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Fantasy Prepare to Die

Arashi glared at Dante but didn't comment on his verbal jab. For the time being, it was probably for the best to make peace with his fellow brothers and sisters. Regardless though, a series of rather malicious, graphic and detailed thoughts and images ran rampant through his head, all of which ended in Dante's bloody remains. It sent a nice warm sensation through his body.

'Oh if only...' Arashi thought to himself. But, those thoughts would never come to fruition. At least whilst he was still a Knight of Blue...or in town with witnesses. On top of that, he had just been reprimanded for his behavior by the giant Hargrave sibling and Amanda Heartborn alike. It was quite embarrassing. Looking back, it was quite a juvenile display. He knew if his grandfather had seen such an arrogant display, he'd be climbing the mountains behind his village with nothing but his teeth and legs. Ah, how he missed the more humble days. There was a sense of pride that he found in the Knights of Blue and from time to time it became...a weakness.

Turning to address the siblings, Derrick, Amanda and after some inner turmoil, Dante as well Arashi gave a small apologetic bow.

"Forgive me," he said simply "my verbal choice of action was...incorrect."

He was a man who knew when he did wrong, but the annoying twinkle of victory in Dante's visible eyes were so maddening that the urge to run up to the man and claw his eyeballs out with his own hands were unbearably strong.

'Easy...' was what he had to say in his head to prevent himself from doing exactly that. The others were correct. They shouldn't be fighting. Not near civilians. Not where Arashi could still potentially get blamed for the untimely demise of Dante.

After his small, and very brief apology Arashi was about to comment on his rather well known knowledge of Istella through his studies of the different fighting styles that were seen in the ring but Derrick had made another suggestion that nearly made Arashi snort back a laugh. Simply because the way he would've answered was 'slicing off annoying and arrogant rookies heads off' but he deemed that would have been slightly inappropriate. Instead, he remained quiet. Patient as the moon waiting for its turn to illuminate the sky. He would wait to see how the others would reply. Learning everyone else's interests may prove to be beneficial in the long run anyhow.

we could always talk about what activities we enjoy to do

"Well I suppose it doesn't hurt to know everyone's strengths and weaknesses." Dante remarked reasonably as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm pretty sure everyone's heard about my past as a mercenary... I won't bore you with the details. I'll just say I'm a born and bred mercenary. Killed my first target when I was seven. But I'm getting off subject. People always assume I like fighting. I want to put those rumors to rest.

I don't
like fighting... I love fighting.

I love combat in all of its forms. I love duels, skirmishes, sieges, defensive lines, charges, retreats, and full scale assaults... Combat in taverns, on streets, in the forests, on the plains, on the prairies, in deserts, and even combat at sea. I love all kinds of combat that can occur on this earth...

I love tearing through the enemy lines. My heart leaps with joy when an enemy soldier jumps into the fray, only to have his efforts for naught, cut down by my blade. And there is nothing like driving my dagger into an enemy's heart, so I can watch the light leave their eyes as they breathe their last. And the feeling that comes when his friend tries to avenge him, only to fall at my hand, is such an exquisite feeling.

It moves me deep within my heart to watch a new comrade get their first kill, taking the life of an enemy for the first time! There is nothing more arousing than hearing the agonizing screams of the enemy forces as they are cut down without mercy!"
Dante laughed, almost with insanity, it seemed, but he calmed down before he continued, his entire demeanor seeming to come back to the sanity it lost during the speech.

"But there is one thing I don't... love... about combat... Traitors... those insolent flies that moments before had the nerve to call you friend, who then seek to stab you for a new master that threw enough coins their way. Those backstabbing heathens that seek to better their pockets by turning on those they once called comrade. Those that would turn so willingly upon a comrade deserve nothing but the most brutal death that can be conceived by mortal man for robbing me of the joys of mortal combat!....

It is for this reason that I joined the Knights. I want to be able to live for combat once again... This time, I want comrades I can depend upon.. Comrades worthy of the title! I want men and women by my side that can help me realize the true joys of combat again! So far.. I have not been disappointed by those gathered here..." His eyes scanned all the faces gathered. Surely no better warriors could be found, and none of them had loyalties in question as of yet.. Yes... He had found a place where he could love combat once more!

"Oh.... I also enjoy cooking" He remarked casually with a shrug, as if he hadn't just completed such a long and intricate speech on combat....
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It seemed as if the fight between the two was settled. Between Tristan's intervention and her voice, they had managed to calm the two down. Staring back into the flame, thoughts filled her mind. These two were going to cause trouble, she could already tell. The fact that they had just meet and already fighting, it was all she could hope to keep them from each other's throat's once they left, for where ever they were going. It seemed most of the other Brother's and Sister's were voice's of reason though. Agreeing with her point of view. Both Tristan and Istella. As well as Derick. Other's simply remained silent during the little scuffle. So with that in mind, it couldn't be that bad.. right? Shrugging the thought away, she figures that they would have to deal with that time when and if it comes. For now, crisis was averted with an apology to the group from the two. One, more than the other. It seemed to her that Arashi had a much cooler head, and was willing to listen to reason, but was easily provoked. But this 'Dante'..

Something deep down inside, told her not to trust Dante. He seemed to excited to kill. To eager to spill blood. This 'talk' of his past made her wonder just how reliable he was. Did he join the Knight's of Blue just to fight? The thought sickened her, such a disrespect to her and the other Brother's and Sister's who swore to protect the kingdom's. Sure, spilling blood was part of the job, but that did not mean one should enjoy it. The more he talked about it, the stronger her grip became on the stick she lent on. He wasn't kidding was he? He really did enjoy seeing other's suffer at the end of his blade. To her, killing was just part of the job when necessary. She didn't think about it before, during, or after the fact. Anyone who fell by her blade, died with dignity. Honor. And respect. 'SNAP!' The sudden noise surprises her as she looks down at the stick she had been holding. Now, it was two sticks. One in her hand, and the other on the dirt. It seemed that her grip had gotten to tight around the small wooden beam, and it had enough. With a sigh, she throw's the two half's into the fire pretending like she meant to snap it for the fire.

Looking up, she sees another figure approach. It seemed that she was being fallowed by a rather large bore, but as she grew closer, she could see it was just a helm made from a pelt that covered most of her head. It seemed that she would be the last as no other's were with her. Taking her hand, she holds out her index, and middle finger. Bringing them up to her forehead, she makes a small saluting motion to welcome the last member of their party.


(Normal Posting)



The call of a crow distracts Amanda from furthering her welcome to the latest Sister who had joined them. Looking up, the small creature descended upon the party of Brother's and Sisters. Circling the group, it looked down as if looking for something in particular. Once it spot's it's target, it takes a dive bomb toward the group. Then, before crashing into the ground it flaps it's wings furiously, gaining altitude. With another small flap of it's wings, the creature maneuvers it's way over to the fire. Then, flying above it makes eye contact with one of the member's of the party. Once satisfied it had found who it was looking fore, the creature land's on Amanda Heartborn's shoulder. To which, she flinched slightly. Quite surprised by the bird's decision to land on her. With a satisfied "CAW!" It gestures down at its talon to reveal another small scroll with the Lord Commander's wax seal. It seemed that he had deprived them of the pleasure of giving his order's in person...

, she reaches over and takes the small scroll from the creature. To which it responds with a happy "Caw! Caw!" Then fly's off. With the small parchment in her hand's, she breaks the wax seal and unroll's it. Her eye's bolt side to side as she reads the small text of the still wet ink on the paper. Eye's widened, and mouth opened in slight surprise as she continued to read to herself. Once finished, she looks up and at the surrounding Brother's and Sister's. Then, rubbing her eyes, she looks back down, blinks a couple times, and re-reads the text. Again, once finished she looks up and around at the surrounding Knights. "I..I.. " She whisper's to herself, looking distraught. Leaving all those around her both confused, and curious.

@Ellie the Knight


@One Mean Ghost







(Now that everyone is here, I assumed it would be ok to drive the plot a little! Please take your time replying! Also, if you feel this was a little to soon let me know so I can improve the time I post these little "Event's." Now, I wonder what that paper says? Hmmm...)

Marcus sat as he listened to the noble calmed the nerves of the two who where a moment ago at each others necks. It seemed to have worked for now, even if Mr.Monster didn't seem to be sorry at all. The Mage seemed to be have the most childish outlook He's right though, if we're going to be spending time together I might as well get to know everyone.

Estia, with that thought a trickle of energy began to flow into Marcus's head, if anyone had been watching they might have noticed the clear blue of his eyes subtly shift to a light green. He doubted anyone was paying enough to notice anyway, if anyone does, it'll be the mage or the stealth unit... Every point in view was now the point where he focused, minute details where amplified, places where the grass tangled where now in obvious view. Every crackle of the fire was now individual, every flap of a wing every step from the shadow. Turning he noticed a woman donning a boar pelt approach the party, now it was obvious since the smell of boar reached him, the smell of forged metal joined the other scents in the air. Smith? We really are gearing up on an expedition. Marcus nodded as she approached but offered no other sentiment. The man who was fighting with the self proclaimed monster began to tense as he apologized, this is going to come up again later.

It was about that time that Mr.Monster began his... speech. It didn't take much to tell he was positively ecstatic about the subject. The effects on most of the other knights were the same, they began to tense. Fear, amazement, whatever it was it drained moral, is he serious? We are guardians, not soldiers, we should deal in peace. A snap caught his attention, the noble was tossing sticks into the fire and was slightly self conscious about it. After saluting Ms.Boar the crow that had been circling landed on her shoulder, I swear it's glaring at me. The scroll the noble received was made of parchment with an important looking seal, but that was no surprise. Besides, he wanted to know what was on the scroll, especially seeing the noble's reaction. She began to reread the text, it's either bad or you are trying to make us panic on purpose. Whatever the case, Marcus was caught in the suspense. "Can you tell us what it is?", this might have come off as a bit snarky, but it was meant in the most literal way, there was a chance that the message was not meant for their eyes
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Derrick eyes grew wide with joy once Dante willingly took the first leap to tell the group about himself. But, his eyes soon turn frightful as Dante explained more about himself. All Derrick could do was to give an awkward laugh, "Mental Note: Never do anything to anger him" the thoughts popped into his head as he slowly backed up from the blood lust individual.

Upon turning around, about to introduce his hobbies, he notices a figure into the distance. His first guess was that it was a rather large animal. Though, upon getting closer, he could see the actual face, the beast being an actual helm for wearing purposes only. Instead of the professional gesture Amanda and Marcus gave to the woman, he just gave a childish wave, arm extended out, face widen, he has the most childish look to himself at the moment.

He attention was caught immediately crowing sound of a crow as it landed on Amanda's shoulder with a small scroll. A look of annoyance entered his face one he saw the crow, he lost an extra hour of sleep because of that blasted crow...though, he'd almost forgot about it as soon as he noticed the noble seal. A wave of confusion filled his mind,
"Strange, why would we get a noble scroll...can't Mr.Bossman tell us himself?" But, one look at Amanda's reaction to the scroll made his heart race. He didn't understand why, was it anxiety? Was it a feeling of the unknown? He didn't know... turning his head to Marcus's comment, he began to speak. "Yeah, Marcus is right... you uh, wanna tell us the important information instead of leaving us to worry..." He told her, a sense of worry had filled his tone.


Valindra Mithariyl

It seemed like whatever tension between the two males died down a bit as one apologized for his behavior. It took honor and a real man to apologize to someone even if he did not feel like he was wrong. Valindra took notice of that and smiled slightly as she thought about that for a moment. Then that smile faded once she heard the man speak of what he liked to do. It disturbed her and made her a bit annoyed. While the man was talking about what he liked to do a couple of the nights waved or nodded at her while she was still walking towards a spot to sit on a small cold rock as she continued to listen to the man. The way that the elves raised her was that fighting was only for defending ones self and of course if you need to hunt to survive that's fine as well but to fight someone for no reason? And to kill someone? That just did not sit right with her. The way he spoke of slaughtering his foes and seeing his enemies in pain gave him pleasure which was something that disgusted Valindra. But the one thing that man seemed to have was at least one moral that did make him different from other mercenaries. He would never harm people he called friends. At least that is what she felt from the way he was talking about how he hated traitors so maybe the man was not as bad as Valindra thought. The last thing the man said was that he looked cooking and that surprised her. After his long speech about loving to kill he mentions something about loving to cook which threw Valindra off. It was funny how he mentioned it at the end like it did not matter and it did indeed seem small after the whole speech about loving to kill.

Valindra looked around and noticed one of the nights that was a woman like her seemed to get very disturbed about the man's speech. She then heard a snap sound coming from the woman and saw that the stick she had in her hand snapped. She could see why the woman would be upset but letting other people know it upset here was not such a great idea as it could lead to conflicts later. Then snapping her attention away from the woman's Valindra heard the call of a crow and looked up to where it was circling around them. It seemed like it was looking for someone and Valindra wondered what the crow was looking for. The bird then suddenly landed on the woman's shoulder who was getting upset at the guy's speech and she wandered if the King was not showing up or if the message was solely for her but it made her curious. She then saw that the girl had pulled out a letter from the crow and knew that stamp was not from the king but the Lord Commander which did not look good. What came next made Valindra have a bad feeling deep down. The fellow sister Knight read the letter and looked at them with a face filled with distraught which caused Valindra to stand up and become slightly tensed like she was ready for a fight already which made no sense but this was how she reacted to bad news. Other Knights started to question her and become tense as well which only made Valindra more curious. Did big happen to the Kingdom Of Phi? Did something happen to a fellow Knight? "What is it?" Valindra asked her voice sounding more like she demanded the fellow knight to tell her.

"I don't like fighting... I love fighting."

Arashi frowned at that. He loved a good fight just like any other guy, but the way Dante had said it, it was so...primal. As Arashi watched the cloaked mercenary deliver his rather dramatic speech as to why the Demon Tempest had loved fighting so much, there was something that really aggravated him. And it wasn't until the end did he properly realize what it was. His eyes widened a little at his own realization but did not comment nor say anything. The person that was delivering such a passionate display about killing was someone he could have become. It was undeniable. True enough, where as most people found it sickening at slaying other people, during his...darker years on his own, he found that there was a time when he enjoyed it. The feel of a persons flesh being cut clean by his sword was intoxicating. The screams, the knowing in his opponents eyes that it was he who had bested them was a feeling that was indescribable. However, it was after properly realizing what he was becoming, a monster in human form, did he realize he needed to kill those thoughts in battle. He did not wish to become a demon.

So, when seeing Dante speak about killing in such a way, he hung his head and let his bangs shadow his face. The two were different. Too different. Whereas Dante openly embraced the joy of carnage, Arashi constantly kept it at bay. However, during Dante's little speech something interesting perked his interest. The Demon Tempest wanted comrades? How...strange. He was going to comment on it but chose against it. Perhaps it would be better to question that another time. But, from all the rumors he had heard, the stories about him and even their first interaction, he did not exactly seem like a team player. The very concept of someone like Dante being on a team seemed...baffling, but not unreasonable. He too found himself fighting under the Blue Banner for the same reason. A place where he himself could have comrades and fill the void of loneliness. It was a respectable reason to have joined. Despite being a carnage loving warmonger. Arashi could even respect his other hobby. He gave a confirming nod when he had said it. There was nothing wrong with a killer being a chef. If anything, it would probably work in their favor.

After Dante had spoken, Arashi finally looked up to properly look at the group in front of them once again. However, there was something different from before. There was a newcomer, another sister it seemed. One that wore a...boar pelt as armor. It surprised him at first but then took it into stride. Who was he to question. After meeting some of the others a girl wearing a boar helmet and wielding axes really was not that big of a deal. Especially seeing as a certain someone basically confessed their love for killing like a teenage girl would to their long time crush. His eyes wandered over her for a moment, taking in as much detail and information about her as he could. He knew her, yes that much was certain. She had quite distinctive face and hair. But his mind was unable to properly put the pieces together in his head.

It was infuriating. He had definitely met her before somewhere! Then, after a moment or two of more staring, he had finally figured it out. The others in the group at the time were too busy watching Amanda read a stupid letter anyhow so his attention was solely focused on her. She was the one that fixed his training blade at one stage. She was an occasional blacksmith for the Knights from time to time. He was about to shout out to her and call out how he knew he but his attention was drawn back to the Heartborn girl after people had started asking (the girl he was staring at included) what the letter was. It wasn't until then did he realize they probably just received some orders. Quickly coming back to his senses, he focused on Amanda as she was currently the one with the letter. He did not say anything as nothing was needed to be said. He simply waited patiently for her to read the contents.

Well... it seemed he had made an impression. Perhaps not the impression he had intended, but an impression none-the less. His previous opponent had seemed to calm down, and the rest of the group seemed to think he was crazy. In the midst of this. He noticed a new sister had arrived. To some, her attire was strange, but to a mercenary she looked quite normal. No, weird was that strange one from his old group, Baathir. He actually made his armor and adorned it with feathers from various birds.... No, this woman was completely normal compared to that birdbrain...

Speaking of birds....

A crow landed on one woman who seemed to have been none too enthused by his speech, bearing a message. Judging by her expression, it wasn't good. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. "Judging by your expression, either you just got caught kissing one of the Brothers(Maybe one of the sisters, I'm not judging either way...), or that's word we're going on a suicide mission." He remarked chuckling softly as he watched her, his gaze staring straight into hers.

"So which is it? Or did I miss the mark entirely?" He asked, making his way over to her. "If you aren't comfortable saying it out loud, Just let me do it. I'm somewhat adept at delivering bad news" he offered, holding out his hand for the letter. Now, to some, this would come off as him being... well... an ass... But in truth, he was trying to take the burden off of her shoulders. He had fully meant what he said about joining the Knights in order to find comrades.

And when he called you a comrade, that meant something. For Dante to call someone a comrade or a friend, meant that the person in question now had someone willing to die for them. As a mercenary, he found few worthy of that title, and it had left a very poor taste in his mouth. You see, he loved combat, but combat with no purpose was.... lacking... He needed people to fight for. He needed comrades, friends, he could lay down his life for if necessary. It was the only life he knew. Combat was the only life he knew. He had accepted at a young age that he would live and die by the sword. He didn't want to die for nothing, however. If he was to die, he wanted to die with a purpose, fighting alongside friends he could depend on.

Maybe soon these other Knights would come to realize that...

@Ellie the Knight @SoraHikari @OverlordSenpai @Sparkstorm1000 @Floodwater31
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After hearing Dante speak again, Arashi perked up a little bit. Dante had brought up an interesting prospect. Arashi chuckled a little before speaking up.

"If she had indeed been caught kissing whomever," Arashi paused to give Amanda a look, asking as to whether or not that actually was the case before continuing, "she would have been called up to the commanders office personally. Not have had a raven message." He paused again before scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"One of my friends were actually caught once and ended up leaving the order to pursue their love interest," he shared. His expression then turned a little more serious.

"However, your other prospect does seem rather likely," Arashi said.

He looked around at all the people that currently stood in the courtyard. All big names and all brought their own set of skills and abilities to the group.

"A suicide mission," he started "makes sense if those that are gathered here at the moment are anything to go by."

Indeed, they were quite the bunch. He couldn't possibly imagine a group such as this being deployed on say, a simple escort mission. Nope, a group like theirs was only assembled on certain dire emergencies, something that as it happened was what their country was currently in.

Despite that, he was still unsure as to what the details of the message was. He was feeling rather confident in his assumption that they would be sent as a group on a mission but as for the details of the mission, he could only fathom. Perhaps there was an army coming to invade and they were to be the welcome gifts should the enemy dare step onto their territory, or perhaps a demon had arisen from the depths and they would be tasked with vanquishing it. He did not know. However, what he did know was that what ever the task was going to be, it was going to make for one hell of a story later.
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Looking up from the letter to Dante, she shakes her head as she clear's her throat. "It's quite alright, I can read it." Taking a deep breath, she looks around at the group that surrounded her. Then, back down at the paper and Begin's to read. "Little Amanda, I apologize for not greeting you in person. But, times are hard as you know. For you, and those who surround you now I have a task. You, your Brother's, and Sister's are to travel to Phi. A 7 day journey from Tha. Your objective is to find, and return with as much information as to what is going in at the capital as possible. It is likely you will encounter hardship's and I wish you and your party the best." She looks back up at the group, and hesitates for a moment. There was one last thing that she was hesitant to say. Taking a deep breath, she looks back down at the letter and continues. "P.S. Being that you have been raised by the Knight's since you were a girl. I feel like I can trust you, So. You, will be leading this expedition. Don't let me, or your party, down."

Without looking back up at the group, she tosses the paper into the fire before her. She had very little experience as a leader. Most of the time she took orders, but never gave them. But, moral was important. She couldn't let her Brother's and Sister's see her worried expression. So, with that in mind. She looks up with a cocky smirk on her face. "
Welp, sound's exciting!" Putting a hand on her knee, she stands up.

(Sorry for the short(ish) post, I'm going to be keeping them down to 1-2 paragraphs so when other's want to catch up it's not to much. Also I got Fallout 4 so that's calling my name
xD )
As Amanda read out the letter, Arashi listened close to gather as much information as he could. From what the contents of the letter had said, there were a few obvious things he managed to grab from it.

"It appears you and the Head Commander are quiet close," he said openly "if he is using such familiar language even in letters of importance." He didn't mean much by it but her relationship with the very person he had planned to succeed could in the future could end up becoming very useful in the long run. The next thing he noticed was that he was indeed correct with his assumption. They were all assembled for the simple fact that their skills would be needed for their coming mission.

"It appears you are somewhat correct Dante," Arashi said not facing him but instead looking at Amanda. "This mission is essentially a suicide mission as no one has even heard from Phi for quite a time now. Yet here we are now, all set and ready to head out to Death City as some locals have decided to name it. But, a simple scouting mission for people like us, I am unsure as to whether or not that was such a tactical decision," Arashi questioned at the end. True enough, he was aware of the fact that other groups of scouts had been sent and were yet to return but still, the people present seemed a little bit of overkill for a job as simple as going to gather some information. He wasn't even sure if he was suited for such a task. His abilities were made more for combat than reconnaissance. Regardless of the matter though, he had been summoned like the rest, and as a proper Knight of Blue, he would listen and follow the call.

"Regardless of the decision made however," Arashi continued on "Orders are orders in the end. And it appears," he said looking directly at Amanda "you are to be the Captain of this mission. We are you in your care," he said bowing a little.

Dante laughed when she finished. "Well then! Suicide mission it is!" he exclaimed crossing his arms over his chest. It didn't seem to dampen his spirits in the slightest. No... there was a fire in his eyes.. He was ready for this. He had been waiting for this. He glanced over at Arashi when he was addressed. "What can I say? I have an intuition for this sort of thing" He chuckled to himself

Of course, He had seen the uncertainty in Amanda's eyes. It had been fleeting, and she had covered it quickly...

"Well then, Boss, when do we leave?" he asked turning to face Amanda once more. He didn't question her being selected as leader. He respected everyone here for their abilities. The only possible reservation he would have had would have been Arashi, but that situation had been addressed already... He was a mercenary. He had followed countless leaders in the past, and could tell in a heartbeat when one wasn't going to work out. This girl had promise, though. Perhaps she was a bit uncertain, but he had a good feeling she would prove herself in short order.

He looked over to Arashi. "It's not a scouting mission. Not in the traditional sense at least. Scouts that go there don't come back. We're being sent because whatever is out there is dangerous, and unknown. Clearly stealth isn't sufficient, or some scouts would have returned. So instead, the Knights are answering with a hefty amount of force. Why else would they send two forces of nature, plus a fully battle ready contingent to investigate?" He remarked casually. By any stretch of the imagination, the sheer amount of power being sent on this mission would be easily overkill for any simple scouting mission...

@Ellie the Knight @SoraHikari @OverlordSenpai
Dante's explanation was indeed correct as Arashi already knew. There were no faults in it. Regardless, he still found it annoying.

"That does seem to be the case," Arashi agreed. "But it begs to question as to what could possibly be at Phi that is so dangerous and unknown that even our own Stealth Unit has been unable to handle it."

Glancing at everyone once again he still found the situation puzzling.

"What could be so horrible that it needs...well all of us?"

He was just a simple country boy after all. He was not aware of all the horrible urban legends and myths that children were told in the main cities as they were growing up. He had heard a few stories from some of his companions within the Knights of Blue, which he found amusing and entertaining but were, in the end, nothing but folk stories for children. Perhaps it was some other nation that had invaded Phi and were making sure no one would be able to get out and speak about it. But, at the time he didn't know and that really bugged him. He sighed, a bad habit of his.

"Well, whatever the reason, Dante brings up a good question," he said turning away from Dante and back to Amanda.

"When shall we depart?"
Istella & Tristan

The brazen man with the annoying voice gave his rousing speech, about himself of course, and then the party fell silent, apparently unimpressed. How full of himself can he be? I can understand being raised as a mercenary, I wasn't too much different myself, but... She let her thoughts wander from the topic immediately after drawing a connection between him and herself. she didn't want to admit it openly, but she rather admired his go-get'em attitude and high spirits, even if it was covered in bloodlust. As long as it was pointed at the enemy, she didn't care how much destruction he caused. He'd be a useful ally, to say the least.

Tristan stepped forward as the letter was read, standing next to Amanda's comparatively tiny form and laying his large hand on her shoulder, the weight of it was a little overwhelming, but he meant it to be reassuring. "Little Sister leads us. I will protect." His other hand clasped over his heart, the gauntlet giving a resounding thunk as it clashed with the metal of the breastplate. "Not leave brothers or sisters behind."

Istella's musing thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the messenger bird, and she awaited their orders impatiently, but silently. When the young girl, Amanda, was it? spoke out the details of the message, a cloud of dread began to settle in Istella's heart. The rumours surrounding the darkness around Phi were almost tangible, no one escaped, no one survived. And now they were going to head straight towards it? The thrill of combat ahead gave her a rush of energy, and she was anxious to get going. If this is how Dante feels all of the time, maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. She decided to weave her way closer to the group, ending up next to another unfamiliar face, this one hidden beneath a large boar-skin. "Calm down there," she said in reaction to her Sister's outcry, "It's just a mission, nothing more. If they thought we couldn't handle it, they wouldn't send us in the first place." Still, her thirst for battle began to lessen as she fully contemplated the idea of rushing to Phi, where so many had disappeared before.

@Ellie the Knight

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Arashi glanced around at the members of the group and took in the different reaction to the news. Amanda, despite appearing somewhat apprehensive at first (most likely due to her being given the position of leader) now looked a little calmer and determined. It was admirable. He couldn't help but smile as the larger one of the sibling duo that was present walked up and placed a reassuring hand on their now official commander and offered a few words of reassurance. Looking at the metal clad man, Arashi couldn't but feel a strong sense of comradeship from him. The only times the usually quiet man had spoken up was to scold him and Dante and just then when encouraging Amanda. Yes, Arashi saw a valuable ally in Tristan.

Arashi's thoughts were drawn away from Tristan as he moved onto the next sibling. After hearing what was said, his eyes caught a brief expression of doubt on her face. This made him frown a little bit. Not because he was upset at Istella but because seeing the apprehension in her eyes sowed the seeds of worry in his own mind. Perhaps this was a suicide mission to its most literal degree. No one had ever returned back from Phi as of late and those that were gathered were the best of the best. The ones that were sent on missions other could not or simply would not do. And that was just individually or in a small group. Yet now all of these power houses were gathered in the same spot, given the same orders to go on the same mission to somewhere that has basically been a dead zone. As he lingered more on the subject he found his mind simply sinking deeper in its doubts. That would not do.

Every warrior that was worth anything knew that a battlefield was no place for second guessing and useless worries. He bit his lip hard to calm himself and get his mind back into focus. Yes, they were going to Phi, yes they would find whatever is in Phi, and yes they may not return but damn it that wouldn't stop him. Arashi's black eyes held a fire of determination in them. He looked around at the rest of his comrades and smiled a little. They were all dependable people and people he wouldn't mind having by his side in battle. He sent a small glance to Dante and shrugged. He supposed even that annoyance would prove to be an asset on the battlefield.


Feeling a rather large weight on her shoulder, she looks up at the rather large man who spoke softly. The man was kind and protective. He kinda reminded her of what memories she had left of her father. It reassured her that the Brother's and Sister's who were before her trusted her with their lives. It was her job not to let them down. If she did, it would only be with her last breath. "Thanks big guy." She says with a light chuckle. Looking over to Istella, who seemed less enthused about the situation. Weather it was because she was being lead by a girl younger than her, or the fact that they were almost sure to die, or a combination of both Amanda could not tell. "I concur, but caution should not be thrown to the wind so easily. I ask all of you to keep your guards up whilst outside the walls when we leave." Keeping it in mind that many here might be having the same thoughts. Being a leader now, she would have to address the party's fear's eventually. But for now, letting it sink in might be for the best.

But, she was also scared. No, terrified of what laid ahead. Not for her life, not for what they might find. But rather for the lives of those who surrounded her. What if she messes up and gets someone killed? What happens if things start to fall apart? Would she be able to keep everyone's spirits up? Would she even be able to hold the party together? Clearing the thoughts out of her mind, she decides to think about it when those times come. If they even do. Her best would have to be good enough for now. It seemed that most were wondering when they would leave. Clearing her throat she answer's the questions she had heard. "
Brother's, and Sister's. I hope for us all to be safe during this mission. Let's meet back in half an hour. Gather what ever you think you might need. Food, water, belongings. We will then ride out together. If you're already ready, feel free to sit with me until the other's are ready. I'll be glad to answer any questions about anything." This was her attempt at making it sound like she was welcoming. But hopefully other's also saw it that way.


@Everyone else
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"I already have everything set" Dante lifted his cloak to reveal a pack on his back, already set and ready to go. "I've been itching to get out for weeks now." he admitted with a light chuckle as he sat down nearby her. He produced a whetstone from his pocket and when about sharpening his daggers one by one to be sure they were ready. It almost seemed like he would never run out of the things...

Perhaps more strange than his knife collection, however, was how calm he seemed. He didn't seem the least bit scared of what lay ahead. If anything, he seemed... excited for it. But he could tell their young leader had her doubts about herself. At the very least, she seemed able to handle those doubts. He would be sure to keep an eye on her in case she faltered. For now, perhaps a nudge on strategy would help.

"Do you have any ideas what our movement plan would be?" He asked, referring to what their position would be in a moving formation. Perhaps thinking strategy would help her relax. "Now, this is just my recommendation, take it or leave it, but I'd suggest putting our speed fighters up front, to address anything we come across head on, put our man-mountain in the rear in case we get ambushed, and put our higher defenses on the flanks. Anyone with range should be in the middle where they won't have to fight head on" He remarked thoughtfully.
The spirit of optimism seems to have payed us a visit, not that Marcus could say differently, it was positively infectious. Even the two fighters seemed to have put aside there differences for now, that or ignored each other. One was beaming, the other, Dante, also seemed happy, though he didn't show it as much. A slight pain began to peek it's way into existence at the base of Marcus's skull, taking that as a cue, Marcus cut off the flow of magic. His eyes faded back to a clear blue as the Noble, Amanda, began to prove herself as leader. A lesser leader would assure the men's victory and have them make merry before the trip, she remained vigil however, giving them the chance to prepare themselves. The Head Commander knows what he's doing. What's scary is how well all these gears mesh together though.

"I couldn't agree more, that's why I never unpacked", Dante wasn't the only one who disliked being cramped in this cage, but the enthusiasm to carry it around with you was another thing, he had to give him that. Dante began to removing and sharpening knives which caused Marcus to frown slightly for a second. When he was checking everyone with his magic, he'd searched for weapons, obviously he hadn't searched Dante enough. Whatever, don't dwell. You need to check your supplies too. "I could use some more arrows and fresh water, it shouldn't take too long", you're just asking for that old quip... As he stood to lead however and caught wind of Dante's proposed strategy, "I'd have a detached scout ahead of the main body to perceive coming threats, but that puts the scout at risk and removes him from the fighting force encase of a successful ambush. Either way, it's your call", I suppose that wasn't much help, not that he expected it to be, he was hardly a strategist, with Rowan having four knights it hadn't seemed important.

Valindra Mithariyl

Everyone was getting anxious about what the letter said. Valindra was hoping it was orders to go find out what happened with Phi. She waited so long for this quest and he promised her mother she would bring back father. In the back of her mind she felt that maybe her father was already dead but she shook that thought and hoped maybe they would find him on the way if it was truly the day they would begin to adventure out to the Kingdom of Phi. While she was thinking about the subject the others were jumping to conclusions or already trying to offer support etc. Valindra waited for her fellow sister to speak and find out what she hoped she would hear. Others talked about the mission being a suicide mission and that made her slightly confused because there were so many of them here and most of them were strong so how would it ever come to it being a suicide mission? Valindra was going to interrupt the two brothers but then the sister knight began to speak.​

The woman was nervous but read the letter anyways. So Valindra finally knew one of her fellow companion’s name. But the letter sounded like a parent writing to their child and felt it was a little awkward to hear and yet it made Valindra smile softly as it reminded her of her father. As Amada continue to read the letter Valindra was relieved. This is what she has been waiting for, for two years and it made her feel like maybe there is hope yet for her own goal. She now had that opportunity to find her father like she always wanted. And of course help her people and the kingdoms people. But one thing seemed to worry Valindra slightly and it was that the knight that would be their leader she was a bit… young. Would she be able to lead them correctly? Would she know what to do in certain situations? She wondered about this but noticed that her fellow knights were already giving her some advice and helping her out so maybe there was nothing to worry about for now.

One of the men who seemed to butt heads with another spoke after her and then said another name which she then caught a hold of. So the man who use to be a mercenary is named Dante. That name seems to fight a man like him. Valindra was still a little wary of Dante but he made his intentions clear that he was not in favor of hurting a fellow comrade so she did not think any more on the subject. The man who said Dante’s name started talking to Amanda again and he showed her his respect which was something admirable. Sometimes woman are often treated with disrespect just because they are woman. A lot of human males seem to treat woman like they were not equals and it is nice to know that not all men act this way. She had a good feeling about this trip and hopefully there would be no issues with any knights.

The other knights were getting excited and they seemed antsy to leave just like she might seem to appear as well because in all truth she was wanting to go just as much as they did. This was the best piece of news she has received all year. She was finally going to be able to do something about this terrible thing that has plagued her family and everyone in the kingdoms. She could hear Dante and the other knight talking about strategies and what to do on this trip. She decided to just listen instead of pitch ideas as they seemed to know what they were talking about. There was no need for her to say anything. Amanda then told them to prepare themselves and grab anything they might need and to meet back up in a half an hour if they needed it. Valindra took this moment to think if she needed anything. She took all of her stuff with her on her hunting trip and she did not think she forgot anything but just to be sure she brought her left hand to her right shoulder and slide her tiny bag strap down and took her bag that was hidden underneath the boar pelt and looked to see if she had everything.

In her bag she had some ointment made by her mother to help with curing wounds. She also had a couple of small smiting tools that could help and maintain weapons. She also had a couple of food items in there like some fruit she found out in the forest of the kingdom and also other neat little things to help her with hunting like cutting tools, strings for traps, and some flint stones for making fire. Just small things that would help with surviving in the wild. She had all three of her axes strapped in near her lower back where her belt was at and so she did not have to worry about her weapons. She had a jug of water in her bag as well but it was half empty and she needed to refill it on the way to the kingdom for sure. But since they were heading out into the woods she assumed that they could stop by a river they saw.

Once she made sure she had everything she put her bag back on her bag and carefully adjusted it so the boar pelt was hiding it again. It just felt better for her to hide her bag just in case they ran into thieves or to keep the insects and other creatures out. After everyone seem to be done talking she offered up her own idea which she actually just had right at this moment. “If I may suggest something…” “If we are going through the forest my hometown is not far from here and we could stay there for a night.” “If we left right now we should be able to make it there right as the sun sets.” “My village is in the middle of the Kingdoms giant forest and my people would gladly offer a place for us to rest and stock up if you needed any supplies.” Valindra said trying to be helpful to her comrades. She could even offer to help fix any weapons they needed fix or make any if she had any spare materials left at her home. She hoped maybe they would take her up on this offer as she would love to tell her mother the good news and she would not mind getting some more herbs and ointment that could help her comrades. If she was to make this journey she would not want anyone to be harmed and she wanted to make sure she did whatever she could to help their survival because who knows what could be out there waiting for them.​
Arashi was...pleased to say the least. He wasn't one that liked to stand by idle so all the waiting around had started to rub him the wrong way. To be honest it was possible that was the reason he had clashed with Dante in the first place. His patience had started wearing thin making him quite irritated. That and he didn't like his stupid face. Probably because he couldn't see most of it. Whatever, he just assumed it was stupid. That was enough for him. Regardless though, their new commander had finally given them orders. Admittedly he was a little apprehensive about the girl leading to begin with, but so far she had shown that she was already so much better than a lot of the recent commanders. Instead of simply raising morale and marching them off out of the gates like an idiot, she remained logical and gave her new troops a chance to better prepare themselves for the trials that they would surely face.

Arashi, not expecting such a full scale mission was at the time under equipped. Something he lamented upon after hearing about how others (such as Dante) were already prepared. He had gotten accustomed to the recent missions of simple escorts or retrieval details that didn't take him very far from home so he hardly ever needed to take anything with him. He cursed a little under his breath. He didn't want to appear complacent to the others due to him being currently unprepared. But in the end he needed his stuff. So, biting his lip he gave a small bow towards Amanda.

"I am sorry," he said honestly "I will be excusing myself momentarily as to adequately prepare for the coming mission. I will be as swift as I can so as to not keep you and the group waiting." With that said, he turned quickly and headed for his room to pack his travelling gear and supplies. As he excused himself from the group, he noticed that some of the others, already being ready, started to busy themselves. The archer in the group openly voiced that he too needed to grab some other supplies, which unspoken made him feel a little better about his own situation but seeing Dante start to sharpen his equipment whilst waiting for everyone else was needless to say...annoying. He also noticed that the girl with the boar helmet had started double checking her own supplies. Arashi smiled.

So far, things were looking promising for his group. Members had double checked equipment and then even started talking strategy and formation, something he had not heard in quite a while. The only group missions he was ever present for were missions with authority drunk Knights that thought their way was the only way, when in fact they could have potentially completed their mission without nearly as many risks should they have properly addressed a travelling formation. Arashi really dislike those kinds of missions. But, it seemed he needn't worry about that on this particular one. He was correct earlier, everyone indeed so far seemed competent, which was pleasing. He was going to add his own two cents to his thoughts of strategy but resigned that course of action due to him needing to go and pack. He was sure someone was at least somewhat familiar of his abilities, or at least have enough knowledge to place him in a certain position within the group. If they didn't well...he could tell them later.

He had finally left the courtyard and traversed through the Knights stronghold. The sun had risen considerably since they had all gathered. The first streaks of light had finally started shning its way through the sleeping Brothers and Sisters windows and as Arashi walked, he found that there were many more Knights wandering around compared to when he had departed his chambers earlier in the morning. After climbing a few flights of stairs, walking down a few corridors and hallways, Arashi made it back to his bedroom. His room was now fully lit making finding his things much easier. He stood in the doorway for a moment thinking about what he would need. He already had Kiba strapped by his side so that was no issue and he wasn't one for armor so he needn't worry about that either. Most of the travelling items he needed were already in his pack, which hung patiently upon his wall. The black eyed young man walked up to it, took it down and gently placed it on the bed. He opened it up and looked at the contents within. A sleeping bag, a spare change of clothes, his whetstone, some bottles of water, some bandages and a few spare rations of food.

He took a moment once more to double check to see if that was all he needed. Arashi glanced around his room and looked towards his desk. Perhaps some entertainment for his down time? He walked up to his desk and took picked up the book he was working in, the book he was reading as well as a quill and some ink and carefully placed it into one his bags side pockets. He then took from one of the drawers of the desk a wooden flute and carefully placed that within the confines of his bag as well. Despite often being energetic and heated, Arashi found solace in the simple things such as reading, writing and music. Although, he was far more recluse about the latter. He hardly ever played for anyone besides himself and often did it as a way to overcome certain moral or emotional strife.

Feeling as if he was now adequately prepared, Arashi picked up his bag and made for the door. However, he only got halfway before stopping and going into his cupboard. He reached in and from the very back picked up a leather case with a handle protruding from the top. He attached the leather case around his left leg, which his robes kindly covered. It's prime purpose was to serve as an extra blade for hunting should Arashi not wish to use his sword but it often came in handy for battle as well. What person expects a swordsman to pull a knife right? After firmly clasping the dagger onto his leg, he spied an apple on his dresser, which he took before finally leaving the room. He shut and locked the door behind him before making his way back using the path as he did before.

When he arrived back at the courtyard with his bag now comfortably sitting on his back, he found that the others were still sitting there and waiting. He once again gave a curt bow.

"I apologize if I have kept you waiting. But I am now ready to venture forth."

He rejoined the group and gave a warm smile. He was feeling rather excited about the whole ordeal now despite the dangers that were patiently waiting for them. He was unsure as to whether they had finished talking tactics or not but thought it best to not press on it. He knew he would be told his position soon enough. However, looking at his new leader an old tradition came to mind.

"Um, Lady Heartborn," Arashi began "First off, how would you like us to address you? You are our commander at the moment so when referring to you what would be the name you prefer? Commander, Captain, Boss? I know there are some that would prefer their own names being used but I find that...unsettling as I never end up getting close enough with them personally for that," Arashi explained. He paused for a second before continuing on.

"And secondly, would you like us to swear our oaths to you?" It was at this point that Arashi's gaze was fixed upon her. He wanted to know how seriously she took this. Many a commander he had worked under were casual. There was nothing wrong with that but when push came to shove, their lack of assertiveness, drive and overall leaderships skills cost the lives of many good men and women. He wanted to make sure that the one he was now following was not the same.

"Correct me if I am wrong as I have only been a member of the order for a few years, but when a group such as ours ventures to a place of unknown dangers, tradition states that those within the party are required to swear their oaths once again to the commanding officer."

Arashi was a prideful man, that much was clear from his little clash with Dante earlier. But, he was not so prideful that he would turn against his superior. No, if anything he wanted to swear to her. He wanted to assure her, those around him, and himself as well that he, just like them, all fought and bled under the same banner. Despite their pasts and differences, they were now all Knights of Blue. Comrades.
Istella & Tristan

Ah, the pre-mission equipment check. Istella had all of her accessories on her person nearly all of the time, though perhaps she didn't carry her weapons around with her in casual society. But now she checked herself over, Tooth was strapped to her back, its long, curved blade folded nearly flat against the handle, thanks to a clever hinge set where the two met, while Nail was securely fastened to her right arm, as usual. Her jagged-edged shortsword sheathed at her waist, a variety of daggers holstered across the enrite length of her body, in her boot, strapped behind her shoulders, around her belly. She admittedly felt a little envious of Dante's collection, he had a much more extensive variety, but she wondered if he could match her own tenacity and creativity with them. No matter, they'd have the chance to find out soon enough, she was sure. Istella's more mundane items were rather standard, flask of water here, small bundle of torches there, a small hard-wooded box filled with a few bottles of ink and a feather quill to accompany her journal, among other basic accouterments all neatly fitted and compacted into the leather knapsack she had slung over her shoulder.

Now she was ready to go, and looking around, so were the majority of the rest of the party. Dante and Arashi had finally stopped glaring daggers at each other, probably because they had their hands full with real daggers to notice. Amanda had given a mandate for all to prepare and then join her in waiting, but Istella was too impatient to simply seat herself until the rest of the group was ready. Instead, she decided to converse with the Boar-girl standing next to her, whose name she had not yet caught, and while she tried to disguise her eagerness to get started, she had a feeling it would show through in some way. "So, your village, huh? That's kind of a ways away from Tha, don't you think? Where did you say you were from?" Suddenly piling on these questions made Istella feel like she was interrogating the poor girl, not getting to know her, 'Way to be socially inept again, Istella'. So she instead tried to strike up a cheery tone, "I'm sorry, I got a little carried away there. I'm Istella, what did you say your name was?"

Tristan felt some small joy in his heart when Amanda acknowledged him. Tristan, often shunned by any who saw him, had the innocence and gentleness of a lamb, and though he could not fully express himself in this form, he knew that his actions conveyed his meaning far more than his clumsy words could. His allegiance and loyalty affirmed, he sidled his way to his sister's side, the only place he ever truly felt safe, and while his actions may have been child-like, his figure said otherwise, and his imposing armour clanked noisily as his feet crossed the cobblestones in his sister's direction. She was attempting to converse with the girl who wore a pelt, Tristan knew it to be one of the Great Boar, a fierce creature whose defeat was not so easy to achieve and an accomplishment all of its own. While a protector of nature, due to his clericism, Tristan also understood the nature of the hunt, and that such hunting was all part of the balance and not some crime to be abhorred. As his sister failed to make a first impression, Tristan spoke up in her stead, "Boar strong, powerful. You hunt it? You stronger. How you called?"

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Derrick, hearing what the note actually said, started laughing, saying words after he was done laughing, "Next time lass try telling us what it's about. Don't us hold us in suspense!" soon realizing he probably looked liked an idiot for laughing on a non-joke comment, he just simply shrugged it off and sighed. He didn't particularly care really, he just thought it was funny. Clearing his through to compose himself, he began talking again in response to Amanda's comment "While I don't really have much food or water to offer, I can supply us some books so we don't get extremely bored on the trip. Don't have them on me though, I'll need to get them obviously. I have tons of books so any suggestions?" Derrick asked his fellow Brothers and Sisters with the intent on being helpful.

Turning his head to Marcus, all he could do was sigh,
"That joke was so bad that it was shocking" Derrick spouted, countered Marcus's awful pun with his own. Though, the more he thought about it... Marcus or rather any of them knew that he could use electric magic... something he was going to tell the group before he was interrupted. "Oh well, I'm sure I'll get the chance to show them my skills... though, maybe not in ways I fear."

Agreeing with the woman in the boar helm, he turned his head in her direction and began to speak, "I see nothing wrong with that idea. I quite like it, you have my full support!" Derrick stated, having a very cheering attitude "By the by, my name is Derrick Funke, I don't think we got the change to introduce ourselves." Derrick told her, with a smile on his face, turning around to see Tristan to come up behind him to talk with the woman. At first he was intimidated to see a giant man come up from behind him, but calmed once he made small talk with the woman. "Yep Tristan, she definitely looks strong, I bet she will save my neck a few times... if we are unfortunate to get into a fight of course... doubt that will happen however." Derrick finished, only looking at the woman to wait for a response.


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Once the order was given, a few left, and a few remained. It seemed that her statement at questions was taken rather seriously as multiple came her way. It was slightly overwhelming. But she figured as long as she took them one at a time, it would be fine.

@One Mean Ghost

Dante, was the first to speak up. He seemed quite thrilled at the thought of leaving the confined walls of Tha. Other's not so much. It was refreshing to see someone eager to get out. Thinking his question over for a moment, she nods. "More than likely, our faster fighter's will be in the front to be able to respond quickly to any threat. Our larger more defense driving fighter's in the back to prevent any sort of sneak attack. Though, every formation will bring flaw's. There is no such thing as a perfect strategy. We will have to adjust as we go, and as we adapt to the battlefield if it comes down to it." She thinks out loud. Nobody here knew exactly what was out there. Their strategy would adjust as needed. "I appreciate the input though! Anything helps." She finishes with a smile. Then, turning to the next knight prepares to answer the next question.


The next to speak up was Marcus, building upon the idea of their strategy. Shaking her head, she disagree's. "
It's a good idea, but I would never put a fellow knight out into the unknown alone. We will travel as a pack. If certain circumstances call for it, then we will send two scouts ahead of the main group." It would make them a larger and more easily tacked target, but they would be together and a larger force would prove to be more powerful. If the scout was attacked, the main force would have to rush ahead to aid, if they even knew. If the main force was attacked, it leaved the scout separated between the group and the enemy force. "Thank you, for your input." She says with a small bow. Turning to the next knight.


It seemed that the large boar spoke after all. It was nice to see her speak. A smile remained on Amanda's face as she listened to her sister speak. A village would be much to their advantage. A place to rest, re-arm, and re-stock on essentials. With a nod, Amanda replies to the question. "
Excellent! As long as your village is willing to shelter us we can use all the help we can get. Please keep me informed as we travel as to how close we are. Thank you." This was outstanding. Sleeping in the village would prove to be more safe than in a camp with tents and someone on watch. But, she could only hope that the village still stood. It was a slight possibility that it was all gone. What then? How would her sister react? How would she address it? Scenario's filled her head, and how she would deal with them.


Whilst thinking about the possibility's at hand, she had not noticed that Arashi had left, and come back in the time she had used to answer questions. "Um, Lady Heartborn." The quote caught her off guard. "
Lady?" She thinks to herself. The last time someone had called her by the traditional method was far beyond what she could remember. It was strange, but slightly exciting to have her title suddenly return to her. So he knew? Or was it a slip of the tongue? Well aware of how she could act rather 'lady' like most of the time, she supposed it could be obvious at times that she was of noble birth. Old habits died hard, as they say. But deep down she was down and dirty. Not afraid to get dirt on her hand's. A small chuckle comes from her. "That's quite alright Brother. Amanda is quite fine by me. No need for such formalities if we are to travel together. But, if it is comforting to you. You may call me whatever you wish." She concludes. The next question also caught her off guard slightly. This man. He was very noble to the code it seemed. The thought had completely slipped her mind. Normally, before knights would venture outside the walls they would swear their oath once more to the lord commander. But, he was in no such position to take the oaths. With a nod, she responds. "No, you are correct. Normally, tradition states that we do. I suppose we are in no such state to break said tradition. Please do." She concludes.

With that, she sees no other questions arise as other knights were busy engaged in conversation between one another. Taking a deep breath, she looks down at her feet. This was going to be hard. It would be hard to keep moral up. To keep the Knights happy, and hopeful. To keep things in line. But most of all, it would be hard to keep everyone liking her as a leader. And combat. What were they up against? How powerful was their enemy? How would they fight? If they lost a Brother, or Sister. How would the party cope? What if.. She fell? Would they continue their mission in her absence? Or leave her to bleed on the cold ground.. There was no such thing as a perfect leader. Some would gladly follow her, others perhaps would rather see her head on a spike. Only time would tell if she had what it took to lead. For the sake of those who stood before her she hoped so. Her first decisions as a leader had just been made in these conversations between her and the other knights. Hopefully she didn't come off as most of the other officer's.
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Dante went through the rather arduous process of reconcealing his daggers now that they were adequately sharpened as he listened to her address the concerns. "If it helps... I can come in handy as a scout" Dante spoke up again. He stood up and dusted himself off before his eyes closed, magic circles appearing under his feat as he slowly rose into the air. "Hermes' Stride is the one magic I am quite adept at. I can get a bird's eye view of what lays ahead at any time" He remarked rising to ten feet in the air, feeling that no more was needed for the demonstration.

As he lowered himself to the ground, he heard Arashi mention swearing an oath to the leader in charge. "Well then... that is one tradition I didn't know existed here... Then again, the groups I have been put into before didn't stand tall on tradition" He remarked shaking his head as his feet touched the ground. He walked over to her once again, his form rather imposing, especially given the mask he never seemed to remove.

"Back when I was a mercenary, we had something like that we did. Few took it seriously, but I always did." he remarked, drawing out a dagger. "If this goes against what you know, forgive me, but take it for what it is" he murmured, closing his eyes as he held the blade in his left hand.

He held his right hand palm up, and slowly dragged the blade across his palm so it bled freely, before repeating the process on his left hand. He sheathed the dagger before he spoke. "For my Commander, these hands will spill the blood of those who stand against us." He spoke clearly, his eyes staring intently into hers as he turned his palms over so the blood dripped onto the ground. "To your leadership, I surrender my voice, my mind, my body, and my life." With each statement, he touched the blood to a part of himself. Upon his lips, through the hood, his blood formed an 'x', symbolizing he would not speak against her. On his forehead a line was drawn horizontally, representing his mind opening up to her words. Next, a line of blood was dragged down his torso directly down the middle, representing his body, to be wielded as her weapon. Lastly, he pressed his bloody palm to his breast, as a final reminder that he was giving her command over his life, and possibly, his death.

"Commander Amanda, All that I am is at your command. My blood now rests on your head" He reached up, slowly drawing a circle on her forehead in his blood. All this time, his gaze never left hers. Those piercing eyes never seemed to stop gazing through her to her very soul. He took this seriously. Dante may very well be a monster, but he was a monster with honor, and only those against him need fear him.

After several tense seconds, he finally stepped away from her and broke the gaze, turning to sit back where he was, producing bandages from his pocket to start wrapping his hands. Only once he was in the process of wrapping up his hands did he speak again. "Sorry if that came off a bit weird. Mercenaries have a rather morbid sense of humor!" he laughed as if nothing had happened as he finished bandaging his hands. "But you did say we should keep up traditions" he shrugged, his eyes looking up at her with a gleam of humor to them, betraying a slight smile his mask hid.

Of course, he didn't realize his tradition probably differed GREATLY from that of a normal Knight....

@Ellie the Knight

Valindra Mithariyl

After Valindra was done getting ready a woman next to hear who commented early not to stress about the letter walked towards her. The woman asked her many things which did not really bother Valindra but it did slightly make her feel a bit shy. She really did not talk too much to some of her fellow Knights while she has been here for almost three years. But it is really hard to socialize when you are just so busy doing things for the kingdom. This made her feel slightly bad and she hoped to make up for that loss of bonding. After listening to what her fellow knight whose name she now knew as Istella. She heard that name somewhere before but she could not figure out where she heard that name. She thought for a moment while the knight waited for her to speak. She then remembered that she heard some of the town’s folk talk about her saying that she was strong or something. Valindra could not really remember but if people were talking about this woman it usually meant the person was strong or worth talking about.​

Now that she was happy about figuring out where she heard the name from she responded to Istella. “Oh it is fine I understand wanting to know a comrade better if you’re going to be with them for a while.” “My name is Valindra.” “And about where my village is located it is kind of faraway but we could make it there on horseback in about one day or maybe two it really depends if we bump into anything. It is located in the big forest north east of the Kingdom of Tha. If you have a map on you I can show you the exact location.” Before she could give the name of her village the big man she saw earlier who was standing between Dante and the other man came up to her and asked her about the boar pelt that was rested neatly on her head and upper back. She smiled at him softly as he seemed like a kind and gentle spirited man.​

“Yes I hunted this myself.” “It was my first big encounter with anything of this size.” “I brought it back to my…” she paused for a second as she thought about her father who she worried about for almost three years now before giving a weak smile and continuing her sentence. “My father who skinned it and made it as a type of armor I wear.” “I wore it for a while so I could hide my scent and make it easier to hunt wild animals if I needed food.” “But after a while the scent of course wore off but it is… precious to me so I continue to wear it.” She really did not understand his other question. She was not sure if he was asking her about her name or if she had a title of sorts. She decided to try to answer it and if she misunderstood him it would make her slightly embarrassed. “My name is Valindra and if I may ask what is your name?” “And if you’re asking if I have a title I don’t think I really have one to be honest.”

Then again another knight approached her and seemed to like her idea about visiting her village and she nodded in response. He also introduced himself as Derrick and he of coursed asked for her name which she politely gave to him. “My name is Valindra it is a pleasure to meet you.” After their introductions were done with Derrick agreed with the giant man who was named Tristan. Well it seemed like she did not need to know his name now as Derrick had just mentioned it. She was a bit shy and did not say anything about the comment made on her being strong because she was taught to be modest and not to be cocky and boost about her strength so she just thanked them and hoped that she could live up to their standards.

Finally the man who went to go prepare himself came back and was ready to go it seemed. But what he said kind of caught Valindra off guard. She did not know about the swearing one’s oath to a minor leader. She understood she was to be the leader of the party but she was not the main commander nor the King so it would feel weird to swear to someone who was not that high in the ranks right? Humans did things so weird. Valindra was raised by her father who was human but he did not act like the humans who lived here. For the most part she was raised by her mother and the culture of the elves. In the elves eyes if you are worthy to follow or respect they would simply prove their loyalty by how they acted in either everyday things or in battle. But when she came to the kingdom she understood that swearing her oath to someone like a King or a Commander of many people was necessary since her father often talked about the knights. So Valindra did not partake in an oath swearing like the Knight was doing. Then finally Amanda their Leader finally was done thinking about what everyone told her and she responded to them. When Amanda finally looked over at Valindra and smiled she gave her answer about stopping by her village. She agreed that might be a great idea and Valinra nodded. “I will of course let you know how far away we are when we hit the road,” she said respectfully.

Now it seemed like another knight was giving his oath and it was Dante this time. She did not expect to see him do this as he used to be a mercenary and seemed like the type who was not at all into this sort of thing. And what came at an even more of a shock was how he did his oath. He cut himself and did the oath in blood. That was something she never expected a man like him to do. This was not something to take lightly. Her father talked about this sort of thing happening when a man truly puts his loyalty in someone. And this man who everyone has misjudged has just shown that he will be loyal to the cause regardless of his past and that right there is something Valindra really respected. Even if it was not to her the fact that he did that was very honorable. Her views on Dante changed right then and there and she knew deep down inside that a man could never betray an oath made like that and had a feeling that Dante would never betray them.

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