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Fantasy Prepare to Die

Arashi looked on to Dante's oath with interest and mild disgust. What the man had said at the end was indeed quite true. Mercenary's apparently did have a...strange way of doing things. But, he did not complain. Despite his rather abrasive personality, the man was at least loyal. That much could be seen from the oath he swore. It was respectable to say the least. Nothing was more honorable than a prideful man willing to cast aside said pride to further their leaders interests. It was the way he was taught by his grandfather.He smirked, perhaps they could get along after all. But then he really took in at how much blood was used for an oath swearing and cringed a little.

'Perhaps not,' he thought to himself with a little frown.

Regardless of the blood though, the man had done his part. And in Arashi's eyes was someone he could trust. At least on the battlefield. After taking his eyes away from Dante, he shifted his gaze to Amanda. With a smile he said;

"Amanda it is then," in a bubblier tone he had yet to use in front of their little group. His face then turned a little more serious.

"But of course, I shall refer to you as Lady Heartborn or Commander when on the battlefield or in front of dignitaries," he said honestly.

To be honest, Arashi had no clue of Amanda's noble status. Being a simple farm boy from the East, he didn't know many high political names. However, just because of his own personal status, it did not mean he was not well mannered. His mother had wanted him to move into the cities anyhow, and had instilled in him the way one ought to to talk to other members of society. As he wasn't too familiar with Amanda he had simply reverted to using her last name with a title at the front that he thought was suited.

After clearing up how he ought to refer to their parties leader, he smiled again. He gaze a sideways glance to Dante and sighed a little before looking directly into Amanda's eyes once more.

"This isn't going to be as...bloodied as his," clearly referring to Dante when he spoke "Nor as well versed. However, the words I swear to you will not hold any less meaning." He said firmly. With that said, he dropped slowly on to both of his knees, unsheathing Kiba, his primary weapon as he did so. He gently placed the sword down in front of him horizontally, taking extra care in making sure that the blade faced him instead of her. He lowered his head into a deep bow and spoke.

"I, Arashi Kurodamaru, Knight of Blue, re-reinforce my Oath to you. "I, Arashi Kurodamaru, Knight of Blue. Do solemnly swear to protect those who can not protect themselves. I, Arashi Kurodamaru, Knight of Blue. Do solemnly swear, that I am prepared to die for my cause. I, Arashi Kurodamaru. Do solemnly swear that I will fulfill my duty to myself, my people, and my kingdom." Arashi then looked up to face her. "With these words, I pledge my blade, my allegiance and my life to you. They are yours to use as you see fit...Commander Heartborn." With that, he lowered his head once more and left it there for a moment. After said moment passed, he slowly got off of his knees, picking his blade up and sheathing it as he did so. He gave her one more curt little standing bow before throwing an arm around Dante.

"Now," he said cheerfully doing a near one-eighty personality change from before "let's go and introduce ourselves to that Sister with a boar on her head," he said jabbing the robed fellow in the gut with his elbow in a playful manner. But, he couldn't deny, inflicting bodily harm on the annoyance felt good. He sent a glance back to Amanda and gave a little wave.

"Dante and I are going to go be gentlemen and say hello," he called out as he started guiding Dante and himself closer towards the others. Arashi was in a much better mood now. He had a mission, a capable leader and comrades once more. He was finally able to let loose and be himself a little more. He was usually a casual and carefree kind of guy, but in front of new people that were kind of intimidating, he had to put up his own front. However, after being in their presence for a little bit, he realized they were still just like him. Normal folk with their own issues and what have you, who were all put on the same mission. He walked up to the Hargrave siblings, Derrick, Marcus and the blacksmith girl he had seen around the stronghold from time to time.

"Hello," he greeted. He turned to the girl with the boar on her head. He paused for a second, making direct eye contact with her before giving a small bow.

"My apologies," he said "I do not believe we have been properly introduced," he raised his head.

"My name is Arashi, but people call me Storm." Arashi then turned to address everyone else.

"So, what are we all talking about?"


Preparing to make his own oath, Dante had interrupted and jumped in saying he would also take an oath. Expecting the usual Knight of Blue creed, Amanda stood awaiting him to fall to his knees and recite it. Instead, he seemed to have something else in mind... As he spoke, curiosity filled her as she wondered what the hell he was referring to. It was only once he drew his dagger that she flinched slightly. He wasn't going to.. Before she could finish her thought, he did. He slit his own palm, and warm red liquid oozed from it. "A.. blood oath?" She questions openly. It wasn't something she had seen before. But knew that other orders used them. It sent a small shiver down her spine, it was both very loyal. Yet still somewhat unnerving. But, the look on his face as he looked up at her told her that he took this ritual very seriously. Therefore, so did she. Once he slit the other palm, he began to recite the oath he was used to giving. Watching him make markings on certain points of his own body to represent what he was giving over to her. Once he had finished, he placed his own palm on his chest, creating a hand print of blood. Thinking it was over, she opens her mouth to speak. But is interrupted by his approaching finger. Watching it, she goes cross eyed watching him draw a circle on her forehead. Blindsided by the sudden act, she simply keeps looking up at her forehead as he withdraw's his finger. "I.. uhhh.." She says quietly. Reaching up, she puts two fingers to her forehead then looks at them to reveal his blood on them. Before she could reply, he seemed to laugh as he explained his 'morbid' sense of humor. Standing there for a second, she thinks. She figured she should start with closing her mouth. Then clearing her throat she speaks. "Th-thank you.. Dante." She says with a slightly taken back voice. Looking at her finger's once more before putting her arm back down to where it once was. He was a strange one... Strange indeed. "Please refrain from using me as a canvas as we slay our enemies." She says with a slightly teasing voice. Referring to him painting on her with the blood of their enemies.

It was then that Arashi's voice snapped her back to reality. Once she was recomposed she takes a handkerchief from her belt and wipes the blood from her forehead and fingers. A small chuckle comes from her as he explained how he would address her. It seemed that he was very well mannered. Maybe he was of noble birth. Or just simply had a mother who raised him correctly. "
Very well. As I said, I have no preference." She states. Once that was said and done, he explained further that his oath would not be as bloody as the one before. Another small chuckle comes from her as she offers a small nod and awaits him to start. The two stared into each others eyes as he began. This was more what she expected. The re-statement of the Oath that she and the other Brothers and Sisters had taken. Once on his knees, a sense of sadness came over her. It was really starting to hit her that these people's lives were in her hands.. Taking a deep breath, she continues to listen to her brother. "With these words, I pledge my blade, my allegiance and my life to you. They are yours to use as you see fit...Commander Heartborn." "Commander, Heartborn?" She thinks to herself. It sounded so strange to hear coming from someone else. He bows his head for a moment, and Amanda tilts her head in slight confusion to the action. Was it out of respect? Closing her own eyes, she unsheathes her own rapier. "Dear knight.." She starts. Opening her eyes, she places the blade softly on his right shoulder. "I, Amanda Heartborn, vow to you, your brothers, and sisters. That I shall lead you straight and true. I vow to put myself at risk, before you, your brothers, or your sisters." She takes her rapier over to his other shoulder. "I am proud to have you accompany me, not as a lesser. But as a brother." Taking her rapier back, she puts it back in her sheath as he stands. Usually this was not normal for the leader of a group to take a oath. But, she decided to put a little bit of her own oath into it. On-top of the other oaths she had taken.

With that, he suddenly throw's his arm around Dante's neck. Which was unexpected. Her mouth, slightly ajar to confusion of the sudden what seemed like friendship between the two. "
Oh, alright then. Please do!" She says as the two turn. Offering her own little wave back. A smile appeared on her face. Those two were very entertaining. She liked them.

@One Mean Ghost

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"I can only promise to try. What with the rage of battle and all, I can't promise you won't get a lovely blood rose on your back at one point" He teased right back without missing a beat. By the time Arashi finished his oath, his hands had been wrapped and he was standing. The last thing he expected was Arashi to suddenly elbow him in the ribs then haul him off as if they had been lifelong friends.

"Wait just a second! When the hell did I ever claim to be a gentleman?!" Dante protested, although he did allow himself to be dragged away for the moment. He let out a sigh as Arashi introduced himself first. He might as well just go with it... "I'm the Demon Tempest, Dante S. Enferno." He added on, but he didn't bow. Mercenaries never bow. He crossed his arms over his chest, still slightly annoyed that Arashi had just hauled him off like that. On the plus side, Arashi's ego was in check, so that was always a good thing...

He let his eyes scan everyone, noting that they seemed to, for the most part, have warmed up to him now. That was good. He kinda got the impression his speech on killing had alienated himself. Somehow that speech always seemed to get him funny looks, though he could never figure out why...

He glanced over his shoulder at Amanda, catching her smile. His eyes betrayed a smirk as he winked at her before returning his gaze to the cluster Arashi had dragged him to. He had to admit, he had served under a lot of commanders in a lot of groups, but this commander and this group were looking to be his most enjoyable ever.

Although Dante seemed at ease though, his mind was already far ahead of them. Calculating, planning, his eyes were scanning each person in this group, sizing up their strengths and weaknesses. Dante was a mercenary his whole life. The only reason he had lived this long was due to his tendency to plan well ahead of the game. Even now, he was running scenarios through his mind, every situation he could think of, and how this group would handle it. As long as they kept with the movement plan, they shouldn't hit anything they couldn't handle. But still, the enemy was unknown to them. He would, of course, volunteer to be scout because he could survey from above and Amanda wouldn't have to fear excessively for his safety. The last thing a new leader needed was for a scout to die early on an expedition. Thankfully, Dante was a tough son of a bitch and could handle himself.

Then again, everyone here could handle themselves, otherwise they wouldn't have been stuck in this group...

He looked once more at everyone gathered here, before he stepped away from most of the groups, walking to a tree. He pulled one of his daggers from his waist and carved into the tree. "Dante S. Enferno - The Demon Tempest" To some, it would look like an utter show of narcissism. That is, until he put his date of birth under it, with a line.

Dante didn't fear death. He never had. Death was like an old friend to him. No, if there was one thing the lifelong mercenary feared, it was being forgotten. He wanted to leave something to this world that would outlive him. It probably seemed silly, a man that spent his days cutting life short trying to find a way to extend his existence past his mortal life. That desire to be remembered is one of the reasons he sought comrades so eagerly. He wanted there to be some memory of him when Death finally came for him to settle his debts.

So he carved trees. This was the first one here he had carved, because this was the first mission he felt he had a chance of dying since joining the Knights of Blue. It was something he had done ever since he was a child. Before beginning a big mission, he would carve his name and date of birth onto a tree, or into a stone, in the hopes that, should he draw his last breath in battle, someone would fill in the blank space and write the story of his life and death for him, so in some way, he would be immortal. Anyone to pass by the marker would know his story, and know that Dante S. Enferno had truly lived...

He examined his handiwork, making sure the carving was deep enough not to be easily marred. Satisfied, he turned his back to the tree and leaned against it, so that none of his comrades would see it. He didn't much care to explain this morbid habit of his, and the best way to avoid explaining it was to just make sure none of them saw it until they got back...

@SoraHikari @Ellie the Knight @OverlordSenpai
Derrick turned his head only to look confused as he saw Arashi arm forcefully around Dante's neck. He didn't really know what to think of it. Strange perhaps, but he'd enjoyed it. Even giving a small chuckle to boot, it seemed people where getting along, whether it be a start of a friendship or rival, he had a feeling he was going to enjoy it here. But, he decided he was silent long enough, Arashi asked a question and he wanted to answer it. "Well to be honest with you, nothing much, just giving small introductions. So, you're not missing much to be honest." Derrick gave a large smile as he finished speaking. He even forgotten the fact that everyone had ignored his book question.

"By the way, I never got a chance to inform you folks about what magic I specialize in. Well, you're in for a SHOCK!" Derrick paused for a moment, not noticing a chuckle from anybody... he was never good at these type of jokes. "It's lighting magic," He said awkwardly, realizing his joke was a joke of a joke...he gave a small sigh before continuing, reaching his rod from his back, he pulled it out and tapped the ground three times. The rod was a feet taller than he was, holding it up high in the sky, he let out a small burst of electricity that made a small flash. "This is just a small taste of my electric magic, if we're ever in a brawl allow me to stick to the back... not quite good at close ranged. You got all of that!" He yelled in Amanda's direction, hoping he wouldn't need to repeat himself.

"My grandfather was a great magician; he taught me most of what I know! Unlike my father... but I don't wanna talk about him." Derrick shook his head, irritated by the thought of his father. he quickly shrugged it off and continued speaking "So, why did everyone here decide to join the Blue Knights? If you don't wish to talk about it that's fine. Just trying to make small talk before we set off on a adventure." Derrick smiled, though pondered for a tiny bit. A twelve day journey was quite a ways, a very tiring trek was about to be had, moral might get low by the journey, tension might rise, and grief could be lurking around the corner. He didn't wish for his comrades to experience this possibly, it could have devastating circumstances. So, he began to think and think, looking for a way to prevent this from happening.

An idea struck in his head, quickly deciding that if there were anyone in need of emotional support or just a buddy to talk to, he would be there with no objections... which he had a feeling he might have to be that person. Though, there is a chance he could be wrong...
Arashi smiled at what Derrick had said. Looks like they hadn't missed much. Arashi noticed Dante stepping away from the group but didn't say anything on it for the time being. He was still speaking to someone at the time. That would have been awfully rude of him. He cringed a little however at the horrendously bad lightning pun. Arashi didn't laugh or say anything. His eye almost visibly twitched. In that moment, he had hoped that his specialty in magic wasn't as lame as his jokes. However, he was pleasantly surprised after he demonstrated his lightning magic with his rod. He even offered tactical advise in regards to his own skills. That was praise worthy. Arashi couldn't help but sum up and store that piece of information for later.

'So he's a long-ranged lightning mage huh?' he thought to himself. That was pretty standard. Mages hardly ever fought up close. But, seeing as how a lot of their fighters were already close and or mid-ranged fighters, he realized Derrick would be quite the asset to the group.

"Lightning magic," Arashi finally said out loud "that's pretty cool," he exclaimed in an excited tone. "I can't wait to see the stuff you can do! Like, I bet you can make a lightning dragon right? Or perhaps lightning needles, or a super complicated assassination lightning technique that mimics the sound of one-thousand birds chirping that can be extended in length?" Arashi questioned dramatically at the end. He stopped for a moment and gave a little cough to recompose himself.

"Well, what ever spells you have, I'm sure they'll be awesome," he said to Derrick with a smile.

"And I can totally relate about having a grandfather teach you," he said patting the handle of his sword affectionately "my grandfather taught me all I know as well." He paused for a moment, thinking back to simpler times before continuing.

"I suppose I ought to share some of my skills too," he said "It would probably help our leader knowing what each of us can do right?" Arashi concluded, glancing back at Amanda before turning to face the group once more.

"I'm more of a swordsman than anything else," he told honestly "and with my blade Kiba, there's almost nothing I can't cut."

So far that was true at least. Ever since wielding Kiba, there had been nothing he was unable slice clean. Be it armor and flesh or concrete walls, they were all carved by his fang.

"However," Arashi added "I too can somewhat bend the elements to my will."

Arashi closed his eyes for a moment and took a breath in. He then snapped his eyes open and spoke the word "Koi." His eyes changed from the eternal black to a brilliant blue the moment he opened his eyes. And after saying his incantation, a strong gust of wind blew past them. When it passed, a wolf, the size of a bike, created in nothing but twisting winds, stood beside Arashi like a loyal servant. Arashi smiled.

"This is one my Kaze no Okami" he informed "or wolves of the wind. I can only make three of these guy at the moment but they're all the fun and the deadly of a normal wolf except for the pooping and what have you," he said as he patted the large wind dog.

"The goal is to eventually be able to create a whole pack," he said as he continued to affectionately stroke the beast "but this spell takes up quite a bit of my stamina. So three for five minutes is about as good as I can do. But, their uses are as versatile as they come and they are loyal only to me."

Arashi gave the beast one more long stroke before saying "Kaere" and watching his wind wolf dissipate into thin air. His eyes, reverting back to their original black as he did so.

He looked back to the group.

"I can do a few other things with the wind but that's definitely the most useful. The rest of my wind manipulating capabilities are centered around my sword skills, but I'm sure you'll get plenty of chances to see that later." He then turned around and shouted back to Amanda.

"Oh and for the record, I'm mostly a close to mid-range fighter. I do have some long range skills but it's not my strong point."

He turned back to face Derrick and after thinking on whether or not he ought to answer the question he had just asked, he took a breath and he did so.

"I'm the only survivor of the Kazuka Village Tragedy," he said a little bitterly, old memories resurfacing. "And my reason for joining..."

Arashi had to forcibly stop himself from speaking about slaying the third General by biting his lip. He couldn't possibly admit to lying about one of their oaths they took right before they set off on a mission. He mentally composed himself and diverted from his original answer.

"...is to make sure a tragedy like that doesn't occur again," he added a little quickly. Wanting to change the subject in a hurry, he quickly scanned the area for Dante. His eyes locked onto him leaning against a tree.

"Oi!" he called out, aiming to get attention off of him "What are you doing over there you loner. Come join us," he said teasingly.
Tristan & Istella

At Valindra's introduction, Tristan seemed to shrug under his armor, a motion more similar to shifting weight from foot to foot than an actual heaving of his shoulders. Thankfully, Istella stepped in to cover for him, noticing his sudden shyness, "The big guy is Tristan, but don't let him fool ya. Under that spiky armoured shell, he's just a big softie." She playfully punched his arm, quickly wincing in pain as she went to blow on her knuckles to ease the stinging impact, then looked at Valindra with a sheepish grin while showing off her unscathed fist. "Nah, I'm just messing, hand's fine. Hahaha." The laugh felt fake, possibly because most of it was, it was just a cover for her ineptitude at social interaction. Despite having been somewhat of a celebrity at one point, she still had a hard time dealing with people face to face, she had never had much interaction outside her weapons, and Tristan, of course.

As Istella stood there awkwardly, the mage boy (What was his name, Derrick?) was suddenly at Tristan's elbow, commenting on his statement that Valindra was apparently strong. Looking back to the boar-girl, Istella had to admit that it was intimidating to say the least, the pelt and her bearing both said something about her character, she was untamed and a little wild, but she kept it well. "Well, you all have fun chatting it up, I'm going to go see what the holdup is and how long we're gonna sit here like pigeons at the park. Later!" This last word was thrown over her shoulder with a wave of her hand as she turned to walk closer to the fountain, her turned back hopefully hiding the thoughts that were clear on her face. How can they be so at ease? Who knows what we have ahead and yet they're laughing and joking as if this was going to be a picnic. The mage boy had moved to the other group, he seemed to be everywhere at once, showing off his lightning to Arashi, who in turn called up a Wolf of the Winds. And what did Istella have to present to the group? Just a few more blades and some flashy show moves. She was beginning to wonder if she was out of place, if she didn't belong.

She eventually approached Amanda, who appeared to be flocked by young men, a little too young for Istella's tastes, and though the Order forbade relationships of that nature, Amanda could be picking suitors for all Istella cared. "Alright, Ms. Captain, I'd think we've had enough time for tea and cakes at this point. What's the plan? I'm itching to get on the road. Waiting is... not my strong suit." Her foot tapped impatiently, though unconsciously, it was a nervous habit that she had picked up in the colosseum, it kept her literally on her toes.

Tristan watched his sister leave, her cheerful farewell didn't fool him in the least. He saw her face and heard the underlying tone, it had been there for years, since their parents had left them behind in this world for the next. It was anger, anger at the world, pent up and caged in Istella's heart for a long time. And insecurity. And loneliness. His sister was an interesting animal, never sure whether it wanted to bark or bite, to run with the pack or become a lone wolf. He didn't expect anyone else to understand them, either of them, but voicing it aloud helped ease the pain a little. "Istella good sister," he said offhandedly to Valindra, but mostly to himself, "She strong too. But sad. Like Valindra maybe? Strong and sad." He reached to a small pouch hanging on the outside of his armour, his massive, metal-covered fingers returning with a small nut held daintily between them. He held it close to his helmet's mouth, whispering a few unintelligible words that granted a gentle emerald glow to it. Reaching towards Valindra, he held it towards her, gesturing for her to take it. "It keep you safe. When in trouble. Break seed. Valindra is like Istella. Strong and sad. I will protect." He released the seed into her hand, then left to meet his sister at the center of the square, where she hopefully was not causing any trouble.

@Ellie the Knight @OverlordSenpai
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Feeling a great pride billowing within him, Derrick could't keep the smile inside him. He was enjoying the praise Arashi was giving him, even though he felt Arashi's expectations of a mage was a little high. "Well, not exactly, I do have some attacks but nothing of THAT caliber." Derrick told him, not minding the fact that he could easily be judged as a 'weak member'.

In an instant however, Derrick mentally turned into a small child once Arashi showed him his technique, fists covering his face, and eyes looked as if they were bulging out of place. "Oh, they look so cool! and adorable!... Coorable!" Derrick exclaimed, combing two word to get his point across.

His child-like demeanor quickly faded once Kazuka Village Tragedy was brought up. He didn't know much about what had happened, but obviously knew the main point of the tragedy. He was silent for a moment, not wanting to speak even after Arashi explained his reason for joining. He sighed, he tried to bring out words but... couldn't muster them. He honestly felt bad that he couldn't say anything about the topic; it made him feel weak. However, deciding that would be the right thing to do, he let out a big sigh and only said a few words.
"I'm sorry to hear that... I couldn't imagine experiencing something like that."

Derrick shook his heads once his finished, wanting to think of something of in a more positive light. He looked to the sky, watching as the clouds moved in a slow, peaceful manner. He looked at Arashi for a moment, placing his left hand on his side, he quickly grabbed Arashi's hand with his right and shook it, having a tight grip on it he began to speak, "Arashi, you and I should be the best of friends! If you got any problems come straight to me! I would love for the chance to help you calm your problems!" Derrick exclaimed, his mini speech seemed to come out of nowhere but meant every word of it. He turned to the crowd and began to speak once more. "That goes for all of you folks! Since we'll be hanging around with each others for a while, we should elect someone to deal with any personal problems that they might have!" Derrick smiled as if he just won a brand new turkey. "So, I elect myself!" Derrick finished, holding his left hand into the air while his staff seemed to pierce a cloud from his perspective.
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Arashi found himself chuckling a little at the rather endearing adjective he used to describe his Okami. Coorable was definitely something...new to him. But, it wasn't bad he supposed. Seeing as he often only used his wind wolves for battle or something else that usually revolves around violence, his wolves were often feared by those he worked with despite the fact that acted solely on his orders. The thought of stupid people with their stupid irrational fears often went through his mind when he summoned them and saw them almost run away at the prospect of being eaten by his Okami.

But thankfully that wasn't the case with Derrick. He was quite a cheerful man and appeared to be rather positive. Even after he had brought up his rather upsetting past, the Mage in front of him simply apologized and continued the conversation along. Even offered words of condolence and then with a surprising hand shake, offered his friendship. Arashi smiled at that. Returning the firm shake, Arashi gave a nod.

"It'd be an honor to be your friend," he exclaimed with a smile. "But on the condition you do the same for me. If you ever have any issues or problems, you come to me for help alright." he confirmed letting go of his hand and putting one of them on his new friends shoulder.

He then watched as Derrick addressed the rest of the group and offered the same friendship, consoling and help he was just offered. That just made the smile on his face even larger. This was person was so full of energy. He couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. A lightning mage that had an electrifying personality. He then cringed. That was a horrible pun. Almost as bad as the one from earlier. Thank goodness he hadn't actually said that aloud. He noticed that Istella had moved away from the initial pack and back towards where Amanda was. He had assumed it was to ask when they were departing. He too was curious. Everyone was assembled and all looked ready to go. They were just waiting on her orders now.


As the fire danced and crackle in-front of her, she pulls out a small handkerchief from a pouch on her belt. It was made out of soft cotton that had always seemed to comfort her. Red with a black lace boarder. It was one of the only items that she still had from her noble life. Though, she could not remember how it came into her possession. She believed her mother had made it for her. Putting it up to her forehead she wipes the wet blood off, then brings it back down and looks at it. The blood was far darker than the red of the handkerchief itself and stood out quite well. It would prove quite a challenge to get out. With a small sigh, she folds it up nicely and returns it back to the pouch from which it came.

Looking back up, it seemed that the party was chatting. The antics that were coming from the group put a small smile on her face. Ghostly seeming wolfs and a wizard that had the wonderment of a child. Then out of the corner of her eye she noticed some movement and turns her head to see Istella approaching her. Her smile faded into a more neutral look. As she explained as how she was wondering when they would be moving out, she seemed very tense. With a small nod Amanda replies: "Yes of course. Thank you for your patience sister. First, we should make way to the stables and acquire some mounts. Unless of course you wish to walk the whole way." She says lightheartedly. Then, she starts walking. As if shes about to walk past Istella but stops at her side. Shoulder to shoulder. "I understand not wanting to wait. But you must remember Sister. This journey will be long, and hard. Most likely the hardest thing we have ever done. It should not be rushed into. It is not that I am questioning your skills, or anything like that. It's just that..." She looks back over at the rest of the cheerful group. But this time a frown overcame her face. Then says quietly. "They may act childish, but this may be the last time any of them including myself, can have fun. Can be happy. I just hope that once we begin our journey. That they can still be so carefree." Looking down at her feet she lets out a small sigh then looks back up over at Istella with a smile and put's her hand on her shoulder. "So, I encourage you to enjoy yourself while you can too!" Taking her hand off of her shoulder she walks past toward the group. "Alrighty everyone! Let's go mount up! It's a long road ahead so I hope you brought plenty of snakes!" She says waiting for her party to join her.

@Stickdom @Everyone
Tristan and Istella


An understanding came over Istella as their commander spoke at her shoulder. Amanda was young, but she had wisdom far beyond her years. It had never occurred to Istella that this might be the last time they had a quiet afternoon, she realized she had been expecting this excursion to be nearly the same as her gladiator duels, to fight throughout the day and call it a night when they were tired and weary, then continue the next morning after a peaceful rest. This was something far different than she had ever experienced, and underneath her anxious excitement to be under way, there was a seed of doubt and fear that crept silently through her heart. What if we lose our comrades? I've lost companions before in the arena, but we were never extraordinarily close, since we could be allies one day and opponents the next. But this is something different. Is this what it's like to be afraid of losing your family again? She couldn't hold onto these thoughts for very long, she had to remain resolute and firm, she couldn't let any of the group down, not on her watch. Her only response as Amelia passed her by were the words, "Understood, Commander."

A heavy footstep beside her told of Tristan's approach. He laid his heavy hand onto her shoulder, while she returned the affection by placing her own hand on top of it, followed by her cheek in a tender caress. Hell, even Tristan knows this isn't going to be easy. I don't know what's out there, but let's send it back to whatever damnation it belongs to. "Alright," she shouted, giving everyone in proximity a wily, devilish smile, one of her trademark attributes when she was the Crimson Sash, "you heard the Commander, let's ride! Last one out of town has to muck the stables when we get back! With their dinner spoon!" She gave Tristan's hand one last knowing squeeze, then turned to bolt for the stables ahead of the others.


His sister was a flurry of motion now, Tristan could tell she was motivated. They hadn't had to exchange any words, it was simply sibling intuition that they both knew what the other had in mind. She is worried for us, all of us. She will wear herself out before this is over, I must be strong enough to step in when she has to step down. He clenched his fist until the skin stretched and his knuckles cracked, he envied her level of motivation, his personality only lent itself to passive speculation, quiet thought. Unless... He didn't want to think about the unless, unhindered fury was never a beautiful emotion, but it was still sometimes necessary. He had kept himself under control for years now, he would hate to think what all of that pent-up pressure would become if it were loosed at once. Strong. We are strong. We will succeed. With these thoughts, he followed after his sister to the stables, his slow, lumbering gait making the dust rise in miniature clouds with every step.

Inside of the stable, Istella was already tacking and mounting Gallamist, her roan mare, a sleek, tawny animal with well-defined muscles and a sleek figure, whose defining feature was her golden-white mane and tail. Tristan found the stall of his own mount, a massive, black war-charger named King, and he certainly looked like the steed of royalty. Taller at the shoulder than anyone but Tristan himself, he was the only horse in Tha' that was large enough to even consider carrying his rider's weight. Tristan saddled and bridled him with tender care, his metal-covered fingers carefully buckling the straps to secure the harnesses in place. After loading his satchel of necessaries into the prodigious saddle-bag, he removed the coat-brush and began to delicately stroke the stallion's neck and head with it while the others secured their own horses. 'This will be long road, King,' he whispered almost to himself, 'Be swift. Be brave. I will protect.'

@Ellie the Knight

Last one out of town has to muck the stables when we get back! With their dinner spoon!

The sound of the challenge snapped Dante's eyes up. Like hell was he going to lose to those stakes! He took off at a dead sprint, the spell circles appearing under his feet as he seemed to fly through the air itself, launching himself into the part of the stable that held his own horse, a massive dark grey, almost black mare with a notorious streak of bucking and trampling anyone besides Dante to approach her.

This particular mare had belonged to Dante when he was still a mercenary, as such, she wasn't the least bit shocked when Dante came flying in. She wasn't a horse to be spooked. It had seen far too much combat for that. What stood out to most people was this horse's deadly gaze. It almost seemed as if the horse had the same mentality as its Rider, something that more than unnerved the stable hands that avoided her like the plague. Some referred to it as the Demon's Horse, others referred to her as the Devil himself. Her actual name, given to her by Dante, was Sleipnir.

She was a true warhorse. Powerful build, incredible speed, and an uncanny knack for finding the weakest point in the enemy lines to break through. Such that Dante scarcely needed to guide her at all.

Her saddle was soon locked onto her back, a low profile saddle that allowed a Rider to easily mount and dismount quickly. In addition, he fixed on her armor. Flank protectors, a breastplate, and her helmet with a row of horns along the top that she had grown more than used to implementing to break through the enemy lines. Last but not least, he fixed leg guards upon her. Any smart archer knew the best way to drop a horse was to hit the legs, so this armor protected them. For Sleipnir, this armor was like a second skin. It didn't seem to hinder her at all, If anything, from the way she tossed her head, she seemed itching to get out and cause mayhem with it on. She was most definitely a mercenary's horse...

Once she was fully armored and saddled, a process that took almost no time for Dante, given he had the entire process down to a science. he loaded her saddle bags and effortlessly vaulted onto the saddle, clicking her reigns just a little as she trotted out of the stabled, pacing in circles as the two waited for everyone else to come out.

Challenging a mercenary to see who could get ready for battle fastest... Never a smart idea...
Derrick paused and thought for a moment, not taking any notice of Dante running off. He honestly didn't need anything; he brought everything with him. That was an everyday habit as well. Whether he could go to the fruit market, take a stroll through the garden, spying on people, etc. He would always take his supplies with him. Unlike swordsmen or assassins, wizards didn't particularly needed much on them. All they needed were his memory and his ability to use magic... and maybe a few potions.

He also seemed to remember that no one took up his offer of books. Only for a slight moment did he get agitated, but brushed it off quickly before anyone took notice. With that in mind he really didn't need anything for himself; he had already brought a book with him. He figured he could always buy another book when he reached an eventual market.

Derrick seemed puzzled, if he didn't know what to do he'd just assume that he would ask Amanda for advice. He walked over and held up two fingers. "Two questions... one: What if I don't like snakes... and two: what if I already have all the things I need?" Derrick asked, thinking that using snakes as a metaphor for "gear" was interesting...but he didn't say that aloud.

@Ellie the Knight

Watching her comrades rush to the stables at the mention of a challenge filled her heart glee. About to run off herself, she is interrupted by a Brother. Her head tilted a bit at the strange question. "Snakes? I'm sure that we shall encounter a few on our journey. But they should do little harm to us if we stay on our mounts." Where the question came from she had no idea. Did.. did she say something? Maybe he misunderstood her? To be honest, she wasn't to fond of snakes either but everyone has to face their fears eventually. "If you are prepared then head to the stables with me and prepare your mount. Like Istella said." She starts walking backwards still facing Derrick. "Last one there gets to muck the stables!" She playfully cheers, turning and running off after the others as well.

Derrick placed two of his fingers on the side of his head in confusion, not particularly understanding the answer he got about snakes. Once he saw his sister run off proposing a second challenge for the group, he was ready to run off... but before he could do so, he looked at his rod for a moment. Staring at the worn, broken piece of wood, a frown appeared on his face. Turning back to his fellow kin that have remained, he began to speak," Hey folks, I actually got to do some things, so please tell Amanda that I might be late." Derrick turned around, placed the rod in the back of his belt, and began to walk off.

@Floodwater31 @SoraHikari @NekoChanBo @OverlordSenpai @Anyone else I missed

Arriving to a stone, Derrick placed some flowers on a small dirt mound before starting to talk to himself. "So, hows it been... sorry I haven't seen you... just been busy. I wish I could say 'I'll be here more often...' but that's not the case. I've been chosen to accompany a group to figure to do this thing. I won't go into detail but I've already said goodbye to mom-- she gave me the flowers, and I'll be heading out today..." Looking to the side, he noticed a small bird in the distance, ripping worms from the soil to feed itself. Turning back, he let out a huge sigh before smiling. "Even though you didn't care for me to do so, I still plan on keeping your legacy alive... thanks for all the things you've taught me..." turning around, he began to walk off, turning his head back to the stone one last time before heading out "Thanks Grandpa." continued to walk to meet the others
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Unlike the rest, Arashi did not run off to the stables. There was no need. His mount did not need to be catered or looked after like normal horses. So instead of rushing away from the courtyard like everyone else, Arashi simply drew his sword, whispered an incantation and then a large, horse-sized spectral wolf, with large canines erupted from the blade. He smiled. This was the last fond memory with his grandfather. One of his final sword teachings. Being able to summon the spirit of the beast from his sword into the physical world. Supposedly there were more steps to that particular part of his training but he had never been able to achieve such strides, then again he had never really put all that much effort into that particular field either. For now, he was content with simply having a mount and companion that he called call upon when he needed.

Walking beside the giant wolf, he ran a hand through its ghostly fur and grinned. It was such a strange feeling, for it felt like normal fur yet he knew that it wasn't.

"It looks like i'll be needing you're help once again my friend," he said as he gave the wolfs side one more little stroke before leaping onto it's back.

"Ike, Kiba!" he commanded as he and his mount made their way towards their commanding officer.

"Sorry guys," he shouted out "Looks like i'll be winning this little challenge," he said chuckling merrily "Have fun cleaning out the stables!"

He said as he arrived by Ellies side.

"Are you all ready to go commander?" he asked.

@Ellie the Knight
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