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Realistic or Modern Pretend this is a creative title. (Spy RP)


Bumblebee Therapist
The world is on the brink of war, every country is getting to the point of being for themselves with the threat of biological, chemical, military, and what-have-you warfare every country is at the point of closing their borders to anyone going in or out of the countries. Basically rumors of an Armageddon are in the air. So some countries have agreed to get together for an international meeting on a way to compromise and avoid the prospect of war that seems to be lingering in the air. However, each country has brought their own spy (what your character will be) in to assassinate the leader of another country to gain an upper hand before their own country is taken out by another. This takes place in a revolving room that moves up and down a tower just to add a bit of fun. Also, you have only one night to accomplish your task. The setting for the meeting is also during a ball for entertainment as an attempt to loosen up the tension.



  • All are currently alive. Will post who's dead here.
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~Time: 19:00 (7pm)~

The large round room was already rich with conversation and music from the band set up on a stage at the north side of the room and the conversation and gossip of the guests. Well the room was currently moving around and up and down, slowly of course, so currently the band was north in the room. There was a large banquet table at one side of the room where the leaders were to sit at with their designated guest, either their wives/translator/other guest of choice. On the other side of the room was a various array of refreshments, mostly finger food, punch, and champagne. The middle was designated as a dance floor while the back had more seating and smaller tables for the other guests.

Darby makes her way through the crowd of the dance floor to the other side of the room, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious but not being overly obvious about her occasional scan of the room. She had an itching that something was going to be different about tonight, that gathering information wouldn't be the only skill she'd put into play tonight. She was dressed to the nines, probably having gone a bit overboard but it wasn't her style to dress down, or wear boring black at events like this. Besides, no one ever suspected someone dressed so flashy to be any danger. She turns her attention to the band as they played an old Celtic folk song, they had been playing songs from every nationality in order to have a sense of unity of the countries in the music. She rolls her eyes. "Of all the songs they could have played they choose the seaweed song... couldn't they play normal music?" She mumbles to herself and gives a quick glance over to the prime minister before making her way to the pyramid of champagne glasses, delicately grabbing one. She frowns a bit at the champagne wishing it was something a tad stronger but takes a sip anyways, at least it was decent champagne. She was at this meeting/party, or at least if people asked why she was here, as a the daughter of the translator, important enough to warrant an invite while still being insignificant enough to raise suspicions. Though in reality she didn't have much family at all, just a twin brother she spoke to once a year on Christmas. Her parents passed away five years ago, and any other family she didn't keep in contact with. This business made it hard to keep relationships on any level and she didn't mind being alone, it suited her. At least for the time being. Relationships were exhausting and huge liabilities with having an occupation like this. She soon found herself humming along to the music of the band, the drums were catchy and eventually she was softly singing the lyrics. "Dúlamán, dúlamán, dúlamán na binne buí. Dúlamán na binne buí Gaelach. Dúlamán, dúlamán, dúlamán na farraige. Dúlamán na binne buí Gaelach."






Hair style (not color)
François followed the French president into the ballroom along with with the rest of his aids. As usual the self titled parry animal, monsieur presidente had to make his presence known by arriving fashionable late more concern with his image and enjoying the party rather then the gravity of the situation. François sighed before breaking of from the group, preferring to go to a spot were he can absorb the whole party from a distance. He found a spot next to another female guest, he adjusted his suit collar before approaching. He watched the crowd for a moment.

"C' est ridicule. These people were at its others throat only a couple of hours ago."He commented to anyone who would listen.
Jun hated having to dress up. The prime minister of Japan had picked out some lovely dresses for her but, she ended up wearing a plain black dress (like the one in the character pic) she simply let her hair do whatever it wanted, and wore black kitten heels. She was escorted by the prime minister to the event. She was there to be his guard as well doing something a little extra. She stood by him as he greeted some other people. The band started playing something that kind of sounded like cherry blossoms in winter but, without the traditional instruments. She sighed, at least they tried. She smiled warmly as the prime minister said he wanted her to enjoy herself. She spoke to him in japanese

<"as you wish sir">

She walked over to the tower of champagne. She carefully took a sip, testing to see if it was poisoned. She was overly cautious at times. Being satisfied with the lack of poison she walked over to a table that two others were sitting at, she sat down.

"Ah, hello...sorry if my...English is not good"

She gave a warm smile, hopefully that was a proper introduction.

(I'm on my phone just YouTube Yoshida brothers cherry blossoms in winter)
Lotus stood in the corner, making sure to keep her cool. The only thing that made her nervous was large crowds, and even though she was wearing the best dress she could find,she still felt very under dressed. She rolled her pen between her fingers and picked up a wine from a passiing waiter. she swirled it around and took a sip. Underneath her nonchalant exterior wasa feisty, fiery girl who stood back. She heard a frenchman speaking, and she cided to join in. "Tell me about it, mayte (its how it sounds). The prime minister 'ad nothing to do with this until there was a party involved. Its quite embarassing, actually."
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[QUOTE="Juli Zakstyre]Lotus stood in the cor er, making sure to keep her cool. The only thing that made her nervous was large crowds, and even though she was wearing the best dress she could find,she still felt very under dressed. She rolled her pen between her fingers and picked up a wine from a passiing waiter. she swirled it around and took a sip.

(Points at Rules that I hope you've read. At least 4 lines, no less, please I don't want to have to ask again.)
Oh crud. Sorry. Here i will edit. 
If this happens again, i still want to rp, but im typing on a nook and the lines are all wonky.
"Konbanwa... I think that is the correct greeting for now. There is bound to be language problem in meeting like this, no?"Francois said with a smirk to the Japanese aide that approached. Things are turning up, he thought to himself before the Australian approached." You can say that again. It is how you English say a "right old mess, old boy," and these are the people we work for to save the world...nous sommes visse!" He laughed at himself he raised his glass to do the toast."Sante to us the long suffering aids."
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Jun smiles at the French man. She barely understood a word he said. She just nodded in agreement hoping he wasn't asking anything that needed a response. This was going to be a long night, especially if no one could understand each other. All of the important people had translators, even the prime minister. However she was stuck playing, what did you say?, with a bunch of people. When the French man raised a glass to toast she followed.


She didn't know if this was a cheerful toast or not but, she treated it like a sort of cheerful one. She wondered how long this meeting would take. She didn't want to be stuck with a bunch of aids who couldn't understand each other.
Darby would soon find herself with company as a american man walked over to the champagne glasses and took one quickly downing it before looking at her as if just noticing her presence though he had seen her more then a few times at this party, she was one to draw the eye in that dress. "Ah hello, or goedendag, bonsoir, Guten Abend, shalom or any other language i can greet you in." He said with a seemingly slightly tipsy smirk, he was obviously american, only they could exude that much arrogance without trying.
Lotus smiled and raised her glass. "Cheers," she said, noticing the japanese (did i spell that right? ) woman did not understand. "Good toast." She said smiling in a friendly way. This was a good way to start the night. It was still too early to pick out allies, but she knew that these two might be valuable. Her blue necklace cintilated (sparkled) in the light of the chandelier. She looked around the room and spotted the prime minister, talking witha slur, obviously drunk. She rolled her eyes and sighed. What was the world coming to if the leaders of the world were intoxicated too often?
Darby exchanges her glass for a full one after finishing the first one, downing it pretty quickly to ease the tension of the situation, still standing around the champagne tower. It was better to be loose than overly tense in these situations. She chose this spot to linger around because nearly everyone would come over or send someone over for a drink or a bite to eat so she could do a bit of a head count and assessment of the other guests. She glances over towards the tables in the back as she hears a toast, narrowing her eyes slightly trying to decipher on what grounds the toast was made. Her curiosity was soon interrupted by a man who strutted his way over to speak with her. She lets her gaze fall over him, obvious or not it didn't matter to her, it was a habit of her's to take a person in before speaking with them. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at discovering he was American. "Dia dhuit... or tráthnóna maith is the greeting you would use for the language I speak, other than English. Though English is just as natural for me so a hello is just fine" She turns her gaze away from him as if dismissing him for the night, a hello was all she was going to freely give.
"Mercy.""Francois said to Lotus before noticing what she saw amongst the crowd of dignitaries."That is nothing, mon ami. look over there." He directed her sight to the 60 something old man dancing, if it could called that as her barely kept in the beat of the music, in the dancing area. He could help snicker at the sight feeling before correcting himself not wanting to cause a scene himself."I am Francois Poirot, by the way, aid to monsuer president enjoying a dance over there. God help us all."
"Dia is Muire dhuit" He said automatically in seeming perfect irish, he had some knowledge at least. When she turned away from him he stepped in front of his gaze with a smile. "Now now what is a introduction without learning each others names. I am Cedric Robillard, only guard of the president of the united states, officially anyway." He said with a wink. This seemed to be true because the men in black ((secret service)) who usually followed the president like a shadow didnt seem to be around. "Though dont tell my boss i said that." He said with a small grin.
"Lotus. " she grimaced. "Aid to the prime minister of australia. Bit dull, actually. But, a job's a job." She sighed and said "comment-allez vous?" In a flawless french accent. "Studied eight years of french, three years of spanish, four of german, and one of japanese." She smiled, and turned to the japanese woman. "are you for or against the treaty?" She winked at a passing waiter and he blushed. "More champagne, miss?" He asked. "Yes please" she said sweetly. He handed lotus a glass. She got a good long look at the liquid in the wine glass before sipping. Crooking her fingers behind her back, she signaled someone on the balcony.
Jun was thoroughly confused by the conversation. As she looked up at the French president she noticed her own company drunkly walked over to her. The prime mister spoke in broken English like her.

"I party like 1977!"

He walked off doing some sort of disco dance back to the dance floor. She was so embarrassed.

"I am sorry he, is a little cow."

She hopped she said drunk. She knew she should have tried harder to learn some more English before tonight. She realized the French man had introduced himself.

"I am Akako Hiroshia,aid to the prime minister of Japan."

She knew how to introduce in several different languages but only spoke Japanese fluently. She also used a fake name.She looked over at the Australian woman.

" I cannot say."

She knew she had to keep herself .
Darby's gaze falls back onto Cedric as he steps in front of her, slightly impressed with his response since it was natural not forced. "I wouldn't exactly say I was offering an introduction but rather a polite greeting." The corners of her lips move upwards in a slight smile, amused by him. Americans were such persistent people or dense depending if he didn't catch her dismissal of him on purpose or not. She takes another sip of her champagne debating whether or not to give him her name. "Darby Teagan. I'm the daughter of the translator for the United Kingdom's Prime Minister. So I'm just here for the free food and drinks to put simply"
"Maybe but now ive introduced myself so its only fair to reply." He said with a small grin of his own, it seemed like he may have noticed it and ignored it but it wasent certain, though the american was definitely confident. "And while food and drink is one face of the party you could always enjoy yourself otherwise as my good president might do with some of the lady help." He said looking over at the american president, he was a unusually young compared to many american presidents and it seemed to be enjoying himself talking to some of the servers. "Though maybe that was a bit to blunt." He said with a laugh. "Dont tell him, he'll just deny everything." He said grinning. "Never the less its good to meet you miss Darby"
Hana trailed behind a short balding man, some might even call him the Egyptian President. Though Hana preferred "the idiot who runs the country". She wore a tight black dress that led little the imagination, and her hair in a tight up do. She felt uncomfortable in the modern outfit, she would rather be wearing her normal attire of ancient Egypt clothing. Though it seems old fashioned, it reminds her of her mother. She leads the President to his seat with several old men who like to discuss war, then scoped the place. She noticed a group of people from all different nationality's and decided that it would be a good play to start. "Ahlan wa sahlan." She greeted them.
((theres several groups talking in different places, me and mittens or alone and luna and the others are talking00
"Ca va bien. Vous parlez excellent français. tres bien" He said before resisting the urge to snicker at the sight of the Japanese's aid before turning his attention to Akako."My pleasure or yoroshiku onegaishimasu, apologize in in advance that is the greatest extend of my Japanese....I" He was about to say more before the french president waved him over gleefully, he sighed. "My apologies i cant continue with introduction, my old man is calling me. Sigh...Wish me luck." He approached the president who put an arm around his aide as if becoming all buddy buddy in his drunken state before whispering something into Francois ear. A single name said with absolute sobriety."D' accord monsiuer president."
Lotus looked disappointed and sighed. Her prime minister called her over so she excused herself, walked over, and she nodded at what he had to say. He so very subtley pointted up at th ebalcony, and she nodded. She made her way through the crowd towards the marble stairs. She climbed the slick, delicately engraved steps to the shadow on thte balcony. They conversed in hushed voices, making sure no one was watching. "You must, or it is all for nothing." Her shadow said, and she nodded urgently. She made her way ove rto the stairs and slid down the railing, landing gracefully on the floor. She walked over to the band and requested a song. It was "viva la vida" but more delicate and without the words.

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