News political alert! Do you approve of trumps doings while in office

Who would you have voted for in the last stretch of the election

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I'm calling bullshit on that one.

The other topics with an opposite slant on the subject matter didn't fall under this kind of scrutiny! Far more off-topic and disrespectful post have been in the unpopular opinions thread versus this, all because this has a remotely pro-Trump point view you decide to take your job seriously to make sure everything is nice and purdy? Give me a break.
I am not going to argue with you over your subjective perspective. However, you are always free to report posts so that staff can review them.
I am not going to argue with you over your subjective perspective. However, you are always free to report posts so that staff can review them.

And to have them conveniently ignored or passed onto someone else until hopefully it gets forgotten about. I've seen this routine before.
Oh dear. Reading this thread, I am extremely unsettled by the knowledge that most of you could cross the northern border just by showing ID.
As I've stated before my previous post I'm left but I feel like if we're going to make the Mexican government pay for the wall we should help mexico out by helping them get rid of cartels.

Kind of like a Scratch my back I scratch your back thing.
North Korea is a problem. The way they have been firing missiles into the water lately has everyone on edge, and rightfully so. Hopefully Trump doesn't make any rash decisions here (so far his only rashness is in his words, not his actions) because this is a very dangerous situation. Potentially millions of lives at stake based on what Trump does or does not do.
That said, I don't think the US should back down. However, we need to be mindful of the wider consequences outside the peninsula as well as to our allies in South Korea. China has interests in maintaining a peaceful North Korea as well. Japan is watching the situation and there is even talk of them amending their Constitution to allow development of more proactive weapons (anti-missile defenses and so on) that have been banned since World War II.
I am actually seriously concerned with this. I'm usually not.
Seoul is within artillery range.
That, for some reason, scares me more than a nuke hitting L.A.
To be fair the North Korean artillery capability, while concerning, isn't exactly well-maintained or modern. It's estimated that the frequency of dud shells goes into the double digits, with the higher ranges placing shells at a 25% rate of failure. Experts also say that they won't be able to keep continuously firing for longer than a couple of hours before running out of ammunition. Bear in mind too that while all of that is happening the South Korean and United States military will be working to neutralize these batteries.
Still, these are thousands of artillery batteries firing for a couple of hours on one of the most heavily populated cities in the world, and one that may have no warning of the attack.
But yeah, that's helpful.
I have no doubt we'll win.
If we could... just... move Seoul back a bit...
Thousands of artillery batteries is an overstatement. It's more like 3,500-5,000 individual guns last I checked. Not to mention a majority of these will probably have to divert their attention to respond to us. With that in mind and, depending on whether or not they value crippling the city's infrastructure more than they value killing as many people as possible, I'm pretty sure Seoul will not suffer an incredible loss of human life.
Poll is missing Ye Boi Meme God Emporer Bernard Sanders.

Donald Trump isn't a Nazi, but he isn't a good president, either.
Bernie Sanders is such a meme.
It's sad that in today's United States, we have broad support for his ideas. Sanders is the epitome of what I mentioned earlier in regards to wealth redistribution. Instead of choosing to help out your fellow man because it's the right thing to do, he believes that we need to legislate it from the level of the federal government. He has the misguided belief that the government can allocate resources better than the free market and virtuous individuals in society. It takes a close-knit and certain kind of culture to make this work even marginally well (see Sweden and similar European countries) and in the more middle of the road cases like Canada, there are definitely still issues (no right to bear arms, healthcare is hit and miss depending on the procedure and your age). At the extreme end you get results like we're seeing today in Venezuela, where, hey, there are food lines, but at least everyone is in the food line together. Equality at its finest.

These things won't work well in the United States where we have a broad swath of cultures from coast to coast.
Beyond that, these ideas are not American. The US Constitution was founded on the principles that government should be as minimal as possible to uphold the social contract and protect individual rights. Having the government use its monopoly on force to take my money and use it to pay for someone else's healthcare is not only impractical from the perspective of creating more government dependence, it runs counter to the very reason our country declared independence from Britain and violates one of the core tenants of our country, which is the idea that personal property means something and ought to be protected.

The founders believed that not every problem needs to be or should be solved by government. They wanted your local political system to be the one with which you're most involved. Do you even know who your mayor and town council members are? Do you vote for them? Ever tried to contact their offices to voice concerns and opinions? Most people haven't even done that with their federal representatives, let alone local. I guess at least they know who the big orangutan with the bad hair in the White House is.
Liberty is not legislating that everyone in the country have X healthcare plan. Liberty is opening up the opportunity as wide as possible and letting individuals find answers to their own problems.
Liberty is not legislating that you're not allowed to smoke weed in your own home. Liberty is letting you do with your body what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else.
Liberty is not legislating that two men or two women can't spend their lives together in peace. Liberty is letting you freely and mutually associate with whomever you choose.
Liberty is not extorting the top 1% of income earners when they already pay more than 40% of all the taxes. Liberty is ensuring that the government doesn't need as much money to operate, lessening the burden on everyone.

This is why the founders risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Not so that the Democrat party could tell us at their convention that we all belong to the government.
Donald J Trump has made so very controversial remarks while in office and i would like to get other peoples thoughts
I mean everyone has different thoughts so no attacking others
2. No racist remarks these would include anything that would offend any race.
3. Don't insult someone based on what they feel its okay to feel differently about something.

I hope this keeps everyone in order Have Fun!​
He finally had the balls to call out antifa for what they are - terrorists!
Controversial, but rather smart, a better choice than Clinton. Should stay in office. Things look like it would go much worse if he was to be impreached. Mike Pence comes in mind!
Controversial, but rather smart, a better choice than Clinton. Should stay in office. Things look like it would go much worse if he was to be impreached. Mike Pence comes in mind!

Can't wait for the left to shoot themselves in the foot by impeaching god overlord Trump
I don't hate Trump as much as some other liberals do, but I do think he's an incompetent president. He acts before he thinks, doesn't know key information about his position, angers foreign nationals and gets into petty fights with celebrities. He is clueless on the world of politics, and his immature tirades make us look bad as a nation.

I'm no fan of Hillary's, but Trump is just a bad president.
Alright, a lot of people have been saying that Trump was "the lesser of two evils" before the election and ever since then, and I'd like to explore what evils they each had, along with their upsides.

Honestly, this one shouldn't even need an explanation. If you haven't seen the signs by now, you're pretty much blind to mysogyny.
It's costing tons of money just for his vacations alone.
He's taken more vacations than the past many presidents already.
Even when he's not on vacation, his family is costing the secret service extra time and money because they don't live in the white house.
Yes, yes, basically any politician is a hypocrite. However, it should be noted that Trump takes it to the next level. The list of examples is endless, so for the sake of keeping this short I won't include them here.
More specifically, white supremacist.
Let's make this clear:
-He has friends in the KKK.
-Hates BLM.
-Took a generic "both sides did bad" stance on the alt-right rally, basically excusing white supremacy by saying that racists literally killing the people they don't like and the opposition who want to keep their lives are equal.
-Tried to ban all Muslims from entering the US, from all Muslim countries except the ones he does business with
-Hates Mexicans.
Yeah, he's racist.
He's businessman material. Not so much president material. And it's pretty clear he doesn't know what he's doing.
Here's an article that gives some good examples, and a twitter thread, to give you an idea.
-Doesn't listen to his advisors
Oftentimes, he does the exact opposite of what people suggest to him. This ties in with the immaturity aspect.
-Staff? What staff?
Firing people left and right. Also threatening to fire even more, and not for very good reasons. This, too, ties in with the immaturity aspect.

Trump's upsides:

Hillary's downsides:
-As a woman, her hormones will make her make bad decisions/etc.
Actually, post-menopausal women are the most hormonally balanced demographic there is. Soooo
-She's flawed is every person ever?
Compared to Trump, she might as well be an angel.
And, might I add, it was pretty obvious that most arguments against her were disproportionate mudslinging.
-She's CRAZY!
And I've heard people say that Trump is insane. Here's an idea: Instead of calling people who we don't like ableist names, let's build actual, substantial arguments to detail why we don't like them. Thanks.
-She would have gotten us into war.
Guess what our current president is doing.

Hillary's upsides:
-Actually listens to people (rather than sticking oneself in a tiny box of stubbornness and ignorance.)
-Takes responsibility for her actions.

Anyway, don't quote/@ me on any of this if you disagree. I said my stuff, and that's it; I'm not fighting anyone today. I've had my fair share of that, and frankly do not have the time to type anything more than what has already been written in this post.

Those who disagree are welcome to build their own post without arguing with me in particular.

You are entitled to your opinions just as much as I am, and I respect that. But you are not entitled to responses from me, and I have no obligation to respond to anyone. As such, I ask that you all kindly leave me alone. You are perfectly capable of expressing your opinions without spamming me with notifications.
I'll slam you with one because you're making a positive statement about him being racist and a woman hater. Such things are unacceptable, especially when you're a man in power. So may I ask, can you back up your claims?
I'm still surprised that people think that building a border wall along Mexico will solve the problem of illegal immigrants in any way possible.

It sounds like a Spongebob quote of some sort.

This is stupid as that 'building the wall' idea in Pacific Rim that seemed more stupid than the redonkulus idea of giant robots.

Anyway, my opinion of Trump is this. You Americans will live through him because he's literally a salesman who has no idea hw to do politics whatsoever. You guys have lived through worse. He does big stunts to garner media attention and that media attention is how he'll survive through his presidency. Doesn't matter that's he's the lesser of two evils if he's incompetent.
I'm still surprised that people think that building a border wall along Mexico will solve the problem of illegal immigrants in any way possible.

It sounds like a Spongebob quote of some sort.

This is stupid as that 'building the wall' idea in Pacific Rim that seemed more stupid than the redonkulus idea of giant robots.

Anyway, my opinion of Trump is this. You Americans will live through him because he's literally a salesman who has no idea hw to do politics whatsoever. You guys have lived through worse. He does big stunts to garner media attention and that media attention is how he'll survive through his presidency. Doesn't matter that's he's the lesser of two evils if he's incompetent.

Yeah, surprisingly enough America survived Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama twice, Yikes!

1. Illegal Immigrants don't enter by jumping the fence but by legally entering via a visa and not leaving once it expires.

2. The wall can be beaten by ladders, catapults, hell, even fucking tunnels. This won't stop the cartel nor will it lower illegal immigration in any way.

3. There won't be any improved relations between the two countries if the wall is built, especially if Trump makes Mexico pay for it since he has no fucking clue about how a trade deficit works.

For example, the Korean DMZ, one of the most heavily guarded places in the world, literally has dozens of unaccounted tunnels that burrow underneath the ground. The South Korean Government postulates that there are literally over dozens of tunnels unaccounted for. If people can sneak past the DMZ, then, how the fuck is a 10 meter wall going to stop illegal immigrants?

The wall is going to be America's money-sink if it actually is accomplished. The costs are as follows.
- Providing materials for the construction of the wall.
- Transporting materials for the consturction of the wall.
- Building roads to transport those materials.
- Paying workers to build the wall.
- Renewing and repairing the wall every year.
- Keeping guards paid and posted on the walls 24/7.

It is respectable of America to try and stop illegal immigration but this is a ' Spongebob' way of doing it.
1. Illegal Immigrants don't enter by jumping the fence but by legally entering via a visa and not leaving once it expires.

2. The wall can be beaten by ladders, catapults, hell, even fucking tunnels. This won't stop the cartel nor will it lower illegal immigration in any way.

3. There won't be any improved relations between the two countries if the wall is built, especially if Trump makes Mexico pay for it since he has no fucking clue about how a trade deficit works.

For example, the Korean DMZ, one of the most heavily guarded places in the world, literally has dozens of unaccounted tunnels that burrow underneath the ground. The South Korean Government postulates that there are literally over dozens of tunnels unaccounted for. If people can sneak past the DMZ, then, how the fuck is a 10 meter wall going to stop illegal immigrants?

The wall is going to be America's money-sink if it actually is accomplished. The costs are as follows.
- Providing materials for the construction of the wall.
- Transporting materials for the consturction of the wall.
- Building roads to transport those materials.
- Paying workers to build the wall.
- Renewing and repairing the wall every year.
- Keeping guards paid and posted on the walls 24/7.

It is respectable of America to try and stop illegal immigration but this is a ' Spongebob' way of doing it.
Bro, it's the Mexicans that are going to pay for it, Dumbkopf! /s
Maybe it's not my conversation to barge into since I'm Polish, but I'll still barge into it.

I think he did one good thing for sure; banning transgender people from the military. If they kill themselves because people don't accept them and disagree with them, then they better take a few razors to the basic training, because that Drill Instructor is surely a very nice person that respects everyone.
Maybe it's not my conversation to barge into since I'm Polish, but I'll still barge into it.

I think he did one good thing for sure; banning transgender people from the military. If they kill themselves because people don't accept them and disagree with them, then they better take a few razors to the basic training, because that Drill Instructor is surely a very nice person that respects everyone.
The only thing I'm happy Trump did is that he killed the TPP. That was NAFTA 2.0 in the making.
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