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Fantasy Post-apocalyptic Fantasy [ Jump-in RP ! ]

Ivory jolted, sitting up in her bed. Looking around the room, she glanced and nothing had changed, she thought and imagined she was able to be free.

A shot echoed through the halls, she cringed and hugged her knees to her chest. What was happening? Why were there gunshots? Her usual curious self was outweighed by the scary feeling that something was going to happen. Another experiment? 

She hears footsteps which reluctantly stopped. Someone is coming! She held her breath, moving to the corner of her cell and not to be seen. Ivory closed her eyes, please no more experiments, as she silently worded a prayer. 

[@ZappiestAbyss I have little to no idea what I'm doing. But ... Ta~da]

Lucas opened the metal door to the girls room and saw you in the corner. Lucas heard running and ducked into your room. He closed the door silently and a minute later a man in a lab ran past the door before another gunshot went off and the running stopped. Heavy stomping was heard as a large shadowy figure went by. 

Lucas was breathing rapidly, running his hands through his electric blue hair. His bright blue eyes, that were somewhat visible in the dark room, looked at you. 

"Hey, do you have any idea what's going on?" He asked terrified. 
Lucas opened the metal door to the girls room and saw you in the corner. Lucas heard running and ducked into your room. He closed the door silently and a minute later a man in a lab ran past the door before another gunshot went off and the running stopped. Heavy stomping was heard as a large shadowy figure went by. 

Lucas was breathing rapidly, running his hands through his electric blue hair. His bright blue eyes, that were somewhat visible in the dark room, looked at you. 

"Hey, do you have any idea what's going on?" He asked terrified. 

Ivory shook her head, shuddering. Usually she would care about her looks and try to maintain her ginger and white streaked her hair. 

"No! No... I don't." She looks up at you with her gray eyes. "You're not going to hurt me? Who are you!" Ivory screeched. 

Another gun shot until it all fell silent. "Are we okay now?"

The Bone Collector contemplated the words, thinking about his own experiences with humans in this new world. They did seem to find things different from themselves hard to accept. Perhaps this kid had always had the power? And his father's odd testing had only made it stronger, was that why his Dark Master sought this young man? The Collector stared off, looking at the sky. His whirring mind was trying to make sense of these last few hours. His arrival in the town, coming across that tar girl. Finding the bird-girl and seeking her. Finding, instead, this scrap of a lad. Losing his prey. Gaining this odd companion.

The sigh that came from the Collector was another deep, satisfyingly awakening sigh. His hands rose and fingered at his throat as he thought of the catch pole and leash that had been used on himself at the hands of man. He knew their violent nature well; it had molded his own, after all. He'd not been like this before; as a young beast, he'd been kind; caring; even loving. Now he didn't hold love or affection. When he rutted, it was in violence; when he drew blade across flesh it was for fun. Man was an odd thing; dying as it was in this world, and still they clung to this idea they had the right to claim ownership over another. The shiver that coursed his body was not from cold, or fear. It was unbridled rage, and purpose renewed.

"I sshall leave vish plashe tonight." He wasn't sure why he told the kid. He could feel an angry pressure on his own skull, like something trying to crush him. "Zhish town 'as become too loud. I need to return to zhe Vild. Sheek shome clarity. Shpeak vizh my Mashter. I cannot do zhat 'ere." The pressure made him close his eyes, his long claws digging into the mass of disgusting dreadlocks, and giving a scratching massage to his scalp, to try and release so pressure. He'd go find that nice pale waterfall he'd seen before, on his way into this city; climb beneath its cascade and experience its chilling flow, freeing up his mind. Yes... that would become his plan now! He pressed his head back against the hard stones behind him, keeping his eyes closed, crossing his legs, and placing his hands, palm skywards, upon his knees. He hummed low, to drown out the buzzing in his skull.
Ivory shook her head, shuddering. Usually she would care about her looks and try to maintain her ginger and white streaked her hair. 

"No! No... I don't." She looks up at you with her gray eyes. "You're not going to hurt me? Who are you!" Ivory screeched. 

Another gun shot until it all fell silent. "Are we okay now?"

Lucas shushed you looking out the window sneakily before turning to you. 

"Just stay quiet and whisper to me. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise you. My name is Lucas, I'm a test subject like you. At least I hope you're like me." He said chuckling softly at the last part. "And no not yet, there're still people in the hallway. We should wait a bit more..." 
Lucas shushed you looking out the window sneakily before turning to you. 

"Just stay quiet and whisper to me. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise you. My name is Lucas, I'm a test subject like you. At least I hope you're like me." He said chuckling softly at the last part. "And no not yet, there're still people in the hallway. We should wait a bit more..." 

Ivory nodded, "I'm Ivory.." she whispered silently. She looks up at you with a small smile from the joke. Ivory scanned around and then whispered some more, "Why did you come over here? Won't they catch you?"

An easy, comfortable sort of peace had settled over Rua. Angry and full of violent thoughts as he was, mostly towards this creature, he still found the beasts presence to be a comfort. Rua wasn't ready to part ways with this creature, it didn't matter if it bit him or tossed him around, Rua was not yet ready to bid farewell. His jaw clenched, that body tensing a moment when the creature mentioned leaving tonight. The ghost, Noa, the being that only Rua saw, was delighted. He even whispered as much in Rua's ear, glad, telling the blonde that they had no use for the horrible creature anyway.

Rua lifted a hand and swatted near his shoulder, as if to smack at something close to his ear. His attempt to shush and shoo away his ghostly twin, then slowly the blonde stood. He went to collect his makeshift knife from where it lay on the ground, where he had lost his grip on it earlier. Rua picked it up and held it tightly, looking from it to the creature several times. As if trying to decide something. Something glinted in his eyes a moment, and a smile touched his lips as he poked his finger with that knife. "If you take me with you, I won't need to scar you for remembrance. After all, how can you forget someone if you keep them close?"

He lowered the knife, and moved back towards the creature. Settling himself on the floor so close that their bodies did touch, Rua inhaled deeply, laying that knife on the floor next to him as he slipped his other arm around the creature's. It was a hesitant motion, and probably a foolish thing to do, but Rua did not care. That head of blonde hair tilted a bit until it was resting against that creature's arm as well, his fingers gently playing at the fur that covered his companions arm. Rua definitely liked this creature, and he hated himself for it. "Would you tell me about your Dark Master?" The words were spoken quietly, sincerely and with some curiosity to them.

It wasn't just Rua that wanted to know, that ghost that followed him around was almost eager to hear such information. Almost. That ghost still loathed the creature and wished it out of existence as hard as a ghost could wish for anything. The closer Rua got to that thing the angrier Noa got, a jealousy fueled rage filled that ghost. Afterall, he saw Rua as his property, more or less.
((Not to be a downer on anyone's writing, but I'm not sure @7catsinatrenchcoat meant for this to be a zombie apocalypse; at least there has been no such mention so far. May be worth waiting for 7cats to return from camping before continuing with zombie storylines?))

Oh... srry

(( Yeah, it wasn't intended on being a zombo apocalypse sorry ^u^;;
(( Also hello, I am back. Reading through the Rua/Collector storyline has been interesting 
Ivory nodded, "I'm Ivory.." she whispered silently. She looks up at you with a small smile from the joke. Ivory scanned around and then whispered some more, "Why did you come over here? Won't they catch you?"

Lucas nods and smiles reassuringly. Even though he was scared witless himself. 

"So while we're waiting, what'd they call you? Like for me instead of calling me Lucas they called me 'Avogadro'. They do anything like that to you?" He said in an attempt to make small talk.

Lucas moved closer to you and scanned the room for a weapon of any kind. None were there, however. Just a white padded and tiled, and the operating bed. Lucas snapped his attention back to you. 

"Well I had remembered seeing you once, seeing that they had you trapped here. I just couldn't leave you to die in this place." He said after some thought. Lucas chuckled and added 

"Also you're kinda cute." He looked like he was going to continue but he stopped at the sound of an engine revving up violently. Lucas's eyes widened slightly and he scooted closer to you once again. 

The Collector opened an eye, and a disgusted look came across his face as the kid got so close as to practically be in his lap, draped over his now markless arm. Without being rude, and inviting further hatred from the ghost that followed this young man, he didn't shake him off, instead letting him think he could continue as he pleased. When he asked to follow, and learn more about the Dark Master, he grumbled low, trying to decide on an answer.

"I do not travel at a shpeed 'umansh can keep up vizh." He muttered, saying neither yes or no. He opened his eyes fully, and raised his arm slightly, looking at the way the kid clung like a limpet. "If djou cannot keep up, I vill not vait. I go only vhere my Mashter dictatesh. I cannot be 'eld up in zhat." The Collector settled back again, taking in the warmth of the sun happily. "If djou can 'andle zhat, zhen shure. Follow me vhen I go."

The Collector frowned against the building pressure in his head. What was going on? He felt nauseous, and it had increased since the kid now clung to his body. He raised his hands and pressed his thumbs behind his mask, into his temples. He had a feeling the pressure had something to do with Noa. Perhaps this ghost had more power than the boys realised.

Rua either hadn't noticed or just ignored the disgusted look that had come across the creature's features. Honestly the blonde cared little if the creature liked him or not. For now it was tolerating him and that was just fine, but Rua wasn't even sure of his own actions. They were partly done just to irritate that ghost, and perhaps because Rua was a little lonely. Those hazel eyes held determination and some kind of resolve when he glanced up at the creature he clung to. "I'll keep up." Though honestly the human wasn't sure he could, imagining that this creature ran more like a beast than a man. What man could outpace or even keep up with a beast? Rua would try his hardest though.

That ghost, seething and furious, but still slightly curious, hovered near Rua. Nearly touching the blonde boy, that ghostly gaze a glare as he watched the creature. If one could see Noa, it would seem like the ghost was contemplating pulling Rua away. Much like he had the first time the boy had gotten too close to this creature. The ghost was speaking though, and being almost completely ignored by Rua. An occasional glance of hazel eyes was sent Noa's way, usually a glare or a look of pure and utter defiance.

Rua was always a little defiant towards his dead twin, but usually he would eventually give in. Noa didn't understand why the presence of this creature made Rua fight against his influence so much. It only added to the ghosts fury. Rua's grip around the creature tightened a bit, and his fingers moved gently, softly caressing the fur. Almost gingerly. The blonde licked his lips and closed his eyes for a moment, sighing softly. The rantings of that ghost were beginning to make even Rua's head hurt.

After a few moments or so, Rua turned his head to glare hard towards that ghost. "Go away! Leave me alone and stop telling me what to do all the damn time!" There was an ache in Rua's heart as Noa promptly shut up and just, vanished. Rua hadn't meant it, he'd only wanted the ghost to be quiet a minute, to let him think for himself for once. He hadn't meant for the spirit to vanish from his sight. Guilt and panic quickly overrode the other emotions Rua had been feeling. "No no no!" The blonde released his hold on the creature and hugged his knees to his chest, rocking a bit.

"Come back..please...I'm sorry...I can't live without you.." Those words were whispered desperately, his chest heaved from the fast, quick breaths he was taking. As if on the verge of a panic attack. Noa hadn't gone far, but he had rather completely withdrew his entire presence from around them, that overbearing spiritual energy no longer touched Rua. No longer filled the air with the ghosts emotions, and Rua could no longer see him. Noa hadn't left because Rua had yelled at him, he had done it because it was too much fun to torment than living boy. So much so, he couldn't resist using Rua's outburst as a perfect excuse to do so.

Rua's body trembled, and tears gathered in the corners of his eyes to slowly slip down his face. He felt so cold and so alone, despite the creature so close beside him.
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The Bone Collector allowed the kid to cling, feeling him idly stroke his fur. The involuntary grumble of pleasure, like a canine version of a purr, came forth from his chest, and there was little he could do to stop it. He allowed it to run, feeling the kid's head resting upon his arm. The kid was clearly reacting to his brother's spirit, and the Collector was certain this heavy, painful twinge behind his eyes had something to do with that twin. What was its problem? Sure, Rua was his, the Collector had no doubt about that, nor any reason to deny him his prize. He certainly wasn't meaty enough to be a meal.

As he was about to suggest the boy move away so his brother stopped this onslaught on his mind, the kid erupted, screaming at thin air. It made the Collector tense a little. The vehemence of the words shocked the Collector, as the kid had such reverence for the spirit, always looked for him, even when speaking with the beast-man. What followed was clearly a decent into misery when that ghost did exactly that; the feeling of relief that washed over the Collector forced him to cup his head and lean forward. He hadn't realised just how heavy his head had got. It was like his whole body was now weightless. He feared he may well float away now the boy's guardian had decided to disappear. With a clearer head, the Collector looked up, noticing the boy had now released his arm, and was curled in a ball, weeping. What was he supposed to do? His race didn't get particular sad. Angry, sure, frustrated. But morose? That was a new one on the Collector. He hesitantly raised his clawed hand, and patted the boy's back.

"'E von't be gone long." He muttered, his scarred lip lifting a little in the attempt at a smile, though it was more of a grimace as he tried to console the young man. "Djou told me 'e ownsh djou. Vould never leave djou. Per'apsh 'e 'ash buishnessh to attend. 'E von't give djou up. Djou shay djou are 'ish posshesshion. 'E vouldn't leave djou for me." The Bone Collector patted the boy once more, before withdrawing his hand. A sigh escaped his chest as he leant back. "I musht shay I am pleashed 'e 'ash let up. My 'ead vash shet to exshplode. 'E ish a determined fellow, djour brozher. I don't know if 'e ish avare of zhe presshure 'e plashesh round my 'ead. Like a vishe. I zhink my Mashter ish ash intereshted in 'im ash 'e ish in djou."

The Collector picked up his blade, and idly sliced a larger hunk from his haunch of meat, feeling famished now the pressure around his mind had lifted; how had he not realised the effect it was having? This kid did weird things to him, blunting his senses!! He needed to lose him. The travel back to nature would surely do it. This kid was not likely to be able to keep up, nor track him if he disappeared.
(sorry i've been really inactive lately (read: not here at all) school just kicked up after the holidays and i've been trying to kick myself into high gear too. @Malhyanth i'm just gonna make it so ashtar is magically at the house and is about to take off. is that alright?)

Those hazel eyes looked up at the creature when he felt the touch on his back, those hazel eyes of Rua's were oddly clear. Very clear, it was a clarity that one wouldn't even know was missing until they actually saw it in those eyes. Rua's head was clear as well, and he hated it. He hated it because he knew he was crazy, and he knew he couldn't survive without his brother, no matter if that brother were ghost or his imagination. He couldn't survive without the control and abuse and perverse love his brother gave him. Or perhaps it was more of a refusal to survive without all of that. He knew he was addicted to it, but he couldn't stop himself. Like a druggie needing another fix. Rua needed Noa and the ghosts twisted ways.

"...He might not come back for days.... And I'm nothing without him.." The words were whispered as he stared up at the creature with those very clear, knowing eyes. "...I can't live without him at all....but it wasn't supposed to be like this." He wiped at the tears, sniffling a bit as he tried to compose himself. "I need the control he asserts over me and the pain he gives me when I'm far to disobedient. I need it." Rua shifted a bit, until he was sitting on his knees and staring at the creature. "I sang a song to bring Noa back, the men in black robes called themselves Necromancers. They said if I wished hard enough and sang with them the song of undeath, it would bring him back. Whole and complete, as if nothing had ever happened to him. But it didn't."

Rua bit his bottom lip, his eyes glaring, not glaring at the creature but at the memory of the necromancers and their apparent lie. "He didn't come back though...He's only in my head, maybe. Ghosts aren't real, bringing back the dead isn't real, but I need him. Even if he's only a figment of my mind, he helps me survive and he gives me what I need to go on." He had looked away, his eyes dancing around the room, desperate for any sign of his brother. There was none. Slowly Rua stood. "I can think so clearly when he isn't around making noises in my head, and I hate it, because then I see clearly how I am.  I am addicted to him. Not just him, I'd be addicted to anyone that treats me the way he does." Those eyes had landed on the creature again.

That tongue flicked out and licked his lips almost sensually. "I've a growing addiction to you. You hurt me, but you're nice to me, you like telling me what to do, you like being mean to me, and I love you for that. The same way I loved my Father for tormenting me so much, and the same way I love my brother for tormenting me. I can't live without such treatment." Those arms came up to hug himself, and he looked rather ashamed for this admittance. "I don't want to lose my brother, I don't want to lose you either, now that I've met you." An arm went limp, the other came up to rub at his shoulder.

Clarity met a spark of insanity, as he looked almost lustily at the creature. "Gods above, I want you to bite me again. I ache for it. I long for it, it was so good. It's one of the reasons my brother was so angry. You could feel his anger. I want you both, but I can't have both of you. One would need to leave, I'm not so sure I could let my brother go so easily...but I know he wants to go. He wants to stay and torment me, but he also wants to go because that would torment me far worse than any other thing he could do to me. I know these things, but when his presence is around, it's so much easier not to think about them."

That hand rubbed his shoulder again, then dropped to his side, Rua thought about the wound he had given the creature and then taken from him. If he attacked could he deliver a far worse wound? Would he at least get the physical pain he sought? Those hazel eyes and darkened a bit with the intent of violence, and Rua bent to pick up his makeshift knife, trying to decide the best course of action to take.
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A man was moving through the city when he heard the creature's voice. Continuing around a corner the man saw the creature and then pointed his 1927 colt side arm upwards and shot into the air. Then the man spoke "Step away from the girl you foul monster!!! Or i'll make you!!!"  Suddenly pieces of steel began to fly through the buildings that were on either side of the side walk and started to build up a suit of armor which encased the man. The man spoke once more this time to be intimidating, and as he spoke a robotic voice replaced his which then said "BRING IT ON!!"

This is the mech suit btw >
OOC opening: Hello people! I'm back on RP nation for the first time in ages, and while I was browsing through the listings for Fantasy, this caught my eye, since it was straight-up jump-in. A lot easier and requires less commitment than most rps xD. Anyway, I've more-or-less read the posts thus far, and I must say, some of the writing and stories being created are very impressive [Rua and the Collector particularly, which makes me uncomfortable...in a good way? xD I like the accent of the Collector too, btw, @Malhyanth]. I did notice, however, that it seemed like a lot of the characters had been separated or started out independent of each other. In hopes of bringing characters together again, I'm gonna make the entrance of my character rather, er, "noticeable" to say the least. Ignore it if you wish, just an idea... I'll tag all the people involved at one point or another in this RP at the bottom. Sorry if it's at all annoying, hopefully one notification ain't too much to ask. Well, I'm done with my lengthy rambling. Without further adieu, here we go... (forgive me if my writing takes a bit to...readjust. Been a while, as I said)

He was really becoming annoyed with his entrances lately. Why, for once, couldn't he have arrived somewhere quietly, instead of in a damn crater. One time, just one time, he'd like to inconspicuously appear in some pleasant little park. As he stood up, brushing the ash off his long coat with mild annoyance, he turned his head to see a house that had the misfortune to be at the edge of his spectacular arrival crumbling. He winced, sincerely hoping no one lived in it. Then, as he drew in a breath of what one would only generously call "air," the guilt was driven from his mind as he hacked and sputtered at the sickening substance. Hastily, he traced a series of patterns against his neck, and after a moment, inhaled deeply. A sigh of relief escaped him. 

Now that he was not at risk of suffocation, he moved his attention to his surrounding. It was always exciting to be somewhere new, to experience what his location had to offer. As he climbed out of the pit, clambering over the steep incline of stone, soil, and rubble in a ring around his entry, this enthusiasm was somewhat tempered. He appeared to have arrived in the center of some god-forsaken city, worn buildings all around. Many seemed to be falling apart of their own accord, roofs caved in and some semblance of plant life snaking through cracks and fissures of the pock-marked buildings. Rubble and trash lined what he assumed were streets, rambling cobble-stone things with their own cracks and ivy. Occasionally, he could spy the odd animal corpse rotting upon them, assumedly there just to spice things up a bit.

 Having gotten out of the pit, he decided to take a moment to look over the situation. He took a moment to check himself over, making sure everything of his was there. Longcoat, check, as always. Pants, check, though they now appeared patched-together. Shirt, check, though now grimy and with the occasional tear. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. They had a habit of doing this when he traveled, changing to fit more closely whatever was "typical" at his location. It  was probably for the best, but he didn't have to like it. Satchel, check, contents, check. He traced a hand along his chest, noting the presence of his scabbard, and grabbed the sword from his back. It hadn't seemed to change much, still long and light thankfully, but it was a bit touched with grime now. 

Now, the moment of truth: just what had his arrival done to the world around him? Retreating into his mind, he probed the recent past to see what had happened. At first, it was just quiet, and he saw a cluster of buildings similar to the ones around him now. Then, he heard a deafening roar, followed by light-filled explosion. He felt psychic waves ripple furiously from the center of it, and magic/psychic sensitive creature for miles around would sense it. And everyone else in that range would hear it. He drew out, sighing. This was going to be interesting. 

(And now, the great compilation of tags...)

@galacticspaceray@Kry@ZappiestAbyss@AmazedAngel@7catsinatrenchcoat@Yohimitsu@Mr Kraz@Deadly Darkness@Plutia@Galaxy's Silver Lining@cyndiratoms
@Kry @ThisUsernameIsALie

The Bone Collector watched the kid with interest, watching the playing of emotion. The confusion over suddenly being so clear. The Collector could say himself, since this kid had come along, he too almost felt a level of confusion at his own level of clarity, but clarity for one, which caused intense psychotic delusion, was different for the other, where it had evoked a sense of caring. As the Collector looked at this lad again, the clarity he was used to returned, the sense of a hunt, the sense of being the stronger, of being the oppressor. What this kid had done by banishing his ghostly protector was return the beast to his usual self, and remove the caring influence that Noa had been inadvertently feeding him; even the Collector could not surmise why the ghost's presence caused him to feel a duty of care to this kid, but now Noa was gone, the challenge in the kid's eyes was reflected back at him by the beast's own, as he too stood, his bone blade held by is side, in anticipation.


The news of singing with necromancers did not make wholly enough sense to he that was probably more necromancer than many whom went by the name, but he recognised "necro" from necrosis, which was a living death to those injured, so he generalised the term to Shaman of Death, similar to he. Only he didn't sing for his Master; he spoke directly with him, when he so chose to speak with the Collector. The frown that crossed the Collector's face as he tried to understand this child spoke of the waning effect Noa held over him now his presence was removed; what moments before he had gained a familial understanding of for this young man, he now only felt disgust. This child was a parasite!! He fed off those stronger than him, and no longer was the Bone Collector going to allow it.


Puffing his chest slightly as he felt himself return, the effects even Noa probably hadn't realised he'd had over the Collector completely dissipated, his harsh laugh turned into a rolling snarl as the blade was levelled at the kid's face, stepping closer, but now conscious to avoid all contact. "Djou. Djou are like a vorm, a parashite. I vill 'ave no more of it, and djour brozher can keep 'ish greashy magicksh out of my 'ead!" His points were accentuated with a stabbing motion of the blade, though it was kept safely from skin. This kid craved the Collector's ferocity like a leaf turned to the sun. No more was the Collector going to feed that habit. "To zhoshe vizh a vissh to know my Mashter, yesh, I am an addictshion, but djou, boy, are not zhat pershon. Djou 'ave no undershtanding, djou dabble vhere djou sshouldn't, and djou trap a shoul 'ere! Now I undershtand my Mashter'sh reashon for our meeting. 'E wantsh 'ish prishe back, but zhat could mean giving djou vhat djou deshire; an end to djour life." The snarl as the Bone Collector turned from the kid, and kicked the meat he'd been enjoying raw into the dwindling flames, watching the sparks rise for a moment, before gathering his items; jerky was secreted in all pockets and pouches he had; the rest, alongside the deer's skull, antlers, and a few select bones for future projects were wrapped in the skin, tied off with the reeds he'd used on the legs of the beast, and tied off as a shoulder bag around his chest. He pulled the cowl up, and again, levelled the blade, aware that whilst he'd been turned, the kid had raised his own weapon.


"Foolissh boy!!!" The laugh was vehement. "Djou vant to fight vizh me? Don't be abshurd! Even if djou vent vizh me, djou vould be a drain on me like djou are to djour brozher. I vould 'ave to protect djou, feed djou, probably clozhe djou. I am not a vet nurshe. I refushe! I incur zhe wrazhe of my Mashter, to avoid djou!! I vill leave djou for zhe carrion birdsh, 'oo vill shniff out djour shepshish." As he spoke, his feet shifted to a comfortable position, ready to leap away if he decided to swing his small blade, his own was clasped so the blade ran along his forearm, and was raised slightly. He used this blade to indicate the bite. "My bite ish like poishon. It vill drain djou, shlowly zap djou energy ash djou tried to keep foot vizh me. And eventually, djou could join djour pashetic brozher. PARASHITE!" The word was spat at his feet, the pink tinged saliva mixing with the dust. He was about to launch himself at the kid, and just end him now, when the explosion knocked him from his feet, landing side first in the dwindling fire.


The animalistic yowl was lost in the reverberation of the explosion, and he scrabbled out, dusting himself off quickly. He didn't look to see what the kid decided to do, or how he had faired. The sound was colossal, and the Collector didn't like it. His side searing with pain, he threw himself to all fours, and fled the area. His blade was not able to be sheathed as blood from where the burns had split had run over the scabbard. He set it between his teeth, and used it to stifle his sounds of pain. A blood trail was left as he bounded away from the parasitic child. He  rounded a few buildings, and scrabbled up the side of one that looked sturdy. The kid would follow, he knew that.


With considerable effort, he forced the blade from his teeth, leaving grooves in its smooth face. He pressed a hand again his wound, realising he must have punctured his side on the haunch as he'd fallen, or some sharp wood. Whatever it was, it had only superficially lanced him; he didn't feel any darkness to the edges of his vision, no innards screaming as they released their bile and claret. He thumped the wall behind him a few times, and looked about. This room held little, so he stalked through to the next. Thankfully, a bathroom was found, with linen aplenty. He grabbed a fistful, and staunched his gut wound. Interested in what it was that had knocked him from his lunge, he returned to the open room, and looked out; he wasn't high enough! With great effort, he managed to hoist himself up into the roof, his makeshift bandages changing colour from creamy brown to deep red in a shorter space of time than he'd like. From the roof, leant against the chimney stack, he could just make out the edge of a crater that hadn't been there previously, and a figure staggering up over the lip.


A new hunt seemed to have begun, but this time it was for revenge. First though... he looked back at his side, where the blood was now sluggishly pumping. Clearly superficial!! He pressed it tighter, hissing as his burn flared.


Rua's head tilted to the side slightly as he watched the creature, a smug smirk on the blonde's lips, and his grip tightened on his own knife. Hazel eyes dark with malice, Rua didn't move as the creature leveled its own blade with his face and snarled his words at him. He didn't cringe or back down, no he wanted this. No, he needed this. Though being called a parasite seemed a bit harsh. The threat of losing his life only made Rua take a smell step towards the creature, that smug smirk still on his lips. As if he didn't think this creature would actually kill him. He adjusted his grip on his knife.

When the creature turned, Rua had indeed raised that blade, though some part of him seemed slightly hesitant. His body tensed a bit, as if getting ready for an attack when the creature spoke, however when that creature said he was a drain on his brother, Rua looked as if he'd been slapped. Those eyes blinked as if startled, and he had taken a small step back. That smirk was gone and his lips were parting as if he wanted to say something, but the blonde was quiet. Gripping his knife so tightly that the knuckles of his right hand were turning white and the metal that made up the hilt had begun to bite harshly into his palm. When his bite wound was indicated, his head turned slightly and tilted a bit to look at that shoulder. It still ached, it still pained him.

As he looked back up, an explosion rocked the area, sending the creature into the fire and sending Rua sprawling on his back with a grunt. The wind momentarily knocked from his lungs, but his grip on his knife was still very tight. When he managed to collect his breath and sit up, the creature was already on his way out of the building. "Damnit!" He knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with that creature, but Rua wanted to stay close to him. The blonde scrambled to his feet and darted out of the building.

He paused to look around, wondering what had caused that explosion, it was a bit faraway and he couldn't really see the crater from his vantage point on the ground. Not seeing anything of important, he surveyed his immediate surroundings. A blood trail had been left, somewhat. Gritting his teeth, Rua followed the trail left by the creature as best he could. It led him to a building, and up a wall. Rua scowled as he looked up at the roof of the building. He should just run in there, he wanted to run in there. The creature was either in one of the rooms or on the roof. Rua moved backwards a few feet, staring up at the building.

There seemed to be something up there, leaning against a chimney stack. Rua raised his knife threateningly but he had no way of getting on the roof. "Monster!" It was all Rua shouted to get the creature's attention.
(okay ashtar is magically at the house again)

Ashtar was shocked awake when she heard and felt an explosion rattle the house she stayed in. She heard something hit the window, cracking it. She drew back one of the drapes to see a large crater that was only barely visible in the light of dawn, and barely made out a figure at the lip of it. She felt the undeniable urge to go check it out. She hoisted a sturdy-looking satchel she had found when rummaging through the house the night before, and filled it with the sharp kitchen knives from the, well, kitchen. Then she folded her wings tight against her back and left through the front door. The winds were strong; if Ashtar needed a quick getaway, she could ride the winds into the forest.
He looked around, taking in his surroundings. He had arrived at what seemed to be dawn, and fierce wind whipped through the city which had incurred his mistaken attack. Not knowing what else to do, he simply strode down the street. As he went, he kept a careful eye on the street before him, making sure not to step in the corpse of some poor creature. He also kept watch over his surroundings, physically and magically. All around, he sensed death. This wasn't all, of course, but it was despicably prominent throughout. In particular he sensed two strong instances of it some distance away. This place was remarkably cheerful, now wasn't it?  

As he gazed through the hazy early morning light, he spied a shape a little distance away. Wary, he walked slowly towards them, ready to grab his sword at a moments notice. Gazing at the creature from within his mind, he saw that it was alive and sentient. He raised a hand, allowing a smile to play across his lips. 

"Hello there!" he said, just loud enough to be heard by the being. Slowly, he continued walking forward.

The AI of the mech suit had already locked on to the creature when the operator initiated the mech's jump jet engines. The back of the suit opened up and two jet turbines raised out of the back and the mech suit slowly lumbered into the air towards the monster. The operator then said to the AI, "Fire sidewinder missiles!" The mech AI responded saying "sidewinder missiles locked on." Then the operator said "Fire..."

(BTW sidewinders if you know any war history cannot track any sharp movements)
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((@Mr Kraz; are you directing your attacks at my character? Cos I have to say, my character was not with a girl, and nor am I overly impressed that someone that hasn't interacted till this point, is now trying to blow him up. Until I know, in assuming you are not blowing up my character for no particular reason |: ))

@Kry @ThisUsernameIsALie

The beast-man allowed the blood rags to fall with his hand as he sighed and tilted his head back to the sky. Why must this boy continue to follow?! He ducked behind the chimney stack, and assessed his wounds, prodding and poking with a technical eye as he assessed the damage. The burn was nasty, fur singed, skin bubbled and raw. The pierce was pretty clean, however, and followed the lines of his body; two puncture wounds that if he was feeling particularly perverse, he would have been able to push one of his fingers through and wiggle the claw out the far end!

Satisfied he wasn't about to bleed to death; in fact, noticing that actually the bleeding from the puncture wound was basically over, and it was just the cracks of the burn that were weeping, he looked about for an alternative route away from the kid, and now what appeared to be a man hollering from the other side of the building. Limbering his skin, feeling blisters bursting and the wetness run down his front, he hissed as he gauged the leap from roof top to roof top. He adjusted his bag, and his belt, and then made the run. At the edge of the building, he leapt, soaring the distance and landing rather ungracefully on the other side. A few tiles skittered and danced to the ground, but he kept going, leaping over the dilapidated chimney stack of this building to leap into the building on the next side, which didn't have a roof.

The Collector regretted it instantly, as he realised he was leaping into a burnt out room! The timbers were going to be weak! He braced for impact, and as expected, his large weight plowed through the woodwork. He landed in a heap in the lower levels, shaking himself off, feeling nothing but superficial damage; a few new scars, perhaps. He clawed his way out of the mess, struggling with the bag on his back, but unwilling to shed it to get out faster. He was not hanging around now, with so many humanoid beasts gathering. He needed to get away from that kid.

From outside the property, one would hear the rumblings of frustration, wood work cracking and shifting, claws scraping, and finally, the beast burst out of the front door. He landed on it in his quadrupedal form, and looked up, realising he'd come out onto the street where the weird guy that had climbed out of the crater stood. His skilled face split into a beastly roar, showing his teeth beneath his mask. Pain and anger had robbed him of the humanoid sensibilities of talking and conversing with any other, and so, he turned tail, running towards the crater, towards the edge of the city; towards the Wilds, and freedom. He needed time to come down from this weird experience, reconnect with his God, and return if he felt a need!! And shake off that damned boy!!!
Im very well aware that im not to kill player characters.

but I never seen to be able to figure out a way to get involved in the roleplay.

This is the only way I know how to get involved with a roleplay.
@Mr Kraz ][The best way to get involved with a roleplay is to read the posts and know what the other characters are doing, and have a feel for the setting, and then enter your character in an appropriate way the reflects the situation. Randomly appearing and shooting at people is not a good way to get involved. Also your style of writing makes it extremely hard to tell who you are intending to interact with. I mostly ignored you because I had no idea who you were trying to interact with. You told a monster to get away from a girl, I assumed you were off hunting Non-Player-Character monsters and rescuing NPC damsels in distress, since the only Player-Character monster I know of was with my character. I assure you, my character is all male.][

@Malhyanth @ThisUsernameIsALie @galacticspaceray

The creature didn't respond to him, in fact it seemed to shrink away from him. It was trying so hard to leave Rua behind, and this made the blonde angry. He continued to clutch his knife tightly, and when the creature began to run across the rooftop, Rua followed from the ground. Running to the next house as the creature landed on the roof, that creature kept going and Rua wasn't about to stop either. The human kept going, but it was clear that if this continued, the creature would easily out pace him.

When that creature leaped into a building, Rua stopped, hesitating at the sounds of crashing wood and body. This building had no roof, and quickly Rua darted around to the front just in time to see the creature burst through that door. That beastly roar had Rua taking an unconscious step back, but when the beat bolted, the blonde chased after him again. Running blindly, only focusing on the creature, Rua failed to notice the man in the street. The blonde boy ran right into that man, the man that had climbed from a crater, though Rua didn't have access to that knowledge.

He hit the man, and staggered back from the force of it, stumbling and falling onto his butt on the ground. Those hazel colored eyes blinked a moment as he looked this way and that. The creature was already gone. Those eyes then settled on the man in front of him, the one he had run into. For a moment a glint of insanity flashed in Rua's eyes as he entertained the idea of stabbing this man, stabbing him for getting in his way. The thought was gone in a matter of seconds though. Rua looked rather irritated though.

There was no way he could track that creature. Unless that creature came back to him of it's own volition, or unlikely happenstance threw them together again Rua felt the chances of seeing it once more were slim to none. Leaning heavily towards the none. So Rua sat there, glaring at the man, and glancing once over his shoulder to girl. Someone the man had been greeting. A girl with wings.
Much to his surprise, he suddenly felt someone bump into him and promptly fall backwards onto their rear. He took his attention away from the person ahead and cast an eye over the person who'd just bumped into him. "Well hello. You oughta be more careful, speeding around like that, you never know what you might run into." He spared a look to the environment around them. "Especially in this place," he added. 

He offered a hand to the boy. "Didn't mean to knock you over, my apologies." As he offered to help the boy get up, he took the opportunity to look at the boy in his other form. Immediately, he was surprised. Not by the boy himself, or he should say, the boy's physical body. It seemed perfectly normal. The aura around him, however, made him realize that this must be one of the beings he'd sensed earlier. He seemed to be surrounded by pure... death. He guessed, however, that it would not be wise to bring this up, at any rate. As he waited, he asked, "What might your name be?"


That glare faded somewhat as he felt a familiar presence fall upon him, wrapping around him like a cocoon. Slightly clouding his mind, taking away the clarity that had shone so clearly in his hazel eyes. Rua's gaze drifted off to the side a bit behind the man, staring at the ghost that had suddenly formed. The ghost only he could see. The presence of that dead twin made Rua relax a bit, feeling more comfortable now, though he hadn't really been aware that he'd been uncomfortable without it.

The stranger offered him a hand, and Rua took it. Accepting the help to his feet, but once he was on his feet, he let go rather hurriedly. "Didn't mean to bump you." It was a muttered half attempt at an apology, and Rua's eyes were on the ghost again. Noa, the ghost was much less angry now. People didn't pose as much of a threat to his Rua as that creature had, or at least that was what the ghost thought. The blonde boy gave a shrug, his attention again returning to the man, that knife was still clutched tightly in his other hand, ready to be used if the man tried anything. "My name's Rua."

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