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Realistic or Modern Prehistoric Isle: A dinosaur RP


King of Prehistory
My characters


Name: William Sanderson

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 1.8 meters

Profession: CEO of prehistoric Isle

Reason for coming: Works here

History: William had always been interested in prehistoric life, and when he found out about a computer that could basically reconstruct an extinct animals genome, he wrote to investors, asking for money to buy the system so he could create the ultimate wildlife experience, prehistoric Isle, now he is extremely rich.


Name: Albert, Al for short

Species Allosaurus

Age: 7

Length 8 m

Height 2 m

Weight 1.8 tons

Appearance: Yellow with white stripes and a red head

Gender: Male

History: Was created and put on display with 3 other allosaurus individuals in November 2025, shortly after the park opened. His previous keeper quit after Albert nearly killed him after being teased by him with meat on the end of a skewer

Other:He is reasonably docile for a carnivore and usually won't attack unless hungry or provoked, he hates being teased, so visitors are instructed to keep food out of his sights.
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