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Fandom Pokémon: shadow story

Jirachi & Ascalon Upon seeing the rooms filled with individual beds, and ones with multiple beds, Jirachi grew to be rather excited and immediately rushed into one of the rooms and allowed themselves to bounce up and down on one of the old and dusty beds- the dust created a large cloud of smoke, causing him to cough numerous times. "Wow- this is amazing! I've never done this before, but it sure is fun!" he exclaimed with a sparkle of happiness in his eyes before coughing a few more times; this continued for awhile until they simply laid on the bed without disrupting the blanket of dust that was below them.

Ascalon let out a highly distressed sigh before approaching the childish legendary in an attempt to pull him off of the bed, this led to kicks and screaming like any child would do if they were being forced to do something they didn't want to. "
Let me goooo~," he complained, "Just get off of the bed," he muttered in a frustrated tone. The two were causing quite the ruckus, and not to mention disrupting the dust and making it create a small cloud of the substance in the room the two were in.


(I'll be going to bed now; I'll reply hopefully tomorrow morning.)
Latios took a room and used his Psychic to clear it out. He did the same for the other rooms. "Now because this facility is built into a mountain I highly doubt something will come for us. But it's best to play it safe. Any one wish to stay up." Latios said. He looked over to Emlas who was already asleep in a bed.
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Aeurilo & Ascalon Once Latios had asked if anyone was willing to stay up and keep guard, two voices made themselves apparent around him. "I will!" "I will," was stated by both the draconic fossil Pokémon and the ancient sword Pokémon in unison. Ascalon's narrowed glance had immediately met Aeurilo's currently sly features after they'd finished speaking. Ascalon held nothing against Aeurilo, but there was something about him that he disliked. Was it his recent and rising tendency to act like a fox? Likely. Aeurilo then proceeded to approach Ascalon and place one of his two large wings around him, "We're going to have a great night; hopefully, we don't fight," he stated whilst creating an attempt at a rhyme. Ascalon simply stared daggers at him, he was unamused and hoping that his night wasn't going to be filled with the rhymes and possible puns that Aeurilo could spew out at random times.
"Well feel free to go and explore this place you too."

"Oh, explore the place of death. How quaint. Hehehehe."

"Yeah... Anyways when you get tired wake me up and I'll take the next shift. Good night you two." He said before taking a room with Emlas.
Aeurilo & Ascalon The other Latios' statement about exploring the 'place of death' as he'd described it hadn't phased him at all, in fact, it did nothing more than intrigue him despite not being all too fond of people and the structures they create. He and Ascalon gave a soft nod once Latios had gone off to bed with Emlas, his sister. Quickly, Aeurilo grabbed Ascalon's hilt with his clawed wingtips and pulled him onto his back before scurrying off into the abandoned laboratory. "What are you doing?!" Ascalon exclaimed in surprise and frustration. "We're to be keeping watch, not going off on an adventure," he explained. Granted, Latios had told them that they were allowed to roam about the area and explore, but by the off chance that Eclipse and his minions were to find them, there could be trouble, especially for Latios. "Ascalon- even Latios himself said that we could explore, right, @Latios? Huhu~," he stated. Ascalon was confused by his statement, but simply ignored him and then jumped off of his back, "I don't need to be pulled around by you-" he muttered.

Ahla went with the Aerodactyl and Aegislash for if they were going to go explore they would need a guide. "So my peeps, what are we up too now."

(Prepare to get frustrated with his Short term memory loss)
Aeurilo & Ascalon The two Pokémon shot a quick glance towards Ahla, one of the previous test subjects for project: Whirlwind. Ascalon didn't seem to be very thrilled upon the realization that he was tagging along with them, but Aeurilo, on the other hand, was bursting with excitement on the inside- on the outside, he was seeming to be rather neutral on the situation. "Er- we're likely just going to look around," Ascalon stated without any real form of emotion present within his tone, in fact, he sounded rather stoic and frustrated. After hearing Ascalon's reply to Ahla-hul, Aeurilo patted Ascalon's hilt with his large draconic wing, thus causing a small whirl of wind nearby before returning it to the ground so he might walk. "Ascalon, please; don't treat our guide like that. Clearly, this he's been given to us so that we have something to do other than a time-skip!" Aeurilo exclaimed, one of the two claws on his wingtips seeming to point up momentarily. "Maybe you're just like him- crazy," he muttered. Ascalon didn't understand the comments that Aeurilo was currently making, and didn't care to either; maybe, he was just like Ahla-hul- a bit off of his pedestal. Aeurilo leaned into Ascalon rather slowly before speaking with a smirk present on his features, "No, I just have an open mind," he stated silently in reply to Ascalon's statement before chuckling ever so softly.


(Just making a quick post before we leave. c:)
"Time skip, ohhh, are you saying you can jump through time. I wonder how cool that would be. It would just be night and then instantly morning. It would certainly... What were we talking about." Ahla-hul gave the two a confused look.
Aeurilo & Ascalon The large draconic winged Pokémon, Aeurilo, quickly made his way on over towards Ahla-hul who had questioned him on his statement and soon after forgot about the conversation. "No, no; I can't time skip, they can~," he stated whilst looking off into an empty space before redirecting his vision towards Ahla. He tilted his head ever so slightly after he'd been questioned as to the topic they were on before his eyes lit up with amusement. "Wow- you really have been messed with," he stated as he tapped Ahla-hul's head once or twice with a small clawed wingtip. Ascalon immediately bumped into the conversation before Aeurilo went any further with his words. "Granted, he might not be the most stable individual, but you don't need to make it prominent to him; I'm sure he's well aware of his problems," he explained as both of his cloth hands clenched behind the golden shield he carried most always. "Don't clench your 'fists' or we might be in a tight fix~," he mocked. Ascalon simply sighed and looked around in another direction that Aeurilo wasn't in- who was currently taking the place of a jester in his eye. "Oh, and Ahla? We were talking about time skips," Aeurilo continued.

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"Ok... Well, now that the weirdness is over shall we commence with the grand tour of Whirlwinds facility of Lati experiment."
Aeurilo His clawed wingtips tapped against the floor beneath them in excitement- granted, he wasn't fond of humans or their experimentation, but when it came to others, he was intrigued to see and learn about their experiences. "Okay! So, where do we start, guide?" he asked in a borderline sarcastic tone with a toothy grin present on his features as he moved his wing off to the side as if to say 'right this way', though he wasn't sure where they'd be starting. Many thoughts as to the experimentation that the Lati were put through swam throughout his mind; these things consisted of 'was torture involved', 'were there any chemical injections', and much more. It was unlikely that he was going to be correct with a majority of these things, but if he was, It'd certainly be fun for him. Meanwhile, Ascalon stood silent behind Aeurilo and both watched and listened to the conversation between Ahla-hul, and the jester, Aeurilo.

(Speed Form)

What a cluttered place; Deoxys was careful to observe the environment around themselves gliding through the dense, light matter that had filled up the only free space in the world he had seen. Presumably it had to be something global that was stopping his signals, everyplace he went was full of interference.

The only clue he had to solve this problem was knowing that the majority of interferences seemed to come from multiple smaller sources, meaning the best chance he had was to overpower them; Deoxys homed in on his nearest option: a larger, but benign source he had detected. It had seemed to be a transmitter of some sort, as although it was active and powerful it did not emit anything but blank, static wavelengths, as if it could not communicate by itself.

Deoxys executed a roll to maneuver under the tree-line and away from the eyes of anything above him, and simply moved too fast to be identified from the ground. Deoxys did not necessarily fear company, but he did not understand the creatures that populated the world and figured they could only react negatively to him; as an extraterrestrial he did not belong there, and as he pitched straight up to avoid crashing into the rock face in front of him, blasting away from the ground and reaching the simplest point of entry he could think of to infiltrate the mysterious building from, he was convinced that his objective was to find his brethren and a way to leave before things became complicated.

Deoxys' body shapeshifted into it's sharpened Attack form, and placed his tentacle-like arms in a rectangular shape against the wall as his eyes began to glow a deep shade of fluorescent violet; he pulled his arms back in unison, and the reinforced structural barrier with them with no more noise than a solid "Crack!" as he stepped into the dim-lit facility, throwing the chunk of material behind himself into the land below and beginning to hover over the floor of long, metallic hallways to the equipment he sought after.

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Latinos who was just barely asleep suddenly awoke. The load crack could be herd. It didn't crom from there group. They had just taken off. They were to close for that noise to be them. It sound far away. It sounded like it came from the entrance to the place. Have we been found, Latios thought, did Eclipse track us down. I was sure we were makeing good time. How can this be. He went to get up but found a red fuzzy arm holding him. His Sister was such a cuddler. Carfully removeing the arm with a Psychic as to not wake her. He quickly made his way toward the new sound.
M-2/Miciliox The paleozoic Pokémon awoke from their restless slumber at the large 'Crack!' that had echoed throughout the cold and abandoned corridors of the facility they currently resided in. M-2's eyes gave off a glow that would hardly be recognized by anyone who would look upon his seemingly lifeless and mechanical gaze. However, despite awakening, he still allowed his body to be kept in the rather decently sized and saucer-like form he used to fly for the purpose of scanning his surroundings to ensure his safety; there was no need to be too rash and make a decision he'd regret. 'Scanning process completed,' was the thought that rang throughout his subconscious mind after seconds had passed. With this, and the smooth sounds of his mechanics moving, he entered his bipedal form that most individuals would commonly associate him with.

M-2 left his empty room and stepped into the hallway only to take a quick glance left and right. His head hardly moved as he was able to look at a good distance in either direction without the use of his head movements. With a small echo of his metal clanging against the surface below, he began to head off towards the origin of the sound that had been made not even
minutes ago. Whilst he passed the room where Latios and his sister, Emlas had been sleeping in, he realized the absence of their oddly colored leader and figured that he too had begun to search for the same thing he was. 'Predictable, but understandable,' he thought monotonously before redirecting his attention on the path ahead. The three others who'd left to keep a 'guard' on things were either in a completely different section of the facility or already looking into the disturbance. After travelling just a mere few feet on foot, M-2 decided that it would likely be best for him to travel with his quiet and fast flight to ensure that whoever or whatever, if sentient, wouldn't be able to hear his footsteps.

Thus, he once again took the form of an altered saucer and began moving through the dimly lit corridors at quietly fast speeds. If someone were to see him, he wouldn't be impossible to make out, but he also wouldn't be so easy to catch.

(Yes, I see the flooring as metal. If that's wrong, just let me know, @Latios. Sorry if things were worded strangely; I'm headed off to bed for the night and am extremely tired. ^ u ^)
Latios picked you another being coming from behind and turned around to see M-2. "You herd the sound as well I'm guessing. What ever it was it sounded powerful. A sound like that comes from something being ripped apart. And with this building a well build structure I doubt anything weak tore something in there apart."
Deoxys was more than fluent enough in radio communication to recognize the exact, if not assumed locations the signals were sent from when he had last detected them. Luckily for him, his sense of direction and his natural sensitivity to many diverse methods of navigation had severely upgraded his pathfinding as the planet was diverse with many global phenomenon to gauge his location with.

He took a turn to the left once he had reached the end of the hallway he was moving through, and stopped for a brief moment to press the tendrils of his right arm to the wall; Holding still for a brief moment before pulling his tentacles back into a thick hand, he continued his progress with what seemed like the best confirmation he could think of trying that nobody was presently around to interfere with him. As the hallway in front of him now was somewhat less cluttered with small pieces of debris and structural damage, he sped himself up to about 9 miles per hour before stopping abruptly in front of a reinforced doorway to his left- Or what had been left of one. He turned to face the heavy pieces of reinforced concretes and alloy plates that have once either failed their intended purpose or been left to deteriorate.

Unfamiliar with human constructions and their potential purposes as of yet, Deoxys was far from curious about why it had been destroyed and instead prodded through some of the smaller and negligible pieces with his hand before a tiny, seemingly useless hole had revealed itself through the chunks of heavy materials. Deoxys' eyes had again began to hue a darkened Violet, however he stayed still looking through the small opening instead of further clearing any of it- It would have been too strenuous doing so as the debris was likely at least 300 pounds worth of matter after he had already tore out the exterior wall; Deoxys' had instead began to dematerialize from bottom-to-top in a mildly bright pink aura of light that reached to just the ends of the pitch-black hallway he stood in, and within what was likely only two or three seconds had appeared on the other side of the demolished doorway as the pink aura dissipated from the inside-out.

He turned around to view the many bizarre-looking instruments built into the floors and going up and out of the ceiling, recognizing their structure's potential to do the job he needed and ignoring the glowing-green terminals around the equipment he was looking at; Deoxys' glided into the center of the room as he seemed to embrace some more casual movements thinking most of his obstacles had already been overcome before him- His arms split into multiple tendrils as he began to ingrain them into the machine from the bottom of its structure, and with a wave of strange, sparking light from the crystal on his chest had begun to assimilate the machine's signals.

The waves travelled out across the entire region as they were boosted straight out of both the capabilities of the forgotten equipment and Deoxys' own body, amplifying his signals like a gigantic, invisible megaphone that blared out and overpowered some of even the Eclipse's territory. The message sent in something like a wave of fluent, but complicated and foreign wavelengths that conveyed entire, specific events and memories of the Deoxys in compressed packets of dipping, inconsistent noises in an effort to explain to any dormant or active member of his species that they needed to come to where he was, regroup, and leave once they had everybody they could find.

To M-2, it was about as innocent as the sound of a closeby chainsaw as until he could debunk the language being transmitted, all he knew was that somebody in the facility was sending a huge message from a specific area in the building that could very well be anything from an Eclipse scout to a old organization member.
Latios moved down the halls with great speed and absolute silence. Someone was here and he needed to know if it was a Shadow. If it was a Shadow they mousy avoid being detected by it at all costs. If they killed it, Eclipse would know. If it saw them, Eclipse would know. What ever the case. Latios wanted this potential threat gone. He soon stopped at a door where some noise could be heard. Latios craned his back to the crack between the two sliding structure and peeked inside. He found a strang sight indeed. It was a Deoxys. Latios knew that such Pokémon could be dangerous. But he needed to know if it was friend or foe. Charging a dragon claw he slowly opened the door as quite as he could

@CarelessMew @Ghasterical
Deoxys had finished his transmission, and left his arms into the base of the machinery for only a few extra moments to lengthen the message far enough that everybody within it's range could have heard it. As those brief moments passed Latios had begun to creak open a doorway to the room, sparking a small change in the air-pressure that Deoxys had become familiar with. Deoxys made note of the shift, and recognized that something had just made an entrance behind him. He pulled back his tendrils from the machine and reshaped them into his arms, not risking a swap to another form until he knew both what was behind him and what he needed to do about it, if anything at all as he had not detected anything nearby prior, however he figured anything could have followed him in from the air.

Deoxys didn't outwardly acknowledge his alarm, and instead simply leaned away from the device in front of himself as he was beginning to levitate off of the ground, before turning around on his floating axis almost instantly to view the front of the room. As his eyes focused onto the creeping Latios his underlying curiosity of the unfamiliar creature was overthrown by the sight of the charged attack in its claw, promting Deoxys to morph into his Defense form within the brief time he had to react, raising his bulky, layered arms over his chest to protect himself.
Latios stopped approaching when we saw that they had been spotted. How did he know, he hadn't made so much as a peep. He kept his stance in case he ment harm. " he stared back at the Deoxys waiting for a some sort of motion of aggression but none came. Latios then decided to speak up. "Why are you here. Why are you disputing this place. Don't you know that this is not a place to make a home. Not even the wild Pokémon outside have come in here. This ground is scared."
Deoxys was somewhat confused about what he should be doing, as the Latios gave no definitive signs of either friendliness or aggression. He was foreign to any attempts Latios made at speaking to him, and only looked blankly into his words, offering no reply or even really a full acknowledgement of him speaking. Deoxys was however granted more than a sliver of time to do anything in the moments Latios spent attempting to communicate, and had decided his best option was to neutralize the situation before anything could change. His eyes sparked into a Violet hue along with the space between the protective layers of his Defense Form's arms, before he expanded his limbs outwardly to materialize a pink, transparent forcefield between the two that would act as a physical barrier between them, also by lesser intention partially soundproofing Latios' voice.
Latios was surprised by the Deoxys's reaction, why didn't he just say why he was there. More to the point why did he put up a barrier, he didn't even attack him or nothing. "Hey, what's going on, why are you here." He said pounding at the barrier
(Defense Form)

Deoxys again questioned his actions, and couldn't decide if it was necessary to attack or not. He stayed put and seemed relatively unconcerned by the lip-movements and weak, short punches against his shield, drawing him to think of three options for the most likely scenarios: He could wait until he loses interest, and leave; He could incapacitate the creature, and leave; He could leave before he is done and assume he will lose interest, or if he cannot outrun him, incapacitate him- and leave. He had a good amount of options in general, and thought it may be the best idea to simply teleport out of the room and to the entrance he'd made in the outer wall earlier, but also wasn't sure what the Pokémon was capable of in general, and wanted to be certain of himself before he decided to ditch the shield and likely his Defense Form. In the meantime however, the barrier held up effortlessly to Latios' aggression.
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Latios began to become angry. Was this guy ignoring him. What was this guy doing. If it was something to harm them he needed to stop it. He backed up and charged up a Luster Purge. He fired away hoping that it would break the field.
(Attack Form)

Deoxys was granted some sudden alarm as a dense light shone past his force-field and temporarily filled his unassuming eyes with light, prompting him to narrow his pupils and flinch before Latios' could see how it affected him, however the bulk strength of the attack failed to impact him in any harmful way, and only provoked him to take decisive action to neutralize the situation before the assailant was convinced that they could accomplish more.

The moment that Latios' even had the chance view the results of his previous attack, Deoxys exploded into a archaically fast dash forwards, sharpening and thinning his body into Attack Form and electrifying his four elongated arms in a brief flash of yellow sparks before he struck all of them at Latios' at once in a lunge lasting little more than a third of a second total, throwing the concentrated electricity out of his arms and through Latios' body like a Defibrillator, paralyzing him as he was struck with the Thunder Wave before he was given a chance to anticipate it, then backing into his shield again after completely ditching his expressed contempt with the situation.

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