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Fantasy Powerful Magic


The Red Fire
Before the world was fully formed, there were forces incomprehensible to man. These forces controlled everything that is, and that which isn't yet. These forces came together at one point in time, for days weren't even a thought yet, and created what is known as Earth. They created all that surrounds humanity, but they all put something special in the world, things that unbalanced the world. To remake the balance, they gave special powers to humans, making the 'Chosen' ones stronger than a normal human or a 'Touched' human. Each 'Chosen' used their powers to protect, but soon, human nature corrupted the powers. Religions were created, 'Chosen' idolized, wars were started over strength. Each of the Chosen then went to their homes, were they were most comfortable, and things calmed. But, something is stirring, Chosen are getting anxious, things must happen. Who knows what will happen?


Because of fighting, the planet has separated nearly equally into the elements.

The farthest North is the Ice Domain, the coldest domain to those who don't know how to live there.

Farther South is the Mountainous region that is fought for by both the Storm and Wind people. It constantly storms there, and every once in a while, the wind speeds become so strong, going outside becomes impossible.

In the East is the Forests. This is a favorite of those that are rejected from their original domain, and is filled with houses that stay in the trees and don't touch the ground.

In the West is the Plains. It is also known as the Earth Domain, and is mostly flat. The Twin of Light is most often seen here.

The farthest South is mostly jungles, leading to volcanoes. The volcanoes are the Fire Domain, and the Jungles are in a constant fight to stay neutral, it has no ruling Chosen, although it's rumored the Twin of Dark claims it as home.

In each domain is a river or lake of some kind, but in the center of all these domains is an ocean. Known as the Water Domain, the ocean has islands that almost all have a city on them.

If you see this, put Reborn in your CS


This shouldn't be too surprising, just don't be too powerful, don't be perfect, and know the RPnation rules.


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Things were quiet. Nothing had bothered to think of a war for years. But the winds have changed, storms rage more often, fires flare. All the Chosen have been reborn, they have come into awareness all at once. Each of the elements have found their champions, and each element yearns for war.


The jungles were quieter than usual. He could feel them, the others. He drops down from a tree, using the vines and leaves to slow his fall to the bottom. When he reached the bottom, he started to walk out towards the plains, hopefully, that was where he was going to meet his twin, and hopefully the others too, he needed to... say some things to them.
Luna looked around, a book stuck in her hand. She was at the base of the mountain, reading peacefully. She closed her eyes and breathed in, taking in the scent of fresh air and running water. She was sitting next to a waterfall, or underneath it would be the correct term, reading her favorite book, making sure water didn't get on the pages.
Gwyneira, or Eira for short, stood huddled in the shade of a glade. The plains were much warmer than the Ice Domain, and she was almost at her limit for high temperatures. A dark cloak covered most of her body, her chin barely visible in the hooded cloak. She needed to find a source of water as soon as possible, or she'd wither like an uprooted plant in the desert. She stared across at the endless plains, the harsh sun burning down on the grass.
Alex looked over the fire and jungle domain from the cave of his volcano. He would be heading towards the plains where everyone else would be meeting. Fire surrounded his body and he was in a calm demeanor right now and wanted to keep it as he walked down to the plains. Some of the plants around him shriveled up from the immense that he gave off as he walked through the jungle. He reached the plains and just continued to wander until he saw another reborn or the meeting area where they are all supposed to meet.
Luna sighed and closed her book, standing in front of the waterfall. She split it down the middle and started walking across the water, her feet landing delicately over the surface of the small ripples. She saw some singed and slightly burning plants so she coated them with water and hopped onto the bank of the river, walking towards the alleged meeting place.
Conner stood at the meeting place, in his domain. A almost crazy gleam was in his eye. So, his "brother" wanted a word did he? Well he needed to talk to the fire mage. He had an interesting proposal. Also with him, were a few of his more dedicated followers, dressed all in white, armor and cloth, with a golden sun burst emblazened on their chest.
Gwyneira sighed. She really hated the overly warm sun with a passion, if she stayed in it any longer, she would melt like a snowman. Of all the places, why the plains? A place with barely and shade except for the few glades scattered around, and a dry, hot breeze. She raised an eyebrow when she spotted someone surrounded by fire, standing right under the sun. Fire was always a dramatic element, flashy, and the worst of all, way too hot. She stood near the edge of the glade, waiting for the other to notice her.
Conner stood in thought, the Dedicated behind him almost blinding to look at. Everything was coming together. His following has grown and pledged their lives to hin, believing he is a god. Those that could not fight or refused to he ordered to build his citadel. The Light needed a source, and a white citadel would be that source. War was coming, and he was ready.
Kevin comes over the hill, annoyed at the amount of people that his brother brought with him. "Couldn't come alone, could you." His body was seemingly cloaked in shadows, although most of his features were visible. "Not confident enough with your fighting abilities? Of course, your disciples will only be cannon fodder here." He gives a sly smile.
"Yes, but enough can clog the cannons." Conner replied. These people came on their own, albeit he just happened to have enough supplies to keep them fed. As for the matter the matter of his fighting ability, he should know better than to question him. All he had to do was look at his own ability for the answer.
Alex kept walking until he saw what looked like the Ice mage staring at him from across the way. He gave a quick shout, "Hope it isn't to hot for you here. I'll see you at the meeting place." He kept walking towards the meeting place until he saw two other mages there. Obviously one of them was the light mage from all his little disciples that are so enthralled by his power. " It's nice to see you two guys again. How many people have died for your cause so far Connor. Sorry if it is too hot for you guys here."
"Not at all." Conner replied to Alex. As for the deaths of his disciples,the war has not started. But of course he thought that last part. "It is so nice to see you again Alex. Once this meeting is over, I would like a word with you in private." Conner knew the war was coming, probably why his brother wished to talk to them all. In a war, those with allies stand a better chance.
"Why don't we just talk about it right now real fast. I saw the Ice mage not far down there but I don't know when the rest will be here. We still have some time, but if you want to wait until after. That's okay too, how's that great citadel of yours coming along. I haven't been to your neck of the woods in a while now."
Luna looked at all of them talk together. She sighed, drawing out an orb of water and splitting it into small little orbs the size of marbles and twirling them around her fingers as she listened to them talk like friends. She sat down and continued twirling them. So far this was dry and boring, literally. They were in a desert.
"The White Citadel grows with each day as more and more volunteer their services." replied Conner. He would wait on the meeting being over to speak with him. "And how has your plans gone?" he asks, trying to have a polite conversation. His followers shifted uneasily in the saddle, causing leather to creak in the near silence.
I've gained a good following as well. I have helped to train some good guards to help keep the crime down in my cities. It is th emost peace that area has seen for a good time now. We have little poor people and have a good trading system. The people are a little trouble from time to time though and we have to show them some lessons some time. They know not what to do and they understand just perfectly. Some of my men will be showing up in a minute or two, just to make sure that nothing happens. Well speak of that here they come." Some of Alex's followers, just like Connors had showed up. good three of Alex's best soldiers had arrived in their armor. It was a dark black color like the ashes of their kingdom and in the middle of their chest was a torch emblazed with a bright red torch marking the symbol of their kingdom. "Now, we just need the storm mag and this meeting might b starting soon
"Enforcing the law is always important. Sadly, however, even the most dedicated do not obey all the time." Conner told Alex. And it was true, some did not follow the law 100% of the time. But with the punishments quickly set them back onto the right path. Then he saw his guard came. Heavily armored troops that could cut down most of his own men before going down themselves. But he had more, and faith can be a powerful weapon.
"Well the meeting is going to be starting soon I presume. Everyone is here except for the Storm mage I think, Well I'll talk to you after the meeting. I'm going to head off know to my spot, let's hope fighting doesn't breakout during this meeting. Come on men, lets go." Alex headed towards a little clearing that was a few yards from Connor and his men and stood at attention with them until the meeting was going to begin.
Gywneira rolled her eyes as she heard the boy call out to her. It was obviously to hot for her on the plains, with the way she covered every inch of her skin with her cloak. She readjusted her glasses which rested on her nose, continuing on her journey to the meeting point through the shade of the glades. She mostly kept to herself as she arrived, too distracted because of the hot weather to focus on things for a long period of time. Most of the mages were already there, and no one else appeared to be too bothered by the weather.
Rowan stood a ways off simply observing . He was tempted to attack, the land may technically be Earth and Lights domain but the plains teemed with life which he itched to use as a weapon. Still meetings like this where to intresting to pass up. Straightening Rowan took his spear from the ground and observed the length of Sandbox topped with a piece of iron wood coated in a layer of poison derived from a combination of wolfsbane and angels trumpet. Spikes ran down the entire length of the spear and only a small leather bound handle was exempt. Planting the butt of the ornate weapon in the ground Rowan began to traverse the open plain towards the figures. When he was a few hundred yards away he called out. “It speaks of a certain lack of skill, bravery,or intelligence for whoever brought acolytes to such a meeting.”
Gwyneira rolled her eyes and sighed at the miniature army some of the Chosen had brought with them. As if this place wasn't noisy enough already, and they just needed more people to heat up the temperature. Some of the people had enough hot air without crazed fanatics adding to it. Desert. Plains. Sun. Hahaha. Definitely her favorite place to come for a meeting, no matter how important it was. Why couldn't have the meeting been in somewhere cooler, the Water Domain, or even the Forests would've been more preferable. "Bravery, skill, and intelligence aren't the only factors. Evidence points to inflated egos and a lack of confidence." She was irritated and it showed in her words.
Kevin knew it was time to start, otherwise someone would get a bit too angry, and a war right now was not preferable. Kevin made sure to stand on the opposite side of Connor, his traditional spot. "I summoned all of you to speak about what is happening. Obviously you have felt it all too, the changes in the world. And some of your actions," he glares at Connor and Alex, "Seem almost to provoke the humans into our war." He looks around, the Ice and Water Chosen seemed to be most effected by their meeting, but this was the best place to be with no worry about an ambush. When he speaks again, all the shadows in the area seem to waver a little towards him. "The elements are pushing us to war as much as we are, and we must agree to terms of war." He looks at the disciples that Connor brought, they seemed prepared to die for their Chosen, but did they know that Light and Dark was connected? So would they try to kill me if I attacked?
When alex had heard what Kevin had spoke of, he knew It was true and that the time was coming for a war. Alex as still trying to figure out why Connor wanted to talk to him about after the meeting but lost focus on that and continued to listen to Kevin talk. Alex was prepared to talk after Kevin had finished talking and he saw a little nervous look on kevin and he must of been thinking about something important after that. "We all knew this war was going to be coming, but we have to be careful though wth all the civilians that don't want any part of the war. We don't need unessecary casulaties of innocent people. I'm all for the war but there have to be some rules to it so we don't become savages like those damn humans want us to be."
"Do not involve thise that do not wish to be involved. I'm guessing that is the rule you are talking about? Leave the small villages and the city states that do not march towards war alone." Conner said. This would appease almost everybody, and this little meeting would be over and he could talk to Alex.

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