternoon sun, but it was too far for him to define it. He tried to stand, but he felt weary, and only watched as the figure, which began looking more and more like mounted men in shiny armors, as it approached. He noticed that at the very forefront, a banner was being held high, but it wasn't until they drew too close that his vision came back to him, and his heart shrank. The banner, the armors... Randar hastily stood, managing to only shout out for Ilyia. The soldiers belonged to no other kingdom than Etersia, his homeland. The party's leader, a man well in his fourties, trotted his horse out of the crowd and pulled out a scroll, which he ceremoniously opened and began reading loud and clear.

"Prince Randar Althalos, former heir to the throne of Etersia, by Royal Decree, I, Sir Danyel Melthior, have come to arrest you on the accusation of high treason. Surrender now and we will take you peacefully, resist, we will use any amount of force necessary."

Randar glared at the men. They were any number between ten and twenty, all armed. He recognized the armors, and these were no usual soldiers. They were all elite. His mind worked feverishly towards finding a solution, any solution. His horse was by the stream, and he couldn't too well let Ilyia fight. Bloodshed would only feed the Spider, and grant it more power over her. And he was weak. Just how exactly was he going to fight nearly 20 elite men in this state? But it seemed as his body worked quicker than his mind, and his lips silently mimicked the words for a short incantation. Within a moment, his hand lit up in flames and before anyone could even react, a fireball struck one of the mounted men straight in his plated chest, throwing him off the horse and causing the rest to dismount and get armed. Randar was not going to let himself arrested without a fight.
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While the horse drank, Ilyia and the Spider decided what their next course of action should be. The Spider knew that they needed to continue on, but Ilyia, watching Randar slouch in a doze against the tree, knew that they needed to rest. She was tired, perhaps more so than she had ever been in her entire life, and Randar was steadily losing strength trying to save her. She untied her shirt enough to look down at her chest, and the black spot where the Spider had entered. She gingerly touched the tender flesh. It was still cooler than the rest of her body, and it still hurt. She furrowed her brow and sat down in the grass beside the stream.

"How long will this last?" She asked, perhaps herself, perhaps the unseen entity.

Until it doesn't last anymore. It gave its frustratingly vague answer. Ilyia scowled and threw a rock into the stream in a fit of anger. The horse snorted at her for having disturbed its peaceful drinking. She stared at it for a moment before looking off into the distance. That veil took over again, and she was left to stare mindlessly at the minutes ticked by. The Spider had rendered her useless while it infiltrated Randar's sleeping mind. Ilyia wasn't even aware that she was in a daze until she heard Randar shout her name. She whipped her head around to see a troop of men approaching quickly on horseback.

Yes. What delectable timing!

The thief stood up and turned around. The men had formed a circle around both Randar and Ilyia. They were a tight, well-trained formation, and they were here for Randar. Treason? Why? Randar hadn't done a thing! She found herself growing angry, an emotion fueled by the dark magic. Well, you can't very well let them take him, can you? It didn't care one bit for Randar's safety, but it would use any excuse necessary to provoke bloodshed. You know what you have to do. But she was so damned tired. Maybe they could talk this out. Peacefully.

"Oof!" The man that had been hit by the fireball fell to the ground, clearly having the wind knocked out of him.

Ilyia had drawn her sword without even realizing she'd done it . The large, curved dao blade shone in the fading sunlight. It cut seamlessly through the air as Ilyia rotated her wrist, twirling the blade a bit to loosen up.

"Careful with that one!" One of the other knights said, pointing toward Ilyia. "She's a killer."

"His Majesty and the Queen wishes them both alive." Danyel reminded his men.

For a few long, torturous moments, nothing happened. There was a standstill as everyone seemed to be sizing each other up. Then, a few men decided to try their hand at attacking. Two of them went for Randar while the third came charging at Ilyia. Her eyes watched him approaching, longsword pointed downward in preparation for an upward slash. Here, the voice whispered. Allow me to help.

Ilyia's eyes lost their luster. She twirled around the soldier to avoid his attack. Her movements were quick and quiet, and her face was without emotion. She moved like the very shadows themselves. She sized up the knight, who was just now turning around to face her once more. He was well armored, but there were a few openings to be exploited. He brought his sword down, and she lifted hers to block it. The sound of metal on metal echoed across the plains. Ilyia held her sword with two hands and delivered a kick to the man's gut, causing him to stumble back a few steps. She quickly slashed at his exposed wrist, slicing it open and causing him to drop the sword.

What are you waiting for? Finish him off. But before Ilyia could do that, another soldier was upon her. He had attacked from behind, and she lifted her blade up again to block yet another sword. As she continued to fight, her body continued to be weighed down by the dark magic. She felt like lead was filling her bones and making her slower. A soldier had hit her in the sternum with the hilt of his blade and sent her tumbling backwards with a cough. When he approached again, she rolled out of the way of his foot, which had come down to stomp her. She was placed enough behind him that she was able to slash her sword out and connect with the back of his knee, slicing flesh and bringing him down to a kneel.

Spitting up a bit of blood, Ilyia stood up. She seemed to consider her options for a few moments. The soldier was growling in pain and holding his leg. She released a shrill whistle, causing him to lift his head and look at her. When he did so, she lifted her leg and delivered a thunderous kick. The top of her foot connected with the side of his head, knocking it to the side with enough force to crack his neck.

A surge coursed through her body as the Spider bathed in the kill. It was powerful, and Ilyia could feel the black spot on her chest starting to expand a little bit. In her moment of pain and revelation, something hit her in the back of the head. She fell to the ground instantly, her vision going white with pain. You're not done yet. The Spider said, trying its hardest to coax her to her feet. As she fought to hold onto consciousness, Ilyia turned her head to see Randar facing his own struggle. He was growing weary, trying to use his magic both to fend off the men and to fend off he darkness inside the thief. Ilyia's eyes started to close.

Don't you dare!! The voice hissed. She opened her eyes, but there were three, no, four men surrounding her. One of them delivered an armored boot to her back, forcing her face first onto the ground. I can't... she thought. I can't fight anymore. She closed her eyes and allowed her hands to be pulled and shackled behind her back.
Randar found himself having a double duty. He had to take care of himself and watch over Ilyia as she fought. He knew bloodshed fueled the Spider's strength, and he knew he had to stop her were she to try and kill, but how could he get out of this alone? As he thought, he found himself charged at by one of the plated men. Quickly withdrawing his blade, he lifted it up in time to parry a strike from a large claymore, the shock causing him to step back and reposition himself quickly. His eyes lit up with arcane magic as he chanted quickly, his blade also lighting up with the same magic, before he began an offensive, the one-handed blade striking against the large claymore with much more power than it would without the magic's aid. He twirled the blade once, before dancing away from the soldier. Direct attacks would not work in such an easy way, and so, the next course of action was to charge at the armor-clad attacker, before suddenly leaping into the air, boosting his jump with a small shockwave of arcane. His body spun once in a 360 degrees and his enchanted blade struck at the man, guided to perfectly hit the opening between the helmet and the chestpiece, at the flesh of the neck. The hit was enough to carve deep into the neck of the man and blood began pouring out as Randar landed in front of him, wobbly, weakened by the high use of energy he did. The soldier fell back, a pool of blood forming under his twitching body as he lived through his last moments.

And then was when Randar noticed Ilyia ready to kill. Alas, he was just about to shield the soldier away from her final strike when he felt a heavy plated boot kicking against his side and throwing him to the ground. Losing grip on his blade caused the sword to lose its glow. Randar coughed as he tried to stand, getting on a knee as he found himself at the pointy end of the blade of the man who struck him down. He looked up to the soldier, and took his gaze to an Ilyia who was getting already shackled. Mighty fury coursed through him, giving him strength to pull his own weight further. He muttered in a breath, causing the man who kept him down to raise an eyebrow as he found it impossible to understand the words that were being spoken. "Lethodar Aran Tasarak. Lethodar Akula Vigis. Lethodar Kiranann Kali Norn!" Randar struck an open palm against the ground, and large stone spikes errupted from the ground, two of them piercing their way through the soldier who kept him at bladepoint and one of the soldiers that was escorting a passed out Ilyia to a horse. The two remained impaled high above the ground, fresh blood pouring on the stone spikes for a moment before the spikes dissapeared into the ground altogether, leaving the dead bodies to lie there. In a fluid movement, Randar stood and yelled out another short chant, several fireballs being thrown out to a few of the men. "Jalaran!"

He began fighting fiercely once more, even though he felt he was at the end of his powers. Each enchanted bladestrike he gave was retaliated with ease. The men were kicking him around, much like Ivan did back on the mountain, only that now Randar was outnumbered greatly. "Korilath Locitum Vi..." He tried chanting, his eyes lighting up again but suddenly losing their arcane glow before he could finish his spell. He only felt a heavy strike at the back of his head and he fell to his knees, his vision darkening before he fell flat, cheek against the ground, and passed out.

He felt cold. So cold, that his body was trembling. His eyes fluttered open weakly, and he could only see a set of bars blocking an entrance. It took him moments to come into his senses, but as he did, he felt the shackles that held onto his wrists and held his arms up painfully. His upper body was naked, and his lower body was only covered with a pair of trousers. His gaze was able to recognize the figure that was chained to the wall, much like himself, only in the cell across him. Ilyia. Fury and terror welled up inside of him and he tried shouting out a spell. "Kyrnaw....!" "Don't bother." A familiar voice told him. "The shackles are magic-proof. You don't think we were that stupid to shackle you with normal ones, did you?" The voice soon gained a face as one of the prison guards moved in front of Randar's cell, grinning down at him. He knew the man. "Welcome home, prince." The guard spoke mockingly. "Or should I call you, traitor?"

"Ilyia..." Randar mumbled weakly as he tried to crane his neck, to look past the guard at his companion. "Oh, don't worry, your little murderer friend there is alright. Still sleeping, but she's good. Can't say she will be for long, Her Majesty wanted her alive for something, apparently. But after that, it's the gallows for her. If she survives." The guard finished with an ominous tone before giving a short, malicious chuckle. "Have a nice stay." He said as he moved away from the cell door.
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I'm sorry, Randar.

This was her last thought before she lost consciousness. She had failed him, again. Surely he would not love her anymore, after all she had put him through. She spent hours, maybe even days, of unconsciousness fearing the worst. He would hate her. The Spider assured her of this. Because of her, he had been captured and would be taken back to the one place in the world he hated the most. The one place he had tried so hard to escape from. Guilt was piled on her in layers. The dark magic preyed on every weakness it could. Even though she was in shackles, Ilyia wasn't completely useless. The Spider could still draw from her life force until it found another, more suitable host. It would just have to wait.

Something cold dripped down the back of her neck and traveled agonizingly slow down her spine. Goosebumps rose all over her flesh, and her involuntary shiver caused Ilyia to wake up. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times to try and adjust her vision to the lack of light. The rattling of chains caused her heart to beat in a rapid panic. No... she thought. No... not again.

She was chained to a cold, damp wall that was a painful reminder of the life she had escaped from all those years ago. Her shirt had been removed and she was left in the bustier that wrapped around her torso and left her upper chest and shoulders bare. The black mark was clearly visible, with veins that webbed out in all directions. She was so cold, and her head was killing her. Still, she struggled against the bindings. It brought back memories that made the partially visible scars on her back burn with pain, as if they were being inflicted upon her all over again. Her struggle was futile, and her weak body gave up after only a few minutes. Amber hues peered through the darkness, and she saw Randar chained in the cell across from her.

"Randar!" She exclaimed. "A-are you alright? Did they hurt you? I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." She hung her head in shame and anguish.

A heavy door could be heard opening from somewhere down the hall. A pair of feet quietly descended the stone steps and walked gracefully down toward the cells. Her Majesty the Queen, arms folded and hands tucked in the opposite sleeves of her blood red gown, came to a stop between the two cells. She stood offering her profile, so she could see both prisoners out of her peripheral at the same time. Her thick raven locks were done perfectly, and her golden crown sat regally upon her head. She was beautiful, and she was terrifying.

"Hello, my dear." She said to Randar. Ilyia could feel the Spider stir inside her chest. "It is so lovely to see you. It has been so long." She looked at the young man with a cold smile His newfound abilities would allow him to see the darkness swirling around her. Darkness that he had never been able to see before. "We were so, so worried about you."
"Ilyia..." He said shivering. Wet drops dripped onto his body every now and then, bringing another wave of cold that ran through his bones. He was on his knees, and tried to stand, his arms being painfully numb from all the time that he has been chained like that. It was a clear device of torture, designed for those who needed to confess something. But why then, were he and his beloved chained in such a way? He tried to put force into his arms' muscles, to pull himself up, and was nearly there, but alas, his bare sole slipped on the wet stone floor and in a moment, he hit the stone with his knees, pain exploding through his bones, while at the same time, his arms stretched and yanked the chains, and he honestly felt as if his arms were going to get ripped away from his shoulders. "Aaaargh!" He growled loudly with pain, tears being squeezed out of his eyes as he shut them. He let his head hang low. "I'm... fine..." He spoke, loudly enough for Ilyia to hear. Of course, he wasn't fine in the least but what use would it be if he told her his whole body ached like never before?

He didn't manage to get to tell her to stop blaming herself when the Queen made her way into the dungeon, and addressed him. He felt that disgusting black magic stronger than ever now, and he only craned his neck to look up, a pained and furious grimace on his scarred facade as he defiantly looked the woman in her malicious eyes. The shadows seemed to dance around her, and now he began understanding what has happened. She had control of his father, much like the witch back after Prauthe had control over him. It still didn't make his hatred for him dwindle. "Spare... me..." He weakly spat out, glaring into her eyes. "You're nothing... but a whore using black magic... I... was going to come back..." He continued, coughing his words out more or less. "To put a sword... through you..."

His fury was only turning worse and worse as the door opened a second time, and soon enough, the figure of his father joined. The King looked... old. And not in the good way. He looked consumed, and it was as if the royal vestments were not even for him anymore. The once proud man that held his crowned head high, whose jet black locks of hair were framing his face was gone, and instead of him was a gray-haired wreck of a man who looked to Randar, unsuspecting yet that the former prince knew all along of how he and his new "Queen" had murdered his mother. Randar's fury turned into tears, angry tears which flowed on his face, and within the moment, the former prince began screaming atop of his lungs, consuming the little energy that he had left. "You killed my mother!!! You murderous, wretched, vile, pathetic scum of the earth!!! I hate you, I hate you both and I can't wait to cut your heads off and feed them to the..." His words were cut short when tremendous pain shot through his body, so much pain that it caused him to instantly black out. The Queen turned to one of the guards who stood at the entrance, and moved her head both ways, to Randar's cell and Ilyia's cell.

"Take them to the Chambers."
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Once again, Ilyia struggled against her restraints. Not for herself, but for Randar. She needed to free herself so she could free him. She needed to save him. But her arms were chained behind her in such a way that it pulled on the fronts of her shoulders and her chest every time she moved. The already tight and tender skin around the Spider wound pulled and twisted painfully when the thief tried to move. Still, she struggled. She struggled until the shackles cut into her wrists and the wound on her chest stretched to the point of bleeding black tainted blood.

"You witch!" She yelled at the woman. "Let him g-"

"That's enough." The Queen said, and Ilyia found herself paralyzed. The woman didn't even have to look at her, and Ilyia slumped as far as the chains would let her. She whimpered quietly, unable to do much more.

The cell doors opened, and Ilyia watched helplessly as Randar's unconscious body was carted away. Neither the King nor the Queen showed the least bit of empathy for the young man. Ilyia lifted her head to the King. Her amber eyes were filled with tears and contempt.

"He's your son!" She choked. "How could you do this to your own son?!"

He seemed to ignore her or not hear her at all. This was more frustrating than if he would have yelled back or even hit her. His cold emptiness was the most angering thing of all. The guards entered her cell, and black fury rose up in her throat like bile. We're not done. The voice said, and suddenly Ilyia could move. She headbutted one of the guards right in the nose, breaking it and spilling his blood on Ilyia's forehead. The Queen rolled her eyes and gave a sigh, as if the girl were nothing more than an annoying fly.

"I said that's enough." Her voice held a little more force this time, and Ilyia's body stiffened. As she was pulled out of the cell, the Queen stopped in front of her and curled a finger under her chin. She lifted her head so that she could look upon her. "You're a feisty little whore, aren't you?" The woman sneered. "All the better."

She stepped back and followed the guards as they dragged Ilyia and Randar down the hall and down yet another set of steps. They were pulled into a large stone room with dripping ceilings. It was adorned with candles large and small placed in a circular fashion around the room. The light and flame they provided offered very little warmth, however. There was a metal ring bolted to the floor in the middle of a stone circle. Off to the side of the room, a wooden table with thick leather straps and stained dark brown with dried blood sat near another table with books, vials and other various things. While Randar was chained to the floor, Ilyia was taken to the table.

"Let...me....go!" She muttered, barely able to speak with the force of the magic that was upon her. The guards did not listen. They slammed her onto the table and strapped her down with her arms at her sides and her legs firmly together. Then, they turned and left the room. The Queen retrieved a small dagger from the side table and then approached Ilyia. She used the blade to cut open Ilyia's bustier a little more, revealing the Spider wound in its entirety.

"My, my..." she clicked her tongue. "It's really done a number on you, hasn't it? I'm surprised you've lasted this long." She turned her head to look over her shoulder at Randar. "We're going to snuff out that pesky little light of his." She then looked at Ilyia again and smiled. "Wouldn't you like that?"

Somehow, Ilyia knew the Queen was not talking to her, but the entity that was inside of her. She felt the Spider shiver in anticipation. It didn't want to leave its host, but it also very much wanted to see that annoying magic of Randar's fizzle and die. Ilyia stared up at the Queen with wide eyes that were leaking tears from the corners. The Queen used a blade to make a cut in her own palm. She then held her open palm over Ilyia's wound and let the blood drip onto it.

"Wh-what are y-you... doing?" Ilyia rasped, clearly terrified.

Suddenly, she felt something inside of her move. The Spider slowly dislodged itself from its nest and began crawling up toward the surface very, very slowly.

"N-no.... p-please stop. I- AAaahhh!!!!!!"

The thief released a blood curdling scream at the agonizing pain that burned to life inside of her. Each time the Spider moved she would scream again. She cried, begged, and pleaded for the Queen to stop, but she would not. Every time the thief thought unconsciousness would take her, the pain would pull her right back to the painful reality and hold her tightly, making her feel every terrifying moment of her own death.
He had been unconscious for what felt like years. Throughout all the excruciating pains that Ilyia had suffered as the Spider was finding its way out of her. His eyes fluttered open to look at the wet ceiling, from which a cold drop of water fell right into his eye, causing him to squirm helpless against the chains. He heard Ilyia's exhausted cries, and the Queen talking, most likely, to the Spider. "Oh, my precious baby. You've been out in the cold world for so long. But it's alright. You're mine now." The Queen looked at Ilyia, who now seemed, well... lifeless. The extraction process has caused her so much pain that not even she could bear. Randar's head turned and his eyes glared at the back of the Queen, who was still facing the table. He was terrified when Ilyia fell silent, and he couldn't even feel her heartbeat, due to the exhaustion of his arcane magic. Their pendants had been taken away, and so, the link between them had been apparently broken.

But somehow, he felt that his arcane energy was not oppressed any longer. The shackles weren't anti-magic bindings like the one in the cell. Fury and grim feelings welled up in him at the thought that this... thing... had stolen, for the second time, the person that meant the whole world to him. Tears flowed in silence as he believed, more and more, that his beloved Ilyia was no longer. The rage fueled him to the point where his hands suddenly lit up in flames, flames so hot that easily melted the steel of the shackles. But the Queen seemed unaware, for her reunion with the Spider was in full process. "What use do I have for a broken body?" She asked herself, before picking up the dagger which she'd used to cut Ilyia's bustier, and closed her eyes as he pointed the dagger downwards, towards her heart. The Spider needed fresh blood.

But before her arms came down to stick the blade into the heart of the thief, Randar's desperate scream echoed in the room and a large shockwave struck the witch, tossing her over the table and against a wall, much to her surprise. And there he stood. His eyes glowed, and so did his hands, unshackled energy coursing through him, energy born from his purest feelings, born from the hatred, born from the grief of having lost the only person whom he loved in this world after his own mother. Unknown to him, outside, dark clouds have gathered, and a great thunderstorm was about to unleash upon the world. Randar's eyes trailed to the body of Ilyia, and more rage welled up in him as the Queen stood, and looked at him in defiance.

"Yes... feed me your rage... your hatred..." She hissed, before her body began the process of losing its form, and morphing into a true horror. Her fingers extended into large, dark claws from which the purest grim energy poured out. Her eyes turned red, and her skin was transforming into what could very well have been scales. "You worthless fool..." She said as she glared at Randar, her voice now sounding just the same as the one in his dreams. "All you have been doing so far, eversince you met again with her, was feed me. You killed her." The thing said, causing Randar's heart to shatter and wrench. He could not have been the one to kill his beloved... could he? Doubt was a thorn in his heart, but fury took over and the former prince chanted a quick spell, a rain of arcane arrows attacking the creature within seconds.

But to no avail. "I know you have learned enough at the Circle." The Queen told him as he helplessly stared at Ilyia's body. "And I know you have learned a spell so powerful, that you have vowed never to use it. But you do want your vengeance, don't you?" The words coursed through his mind, and echoed within him. They were tainted, poisoned, and fed from all the hate and rage that was within him. "I have killed all you ever loved. You will not let me get away with it. I know you won't. That... unless you never loved them at all." The Queen continued, only fueling Randar's doubts and determination. Somewhere, at the back of his mind, he knew that this was only an attempt to get him to use the spell, but another force drove him to seek his vengeance. He had nothing more to lose, anyway, had he?

The ground beneath him trembled, and the thunderstorm outside intensified. He took a deep breath, and began the chanting, simply not caring any longer for what would happen. If this was the only way that he could destroy the Queen, then he was going to trade everything away and defeat her. The energy that coursed through him began swirling in chaos around his body, and the room trembled as the chanting took further. The glow of the magic was like the light of a thousand suns, all combined, all while the Queen watched pleased. Once the spell casted, she would be able to use it to her favor, and spread the darkness, more powerful than ever, upon the world. Her time has come.
The thief endured endless excruciating torture at the hands of the Queen. The Spider slowly crawled its way up from her heart and left a gaping wound in its wake. Ilyia's screams of protests had been reduced to sobs. She hadn't the strength to do anything more. She had to lay there and watch her life being slowly taken away from her. She had been in countless dangerous situations before, but something about this seemed so.. surreal. I'm going to die. She thought and choked on another sob. I'm going to die, and I won't be able to say good-bye to him. It took all of Ilyia's strength just to be able to turn her head so she could see Randar in the middle of the room. I wish I could have saved him. I wish I could have at least... tell him...

Her eyes began to close. No matter how badly she wanted them to stay open so she could just look at him a little while longer, her vision began to go dark. The last of her strength was ripped out of her body along with the Spider, and darkness claimed her. Everything was quiet. She could see nothing, hear nothing, and she felt as if she were weightless and floating through some void. Neither going nor coming, but just staying suspended in that place. She had been so tired, it was nice to just... rest.

Maybe it's better this way. She thought, for no real reason at all. But in the back of her mind, she knew there was something important she was supposed to do. Something she was forgetting. She remembered her mother's words. Run, Ilyia. You must live. They were important for some reason, though she couldn't remember why. Somehow, a little bit of recognition reached her. She became acutely aware of the forces swirling around inside the keep, and somehow she could see the storm that was brewing outside of the castle. It was so... dark. We're going to snuff out that pesky little light of his. The Queen had told her.


Her heart beat, a single, painful beat inside of her open chest. She couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried. But Randar was in danger. She needed to help him. Her heart beat again, and this time it was like a warm pulse sent out from her body and brushing against the former prince's face. It was faint, but it was somehow easily distinguishable from the heat that radiated from the fire in his hands. She still lay there, motionless and bleeding; her eyes closed, but her lips parted ever so slightly. With a fading breath, she whispered his name and hoped that, through some miracle, he would hear her.
It was all spiraling out of control, and the Queen approached, ready to drip her venom into his spell and unleash the chaotic storm. The dark energy that danced around her amplified, and sought a way to combine with Randar's, his own being tainted by all the negative feelings that had gathered within him. The tension was growing, and outside, the shouts of guards were heard, as they decided to simply run out of the tempest's way. Randar was on the brink of losing control, or rather, just giving it up and letting everything to be destroyed. But then, he suddenly could feel it. The distinct energy, the pulse, the slow heartbeat that could belong to one single person. In that moment, a drop of hope disturbed the sea of negative feelings that were tainting him, and he struggled to see past the Queen who was coming closer to him.

Her voice had clearly traveled to him, and echoed in his mind, reverberating and coming to him with full force. He could see her, moving, even if so little, and this... this did enough to make his hatred subside. Much like many times before, she brought him clarity, and now, all of a sudden, his channeling had changed ways, much to the surprise of the Queen, who stepped back while struggling to command him. "What are you doing?!? You should be hateful! Give me your energy so that I may unleash mayhem upon the world! Give me your anguish, your hatred! Give me all!" She demanded, and in a moment, picked up the dagger again, ready to kill Ilyia for good this time.

"Shelhar!" Randar yelled out loud, the ending of his incantation, before within the second, reaching the Queen and delivering a strong punch with a glowing fist, straight into her back. The uncontrolled energy exploded in beams that coursed throughout her body, causing her to scream in desperation as she realized that it was over. The explosion of energy that happened in that moment was intense, shaking the castle from its very foundations, energy which completely destroyed Ilyia's shackles, as well as the Queen's body, out of her remaining only the grim totem of the Spider which fell away on the floor and remained in place. Randar was caught in the surprise for a second, and stared, in disbelief and finally stumbling back. His fist was worn out, the magic having took its toll, but for now, all that mattered was Ilyia. But could he muster the strength to reach her? He struggled, took a step forward towards her and reached out, placing a hand on her open wound. Determination gave him strength to begin the excruciating attempt of casting a healing spell but before he could finish it, he fell to the floor, breathless.


His eyes opened. He felt as if he had come out of a year's sleep. His body ached, and so did his fist. But why did it? He mustered strength enough to raise it and look upon it. The fist was bandaged, as was, apparently, also his upper body. The room smelled... interesting, of herbs, and it was lit up by perfumed candles. Randar barely noticed how he had been holding his breath thus far, and so, he took a very deep breath with a gasp, and exhaled. Turning his head, he only saw the door opening, and a guard coming in. But the guard was not coming to do anything to him. His thought trailed immediately to Ilyia. He was here, but she wasn't. It couldn't be... he thought, fear gripping at his bones once more as he tried to get in sitting position. The guard, however, rushed to his side and stopped him from getting out of bed. "My Lord, you shouldn't. You're weak. Wait more." "Ilyia." Randar said. "Where is Ilyia?"

The guard looked upon him before gesturing to the wall. "She is in the other room, resting. You should do the same. " A wave of ease washed over Randar as he found out that Ilyia was not dead. But what had happened? "Take me to her." Randar almost ordered and tried to stand up, nearly falling were not for the guard to catch him. "My Lord, you should... " "Please... I want to see her." The guard found himself with limited options. With a sigh, he accompanied the former prince to Ilyia's room. "What happened to my... father?" Randar asked, realizing he had not managed to slit his throat as he had sworn to himself that he would so many times before. "The King is dead. So is the Queen. He perished once with her." The guard said, not seeming too affected by it as he opened the door to Ilyia's room. Randar eyes lit up with joy and happy tears as he saw his beloved there, lying on the bed. But still asleep.
Ilyia was certain that she had died. The world had seemed to drift away, and only the hope that Randar had survived kept the thief at peace. She was almost certain that she had felt his hand upon her at one point. She might have even tasted his tears when they fell on her lips. She couldn't be sure, though, and before she knew it she was drifting through what seemed like time and space. There was no telling where she was going or how long she would be there. But she remembered seeing her mother's face. She was smiling, but her eyes were sad. When she touched Ilyia's face, the thief realized that it was wet with tears.

"Why do you cry, my sweet girl?" Her mother asked, seemingly holding back tears herself.

"I... Didn't get to say good-bye. I never got to say good-bye... To anyone."

Her mother smoothed back her hair and kissed her forehead. It reminded Ilyia of Randar, and she cried harder. Her mother held her for a while, though it wasn't nearly long enough for her liking. She, too, was sad. Not because Ilyia was dying, but because Ilyia was living, and her mother would have to see her go yet again. Still, it was better to know that she was alive and in love than meeting an untimely end.

"Close your eyes, my love. Rest. Your deserve it."


The thief's eyelids fluttered open. The dim light of dawn was illuminating the room in a soft red light. Her chest hurt terribly, and her mind felt foggy, but she was certain she was alive. That was solidified when she saw Randar standing in the doorway. Immediately, her eyes filled with tears and her lip began to quiver.

"Randar!" She gasped, tears spilling from her amber hues.

He had lived! Oh, thank the gods he had lived. In her haste to be reunited with him, Ilyia sat up too quickly and was rewarded with a sharp pain in her heart. She gasped and placed a hand over the healing wound. Her long hair spilled over her shoulders and was set ablaze by the morning light. She was wrapped in clean white sheets around her slender body, keeping her decent while allowing her wound to breathe. Her sun kissed skin had lost its previous pallor, and her eyes had returned to their normal, vivid selves. Even waking from the dead, she appeared as beautiful goddess. She extended a trembling hand toward him, wordlessly beckoning him to her. When the distance between them was closed, she wrapped her arms around him and wept on his shoulder.

"I thought you were gone," she cried. "And that I wasn't able to save you. I was so worried." She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so, incredibly sorry."
Her embrace was strong even as such, so strong actually, that Randar found himself gasping for air. "Easy..." He said, not actually doing a thing to pry away from the embrace, all while the guard stood there, awkwardly. "I told His Grace to stay in bed but..." It was as if he tried to apologize for bringing Randar to her in this state, barely holding onto himself. "Oh, shut it, go take a break and drink something." Randar said with a joking tone, the fact that he was now with Ilyia making him feel extremely bright and positive, to the point where physical pain could not affect his state of joy. "My Liege." The soldier said, standing tall before exiting the room, taking Randar's words as a direct order.

Randar began crying along with Ilyia, tears of joy spilling on his face as he held onto her. His hands gently cupped her face as he looked into her eyes. He couldn't believe it. She was alive. She was there. Her apologies, as bitter as they were, were, at least in his eyes, unfounded. She wasn't guilty of anything to apologize for. She needn't. Therefore, he did not even bother to answer to them, and instead, simply stopped her from continuously apologizing by claiming her lips into a kiss. A kiss that conveyed all the affection, the care and the love he had for her, for this beautiful thief who had found her way into his heart.

He only broke the kiss for a short moment, to look in her eyes again. "I love you, Ilyia." He whispered to her with a smile. "I love you to no end. It's what kept me alive." And indeed, that was what kept him going. He pressed his lips against hers soon after once more, this time, deepening the kiss while letting his arms pull her against him, despite the excruciating pain that his body was in. The strain of standing was slowly showing, and so, Randar only began walking, holding onto Ilyia while at the same time holding her, to the bed. He took a seat upon the bed, with her, and gently pulled her against him. Every bone in his body was hurting, hell, even his very skin was hurting, but the happiness of being with Ilyia, and the thought of the so many days that they'll spend together, hopefully, in peace from now on, was more than enough to make up for it.

"We can stay in town until we get better. Then with the first occassion, we book a trip across the Midnight Sea." He said with an encouraging smile and kissed the temple of her head. "We still have a life to wither away on some beaches."
His gentle urging for her to loosen her hold caused her to offer a teary apology and relax her grip a bit. She was just so happy to see him. He was the one person she had left in this world, and she thought she was never going to be able to see him again. The separation that she had felt was heart breaking, almost literally. It was certainly something she never wished to experience again. She looked at him for as long as she could before he claimed her lips in a tender and loving kiss. A quiet sound left her, almost a whimper as his kiss made her feel like she would melt. Her hands found the sides of his face and held him steadfast to her for as long as she could. She was left breathless, and it hurt her chest, but she didn't care. If she was to die anywhere, she would want it to be right here in his arms.

The thief moved aside enough for her love to accompany her on the bed. Every small movement hurt. She had been injured on such a deep level that it was truly a wonder she was alive. Randar had healed her to the point of sustaining her life, but the damage was still done and would take quite some time to repair itself fully. It probably wouldn't even repair fully, but that was alright. The thief would never be what she once was, but she found she didn't want to be. None of her previous desires mattered anymore. All that mattered was the man whom she looked upon now with such adoration. She was just sorry it had taken her an experience like this to realize it. That she hadn't been strong enough to repel the Spider's dark magic before.

Holding the sheet-- which was her only form of clothing-- tightly against her figure, Ilyia allowed her body to relax next to Randar's. She knew that he was not cross with her for anything that had happened, but she still needed to speak her mind. One hand rested upon the side of his face and turned it so that they could look each other completely in the eye.

"When I was... when I thought I was dying, I wasn't afraid of it. Not for me. I was afraid that I was never going to see you again, and that I didn't even get to tell you good-bye. That I..." she paused. Even though she knew how she felt, it was still a bit nerve wracking to say the words out loud. "That I wouldn't get to tell you that I love you. That I love you so much it hurts." Her eyes began to fill with tears again. "So I'm telling you now, and I will tell you forever. I love you, Randar Althalos."

She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his once more. It was a soft kiss, but filled with such emotion that it was almost as if she was feeding her very life essence to him. She could feel all of her feelings leaving her through that kiss, and she was happy to give them to him. After a few moments, she pulled away and rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes closed, and she smiled to herself while holding him, albeit a bit more carefully this time.

"Beach or not, I will wither happily as long as it's with you."
Her words brought tears to his eyes again and as their lips pressed together again, their tears mixed. But they didn't care. Randar was happy that he has found his true love, and in such an unexpected place. Who would have ever thought that a prince and a thief could come together in such a way? And that a thief could have such a golden heart. Their kiss was long lived, and Randar's heart was beating so fast, it was just as good as the first kiss they've ever shared. Ilyia was pure magic for his heart, and he could feel himself healing only due to the connection he shared with her.

He held her hand as she rested her head on his shoulder, and, as he looked upon her, only now did he notice that the only thing that kept her from being, well, naked, was the cloth wrapped about her form. His face turned red in an instant, and heat emerged from every of his pores. He pried his gaze away from her just in time to hear a knock on the door. He was curious what exactly was it about, and responded. "Come in." As the door opened, a young maid and a guard brought in plates after plates that smelled like pure heaven on earth. "M'Lord, M'Lady, I have brought you your breakfast." The maid said as she and the guard set the plates on the table in the room, clearly confusing the thief for perhaps some sort of noble person. It made Randar grin sheepishly as he looked at her. The maid made her quick exit by bowing her head to the two and closing the door after herself.

"To her defense..." Randar began as he stood, extending a hand for Ilyia to help her stand as well. "... You do look like a princess, or noble blood anyhow. The most beautiful woman in the whole damn world. And I'm the lucky bastard who gets to kiss you. Now that's more than I could have ever hoped for."

The two sat at the table and Randar smiled to his beloved. He sat next to her even as they ate. "I know it's fancy food, but you'll have to do with it. We'll have some stew for meal, there are a lot of places in town I'd like to show you while we're still here."
Ilyia remained nestled against Randar with her eyes closed. She might have even started to doze off when the knock sounded at the door. The surprise made her heart leap, an action that now caused her pain and discomfort. She winced as she lifted her head from Randar's shoulder and looked toward the door. She hoped beyond hope that it wasn't someone bearing bad news. She wasn't quite sure how much more.. action... she could take. She probably wouldn't be able to for some time. One could imagine the thief's surprise when enough food for five people was brought in and set upon the table. Her eyes widened a bit, and her stomach instinctively growled. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until that very moment.

Honey hues looked upon the serving maid when she addressed Ilyia so formally. The thief furrowed her brow in confusion and had been just about to correct her when Randar thanked the girl and she took her leave. She blinked and looked confusedly at her beloved.

"Clearly there must have been talk when the prince was brought into custody alongside a thief." She said, shaking her head a bit. "I think she was just being nice. It's fairly obvious that I am no lady."

Though, the way the silken sheet around her body carefully accented her curves begged to differ. As did the way her long burning locks fell in front of her shoulders when Randar helped her to stand. The thief clutched the sheet to her body and gingerly moved over to a partition to put on something a little more reliable. Standing behind the cover of the folding wall, she let the sheet fall and grabbed a long, cream-colored robe instead. It was made of the same thin, breathable material that most of the clothing here seemed to be made of. It felt lovely as she wrapped it around her body and tied it securely to her waist. Finished, she joined Randar at the table.

"I am curious to see where the young prince called home," she offered with a grin. "Though... what do you mean 'while we're still here'? Won't you... have to... you know, stay?"

The sheer thought hurt her heart, but she knew that practicality was not something they would be able to avoid. Randar was the sole heir to the throne, and the throne was quite obviously empty. Ilyia feared that he would have to remain in Etersia and that she, with no noble blood, would have no place next to him.
Her question struck him out of nowhere, and Randar found himself thinking in silence for a moment. She was, in truth, right. With him being the only heir to the throne, he was obligated to stay and take his rightful place, giving by birthright. But did he want it? He wouldn't be able to be with Ilyia that way. She wasn't even of noble upbringing. But his decision was made before he even thought about it well. No kingdom would be good enough for him to leave Ilyia, the woman who became the very meaning of his life. "Please, love. They can find a replacement. I may be the only son, but... in my absence, they'll have to get either one of my uncles, or someone that is tied directly to the crown. I can easily renounce my place. Or so I hope. But even if they'll argue, I'm not giving the love of my life for a fucking kingdom. They can keep it."

His words sounded as decided as ever, and she could see his determination. He coiled an arm about her with a smile. "I promised I'd never leave you, and we've been through all this. I'll go with you even if I have to run away again. But I'm fairly sure I won't. I love you." He grinned before kissing her again, feeling like he could never have enough of her. If only she knew how much joy she brought him, and if she only knew that the spark in his eyes was there now only because of her. "Light of my eyes. Come on, let's eat."

Randar began picking from the vast choice that has been lain out for him and the thief. The royal breakfast, much like all other meals and tables, were always prepared by the most revered chefs in this part of the world, each kind of food more delectable than the next. On the table were exposed, aside from fruits of all kinds, all carefully peeled and sliced, different kinds of food, all for the free choice of the couple. There was fish, there was venison, salads and seasonings of all types. The serving maid had also brought two vessels with an interesting drink, which Randar recognized immediately. "The herbalist sent these. It's a drink that helps with the healing process. We should have these first."

Randar picked up one of the vessels, and brought it to his lips. It tasted... good, perhaps a bit odd, but nothing too bad. It was medicine, after all, and they needed it as much as they needed each other. With that finished, Randar picked for himself a piece of roasted, season fish. "This fish only swims off the shores of Etersia." He let Ilyia know, just as he did the many times when they were traveling through the Ancient Forest and he was teaching her things. It was all done out of love, of course. Oh, the memories of them going through that forest were so distant, Randar was close to unable to pinpoint them all. "I wonder..." He said absentmindedly before biting into the last piece of fish meat in his hand. "For how long have we been sleeping here?"
Ilyia was relieved to hear Randar's decision, as much as she may have wanted to debate it for not being the logical choice. It was clear, by the look in his eye, that he was resolute in his mindset. There would be no swaying him. Still, she thought it important to remind him of all the details that didn't include her. "The Etersian people deserve a just ruler," she said as she picked up some grapes. "If you are to truly renounce your position, then you need to make sure it goes to someone you trust. Someone who is capable of having the kingdom in their hands."

It was surprising to hear such.. politics... coming from the thief's mouth. There was no telling how she came to such knowledge. She had lived in a small town too far from any large kingdom for them to care about it. Perhaps that was part of her reasoning. There had been no rule, no one to look over Candaria, and that is why it had been burnt to ashes. History and heritage gone because of some ruthless marauders and their greed. While she knew Etersia was a completely different circumstance, she still empathized with the plight of the people.

After she had offered her opinion and the prince had truly heard it, Ilyia allowed the matter to drop. She wasn't trying to give him grief, and she knew they had both been through so much. The last thing they needed was to get into a political debate. She was happy to sit there and eat with him. Eating at all was a wonder. She felt like she hadn't had a proper meal in ages, and perhaps she hadn't. The medicinal drink from the herbalist was washed down with bread and fish and anything else the thief decided to put into her belly. It was all incredibly delicious. She was thinking about fish when Randar sprung his question. She chewed thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

"I'm not sure. I felt as if I'd been sleeping for months." Though, she'd also felt like she had died so her opinion might not have mattered much in that regard.

After they ate to their hearts' content, servants arrived to take the leftovers out of the room. Ilyia sincerely hoped they went somewhere useful, though she knew better than to say anything. It wasn't her place. She was, after all, just a thief from a forgotten land. She slowly stood up and was surprised to find that after some servants left with the food, other servants arrived with clothes.

"My lady," a young blonde girl gave a bow of her head. She had an abundant amount of dresses in her arms. "I have brought you many dresses to choose from. Others will be up momentarily to draw you a bath." Her eyes flickered to Randar. "Should I... have them bring a tub big enough for two?"

Ilyia flushed deeply and looked at the girl with wide eyes. It took her a moment to be able to answer, and she shook her head a few times. "Oh! N-no, that won't be necessary."

The girl gave another nod. "Very well, then. My lord, we will draw you a separate bath in your chambers, then?"
She was right. He'd have to think well about one person who could rule well in his stead. Ilyia was very wise, and Randar smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I think I know the exact person fit for this." The subject was dropped, and they continued on eating and Randar cast his gaze to Ilyia as she gave her response, which was, in all truth, just as vague as he would've guessed. They've both been sleeping for the same amount of time, that was for sure, but how much that time was... They'd probably find out later. He only dreaded the thought of having to attend the royal funeral. Traitor or not, evil or not, his father would still be buried as a king and he still would have to be there.

He watched as the blonde girl entered carrying the dresses, and he rose an eyebrow as he listened. When she inquired about a big tub, for two persons, Randar's face went up in flames again and for a moment, he gazed at Ilyia as if he had been thunderstruck. He coughed for himself as Ilyia refused and smiled at the girl. "That would please me much." He answered, and the girl quickly bowed her head and left the room. Randar stood again, feeling somewhat better, part due to the concoction he drank and part due to having had such a great breakfast. He would still take Ilyia later to have themselves some stew in one of the taverns.

"Well, my love, I'm going to have my own bath. I'll see you later, I suppose. Can't say I could ever imagine you in a dress, but I'm sure you'll pull it off just great. You're the beautifulest woman I've ever known, and don't you dare argue that. Maybe later we go to find you some more comfortable clothes if you want." He said before kissing Ilyia softly. Boy, would he never get enough of her sweet kisses. Slowly, he made his way to the door just in time with the blonde girl who came into the room accompanied by another two girls, carrying the tub and all that was necessary for Ilyia to have her bath. "Call if you need anything, M'Lady." The blonde girl said before bowing her head and leaving with the others, going to prepare Randar's bath as well.

The prince entered his room, and awaited until the serving girls have set up for his bath. "Thank you." He said as the three left the room. He felt easy as he got himself rid of everything, and the water was just perfect. He began carefully, but thoroughly, washing himself, as he hasn't had a proper bath from what seemed like ancient times. He supposed they washed him briefly whilst he was passed out, but he needed to feel himself clean. He had also been brought clean clothes, a comfortable cloth tunic made out of silk and emblazoned with the royal family's emblem as well as matching pants and new, clean boots. He wondered if they still had his robe somewhere, but he doubted. He'd have to go shopping with Ilyia some of these days.

After having washed and dressed himself, Randar took care of his hair and beard again, decided to leave them in place and only trim them. He then carefully pulled his hair into a tail, which gave him a quite slick look. The aching in his body seemed to have subsided, and he knew it was an effect of the warm water which had been sprinkled with all sorts of herbs. He felt, however, a bit worried about not being able to feel his arcane power anymore. He even tried, while in the bath tub, to cast a simple spell which was supposed to light his fingers up, but nothing had happened. He supposed that his resources have been fully depleted with the amount of energy he had used back in the dungeon. Wilst waiting for Ilyia, on the corridor, the two having been placed in rooms of the royal palace, Randar made small talk with one of the guards, a man whom he'd known since he was a child, who revealed to him that he and Ilyia have been sleeping for 5 days straight, and that his father had already been buried in the family crypt.
Once the thief was alone, she stood in the room not doing a single thing for some time. She was still trying to get caught up to everything that happened. Touching her chest, she idly wondered what had happened down in the keep. What had Randar done to the Queen? She wondered what had become of the Spider. She hoped it was destroyed, but she had a strange fear that it wasn't. Could something like that even be destroyed? Perhaps not. Perhaps that was why it had been kept so high up in the mountains. To keep anyone from getting it. Except for Ilyia who was apparently too stupid to take a hint. Sighing, she slowly began the process of bathing.

She had peeled off the robe as well as the bandage on her chest. The black veins had faded, leaving an angry scar in their place that looked like a star had exploded. It was tender and still quite swollen, but at least the wound was closed. It wouldn't do to have a gaping hole providing direct access to her heart. She'd certainly made too many enemies for that. The herbal waters soothed her. Her muscles were relaxed and her skin was made soft, supple, and glowing from the moisturizers and nutrients in the bath. She wished to stay in the tub for as long as possible, but the waters had gone cold and goosebumps had started to rise up on her skin. Her fingers had also started to prune a bit.

As if they had some strange instinct, the serving girls had returned only minutes after Ilyia was out of her bath. She was in her robe, drying off, when the tub was taken away. The blonde girl remained behind and stood there a bit awkwardly for some time before Ilyia finally turned and looked at her.

"Yes?" She asked, a bit uncomfortable. "Is... there something you need?"

The girl shook her head quickly. "N-no,, M'lady. I just... thought you might like... some assistance. Dressing your wound, and yourself. And then there is the matter of your hair."

Ilyia looked at herself in the mirror. Her wet hair was down to her waist, now. It would certainly be a pain to deal with, especially given the aggravation her chest felt when she moved her arms around a lot. Still, she hated being doted over like this. The thief weighed her options for several silent moments before she caved.

"Alright," she said to the girl. "Let's get this over with."

The girl smiled and promptly went to work with helping Ilyia. It took some time and some coaxing-- to get the thief to actually try on the dresses and pick one-- but after a while she had emerged into the corridor. A deep, forest green gown of a soft, thin material adorned her body. It hugged the curves of her upper body before flowing out enough around the legs to allow her to walk. The swooping neckline was adorned with golden thread, as were the ends of the sleeves and the hem of the dress. A thin gold chain was fashioned into a belt around her slender waist. Her long auburn hair had been painstakingly plaited into a single, thick braid that cascaded down the right side of her chest and dangled near her ribcage. There was even a leaf fashioned from gold that the girl had convinced Ilyia to pin into her hair near her ear.

The girl presented Ilyia to Randar as if she were a work of art that she had made herself from start to finish. "My lord," she told Randar, "isn't my lady simply breathtaking?"

Ilyia looked at Randar with slightly flushed cheeks. She was clearly out of her element, and she had spent several minutes simply learning how to walk in the dress before coming out into the hallway. It was certainly a huge change for her, and even now she was holding onto th girl's arm for support, but one couldn't deny that she looked lovely.
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He was in the middle of discussing things with the guard, minor things such as what has been going on since he left and different other matters when suddenly, the man looked somewhere behind him and smiled to Randar knowingly. "You might wanna turn around, My Lord." "Ah, stop calling me that, Maloric, I told you many times..." Randar said as he turned around, but his words simply hung from his tongue as he beheld the sight. He blinked a few times, unsure of whether he was seeing well, or he was having a hell of a hallucination. He looked to the maid in disbelief, maid who looked every bit so proud of what she had done. His eyes traveled from Ilyia's head all the way down to the floor and back up, and if only he could've seen how his face went up red again. He clearly could feel it. To see the wild beauty tamed in such a way, and the gown that accentuated every bit of her fit body. It was magnificent, and odd, all at the same time, and only a gentle push from behind from the guard caused Randar to snap awake from it and clear his throat, much to the silent amusement of Maloric.

"Em... wow. That's all I really have to say." It was clear that Randar, being out in the wilds with Ilyia for so long, had begun to forget the etiquette, but he reckoned Ilyia wouldn't mind it so much. However, once having come back into his senses, Randar nodded to the maid. "Thank you." The maid simply stepped aside and Randar took his place beside Ilyia, offering her his arm. "I believe me and my beautiful lady here will go and have a walk in the Gardens." He said, but before he could leave, Maloric asked. "Should I call a carriage to take you there?" "Well, no, Maloric, we can walk ourselves." Randar smiled before walking away along with his beloved.

"I'm sorry for my moment there." He said to Ilyia as soon as they were moving down the corridor. "I've just... never seen you like this and I gotta say, you look... magnificent. You stole my breath there for a moment. Well, hard to think of a moment when you haven't, truth be told." He was talkative, all to hide the emotions behind. "We've been sleeping for five days." He said a moment later as they made their way down the large marble stairs. Quite a lot of stairs, actually. "Thank Eleseya that I won't have to attend any funerals. Not because I loathe them, but because..." He stopped, not wanting this to turn into a grim discussion. "... because funerals are boring." He simply shrugged it away.

As they finally reached down to the rather large doors that opened into the path which took to the well-known gardens of Etersia, two High Guards, the men assigned with protecting royalty in particular, have already joined behind Ilyia and Randar, much to the displeasure of the prince. He turned his head to one of the guards. "You mind if you don't follow us around? It would be a lot of useless walking for you, and quite an inconvenience to us." The guard, however, tried to argue. "But My Lord, what if someone tries to attack you? It is my duty to..." "Oh, please." Randar stopped him with a grin. "She trained me." He motioned to Ilyia with his head as they walked outside. "She?" The guard asked, unsure as to whether the prince was joking or not. "Yes, she did. And she's kicked bigger arses than yours with a hand behind her back. Here." Randar said as he passed the man a small coinpurse. "Should be enough for the two of you to have some drinks. Dismissed." The guards stared at the prince in disbelief, but an order was an order, and so, they nodded respectfully before retreating. By this time, Ilyia and Randar were already starting to pass into the garden, which was so vaste and beautiful, with flowers of all colors everywhere, arranged carefully, and trees with fruits hanging from their branches. A true piece of heaven. "See what I was telling you? Having guards on you all the time is no fun, at all."
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Ilyia bit her lower lip in nervous anticipation as Randar slowly turned around. His lack of reaction had her feeling completely ridiculous. He hates it. She thought. I look like a fool, I knew it. Her gaze had begun to fall a bit when she heard him try for words and fail miserably. She instantly snapped her eyes back up to his face and only then noticed how red it was. It made hers flush an even deeper shade of red. The maid gave a girly giggle as she passed Ilyia off to Randar.

"Pretty as a flower, m'lord." The girl told him.

"And just as wild as one, too." Ilyia said, making the girl giggle again. There was no denying the poor had, had a hell of a time making Ilyia into this lady of the court. She had fussed for a pair of pants for five minutes before the girl finally convinced her that it would only be an inconvenience to her, due to the heat. Also, you know, in case Ilyia and the young lord were overcome with any... urges. This had stunned Ilyia into silence, and the girl had been able to finish the job.

The thief gave a nod of her head as a silent thank you to the young servant before she and Randar walked slowly away. It was clear that the limited movement of her legs was a new feeling that she had to get used to. She couldn't imagine how she would ever be able to fight in such a confining piece of clothing. Of course, most women didn't have that worry so she supposed it was fine... for most women. Ilyia cleared her throat and shook herself from her thoughts while Randar continued to ramble nervously. He always had been a talker. She smiled at him.

"Five days, hm? I feel like I could sleep for five more. I suppose that's about normal for having your heart ripped open, though." She paused and scowled at her own joke. "Mm, I'm sorry. That was... in poor taste."

It was perhaps a bit too soon for such dark humor. While the thief was notorious for her sarcasm that practically dripped from every word, she knew it wasn't right to make light of such a heavy situation. Especially so soon after it had happened. Thankfully, she was soon distracted by the royal gardens. They were perfectly culminated and thus breathtaking. While the castle itself was beautiful, Ilyia much preferred the outdoors. This was worth every bit of the tiring walk. She allowed her eyes to roam about while Randar negotiated with the guards. Her eyes settled on one of them just as Randar was telling them that she had, in fact, trained him.

"That's right, gentlemen. Bandits and half-giants alike I've sent home crying to their mothers." She grinned at them, hands on her shapely hips. "So don't you worry. If one of these trees decides to attack your lord, I will be certain to handle them with the swiftest vengeance."

There was the fiery thief that Randar knew so well. She winked at the guards as they walked off, baffled. They would surely be talking about this over those drinks that the young lord had given them coin for. Feeling accomplished, she looped her arm with Randar's once more and started moving along again. She chuckled when he pouted about being followed around all the time. Her hand gave his arm a reassuring pat. "There, there. I'd have shown them some of that training if this dress wasn't so damned tight." Her free hand tugged at the skirt a bit. "Though, if I were to cut a slit right here," she trailed her finger up her right thigh to indicate what she was talking about, "I'd be able to move a bit more freely."

It was clear that a dress hadn't changed her one bit. When she looked at him and noted the expression he wore, she gave a chuckle and a brief eye roll. "Oh, don't worry, your highness," she teased him. "I'm not going to ruin the dress. This is just the first time I've left a room without my sword. Though," she leaned in to whisper into his ear, "I do have my dagger strapped to my thigh."
Randar was amused, and the thought of Ilyia cutting a slit right in the dress added to the amusement, as well as to other thoughts. But he couldn't deny that she'd probably pull that off as well. There wasn't, perhaps, something, that Ilyia wouldn't look good dressed in. She'd also look good with nothing on, at all, a wild thought ran through his mind, a thought that made Randar blush. Oh, how could he be having such thoughts so little time after they've begun their life together, as lovers? The fact that Ilyia whispered so suggestively into his ear about her carrying a dagger strapped to her thigh didn't help it, at all. It only made him blush more, and cough again to restore himself, much like earlier.

"Ah, it's not as if they don't have another one hundred dresses more there, so just cut ahead if you like." He laughed softly before prying his arm away from hers only to take her hand. The gesture of walking her around this way was much more familiar and it made him feel more at ease. "I used to spend lots of time in these gardens when I was a child." Randar said, a little bit of nostalgia readable in his voice. "It was much better than spending my time elsewhere. I remember falling from that tree right there." He said, pointing to a rather tall and old tree not far from them. "The scolding I got from Salea, the old governess, was of big proportions." He chuckled as he took Ilyia in the direction of the tree. On the way, they passed by a beautiful cherry tree and Randar extended his hand, grabbing as many cherries as he could in one take.

Finally reaching the tree, the prince didn't think long before simply sitting down on the grass, not caring much for his clothes getting dirty. This wasn't directly because of being out in the wilds, in the company of the thief. He just never had been so much of a prince as it would be expected of him. He placed his back against the tree and extended his legs, beckoning Ilyia to lie her head in his lap. He simply agitated the cherries in his hand in a teasing manner. "A lady should always have someone to feed her." The prince laughed, of course, making fun of all of this just like Ilyia was. Two peas in a pod.

Once Ilyia would lie like that, Randar began carefully dangling a cherry just close for her lips to catch it, as his own lips displayed a malicious, playful grin. "I could... ask for a kiss in exchange for every cherry. Don't you think that would be a fair trade?" He loved her. Loved her so much that he looked at her in a way that he never thought he could look at anyone.
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The turn around the garden was so peaceful and felt so natural that Ilyia only suddenly remembered that this was the first time she had done anything like this. They had spent so much time out in the harsh wilderness-- Ilyia's terrain-- that the thief had forgotten that Randar was, indeed, royalty. Now that they were walking through these magical gardens and he was talking about his past, climbing trees and getting scolded by governesses, Ilyia was reminded how far apart they truly were. Or, at least, how far apart they would have been had Randar not decided to run away from everything he knew. A decision the thief had thought was so stupid and childish at first, but now one she was so thankful he'd made.

"Well I suppose it's a good thing I didn't have you climb the cliff with me, then." She said, looking at the tree as they passed it. "If you couldn't even conquer a tree."

She looked at him and smiled. It seemed she was smiling more today than she had in all the time they'd known each other. The thief was truly happy. She was alive, after all, and he was alive. Most importantly, they were together, and she was confident that nothing could tear them apart. If they had made it through dark magic and certain death itself, they could make it through anything. Ilyia was happy to sit in the grass with him. It only added to the humor of him calling her a "lady". She didn't think she could play the part even if someone paid her. She was too wild at heart. Still, she had to admit she was enjoying this luxurious and leisurely afternoon with the man she loved.

"Well, m'lord... If you had such a sweet tongue when I first met you it wouldn't have taken me nearly as long to like you."

She said this now that her head was resting in his lap. She looked up at him with that mischievous half-smirk that she wore so well. Her eyes moved past him, to the canopy of leaves over his head. The sun shone through openings in the branches and illuminated the spot where they sat in patches of golden warmth. Randar's raven locks were silhouetted in a crown of gold, and Ilyia's own auburn hair was set ablaze. The golden leaf near her ear sparkled in the sunlight. The two appeared as if a painting, so mystical and enchanted with one another. As her eyes refocused upon him and the cherry he dangled near her lips, she was still wearing that smile.

"You could..." she said, her lips just barely brushing the fruit. "But I feel you're getting just as much enjoyment out of feeding me as I am. So in that case, it might not be fair at all."

She craned her neck just enough to slowly pluck the cherry from its stem in an almost tantalizing way that might not help with curbing the previous thoughts the prince had tried so hard to push aside. She chewed the fruit for a moment before bending at the waist and sitting up a bit. One palm rested on the ground, arm straight, to prop her torso up. Her head was turned toward him, and some of the cherry's juice shone on her lower lip. Using her other hand, she placed it on the back of his neck and pulled him toward her for a kiss, sharing with him the taste of the cherry not only on her lips but on her tongue as well as she briefly, and skillfully, slid it against his. When she pulled back, her cheeks were a bit flushed, and she could feel butterflies stirring in her stomach.

"Well?" She asked quietly. "Did that feel like a fair trade?"
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Indeed, all she was doing was fuel the fire that burnt inside him. It wasn't a bad thing in itself, Randar found himself enjoying it thoroughly, and so, he only watched her with an adoration that was simply pouring out of him. When she pulled him into the kiss, he felt his heartbeat going crazy. And not only because it was her kiss, but because this kiss was simply... different. He felt the sweetness of the cherry juice that was still on her lips, and surprise struck him as he felt her tongue easily glide against his in such a tender, natural manner that his heart suddenly stopped. Was she ever short of ways to reel him in even more? Perhaps not, but it was such a sweet surprise that it left him awestruck for a few moments.

"That one deserves all the cherries, but I'd be a fool to sell them so easily without getting more from you." Randar finally laughed before feeding her another of the sweet fruits. "That kiss..." He said after a moment of silence which Randar spent simply enjoying the beauty of Ilyia, and the perfection of this moment they spent together. "It tasted like wild fire, if I ever had a taste of that. How come I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you, hm? It's odd. In all this time, I'd been taught that the only women that would make a man of 'noble' upbringing happy would be the fancy, spoiled rotten kind, but this was all proven to be a lie. You have such a beautiful, golden heart and you are so good. Makes me wonder just what I did to deserve you. And on the other hand, you're a complete trouble seeker. Says the prince who ran away from home seeking trouble."

He laughed again. Laughed so vividly, out of sheer happiness of being alive, and loved like he'd never imagined. He gently brought himself lower to kiss Ilyia again, and the next hours of that lovely noon and afternoon were spent there, with them just relaxing and enjoying themselves. It was by late noon that they have decided to finally return to the castle, discovering that they'd forgotten to eat, and that their stomachs really craved food despite the fact that they've been eating fruits all along. Randar held Ilyia's hand as they went back into the castle.

"I've told you earlier that I have the perfect person in mind to take up the throne." Randar told Ilyia as they ascended the numerous sets of stairs that they've been going down on what felt like just an hour ago. Time really did pass quick when they've been enjoying themselves so much. "One of my uncles, Lord Meralon. He's the youngest brother, and, while the other two and my father got something to rule over as heritage from my grandfather, Lord Meralon was not so lucky, and he has only been passed a huge fortune. He could've done anything with it, could've bought himself a giant piece of land and started his own.... well... kingdom, but instead, he decided to invest in building care centers, right here, in the city, for orphans and for the poor people. I think..." Randar said as he looked at Ilyia, much as if he would seek out her own judgement on the matter. "... That if there's anyone who would be fit for the throne, it would clearly be him."
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This side of Ilyia was so rarely shown but so nice to see once it was. The tough, ruthless thief was also tender and intimate given the right circumstances. Randar was the only person in the world who got to see this side of her. It was like witnessing a rare magic, or a wildflower that no one ever got to see. She smiled at him as he gave up another cherry, though she was much more interested in him than the fruit. She chewed quietly while he showered her with such pretty words. Dante would be jealous.

"You say you're lucky now," she said, gently touching the side of his face. "But we will see how lucky you feel when you're stuck with me for months on a ship."

Her eyes searched his. She was keen in her examination of him, letting him fill her senses while he talked about spoiled girls and how they dimmed in comparison to Ilyia. That "beautiful, golden heart" he had referred to was something she had kept well hidden for some time. People tended to prey on those who were good, because they also thought they were weak. His flattery meant more to her than he could possibly imagine.

"Perhaps because the world teaches us that the rank of our blood matters more than the rank of our hearts. I've found that richest people have the poorest hearts."

She was happy to share her insight with him. Randar had always known that she had a sharp wit, but he was seeing that it was more than that. She seemed to have a deeper understanding of life, and people than most. Perhaps because she had been so exposed to different aspects of life and so many different people. She had experience that had solidified itself into knowledge over the years She was a smart woman, smarter than any of those noble maidens with their sewing classes and books.

When it came time for the two to retreat back indoors, Ilyia was slightly reluctant to go. They had created a perfect little reverie for themselves out in the garden. Still, a handful of cherries wasn't nearly enough to keep her stomach happy. The promise of food was what ultimately had her going back inside with Randar. Her eyes wandered the glorious architecture and decor of the castle. All the while, her ears listened to everything Randar had to say. His uncle sounded like a champion of the people. That was something that Ilyia could get behind. She could feel his eyes upon her as he slowly brought his explanation to a close. Ilyia looked at him and was somewhat surprised to see that he seemed to be seeking her input. She canted her head to the side and thought for a moment, chewing on her lower lip.

"Well," she said, releasing the hold her teeth had on her lip. "The people certainly need someone who will look out for them, given everything that's happened. Care centers and orphanages are certainly important anywhere, even here although the people don't seem incredibly.. impoverished. At least not compared to some other places I've been. But..." She paused, trying to think of the proper wording to use. While she knew people and society well, she didn't always know how to "talk" politics.

"But they also need someone who will protect them. Other kingdoms will surely have heard about the fall of your father and your renouncing of the crown. They might think Etersia weak, and they might think this a prime opportunity to take advantage of that. Your uncle may have a kind heart, but he also needs to have a strong one." Like Ilyia did. "He needs to be able to strike down any opposition before it can start."

She had stopped walking to offer her explanation. Now that it was at the tail end of it, she started her leisurely pace again. Her hand was clasped gently within Randar's, and she gave it gentle squeeze.

"Also, you should really think about employing some royal sages. You know... to keep things like the Queen from happening again. Some means of magical detection." She looked at him again and gently nudged her shoulder into his, chuckling. "However... I know nothing about how running a kingdom works, so my opinion could be completely wrong."
He listened to her advices, and found himself completely agreeing. So much so that he was, well, surprised even more that Ilyia was actually so much better at this thing than she believed. With a grin, he shook his head slightly. "Well, you never fall short of ways to surprise me, that's for sure. You actually pinpointed some great needs. Going by what I know, my late father has been working a lot on improving the military grounds, but also, to try and stir conflicts across the land." Randar said as he started again, taking Ilyia up the last quarter of the set of stairs. "As for the sages, from what I remember, before this... thing came up, we used to have what was known as The Three, which was a powerful congregation of the most magically skilled elders in the Kingdom. Then they got disbanded due to, well... I suppose she just knew they'd meddle in her business."

As the two neared the end of the stairs, Randar said, finishing his idea. "I'll speak all this to my uncle, because we first gotta go meet him and arrange for everything. I mean, I can't just name him for the throne and leave, I need to first manage to get his... um... participation. So tomorrow we're paying him a visit. I'm sure he'll be eager to meat the woman who took so much care of his nephew." Randar nudged Ilyia playfully as they finally finished ascending the stairs, and set out on the rather long corridor, passing through the couples of guards that were stationed at every few feet. Then Randar suddenly remembered something.

"Ah... we were supposed to go have something to eat in a tavern... well, I guess we'd stick out like sore thumbs dressed like this." He laughed softly as he invited Ilyia within his chambers, were the plates of food have already been set up. It was an accustom, maids and guards alike would always watch out and communicate when the prince entered, and prepared the meal ahead of his arrival. This time, along with the healing drink prepared by the herbalist, the two had a selection of fine wines to choose from, although Randar admitted much to himself and to Ilyia that he'd rather have an ale.

Sitting down, the prince patted the spot beside him with a smile, before he started picking from the food to put on his own plate. He eventually choose a large chunk of venison steak and carefully set it up with salad. He felt hungry as he could, having spent so much time without eating practically anything but fruits. However, before he proceeded any further, the prince only unbuttoned the wrists of his tunic, feeling too restrained by the vestment, and pulling it off himself, remaining in only a very light long-sleeved short with three buttons below the neck. Much as at the breakfast, he first picked up the medicine and carefully drank it, pouting slightly at its taste. "Well, could be worse." He told Ilyia with a soft laugh as he awaited for her to join him.

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