• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom Power Rangers SauruSiege


Undesputed king of the dinosaurs
There is LIMITED Availability Roles are first come first serve

The Role Call

Mentor- TyranntX - Cyra

Red- TyranntX - Kevin - Tyrannosaurus

Yellow - Lady Insanity- Sarah - Velociraptor

Green - PenBlade1326 - John - Triceratops

Blue - PenBlade1326 - Isaac - Pteranodon

Teal - Open

Black - EclipseRising - Alexis - Allosaurus

White - ThatGuyWithSouvalki - Liling -Europlocephalus

Purple - JW Suzusihi - Milo - Dilophosaurus

Pink - Lady Insanity - Lucy - Maiasaura

Gold - Phineas Forge - Albert - Argentinosaurus

Silver - AnarckyReins - Arcus - Mosasaurus

Orange - Open


Leader- Tyrannt X - Lord Krun

Squire- Open

General- Open

Scientist- Open

Iridescent Ranger - JW Suzusihi - ? - (Zord Classified)

Those that have the word "Open" can be given one to any one who picks it. but needless to say its first come first serve. also the Mentor dose not get a zord. Those that have the word "Fixed are open but can not be given a dinosaur zord other than the one given already. and those that have a name by them can not be taken as they already have.

the sign up sheet.

Name: What is Your Character's name?

Age: How old is your character? (yes rangers CAN be older than one another, some are over 10,000 for crying out loud!)

Gender: Are you male or female?

Occupation: what is your Ranger, when they are not a ranger? or what WERE they

Power: all rangers have a particular power that can only be activated X number of times per fight, what's yours?(keep it balanced)

Color: what ranger are you?

Zord: what is your Zord?

Weapon: what is your primary weapon? (must relate to your Zord)

Bio: What is your character like before and after they became a ranger?
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Name: Liling "Lily" Xiao

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Occupation: College Student/Actress

Power: In cases her in spiked armor providing her with added protection and greater damage with hand to hand attacks

Color: white

Zord: Europlocephalus

Weapon: Europlocephalus tail mace

Bio: Came to America at the age to live with distance relatives due to parents wanting a better life and already having another child. She was ten at the time and barely speaking English and finding it difficult to learn. Due to this she barely had any friends making her shy and reserved, which stayed on with her even when she did manage to speak english near fluently. Only near the end of high school had she really come out of her shell make some friends and holds to them protectively. During this time growing up she found a keen interest in films, especially old martial art films both American and Chinese. This inspired her to take martial arts once and over the years she proved quite skilled and capable, if not winning taking a high spot in several tournemants. This role landed her a small part in a Hong Kong film a family friend wasmaking during one of her regular visits back home. It was something she never imagined herself doing and enjoyedimmensely despite it being a small part. She aimed to get into the business proper finding small roles here and there overthe years.

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