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Fandom Pokemon XD: Dark Tidings Character Sheet


Florian Society Member
I will be placing neutral characters (Like the villains for example)






Pokemon Team: (A starter will be given to you and I want no evolved Pokemon. You may have 1 partner Pokemon like an Eevee for example. No shinies unless if you have permission by me)

Pokemon moves: (For each Pokemon on current team.)


Where the character is from/ Home town/region.
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@Eterniti This is where you can post your character sheet and please select one of the three starter Pokemon as well from Sinnoh. 
@Carnation It sounds like your first and second posts clash. Just to clarify, can I pick any basic, unevolved Pokémon as a starter, or am I forced between Piplup, Chimchar, and Turtwig?
Just to be safe u can use any first stage Pokemon found in the sinnoh dex. Also I'll try what you did for the pictures, Also just to clarify what I mean by a partner Pokemon is like pikachu for ash or crogunk to Brock

Just to be safe u can use any first stage Pokemon found in the sinnoh dex. Also I'll try what you did for the pictures, Also just to clarify what I mean by a partner Pokemon is like pikachu for ash or crogunk to Brock


Pikachu isn't a pre-evolved Pokémon, but I catch your drift. I think I might go with Murkrow?

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