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Hello, Gupi here. I'm sixteen and female. That's my introduction. Nice and simple, you really don't want to know my life story.

The website I used to use for roleplaying has kind of fallen apart, and I've only been able to create ones with my close friends. Not that that is a bad thing, but I'd like the opportunity to work with characters I don't know back to front.

So, here are some things you should know if you want to roleplay with me.

• I consider myself a fairly advanced roleplayer. But that was by the old websites standards, honestly I'm not all that good. Also, I'm very lazy.

• If you don't have decent spelling (It doesn't have to be perfect), and a basic understanding of grammatical rules then I will not roleplay with you. Honestly, I'm not all that good myself with the spelling and stuff, but I'd like to be able to actually read your posts.

• I'm interested in all kinds of roleplays, really any genre, but I'd like a romance based one.

-Any kind of gender pairing is fine. Tell me which you'd prefer.

(M x F, M x M, F x F, NB x M, NB x F)

-I'm a little hesitant with F x F, personal reasons, but I'm open to it.

-I'm comfortable with any extent of romance. Specify your limit. Obviously stick within RpN's rules. If you want to do a roleplay where characters get more intimate then RpN will allow then this clearly isn't the website to do it, search somewhere else.

• I will play male and female characters. If you want to have a M x F pairing, please tell me your preferred gender and I'll play the opposite.

-I do have one genderfluid character (he/him pronouns), but he's a twin and I tend to only use the pair of them on open roleplays.

• I'm the type of person who has several stock characters, and I just slot in which ever one I feels fits the situation best. Because I've had these same characters for several years, I'm kind of extremely protective. So don't be mean to my babies and all

• I won't be online regularly. Every few days, once a week, once a fortnight, once a month- I don't know when I'll be on. I have things going on in my life, and roleplays can't be my priority. Even if I am on regularly I might not post for a while. If you aren't okay with this then don't roleplay with me.

Reply if interested, thank you.
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