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Fandom Pokémon: Road to Monarchy Character thread


Age: (Keep it above 13 please)
Home Region: (Canon or non Canon)
misc: (anything you want to add)

Pokemon: (Please use tabs to save on space)
Official Name:
Move list: (4 moves or less)
(For Fakemon/ Regional variants)
Pokedex Desription:

Rules Regarding Character creation:
1.You can have as many pokemon as you want, most battles will be done using 2-3 pokemon for continuity, and will be scaled to match the person with less pokemon (ie. if one trainer has 1 pokemon and another has 6 the battle will be done with one pokemon)
2. Starting off your pokemon will be between levels 1-10, this will be scaled throughout the game using the progression of gyms and story, for example after the intro your pokemon may reach level 20 before the first gym and then up to level 30 after the first before the second and so on if that makes any sense
3. Regarding levels its up to you to decide but don't god mode it, I don't want to see someone with 6 maxed out pokemon all the way through
4. Battle results (among players) will be up to you to decide amongst yourselves, if a decision cannot be reached it may end in a draw or I will intervene and make a decision. Again don't god mode and win every battle, you should take into mind type advantages and levels when making a decision.
5. Have fun!

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    Basic Info

    Name: Hilda Suzuya

    Appearance: Long straight black hair, Greyish eyes, A very friendly resting face. A slim body type, along with also being flat.

    Height: 5'3

    Weight: 110lb

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Home Region: Kaskade Region

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